Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice, drink human blood. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – correspondent and investigator Juan Lankamp, whose specialty is crimes of the Elite,[1] sets out an overview of evidence of interconnected MKULTRA, pedophile, ritual child sacrifice, human hunting parties, and abuse networks, and child trafficking networks that are interlinked with the Vatican, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency); the CIA, Wackenhut, and the Bilderbergers in parliaments, Churches, governments, courts, schools, child welfare institutions and the media. Juan Lankamp’s revelations came in a wide-ranging nearly 2-hour interview (below) with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre.
The reality about pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks Lankamp reveals in his research and analysis is remarkable and suggests that a prime mover of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks may have originated as a co-operative enterprise between Draco reptilians and US government/CIA that has the U.S. government MKULTRA entity as a major technological driver. MKULTRA and the Draco connection began during the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration in 1933, and was further cemented through post-World War II Operation Paperclip of German intelligence and its Draco/Orion Grey networks into CIA.
The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks
It would appear now from the evidence this over-all enterprise driving the global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks can be termed the driving force behind The Transhumanist Agenda or the New World Order. The US government (USA Corp) appears to be an important technological and infrastructure base of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks as they integrate with the Transhumanist Agenda. This explains why USA agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA) are at the forefront of the effort to torture and robotize humanity, and are intimately involved in, for example, the interface between remote neuro-mind control weapons and Hospitals that can implant victim mothers, and Family Law and Pyschiatric facilities that can plot to take the victim’s children for the pedophile networks.
Draco-US Govt.-MKULTRA-Transhumanist-ritual child sacrifice/pedophile complex
Lankamp’s research shows that this Draco-US Govt.-MKULTRA ritual; child sacrifice/pedophile complex in turn has infiltrated ruling and controller structures world-wide, including Churches such as the Vatican, the Anglican Church, the Monarchies, Governments (especially the USA Corp. government), Intelligence agencies, Military, Corporations, Schools, civic organizations, and multi-generational families.
Laura Eisenhower confirms the existence of such cooperative treaties and entities between the US government and manipulative Extraterrestrials such as the Draco reptilians and Orion greys in her ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre “Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know.”[2]
During the course of his interview Juan Lankamp discusses a number of high-profile individuals from these networks for whom he has reliable eye-witness evidence of their participation in ritual child sacrifice, blood-drinking and flesh-eating.
These include Pope John Paul II, who according to an ex-Jesuit Jose Luciano, participated in a ritual child sacrifice in an underground bunker 40 meters from the Vatican.
USA PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2016: The leading Republican and Democratic families involved in Presidential Campaign 2016 – Bush & Clinton – are both, by the evidence, committed participants in ritual child sacrifice, blood drinking, and pedophilia,
According to Juan Lankamp’s evidence, pedophilia parties as part of the CIA-MKULTRA circuit took place in the White House under George HW Bush and George W. Bush. Both Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. participated at Area 51 in ritual human sacrifice, blood drinking and flesh eating in joint ceremonies with Draco reptilians held in underground facilities as part of a cooperative entity of Draco reptilians and the U.S. Military. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton, according to Juan Lankamp’s evidence, have participated in ritual child sacrifice and are human blood drinkers. While no explicit evidence has emerged of Jeb Bush participating in ritual sacrifice, it is reasonable to expect that Jeb Bush was aware of such Bush activities and may have participated.
At the very least, as an ethical Presidential Candidate, Jeb Bush would be expected to denounce pedophilia and ritual child sacrifice by his father and brother and any other Bush family members.
All 2016 Presidential candidates should be questioned as to whether they have ever participated in pedophilia, ritual child sacrifice, or child trafficking, or in any of the networks that support such.
A new model of the actual planetary driver of pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks
The Transhumanist Agenda model of pedophilia and child abuse networks is more accurate and factual than a prior model of pedophilia that focuses sole blame on Churches [such as the Vatican] or Monarchies [such as the UK, Dutch, or Belgian Throne]. This prior model of pedophile networks actually diverts attention away from Transhumanist Agenda, which is the actual current planetary driver of pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks.
The Transhumanist Agenda & Its relationship to pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide
The Transhumanist Agenda can be defined as: A complex cooperative entity originating in the Draco reptilians and CIA/U.S. government using MKULTRA technology that appears now to have expanded out into a planetary infrastructure around the NSA and contracting agencies around the world, along with a dedicated grid of HAARP installations, chemtrails, Supergrids, Super computers, nano-bots, nanochips to be the prime mover entity responsible for driving pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide in power institutions such as the Vatican, Jesuits, Zionists, Churches, Monarchies, governments, intelligence, military, police, Schools, and families. Pedophile and ritual child sacrifice activities and networks world wide appear to facilitate establishing a global power base in these institutions for the ultimate robotization of humanity.
The over-all goal of the Transhumanist Agenda is the robotization of humans and the substitution of manipulatory AI for the human soul and Source connection.
Belgium: Structure of pedophile networks
Using Exhibits A, B, C, and D [below] prepared by ProJusticia in Belgium, Juan Lankamp in his interview reveals evidence of various components of the power structures behind the world pedophile, child ritual sacrifice and child trafficking networks. These appear to have had their origin in covert U.S. government MKULTRA programs, human ritual sacrifice and consumption programs co-run with Draco reptilians at underground bases in the US, the U.S. DEA, Vatican agencies, and CIA-DIA, Wackenhut, and Bilderberger forces, and now have extended into the world-wide NSA infrastructure known as the Transhumanist Agenda.
These pedophile and child sacrifice infrastructure networks in turn interface with the Monarchies, Vatican Popes & Cardinals, Parliaments, Governments, Courts, Police, Schools, and other networks in a nation such as Belgium. Asked whether “Belgium was the pedophile capital of the world,” Juan Lankamp responded, “Belgium and the Netherlands, which used to be one country, are an important pedophile center.”
