By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on December 11, 2014, purports evidence for a satanic torture conspiracy involving former top government officials from the Bush administration. “Dick Cheney’s Kiss of Shame: A Satanic Torture Conspiracy Revealed” exposes how witchcraft-like initiatory themes were encrypted backwards in spoken comments of former United States Vice President Richard B. Cheney during his December 10, 2014 appearance on Fox News. The notorious convicted war criminal offered his critique of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture released earlier this week while lauding the performance of the CIA.
The video soundtrack is rich with enciphered references to ass-kissing with honors such as those claimed by medieval inquisitors who extracted testimony under torture from accused witches. Their victims spoke repeatedly of gracing the Devil’s hindquarters with kisses during initiatory rituals in what is known as the “Kiss of Shame.” These new revelations offer light on dark practices cited in the Senate report summary defining them not only in terms of deviant sadomasochistic perversions or mind control-inducing traumas but as distinctly occult practices with implications of government steeped in black magic ritual tortures.
With the release of the Senate report the media’s role in throwing alleged rapist Bill Cosby under the bus in previous weeks clearly preempted a backlash of anticipated public moral outrage against former members of the Bush administration. The missing tapes described by Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein as the premises for her committee’s investigation gain “Videodrome”-like snuff film status. From the parallel backwards-time universe perspective a satanic death-cult infiltrated the highest levels of the United States government in a conspiracy cited by the CIA as means by which the Senate committee’s conclusions may be validated.
Of particular interest to students of contemporary history is a resoundingly clear utterance of “number seven,” (i.e.: 7 World Trade Center). The speaker’s unconscious mind may have conceded that buildings which collapse upon their own footprints (having been pronounced demolished on national television twenty-five minutes prior) while suffering no impact from airplanes on a date cited ad nauseam are more than evidentiary of controlled demolitions.
The following analysis relies upon applied phenomena of reflection that mirrors audio from former United States Vice President Richard B. Cheney across the soundtrack timeline on a digital audio workstation. Effectiveness of this procedure has been publicly demonstrated in applications where military and forensic-grade intelligence concerning events of the Iraq War, identification of the BTK Killer and UFOs in Edward Snowden’s NSA data cache was released prior to widespread acceptance as matters of public record. The partial transcript below reflects spoken on-camera comments of Richard Cheney during his taped December 10, 2014, interview with Fox News and the encrypted messages detected therein.
The dark power is a demon: “Sort of a classic example, which you see too often in Washington, where a group of politicians get together and sort of throw the professionals under the bus. We’ve seen it happen before. I can remember the Iran-Contra [Affair]. What happened here was that we asked the agency to go take steps, put in place programs or design to catch the bastards who killed 3,000 of us on 9/11 and to make sure it didn’t happen again. And that’s exactly what they did and they deserve a lot of credit, not the kind of condemnation that they’re receiving from the Senate democrats.
This is evil. You love demons: “I think he [President George W. Bush] knew certainly the techniques, that we did discuss the techniques. There was no effort on our part to keep him from that just as was the Terrorist Surveillance Program. On the Terrorist Surveillance Program he had to personally sign off on that every 30 to 45 days. So the notion that the Committee’s trying to pedal, that somehow the agency was operating on a rogue basis, we weren’t being told or the President wasn’t being told is just a flat-out lie.”
We want blood. Ugly lesson involves the money. An evil man. Number seven: “Partly what really bugs me as I watch all this process unfold is the men and women of the CIA did exactly what we wanted to have them do in terms of taking on this program. We said, “We’ve got to go use enhanced techniques and we’re going to find out.” We’ve got Khalid Sheik Mohammed who is the mastermind of 9/11 who has killed 3,000 Americans, taken down the World Trade Center, hit the Pentagon, would have taken out the White House or the Capitol Building if in fact it hadn’t been for the passengers on United 93.”
It is sexual. Punish those sluts: “He is in our possession. We know he’s he architect and what are we supposed to do? Kiss him on both cheeks, say “Please, please tell us what you know?” Of course not. “
A demon. Satan. Beloved ass kiss: “I don’t know all the allegations that are out there. Torture was something we very carefully avoided. One of the reasons we went to the Justice Department on the program was because we wanted them to tell us where’s the line legally between what’s acceptable and what isn’t. And they did. That’s what came forth in the legal opinion that we got before proceeding with the program. In terms of there being some problems in the program there may well have been but I don’t think the Senate report represents the truth of what actually happened.”
I honor his anus: “We started the drone program and I think under certain circumstances, depending on the target and so forth, I think it’s the right thing to do. The thing that’s worrisome is they are not capturing anybody. They don’t have an interrogation program. If they got Zawahiri [al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri] tomorrow, the current head of al-Qaeda, what would they do with him? I’m perfectly happy to see him dead but he’s a very valuable source of information and intelligence. I think we need first-class intelligence programs. I think that’s what we had with respect to the Enhanced Interrogation Program.”
“CIA Torture: American Heroes or Sadistic Psychopaths? You Decide!” airs Friday, December 12, 2014, starting at 6:30 p.m. PST/9:30 p.m. EST. This program will feature a special appearance by Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, who will offer commentary and take questions from the audience. View this program and participate from the Watch Live page of
Recommended Reading
CIA Torture: American Heroes or Sadistic Psychopaths? You Decide!
Bill Cosby’s secret messages disclosed MKULTRA ‘Rape Demon’ redux
Edward Snowden’s UFOs Part 1: NSA PRISM mined UFO data
Edward Snowden’s UFOs Part 2: Psychic human ETs revealed
Edward Snowden’s UFOs Part 3: Whistleblower’s link to UFOs confirmed
Anyone who has read Cathy O’brien’s accounts in her book “TRANCEformation of America” knows the horrors of Dick Cheney. He is a despicable man. The Clintons are right there with him as well.