US Marine Mars Officer: Breakaway civilization to repopulate Earth surface dwellers with Mars DNA-pool colonists
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – US Marine Capt. Randy A. Cramer, Special Section (ss) is an active duty Marine officer deployed within the civilian population of the United States pursuant to Article 21 of Emergency Marine Corps Regulations. Under authorization from the U.S. Marine Corps chain of command, Capt. Cramer is speaking out against US government policies, a secret gene-pool colony on Mars, the depopulation plans of what he calls the Breakaway civilization of the military industrial complex.
Unless the green, advanced technologies now sequestered by the Breakaway civilization are released for Earth’s public good, Capt. Cramer says the Breakaway civilization intends to eliminate Earth’s current surface-dwelling humans and replace them with humans that are now part of a secret Mars colony selected for its preferred gene pool and elite status. For those who do not know how the medicine for impotence works and where to buy it, you can read this article. As Capt. Cramer states on his website, “DO NOT RELY ON THE OFFICIAL APPARATUS OF STATE TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH AT THIS TIME! They’re interest is not in your survival, it is in reducing your numbers.”
Article 21: When the US Marine Corps can warn the public the US government is no longer functioning
Capt. Randy Cramer states he is speaking out in this interview under authorization of a secret mechanism established by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower to warn American citizens in the event their government was compromised and in danger of failing them or being overtaken.
Article 21 of secret Marine Corps regulations authorizes the US Marine chain of command to deploy a U.S. Marine as a civilian to speak out publicly against the actions of the U.S. government when either of two conditions is reached:
- Less that 50% of the constitutional guarantees of the US government are in place because of the actions of an extraterrestrial race; or
- Less than 75% of the operating functions of the US government are no longer being carried out;
Under either of these conditions, the U.S. Marine chain of command can invoke Article 21 and deploy a U.S. Marine in the form of Capt. Randy A. Cramer to warn the public as to steps it should take so that the American people and its nation can survive.
There has been an official determination that one or both of these conditions have been met now.
U.S. Marine Corps White Hat deployed to save American nation
Capt. Randy Cramer states straightforwardly that he was authorized under Article 21 by his chain of command to speak out. He says, “When I agreed to speak publicly, my security clearance was raised to a Blue/Gold-13, which has granted me full access to USMC ss intelligence files, and weekly briefings by Brigadier General Julian Smythe, personally.”
According to Capt. Cramer, “USMC Special Section (ss). is a covert Unacknowledged Special Access Program (or USAP) signed into law as a legal and covert branch of the US military in 1953 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. USMC ss was mandated by President Eisenhower through the USMC ss special code to meet the exopolitical questions of EBE’s, (Extra Terrestrial Biological entities) and ETV’s (Extra Terrestrial Vehicles); to assist in assessing diplomatic opportunities and military threats and advise the MJ-12 committee and special study groups (SSG’s) with intelligence from a fully staffed and operational military intelligence machine, and respond to their requests for specially trained military assistance in all matters extra terrestrial.”
Alternative 3: Secret Mars colony & planned depopulation of Earth’s surface dwellers
As set out in his interview, Capt. Randy Cramer has a two-fold message to the American and by extension the world public. The American and Earth’s surface dwellers (the constitutional economy] have been left with an archaic economy based on outdated technology by a Breakaway civilization whose technology is 10,000 years or more advanced. Only by securing release of secret green, advanced energy and other technologies can Earth’s surface dwellers re-start their economy and thrive.
The Breakaway civilization is preventing this release of technology (like anti-gravitics, time travel teleportation, medical and other technologies). Their plan, called Alternative 3, is based on a secret gene pool Mars colony established to repopulated Earth after the Earth surface dwellers are eliminated. The means of elimination include intentional biowarfare, wars, tectonic and environmental wars (HAARP and chemtrails), GMOs and other toxic means. It is disinformation to believe that Alternative 3 was established in the event of a natural catastrophe on Earth.
Capt. Randy Cramer has now been ordered by the US Marine Corps chain of command to warn the American and Earth population this is occurring. The US government is complicit in this plan and can no longer carry out its function of protecting its citizens.
Other Mars experiencers verify aspects of Capt. Cramer’s Mars account
Capt. Randy Cramer reports he was deployed for 17 years as US Marine Special Section (ss) as part of the Mars Defense Force in the polar regions of Mars in combat and peacekeeping operations with indigenous Mars intelligent reptilian and insectoid [Mantid] civilizations]. During this time, the U.S. Mars Defense Force, in alliance with Mars reptilians and Mantids, successfully fought off an attempted incursion of the Mars polar region by Draco reptilians.