With the new insights that the pedophile and child sacrfice neworks provide an important foundation infrastructure to the Transhumanist Agenda, the Transhumanist War Crimes Tribunal in Brussels takes on a whole new perspective and role. See:
The Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal
This list [which only goes to last names with the letter “D”] was published by former Belgian MP Laurent Louis on his website. Shortly after this, Laurent Louis made a speech on the issue of pedophilia in the Belgian Parliament “asking that the Dutroux case be re-opened, and the 6000 DNA traces analyzed and showed the total discrepancies in the autopsy report of the two murdered girls, which proved very clearly that they had been raped and tortured just before their death and could not have died from hunger, which is what the public had been told in order to cover up Belgian complicity in Dutroux serial rape and murder of young girls. It was then when all members of Parliament all left the Parliament in support of the protecting the pedophile networks and not opening the Dutroux case.[4]
[Google Translation – Source: ]
Belgium: ELIO DI RUPO a first [Prime] minister pedophile, several politicians and the royal family involvedElio Di Rupo Minister of Education under Guy Spitaels in 1992, now prime minister, lover boys, caught with young boys in his car in August 1989. City in 1996 denounced as alleged child molester, case closed “secret” Actually case mounted Marneffe to destabilize the Dutroux case and its investigators. (?) Several places frequented by Di Rupo with kids, which in Liege with Grafé. Complaint to the Court of Cassation, the Fischer adviser declares that it will not respond to Folder … Denounced as Rulens by Jean Michel. Paying between 3 and 5000 fb for blowjobs. A abused Rulens Serge Pasquet, David Maugnée, Didier Geuens dcd, Michael Vaillant and other minors. He went to Roger Ekers (notorious pedophile and traffic) with a young. Or youth walked away with Di Rupo. Denounced by Dehogne. A moment he had as a lover, Rubens Nicolas de Limelette. Guy protects Focant notorious pedophile. Which had reported a month before Marnette put it into question publicly. In 1992, regular customer homosexual evenings Vaudeville Sunday evening, accompanied by young people 16 to 18 years. He paid in cocaine and restaurant. Have attended the Spa hotel with young Guy provided by Focant. He frequented the Chateau de Valmont located 3 kms from home with Michele Martin, where he was also a car accident during a journey. Attending Castle Forchies la Marche. Guy Spitaels former Belgian Minister, will be involved with Di Rupo for pedophilia to 90/91, anonymous tip.On Monday, December 16, 2013 | |||
Huge scandal in Belgium: The Anonymous publish a list of people involved in the network of the Dutroux case.The Dutroux case is one of the bad memories of recent years, one of those stories with questionable implications and smothered twists, officially Dutroux acted alone despite these witnesses claim the opposite and evidence in this direction, which would also Dutroux connected to the case of CD Zandvoort, and here that Anonymous who had been a little forgotten in recent times have published the list of personalities “doubtful” and in relation to the absolute horror ….MP Laurent Louis relayed a message that the collective anonymous wrote to all parliamentarians of Belgium. It contains a list of all politicians, businessmen and judges involved closely or from afar in criminal and pedophile network of Dutroux case, even members of the Royal Family are explicitly mentioned.Of course, Laurent Louis became crazy Treaty, speaking to lift his parliamentary immunity and sue him, which is not surprising when you consider that in Belgium activist Marcel Vervloesem was thrown in jail for exposing the Belgian pedophile network.This case illustrates perfectly how a corrupt elite to the core manages to stay in power by taking advantage of the weakness of the population. Without People start, individual initiative is doomed to failure.Message to Belgian parliamentariansA Mr.Flahaut, Speaker oftheHouseA gentlemen ChamberofDeputiesMembers of theSenateIn all honest men responsible for a country that wantsto be a rule of law, become dictatorship.All Belgian citizens wish to bring the following to your knowledge, identified in the 1235 pages of the dossier BiDutroux, recovered in various media, newspapers, books and television news.The facts listed are simply marked, the judiciary, the state security have evidence but hide them and that, since 1996.We acknowledge these characters, of whichpaedocriminality that fake, forgery, theft, that insider trading, all made punishable by sentences. We do not want men responsible for a state behind their immunity to perpetrate gross negligence consequences since they are wobbling the country leading to the brink of ruin, impoverishing citizens through shameful and anti social government decisions driving our children to satisfy sexual needs,blackmail and shops.Since theDutroux case we see amplify crime, that’s enough!This list, by his acts of denunciations, is only the visible part of the iceberg of child crime in our country, nobility, clergy, judiciary and politics are heavily involved.We demand the reopening of Bis Dutroux dossier, the resignation of all persons implicated them and members of their family, rightly believing that they are not worthy of being nor political, nor Justice, nor to administrative positions of public institutions.The current system consists of criminal pedophile, characters in high office, but threatened, if not highly paid and / or manipulated.We ask that a special commission be established to combat pedophile networks field preferably with net networks, indeed it seems obvious that a single network at the state level exists, with many ramifications and whose members (including the French Community) are known to a few insiders.We require a particularly severe control of all children’s institutions, some of which are the crucible practices pedophiles as well as subsidized associations of child protection that serve as informants.We denounce here the members of the board of directors and honorary member of the Irsa Institute, School of deaf-blind, Ground Waterloo, which are responsible for the Belgian pedophile network.
And the direction and some members of staff of the boarding necessarily involved. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Marcel Vervloesem, political prisoner, deprived of liberty while denouncing the pedophile networks before the Dutroux case. We ask members of Parliament to address these issues urgently, drop everything. Being clear that all measures are taken for public release to the public, call the referendum. Do not underestimate us, we are legion. Anonymous Agnessens judge Mons, involved in sex cases does not condemn pedophiles or releases very quickly. Condemns Dutroux, Martin and Van Peteghem for misdemeanors when it comes to rape with recurrence – February 1986 – The judge in the case appeared pink ballet alongside Prince Albert, and child providers. King Albert II attended the Dolo, aka Club Atrébates. Denounced by Nihoul himself Antonino Costa. Insider Trading for Fortis. Protected by Albert Raes former director of the State safety, recent concern. Most likely involved in a pedophile ring with girls a home where Antonini works, children’s father Milla and Fiona themselves in this network (girls dressed in married) X3 recognized as participating in the evenings. Solicited with Operation Kipofor, at which he was entrusted him seven CD-ROMS of Zandvoort. The investigation was closed because of “unknown culprits”, following which the CD-ROMS were stolen. The King replied not to intervene on the flight CD-ROMs that have been entrusted to him because of the “separation of powers”. He has no more granted to a royal pardon for a conviction – Marcel Vervloesem – based on an incomplete file. Involved in some bankruptcies, which, with certainty, Fortis, he held shares that were sold by Maurice Lippens (in addition to own his own). Hence his purchase of a villa with a pontoon on the sea for his yacht and which one gives a value of € 25 million and the Belgian Congo (former) where he bought the villa of Mobutu. His nomination list of States Ministers and other noble titles a majority of its pedophile. Prince Alexander, son of King Leopold III and Liliane Réthy castle of Argenteuil. X2 went there to keep company with Levy, Jewish experienced in Eindhoven, X2 says he has never had anything there (?) But his wife, the Princess of Paris, states in an interview that he had odd habits . Committed suicide leaving a note with 29 names of pedophiles, among other Dejemeppe, two substitutes, Alain Lemasson, Colonel Commandant of the Gendarmerie Charleroi, he and the Austrian princess Stephanie Windisch-Graetz. He was convicted for the rape of two young boys. Château sold by the Belgian state in 2002 to an individual, Jean Marie Delwart. Bernard Anselme, politician involved in Inusop and Sotegec case, forgery and use of forgery. Mayor of Namur. Antoine Joseph. Director of Public Instruction and Fine Arts appears in 1989 in a complaint to the school of pedophilia Eburons on children 6 to 12 years. It was he who organized these parts … with Thielemans, current mayor of Brussels … It will be understood that the 25.05.1992. Blackmailed others: Hurtmans, Monens …. Antonini Roberto grandfather pedophile Milla children and Fiona, which enjoys high protection of Mons borinage region. Trafficker fake paintings, and others. A successful convictions of small mom and separate (Maria Pia Maoloni) A set his granddaughters in a pedophile ring classified state secret. Rocco Antonini father of the children Milla and Fiona, social worker in a mentally retarded child home some of which are in the same network. Other members of this family are in this traffic as a woman director of a child placements association of judges … Michael Aquino, lieutenant colonel, major role militarily for psychological warfare, pedophile, brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homo and murderer. Inventor of the “Monarch” whose base is the use of topics by using sex to excess, Satanism, murder, causing multiple identities. Western European advisor to heads of American Staff. Royale Belge insurance involved in the Dutroux and Dohy business for traffic cars they were recovering roughly more than € 50,000 a year. So they covered the pedophiles to stifle these facts in favor of their shenanigans in insurance. Baert public prosecutor, pedophile, protector of Van Den Bossche, in exchange for minor …. Bats René born 30 pedophile, army general. – Regina Louf – friend JP Dumont, two files to load to the military prosecutor. Bayens Christian magistrate in Nivelles, born in 28, pedophile, a friend of Castiaux, participate in orgies with minors in the Nassaux notary in Waterloo. Baert Vincent, the king’s attorney, condemns Biefnot just 10 months suspended for possession and disclosure k7 pedophiles! Protectionism! Beaupain judge that placed children at Home “mamy children” – pedophilia Beaurir General of the Gendarmerie involved Pinon case (Ballets Roses) Fortunato Israel Hospital Eurosystèmre. Opus Dei. Involved Killers of Brabant. And lesser-known names, involved the same: Poncelet, Marbaix, Depaus, Gombert, Mievis, Maquet, Pattyn, Trotsaert, Galetta, Fiévez, Fastrez Gerard Lhost old former colonel of gendarmerie, and Chiang Grigniez. To our knowledge, an important issue is deposited with the president Londers (resigned) and his successor, De Jonghe d’Ardoye for this case and others adjacent to it. BENEUX Philip, Police Commissioner, distorts pv of family auditions which saw Nihoul at the pool of Bertrix and never withdrew. Threatened. Berghmans Jean Pierre Baron Group Lhoist Limelette. Member of the Tripartite Commission. (See when knighted? Cercle de Lorraine? National? Bilderberg Front?) Beroudiaux Dominique, born in 54 lives in the castle of Valmont, which is 2 kms from home 5 of Michelle Martin! Satanic ceremonies at the castle used by Di Rupo and Jean Pierre Grafe former Walloon Minister between 80/81. Ferbus owner. Now, David was born in BOSQUION 75. Bervoets Bert Socialist mayor of Mechelen. Smothered the case of the episcopal ring Danneels. None for the young thief boy. Bettens doctor, lover of the wife of psychiatrist Andrew Pinon, Josiane Jeuniau. This is the 08/30/1979, by the confession of the woman that the history of the Ballets Roses is discovered. Important people, including a senior security of the state. Billot born Jeanine in 38 ran a children’s home floor Auderghem 223 “Children Mamy” President Philippe Delleuze. Three judges placed there children: Kennes Waeterschoot and Beaupain. Paul Blondeel advisor Brussels appeal court, Fortisgate involved in the case. Roger Boas Eurosystem Hospitalier case and Fortunato Israel arms dealer (not sure Pinon) one finds administrator Asco in Zaventem (zoning) place recognized for Louf filmed snufmovies. Filmed outside guests, contracts with Boas. Pigeons. This man gets a defense contract for 24 billion armored Vanden Boeynants’s defense minister, Xavier Magnée is the “third thief of this transaction. He will defend Boas. Jacques Boel associated with all families related Lippens (see) In 1968, his first wife gives birth to Delphine Boel, daughter of Albert II. Allowing to understand the relationships of royalty with pedophile. The Walloon Region intervenes to “clean up” brownfields created by Boëls. 