Capt. Cramer’s accounts are congruent with those of previously reported by this reporter of whistleblowers from U.S. secret operations on Mars including Lt. Commander Andrew D. Basiago (USN), Lt. William Brett Stillings (USN), U.S. Presidential Adviser Bernard Mendez, US Serviceman Michael Relfe; Lawrence Livermore Physicist Arthur Neumann, and Mars colony survivor Laura Magdalene Eisenhower.
At least three members of the U.S. secret Mars program have given extensive testimony published by this reporter that U.S. President Barack Obama, then known as Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, was on Mars as part of the US Mars program 1980-83. On January 3, 2012, Tommy Vietor, public relations director of the US National Security Council, issued an official statement in response to this reporter’s article stating that Obama had not watched a specific cartoon program about Mars, thereby attempting ridicule of an official U.S. Mars program. Vietor did not address any of the specific evidence that Obama had in fact been on Mars.
Solutions: Speak out for new technology and for change
Capt. Randy Cramer ‘s solutions include a call for re-energize citizen participation in oversight of official secrecy in the military-industrial complex. Capt. Cramer encouraged citizens to become actively involved in elections, and oversight of Congressional representatives and government offices.
Asked if he planned to run for elective office as part of his mandate under Art. 21, Capt. Cramer replied that he was considering political campaigning for public office among other options.
It is not clear if the US Marine Corps has other robust options available to it to preserve the American nation and people under Article 21 of its secret regulations, should the challenges to the continuity of the constitutional integrity of the American people’s nation become even more challenging.
Capt. Cramer’s website is
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VIDEO: Parts 2-5 – SevenGate: UK Queen+7/7+BBC+ITV+Virgin-TV+ABC-TV+Courts+MSM in 120 countries 😉
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Alfred+…: congrats !
a great start.
will follow
Alfred I’m amazed at the amount of work you do on behalf of humanity . May God bless you and bless the people of USA (especially) in this time of great trial.
Waar Eisenhower al voor waarschuwde in zijn afscheidsspeech is nu werkelijkheid geworden: het Amerikaans Militair Industrieel Complex heeft zich onttrokken aan de democratische controle en iedereen die dat wil aanpakken loopt een risico- zagen we aan de eliminatie van JFK! Het Militair Complex organiseert oorlogen(Honduras,Afghanistan,Irak,Lybie,-en: Iran en Syrie volgen…dan Venezuela en Cuba? en het doden gaat maar door! Het lijkt erop dat de wereldbevolking ge-elimineerd gaat worden- Wordt de mensheid vervangen? Beter kunnen de psychopaten op topposities vervangen worden en ipv oorlogen voeren dat plastic uit de oceanen halen, m.i. nuttig werk voor de legermachten ipv verwoestend oorlogvoeren: oorlogen zijn niet meer te winnen. AI neemt over en door het 5G-wapensysteem kan ‘total control’ zich ontplooien en evt uitroeien. Netanyahu’s wensen bepalen de Amerikaanse strategie en die man liegt voornamelijk. De macht van prive-bankiers moet gebroken en de banken genationaliseerd en de financiele macht gedemocratiseerd! Geen “1984” en geen “Brave New World” svp maar het gaat er aardig op lijken. Ik ben niet anti-joden maar wel anti-zionisten, Geen diefstal van land op de WestBank want dat hebben de Palestijnen cadeau gekregen van Jordanie( om ergens te kunnen leven.) De USApolitiek steunen is Israel de wereldmacht cadeau doen. Geef de vrije energietechniek en de waterstofkernfusie aan de mensheid en voedselproductie en overbevolkingsitems worden minder belangrijk en het menselijk brein kan zichzelf wel doorontwikkelen zonder gevaarlijke technische ontwikkelingen. Onthoud ook dat onze wetenschap gebaseerd is op steeds veranderende theorieen maar de huidige wetenschappers denken alles te kunnen definieren. B
Why should we wait for the release of the green, advanced technologies that are sequestered by the Breakaway civilization? I have no idea when this might happen. As far as I can see, it will take and act of God to get these technologies into humanity’s hands. I’m tired of waiting. There are plenty of scientists that are making some of this technology in secret right now, scientists that are on the positive timeline. I’ve been part of crowd funding one of them so I know it’s available. Let’s start making some of it on our own, and bypass the Breakaway civilization. For example, let’s set the intention to channel in this technology and start making it that way? Together, we can do this, even if it’s just a few of us to start. Aren’t we on the Positive Timeline now? If so, let’s use it to our advantage.