150 million. (At Louvière) Boel Micky Gotha, appeared in 62-74 involved in child crime. Frequent Opus Dei and Baron Daniel Janssen. Akin to the Lippens Boel Raspberry administrator Optimistan Bonmariage wife Paula Georis Michel, both pedophiles. President of a group ACRF missionaries. (Human Trafficking?) Sister of pedophile magistrate Jean Hubert Bonmariage. Bonmariage Jean Hubert, pedophile magistrate, Sister Paule Bonmariage – Georis contact with France and Secure. Verviers or magistrate Herve. Would be the laying of a flourishing trade sales of pedophile cassettes and probably movies. Paul Bonacci neo Nazi pedophile Satanism and other related to the Monarch program Bonvoisin Marie Cécile wife of Count d’Ursel pedophile and conman. Bonvoisin Benedict Baron, born 39 See Bonvoisin case in relation Killings Brabant It will rise against De Baets, investigator Neuchâteau. Nihoul was his right arm. Recognized Louf, pedophile, belt Nihoul. Sex, murder, especially hunting (game, children) – works to Sabena – frequent Castle Eindhoven. Called the Black Baron. A very well known VDB to have been placed by him at the head of CEPIC He stood up against the Safety of the Belgian state, only secret service to be independent at the time managed by Albert Raes former magistrate. Known X2. Daniel Bonvoisin, from, director of the School of Wonderful Vander Elst, pedophile Bonvoisin Pierre Alexandre Opus Dei and child crime? Jacques de Borchgrave, nobility, baron, husband of Sheri Heller, Swinger. Psychopath. Castle Trieu in Courrières near Namur. Bourlée lawyer Paul Nivelles, Judge Lance peace, born in 29, pedophile, frequent Castle Eindhoven, was at a party with minors in the Nassaux notary in Waterloo. Owns a second home in Faulx Tombs near the castle of Seilles, husband of Françoise Delhaye. Participates in hunting parties towards Profondeville. Lives in Gesves. Brabant Jean Marie, lieutenant colonel of the BSR, owner of De Baets, hampers and puts a spoke in the wheels during its investigation of Dutroux. Ment at all. At the time of the Dutroux case, replacing the commander of the BSR. Responsible for the disappearance of 5,000 ecstasy pills found in the hands of Nihoul and Lelièvre, Dutroux. Which represent half a million sold the day after the abduction of Laetitia Delhez … Braecq said Baron Braecq former juvenile court in Bruges, head of the “Home Carolientje” and responsible for the collection of funds from the Child Protection. Broqueville of Thierry, Count, forgery and use of false (wife Alcantara =) Raymond Brose Head of the Judicial Police of Liège, responsible for cell Cools maneuvering against Connerotte Investigations Stolen Securities and the assassination of Minister André Cools. Two of his inspectors accompany Connerotte Sicily to question two witnesses who seek to preserve their identity. Back in Belgium two inspectors give their names directly in the media. Bruynooghe Annie Lawyer and judge, always protects and frees pedophiles. Bulthe Bruno, Brussels public prosecutor Involved in Tueche and Dutroux case. Francis Burstin, Chief of the European Parliament invited by Serge Moureaux to pedophiles orgies at Faulx Castle Tombs Philippe Busquin, Minister (6 times) Commissioner, arrested in connection with the case Inusop Vincent Cambier, public prosecutor requested a non bis instead of Dutroux dossier. Pedophile or manipulated, as this case is a bomb at the notable and noble implicated by witnesses. The prosecutor spoke of a Bourlet the protectionist system; idea not followed by Jacques Langlois, judge the shenanigans roughly disorders. Cardon Lichtbuer Daniel Baron in the honorary committee of the Irsa, Institute dumb and blind deaf. The institute purchased the adjoining castle. It seems that it is he who formed Child Focus, he is the president. Her daughter looked after children were found they suffered abuse (traces of torture). He then spent the hand of Child Focus to Jean Louis Lejeune, as director. Is currently president of the ARDH redeeming castles in pedophile connotations (see) This is Richard Carlier 500,000 fb he touched the Smap (aka Ethias) to intervene in a lawsuit in 2004. Philippe Carpentier former sworn translator in Brussels public prosecutor, founder of CRIES, depending UNICEF international pedophile network regarding ex-lover 18 countries pastor murdered Doucé. Castiaux Olivier was born in 53, lawyer Nivelles, pedophile, X2 lover; organizes parties in a large villa near the Woluwe, with swimming pool, a member of the Rotary Club. Meet Wilfried Martens. Maintains his secretary and daughter of one. In 88 he went to Lyon, USA, Singapore, said sociologist CONT. Also in Australia. Caters to groups, family after the famous Belgian aviator, one of whose members live in the castle Schilde, the whole family would be a member of this band pédocriminelle recognized by Louf and Somers. Are at the Cercle de Lorraine! It is said Bailiff Caters Philip, owner of Castle Kattenhof Caters Patrick, Baron, Castle Kattenhof, pedophile, member, vice president of the circle of Lorraine, buddy Davignon, Philippe de Chimay, Prince, Jean Pierre de Launoit, Elio Di Rupo and Aldo Vastapane. Cerexhe Etienne Professor, Doctor of Law was born in 31, made a baron by the king in 2009, based in the arbitration court judge emeritus and senator. Chief of PS. Honorary Consul in Namur. Father Benoît Cerexhe, current minister, who is a friend of Charles Piqué. In the system known pedophile. Charles Prince of Belgium pedophile, participates in the evenings recognized X3 Kamiel Charlier, Director of CIPAL, “Computer Centre of the provinces of Antwerp and Limburg” government agency in charge of public services via the Internet. Organized with Saca, pimps and prostitutes of delivery for 2 € 3,000 each, and young children. Olivier Chastel, Minister, involves Martine Michel Taminiaux judge and then withdraws. Threats, manipulation? If this is the case, Michel is in the network. Charge of the case Jimmy De Paepe involved in drug trafficking and murder. Chevallerie (from) Amaury born in 33, substitute Nivelles, pedophile friend of Castiaux known X2 Chimay Philippe, Count and Countess, pedophiles, participate in evening Castiaux in Woluwe St Lambert. Hunts human game (children) in their property. Chomé shyster lawyer, probably in the system. His wife Nicole Galand, Court Judge Mons, the firm Galand (?) Willy Claes Minister, born in 38 of Hasselt, secretary of mutuality, pedophile, political, X3 recognized as participating in the evenings. Musician and conductor from political, member of the Flemish Socialist Party Minister of State in 1983, Minister of Economic Affairs, Secretary General of NATO in 94 and 95, resigns when Agusta corruption case where he will be sentenced to 3 years probation. In 2007 Minister consulted by the king to end the crisis. Public Prosecutor Cleeren puts no action of pedophilia prosecution case, among others, Palms president of the court of Hasselt, accused of pedophilia Cléthy of Clement shyster, loud in court, his uncle Van Ypersele, head of the King’s Cabinet. Coëme Guy defense minister involved in the Agusta case, all those involved are pedophile. No trace of this practice among Coëme curiously. A deepening. Collignon Guy member of the PJ in Brussels, attended the swingers club Dolo, presence of children. Car Alfa Romeo. Handled the case of Christine Van Hees, murder of peaceful Mushroom parents and was quickly promoted. Pierre Colson Brussels police inspector knew about caches and Dutroux, accused of negligence Doutrew judge. What about? Assistant Commissioner of Knokke in 83 pedophile. André Cools, murdered minister.Involved in the case Agusta and Connerotte Bourlet have heard the case and were discarded. (1994) In the case of Nihoul network. Several people in his office were suspected of ordering his murder, including Van Der Biest who is (or was) committed suicide. Arthur Cools pédopsy doctor who wanted to ignore the problems of children treated in his “Good Engels’ clinic and found themselves in brothels in Holland. Bob Cools , mayor of Antwerp, which prohibits the information and other pamphlets in Antwerp lorsqu’éclate the case of the clinic “Good Engels” Coppieters’t Wallant Roland Magistrate, born 36 traffics Raemaekers, admits to being a pedophile. Member of “The Company of LIBIKI ‘association would have its operations in Zaire and Ghana. Bats know. Member of the PS and the Circle of Nations, of the Rotary and Lion’s Club. Frequent Patrick Meeus d’Argenteuil, a company associated with Montoyerstraat 35. Philippe Courard , Member of the House of Representatives, Secretary of State for Social Affairs, firm André Flahaut and Willy Taminiau, involved in the case of Carolorégienne close to Di Rupo. Cosyns Paul psy Doctor of Clinical Good Engels denounced by Marcel Vervloesem for denying the abuse to the clinic. Creteur Philippe Nihoul friend, journalist of the Last Hour, a friend of Eric Van de Weghe. Did x months in prison with that friend. If a friend of Nihoul, pedophile, at least in the System. Crokaert doctor Waterloo denounced by the wife of Pinon for participation in the Ballets Roses. His wife’s suicide, Christine Doret says that it is murder. Croy , Princess. Accuses honest activists like Glatz (CIDE) Lavachery (Dignaction) and many others, openly and publicly claims that some people have the K7 Zandvoort to discredit and endanger. Protects the nobility and royalty, in fact, never a word about this pedophile sector. A rule has succeeded Marcel Vervloessem and has all the records of the latter. In contact with pedophiles in the System. Guy Cudell see Folder Bis. Karawizan received by the castle of Leignon, which shares the castle with Defosset – Pedophile and FM Died. Dalons judge, protector of Tagliafferro Family (scrap merchants, with traffic Dutroux) Baron Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer , BBL banker, chief of staff of the Community, and other securities, Child Focus, a director in 1999 already. Made a baron in 1998. Order of Leopold II. Husband of Marina Solvay. Danneels Cardinal, bishop. Searches are made at his home and at church; Play the innocent, however the results of autopsies Julie and Melissa and the Dutroux case were in his hands! Seems buddy with Lichtbuer! Director of the Institute IRSA (with Davignon) In September 1996 primate of the kingdom, he made an apology to victims of pedophile priests and on television. We know that he himself is involved, it seems, in the death of Julie and Melissa and small as pedophilia complaints were brought against him. Bleached. What is less well known: in 1990 he lost his episcopal ring. A young man tries to sell it in a jewelery Mechelen, grabs the police. He would have found the ring in the private apartments of Danneels. Stifled case, no prosecution. Bert Bervoets is Mayor of Mechelen (?) Danneels asked that King Baudouin I of Belgium is high to holiness (?) Both are Opus Dei. Accused by Mahieu – MP – having witnessed the death of small Julie and Melissa. Mahieu is part of a Lodge of Ghent who wanted to prevent Danneels starts in the running to be pope. If this story is not true, why did he go Mahieu to Rome to meet Ratzinger? Baron de Bonvoisin accompanied him to better monitor and counter his statements against Danneels. One of the twelve people who attended the death of small Julie and Melissa. Marcel Danze pedophile magistrate José Daras Walloon Minister for Transport, protector of Vincent Georis who intervenes in court. (Against the wife Ronite Bitton). Viscount Etienne Davignon , ennobled by the king. Opus Dei Cercle de Lorraine, Bilderberg, director (with Danneels of Launoit and others) of IRSA, Ground Waterloo in Uccle. Appears in the bis folder, probably Grey Street, illegal prostitution. Related Genevois lawyer who appears in the Benaissa case. Also available in orgies with minors to Cromwell Hotel in Knokke with Delvoie, Karel de Gucht, Lippens, Van Geluwe (Brussels Court of Appeal). Vice President of the European community, director of the General Bank, the Belgian representative in European community, diplomatic immunity. Was director of Kissinger Associates and friend of Henry Kissinger. Present at orgies Cromwell Hotel in Knokke. Also in the Memling Hotel Knokke with 2 Lippens, Karel. Frequent Castle Eindhoven. 