While I and all wish and agree that your suggestion were possible there is always red tape when it comes to releasing something that would crush the oil and energy industry into paste. This article discusses that we may be facing a group that is as much as 10000 years ahead of us with Time and Space travel, medicinal technologies and likely life extending breakthroughs on the Human body itself. Do you honestly believe the Breakaway Civilization would allow for anyone from down here to privately come up with some form of tech they already posses and are disallowing us to have? This exact reason is why so many people end up statistics of people who committed “suicide” over for some unknown reason at some point. The suicides also are generally obvious suicides too like a bullet to the back of the head, or “falling” off a building or being found lying in their own vomit because of some overdose of some kind… My point is while I agree and say the same as you “release this stuff already, there must be 1000s of scientists on our side of mankind that would be working on some things that we need” the real world has people like that shut down. Did you miss the part that this society that is advanced more than us has been operating under Royal bloodlines for a VERY long time now? With the surveillance stuff we have and the Military surveillance available FOR us to have as defence would these more advanced not obviously have WAY MORE ADVANCED monitoring tools available to prevent others from getting access to escape Earth technology? TO me it’s simple. They have developed a means to leave and go elsewhere and from there the intention is to hold the rest of us at Bay. I am pretty sure if the Mars environments described are like they say then they don’t really need Earth or it’s people so much. Our weapons are likely weak in comparison to what they hold us hostage with and it only makes real sense to me as to why we have so many weapons of MASS destruction spread around the world. I am convinced that the reasons for the Cold War we constantly see and the Arms races are not “versus” each other as in countries but more us creating desperate measures to protect ourselves from this self serving stealing and leaching group of selfish creatures. It really doesn’t surprise me that the REAL OTHER SPACE RACE WE MUST FEAR IS HUMANS!
To also further add to this… I personally 23 years back saw a UFO myself and it was during the Summer in July in Ottawa Ontario Canada at 6:30PM which is a very daylight scenario and what I saw which was massive and seemed out of this world in terms of the color and vivid blue light that completely engulfed the object; which by the way floated across a highway silently and effortlessly only about maybe 200 feet off the ground and had myself and about 20 other cars stop and simply stare up in wonder, made me believe that this is a Human operated craft of some kind that was massive in size and using some form of energy propulsion and flight ability that was undefinable to me in anyway. So was this a craft created by THE group or another group or a military group as this was very close to a known Defence complex base that does top secret testing and was very close to the Aeronautics company in Carleton Place Ontario called DRS which I am more than certain would have been involved in many black ops operations for flight capabilities projects.
Basically this experience has left me with numerous questions:
1. So the object in size would have easily have been almost as big as the broad side of a barn floating sideways and upright in the air over a group of tall evergreen trees. HOW? WHAT TECH IS USED FOR THIS ANTI GRAVITY
2. It floated with the ease of a helium filled balloon but was being piloted intelligently and not in any random fashion OBVIOUS ANTI GRAVITICS
3. We had multiple witnesses NOT JUST ME
5. Only about 15 kilometers north of this spot in Almonte Ontario we had a LANDING sighting take place back almost around the exact same time which was broadcast on Unsolved mysteries. SAME OBJECT? DIFFERENT OBJECT? HOW MANY EXIST?
I am totally flooded by this as an ordinary civilian who served in the United States States Marine Corps some years ago, and knowing now what I didn’t know then has awakeneded some “thing” inside me which I know has always been there, but couldn’t put into words other humans would or would not grasp or even give a crap about. My two cents: give people something to touch and feel and use that is undeniably GOOD and a way to copy it and improve on it and make it impossible to use it as an evil weapon of mass destruction. One thing about humans is when we see something GOOD, most of us tell everyone we know. When we see, touch, smell, eat, or can copy said thing and maybe improve it, we tell the whole world on Facebook. It will take some undeniable incorruptible force to united the humans on Earth to pursue any cause. One planet under God indivisible with guaranteed liberty and justice for all living beings. All of us, them, every living thing in the omni/multiverse. Humans of Earth….. Do only good and promote only good, and you will get only good back. In order for evil to exist, good people must do nothing. There are people who have billions of dollars. To those people I say: Share it with those who have nothing and use it for only good and to fight evil, sickness, violence and poverty. Sign me up for anything I can do to help. I’m jobless and fed up with evil. Richard Plumb 13644 N hamilton Dr. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 4806258881. Cops judges lawyers and politicians: honor your oaths or die at the hands of those who will. Come looking for trouble if you want but you better pack a lunch! This Devil dog’s starting! Oprah! God bless Everything living soul!
It’s such a crazy scenario beyond the wildest imaginations of the most out-there conspiracy theorists that only the most open-minded will believe this even coming from the military. But I applaud and respect your bravery in sharing this, I like the previous comment, we cannot wait for green tech, we must implement it ourselves and remove our current governments via democracy or force.
The tail end of this interview related to poilice and training…. I agree BUT some of this is not lack of training but content of training…. Especially, what their role is and back to focus of why they are there which has changed and IMO purposefully.