2.000fb per person. Probably the castle Amerois which belongs to Solvay. Ert Company creates 49 largest Belgian commercial enterprises. Extreme right. Member of the Tripartite Commission, the direction of Suez Electrabel (Sté who do not pay taxes and Brussels Airligne threatening to emigrate headquartered must continue to pay taxes. Stefaan De Clerck Minister of Justice covers Cindy case, abducted and abused for a month. In 1998 he received Rainer Wolf, redneck Schadewald of Manuel disappeared in Germany – Wold has since owned a sadomasochistic brothel in Berlin – A Dutroux protected. Resigned during his flight. Network denial. Willy De Clerck Minister of State recognized by X 2 and X 3, knighted in 2006 by Count Albert II. Meeting between him and Bouhouche, Gol, Philippe Moureaux, Wilfried Martens, Vanden Boeynants, Jean Michel Nihoul, and Karel Delvoye. From Cockere woman Nihoul, pedophile, already appears at the time of pedophilia in the school of Eburons with Nihoul and Philippe Deleuze, lawyer. Was secretary at Roxanne. (Shemale) De Coster Patrick magistrate for pedophile problem in some schools in Brussels refused any control despite complaints. Peter De Crem Minister of National Defence denounced by Louis de Jonghe Herman De Croo State Minister Inusop involved. In the system. Dedoncker Pierre , notary, pedophile, alderman PS Brussels covers pedophilia School of Eburons. Friend of VDB. Francis Xavier De Donnea Minister of State, Mayor, choke the pedophilia scandal in the school of Eburons. The wife of Bultot working in his office. Denounced by Nihoul in the case of Julie and Melissa. Pedophile, attended to orgies Castle Faulx Tombs. In his office was also working woman Pinon, blue ballets, with children brought by a judge of the youth of Nivelles. Defosset Leon , Minister co-owner of the castle of Leignon, currently owned Karaziwan. It is also mayor of the municipality of Etterbeek and manages the castle Faulx-les-Graves … Creating a SPRL led by Michel Timmermans brother alderman of social action. Serge Moureaux administrator before SPRL 1973-1986, ballet pink to the castle. his nephew, Jonaert Didier has the activity which occupies Radio Nihoul. Invited by Serge Moureaux to orgies to pedophiles connotations Recognized by Nathalie W. Died. Galan Magda Justice De Gavre lawyer and barrister in the pedophile circuit, defending Van der Elst in Haemers trial with Jean Paul Dumont (as pedophile) De Haan judge frees Nihoul in the scandal SOS Sahel. Jean Luc Dehaene Minister trafficking, embezzlement. Responsible for the failure of Dexia which he was a director, he left with the modest sum of six hundred thousand euros. Dehalu Sandrine Crown King in Mons refused that large Maoloni parents see their grandchildren, Fiona and Milla. Followed in this by the Harvengt judge. Protectionism. Jean Maurice Dehousse That is 500,000 fb he touched the Smap (aka Ethias) to intervene in a lawsuit in 2004. Dehoux Véronique lawyer in Nivelles born 51 pedophile, wife of Nassaux notary. Waterloo, organizes games with minor in his house. De Graeve Felip direct collaborator of Interior Minister Patrick Dewaele command and reserved Moldovan children € 1,000 night the office. The minister has been moved but rose in rank and replaced Van Rompuy when it was appointed to the EU. Claire De Gryse magistrate in the case of Mirano, drug abuse, death of a magistrate’s son to overdose, says that there is nothing on seizures video, while the owner of the box was filming customers with children in order to make them sing. Convicted of drug, not pedophilia. Karel De Gucht , (preferably Van Miert) pedophile magistrate, currently the European Community with problems in finance. Seen throughout the bis Dutroux dossier. Seen at the Hilton with Bouhouche, Gol, Philippe Moureaux, Wilfried Martens, Vanden Boeynants, Willy de Clerck, Jean Michel Nihoul. Delchevalerie Eric , warden of Namur pedophile. That’s when he was director of the Andenne prison than Alexander Varga committed suicide (?) (He had attacked a silver van, booty that was not recovered. Then he killed his rival.) Coincidence? He refuses to receive Loriaux cell with Marc Dutroux. Guy Delvoie Brussels magistrate, received by the pedophile pedophile Karel de Gucht, magistrate .. Impiqué in the Fortis case, protected by diplomatic immunity. Former brother-Patrick Dewael. It is he who has authority over Salmon Mireille Schurmans Christine and Paul Blondeel, judges and advisors to Fortis case. Dejemeppe Benedict judge and / or prosecutor involved in the Bazaar Institute fuck the band Haemers. Smothered the case. Takes a moment Van Hees case. Denial. Then the case Loubna Benaissa victim Derochette. This Bazaar Institute received phone calls from the Federation of Catholic Scouts of ONE, an association of parents for children with autism, an educational center for deaf mutes, probably of Irsa, the secretariat of the administration of physical education, sports and outdoor life, (an association that is at Karaziwan castle) a number of doctors and a series of embassies. Industry pedophile. Friend of pedophile Raymond Desmet court judge. Both in the association SAJ “other” as pedophilia. Public prosecutor for the case that Inusop gives the first deputy Cambier. Marc Verwilghen , the new Minister of Justice, Dejemeppe and his deputy met with Baets investigator in 1996 about the murder of Mushroom and suggesting that he should not stick its nose in this case. Case as suicide Yann Count de Meeus d’Argenteuil in 1999 that left a list of 29 names of pedophiles, including seven individuals who will be cited in the Dutroux case. Dejemeppe and two substitutes, a lawyer, the gendarmerie commander Alain Lemasson, Prince Alexander of Belgium and the Austrian Stephanie Windisch-Graetz Princess. De Jonghe of Ardoye Baldwin brother Louis, Ballets Roses Bruno De Jonghe of Ardoye Optimistan administrator. Sect. The Brassine Marc Advocate General in the System. Delcourt Pierre magistrate youth in Brussels, sabotages JM Kaninda record about her daughter placed automatically by the SPJ Delplace Thomas , director of the School of Wonderful Vander Elst Delplanche Renaud lawyer in Mons, husband of Paula Trybou, lawyer, prosecutor Honorary King near the court of first instance of Mons, juvenile court of Mons, president of the Rotary Mons Officer of the Order of the Crown, of the Order of Leopold, a reserve officer. It was said that he was pedophile. Resets systematically all predators in the wild. Philippe Deleuze lawyer admits he been led to accept some advantages of the system, when the School of Eburons. Redneck Van Espen, worked in the law firm of Bouty companion Nihoul. Nihoul financed his election campaign, PSC. Inclinations pedophiles. Arrested for embezzlement and fraud for Public Loans Fund. The aggressor robot portrait of Marie France Botte like him. Chairman of the pawnshop, embezzlement, disbarred following case Lefort .. A as Ferri trainee pedophile. Sadomasochistic material discovered in him. Olivier Deleuze , Secretary of State for the protective environment of Vincent Georis (Satanic pedophilia) would have been his counselor. In the system. Line Anne , Vice President of Optimisan – Mortgat Olivier wife of Boulogne Billancourt, daughter of Antoine and Alix de Bourbon Luxembourg Bruno Delvaux , UCL Dean of Bioengineering, honorary member of Irsa. In the System Guy Delvoie advisor to the Brussels Court of Appeal president who commanded the judges involved in Fortisgate, born in 47, pedophile denounced by X2, frequent Leroy, Karel de Gucht, John Paul Dumont. Became judge of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Pedophile. Demanet Georges prosecutor in Mons, covers Dutroux and consort. In the system. Demaret Michel , former mayor of Brussels school in 1988/1989 Eburons involved in pedophilia – Nihoul finance his campaign. Cited in cases of embezzlement. Died. Pedophile. Maurice Demolin first alderman of Grace Hollogne, born in 42, pedophile, unknown to the police. Alexandre de Merode , prince, pedophile, black masses, human sacrifices, eating human flesh. Simon de Merode , Prince, founder of the Co Optimistan, sect. Demeyer Christophe bought the castle of Faulx Tomb in July 1990, 27 million and a retirement home for 25 million! An information says pedophile. It trafiquerait with Thailand – to vérif.- Denayer , head of the PJ Namur aware of child rape a home Verviers via a castle owned by an association. (Also on Verviers) In the system. Denis Patrick police pj since 1986, frequent Castle Eindhoven, one of his friends is a transvestite, name Roxanne. Pedophilia, traffic. Her friend called Carine (X2?) At the same time 84. It was he who had to watch Castle Dongelberg (Opus Dei) and had a list of all members. Death threats. De Pauw Charly property developer involved in the Pinon case, the killers of Brabant, and Circle of Nations Cercle de Lorraine. Pinon bought the cassette 140 million. Villa near Overijse. Born in 20, who died at 84, nicknamed Charly. Pedophilia and trafficking. Friend of VDB, scheming to construction. De Pauw son of the preceding, graft and embezzlement. Held his own kidnapping by claiming his father a ransom its weight in gold. It is he who receives the Legion of Honour of the Ambassador of France? Charles De Pauw grand-son of Charly De Pauw. Promotteur property but traffic to VAT and indictment. Heidi De Pauw , family, having been director of a prostitutes rights organization (Human Trafficking) Director of Child Focus. Very controversial. Depauw network TEMSE studio, studio in Utrecht, children’s films. Still running. Catherine De Pauw administrator Optimistan compared with the previous? Penne neurologist signs with De Vlaeminck certificate Véronique D. murdered by the network but officially died of cancer. Covers networks, but especially one of them. Pedophile. Prelle of the Nieppe Yves , a magistrate in Nivelles, pedophile, frequent Castle Eindhoven, born 51 known X2 Depretre Jean procureur, pedophile. Initially it seems receive orders with threats unplug appliances that kept his daughter Anne Marie alive Bordet; she was a student at LLN. Often intervenes to stifle business people involved in pedophile networks. Part of Opus Dei. Handles folders to hide, the Colruyt folder. Deridder Gendarmerie General recommends, in the disappearance of Julie and Melissa, and fax giving Dutroux as suspicious, let run for “further back”. Protectionism Dernicourt Baudouin BSR sends a report on the finances of Dutroux and claims that there is nothing to show that he returned the money due to the traffic. It is also he will destroy the investigative file X1 witness! Protectionism. Joseph De Saeger State Minister of Mechelen, no hearing or prosecution because of his immunity. Minister. Involved pedophilia Luc De Schrijver born 46 pedophile doctor, fake death certificate for Dubrulle Véronique hospital St Vincent Gent Desire Minister Georges pedophile denounced by X2, 25 mayeur Woluwe St Lambert, a friend of Olivier Maingain who said of him, “He knows probe the minds and hearts” Will be promoted to Interpol in Lyon to create a European police. Desmedt Mark, First President (?) Raymond Desmet born 34 former judge at the Brussels Commercial Court, a great friend of JP Dumont, pedophile – He visited Raemaekers in prison to ask him to be quiet return for a reduced sentence … .Grand friend Dejemeppe Benedict. They are both in the association SAJ “other” (pedophilia) Desmette judge the Brussels court acquitted Zicot fake that freed his Dohy informant. Bernard De Visscher Justice of the Peace Forest, deceased, invited the parties Serge Moureaux Castle Faulx Tombs. Pedophile. Regular client of Atrébates and Dolo. Damseaux was chief of staff. Closely linked to Nihoul. De Vlaeminck Pharmacoeconomics who signs the death of Veronica D. Nihoul network supposedly died of cancer, but murdered. Penner neuro sign with him. In the network they cover. Pedophile. Devodder Monique, chief of police in publicly ridiculed in “Wanted: Dead or Alive” Dubois speaks networks speaking it, rumors … In the system. Devoegelaer manager of Castle Amerois. Pedophile. From Your Delegate for Children’s Rights, former educator, Islamist ULB, passed in some places (youth centers) where pedophilia problems were perpetrated. Worked two years to “Doctors without borders” founded by Kouchner (in the system) A repeatedly refused to take care of small and Fiona Milla Antonini-Maoloni. Put pictures of children on its pages. In the system. Nadia Vroede of Crown counsel in the Court of Appeal, a specialist in child abductions. Totally biased in Bitton / Georis case. Take the Vincent Georis party with whom she had worked. The fact return to the service of Melchior Wathelet. A plotted in the Dutroux case denying the pedophile networks. In the system. Appointed to the Supreme Council of Justice. Luc De Waele born 45 pedophile doctor, fake death certificate Dubrulle Veronica pedophile. Patrick Dewaele former interior minister covers the sabotage of the Zandvoort case. It frees criminals Geel-Cipal network on the order of a Moldavian child to € 1,000 a night. Resigns then reached the highest office in the kingdom after the king, as President of the Part of the Royal Commission Dutroux / Nihoul House. Pedophile and / or the System. Appointed Minister of State, husband of Marleen Van Doren. Elio Di Rupo Minister of Education under Guy Spitaels in 1992, now prime minister, lover boys, caught with young boys in his car in August 1989. City in 1996 denounced as alleged child molester, case closed “secret” Actually case mounted Marneffe to destabilize the Dutroux case and its investigators. (?) Several places frequented by Di Rupo with kids, which in Liege with Grafé. Complaint to the Court of Cassation, the Fischer adviser declares that it will not respond to Folder … Denounced as Rulens by Jean Michel. Paying between 3 and 5000 fb for blowjobs. A abused Rulens Serge Pasquet, David Maugnée, Didier Geuens dcd, Michael Vaillant and other minors. He went to Roger Ekers (notorious pedophile and traffic) with a young. Or youth walked away with Di Rupo. Denounced by Dehogne. A moment he had as a lover, Rubens Nicolas de Limelette. Guy protects Focant notorious pedophile. Which had reported a month before Marnette put it into question publicly. In 1992, regular customer homosexual evenings Vaudeville Sunday evening, accompanied by young people 16 to 18 years. He paid in cocaine and restaurant. Have attended the Spa hotel with young Guy provided by Focant. He frequented the Chateau de Valmont located 3 kms from home with Michele Martin, where he was also a car