Moving back to Protect and Serve vs. Corporate Security and Revenue Generation will make the difference that matters…. Moves back to Common Law Grand Juries which hold both Law and Order ACCOUNTABLE will drive changes in the training, but only when this role change is secured all the way up the food chain. Groups like the Oathkeepers and Constitutional Sheriffs are fighting the good fight in this shift and need to have We The People more than watch but proactively have their back.
Thanks Albert can not wait to see him with Simon Parkes. I remember when Eisenhower gave his famous speech about ”Beware the Military Industrail Complex’ None of us understood what he was speaking about at the time we were so innocent about what was really going on then with Roswell i also remember the headlines of our small town newspapers with the headline of Saucer Crash at Roswell, NM. and last but not least the most important headline took up the entire front page of the paper. it said ATOMIC BOMB DROPPED ON HEROSHIMA.
i have been here for all of this living history and now i am here to see the final end of these monsters who call themselves the NWO. I bless the day Eisenhower told the American public the truth although none of us truly understood it but he then not trusting them one bit put these laws in order back then knowing one day we would most likely need them and so for this alone we honor him and what has done for all of humanity at this time. The marine they chose for this job is perfect also he is the best America has to offer us at a time we need more like him in public office. He is a fantastic refection of our armed forces and what they are and can be with all our new hidden technologies God Bless the Republic of the USA and with using our Common Laws we will restore her to her final glory …….just not the NWO these reptiles have in mind for her and all of us……..
Dear Alfred (“Lord”) Weber, Thank-you for this awesome interview. It is wonderful to hear corroboration of Simon Parkes, and the children that Mary Rodwell speaks with., etc. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, it seems to me. I am very grateful! I am also very grateful that you are out of, which has degraded over the past few years. Just keep going!!! much love. e
Aaaah…I don’t think so…..
Article 21 of the UCMJ is not what this guy says it is,:: no other reference to article 21 can be found in the UCMJ or web search, show us a copy of the article to which you are referring!!!
04. Court-Martial Jurisdiction
The provisions of this chapter conferring jurisdiction upon courts- martial do not deprive military commissions, provost courts, or other military tribunals of concurrent jurisdiction with respect to offenders or offenses that by statute or by the law of war may be tried by military commissions, provost courts, or other military tribunals.
I didn’t say Article 21 of the UCMJ. What I referred to was Article 21 of the United States Marine Corp, Special Section, Special Code of Conduct. I was quite clear about that, and I’ve been quite clear about that in previous interviews. Listen more carefully before you go off half cocked like that.
Captain, I can’t find this “Article 21 of the United States Marine Corp, Special Section, Special Code of Conduct” Please share this with us for verification. Thank-you
hmmm…not sure this guy is the real deal… could it not just be more disinfo to keep us from the “real” truth?
they didn’t respond to your question, I wonder why?
…hmmm… one never knows, but this guy sounds like a channel for spiritual forces bent on deceiving us into something soul destroying. …time will tell, just put this into your ‘hat’ to:
The ONLY reasons I can see for them to annihilate the current “surface population” and replace it with people from the Mars population would be because the Mars population would be physically weaker, for the first few generations at least, and so far more dependent on the supposedly super high-tech medical and other super-science the Cabal has kept hidden, and they would be well-conditioned slaves of the Cabal on arrival. Perhaps “the Owners” also figure 7 BILLION murders that included maximal suffering (overlooking the deaths and destruction of all the OTHER life on Earth such a project would cause – easy to do for a bunch of sociopaths) would make a fine Luciferian sacrifice as well. The Cabal are certainly insane enough to think this way! In fact, without some of that super-science VERY SOON to remediae the damage already done, while the Earth might recover somewhat if you’ve a few hundred or maybe thousand millennia to wait, whatever life DOES make it past all of the damage they’ve done thus far would make the Earth an entirely different world than it has ever been! Any human life they brought here would be “hothouse flowers” that would never make it without continuing superscience help.
That almost makes sense, too. The transplanted “Martians” would have NO real history (we’re only now discovering our OWN!), just whatever the Cabal chose to give them, and any science they understood would be a “gift” from the Cabal – not anything they learned for themselves. Would they even be truly human after a few generations (SHORT generations, no doubt)? I think that at this point we MUST take down the Cabal/Illuminati et al no matter the cost to us, or the life on Earth’s surface AND humanity are doomed to something far worse than slavery! I wouldn’t call their breeding target “eugenics” at al; it would be out-and-out devolution.
Watching this video in 2024, almost 10years later… it is now VERY obvious that they are depopulating the Earth… We have seen what happened in 2020-2022 with the PLandemic. …Amazing to watch this now years after Randy exposed this.