accident during a journey. Attending Castle Forchies la Marche. Guy Spitaels former Belgian Minister, will be involved with Di Rupo for pedophilia to 90/91, anonymous tip. Recently problem with a 4 year old in a restaurant. Di Rupo Neveu (name?) Of the hard mafia Forchies Castle Walk Denounced by a former pedophile involves Di Rupo, Spitaels, former Secretary Michel Lebrun. Girls are brought to the office Di Rupo by a woman in sports car. Jean Paul Dondelinger European Commission invited by Serge Moureaux to orgies to pedophiles connotations. His “whore” Josette R. Collignon committee (?) Doutrewe Martine judge for Julie and Melissa on vacation and will not be replaced when she was sick. Her husband was accused in 1995 of embezzling millions of €. No PDC information. Probably protectionism. Dumont Jean Paul pedophile, born in 52, a lawyer with Nihoul and Philippe Deleuze, child molester, a member of Cepic, a member of Opus Dei, buddy Wolf Michel and Philippe Sala. Defended Nihoul for SOS Sahel case and the fact release. Pedophile, orgies – Louf – killing children, friends with De Raemackers – frequent Castle Eindhoven – comes from the Lycée Molière, anthill pedophiles, teachers and students some pedophiles. Died (in an orgy with his friend De Cléty) He was president of Uccle, agglomeration counselor, local councilor, regional deputy of the SGP. X2 also knew of Eindhoven. Handled the band records Nivelles, of Borains, Bouhouche, Dessy, Youth Front, Paul Latinus and WNP, Haemers, Nihoul, Raemackers Boas, military affairs scandals, accused of CRIES. Legal Adviser of the Baron de Bonvoisin. His wife Isabelle Dierxsens. Great friend of the lawyer Clement of Cléty. Antoine Duquesne Interior Minister, appointed Minister of State. Is quoted in many cases he would have met, employees in question and / where protection as Taveirne. Not clean. Pedophilia possibility. Dussaussix Charleroi judge grants parole in exchange for equipment Hi Fi Protector Dutroux in exchange? Duterme Jean Luc Chief Wavre gendarmerie that stops its investigators working on sensitive cases, far right, Killers of Brabant and Ballet and Roses, on the orders of John Deprêtre, magistrate. If not pedophile threatened. Dutroux released in 1992 by ministerial decree of Melchior Wathelet Traveled to Thailand (Rosoor traffics y) When resides in Goutroux, Ferrer street children receiving home home home. Was seen twice a child abused – Satanist circle in Valencia otherwise in Tournai, not very clear in the statement. 4 files opened his office between 1981 and 1996. Almost 12,000 K7 found at the end of this folder (including bis) and none out in the trial! [LIST STOPS AT “D”] Source: leschroniquesderorschach See also: |
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
[1] Juan Lankamp, Crimenes de la Elite,
[2] “Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know”
[3] 2012 ITCCS website contradicts Kevin Annett denials, lists ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, ITCCS Organizer Mel Ve, George Dufort by Alfred Lambremont Webre
[4] BREAKING NEWS: Belgian court fines MP Laurent Louis 50,000 Euros and sentences him to 20 months (suspended) for calling Belgian Prime minister a “pedophile” in Parliament
Belgian pedophile trafficking ring and alleged cover up: Marc Dutroux & Nihoul
Additional sources:
Very good interview, but hard to understand. The country singer he was referring to is BOXCAR WILLIE died April 1999. I am well aware of how evil the global elite are as well as their rituals. When the truth comes out…a lot of people will be in shock and awe.. IT IS TRULY DISGUSTING TO THINK THIS JUST ISN’t happening here in the U.S., but worldwide. Thank you very much for bringing awareness to the masses.
I suppose you are aware that Kevin Annett has been exposed as a jesuit infiltrator who has been controlling this movement for many years and subverting any real progress by revealing witnesses before trials and ruining evidence, lying about his inexistant common la courts etc etc, please look into it Alfred can inform you in detail on this matter.
I suggest removing Kevin Annett as a reliable source from your website,
Best Regards
Bridget Yorke
Kevin was “exposed”… maybe in yer mind…. but now I see you stating this as fact….
Thank you very much for continuing yo Expose this Alfred!
Here are 2 Articles I wrote that also connect the dots. You and your readers may find these interesting.
Hello BradleyLoves , My name is Juan Lankamp For the Guest for the program with Alfred.
I´am watch your articles is very good information. Greetings Juan. This is my email If you have any questions send email greetings Juan Happy Christmas.
Stoelting Ultrascribe polygraph
The question remains “what can we do”?
Great article, Thank you.
yes wut can we do? Kevin has been shuttled and Alfred has been threatened and so now who is gonna stand up for the victims here in Vancouver?
the video ain’t playin’…. fer me anyway…
so we are focusing on those pedo elites over in Europe to draw attention away from the perverts here?
I’m wunderin’. Alfred, who threatened you to make you turn on Kevin? I guess it must be those pedo judges in Vancouver…. did they catch wind of the upcoming ITTCS trail? threatened you or paid you off?
oh but I almost forgot… ITTCS ain’t real…. is it?
The question is. WHY?. What are the esoteric, or whatever, justifications, for such rites?
Hello Adolfo I´am Juan For the guest with the program This rites is they are made for thousand years for humanity. The politics People Is practices for dominate,this world. . EXAMPLE Vatican Bilderberg Cults SATANICS & Others Greetings Juan.
I think the question is “what are we going to do about it?” Kevin Annett WAS doing something but we just threw him under the bus…..
You’d have to ask a Draco Reptilian why they eat human flesh, i suggest you
Visit a video made by Simon Parkes for that answer.
He says the Dracos are heavily into ritual. He further says they are heavily into both war and domination.
Its their Culture.
When ever the Dracos vanquish and enemy, they kill them and eat their body and drink their blood.
Its a ritual celebration.
They do not like humans, but want this planet badly!!
The people who have partaken in blood sacrifice have made deals with the dracos, and thus are expected to eat human flesh as well, to seal the deal and be more like their new buddies.
All presidents have done this willingly.
Our race has been sold out by these treasonous bastards.
If they do take over the earth, we will be back to the good old days of child sacrifice on the stone alter in the public square on a weekly basis.
This is what we are up against has potential, you can make
your blog go viral easily using one tricky method.
Just search in google:
Irsrod’s Method To Go Viral
EY, Aliens, is of course the code word for the Satanists.