Alfred Lambremont Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 Federal Reserve fiat US Petrodollar collapse through BRICS into Sovereignty and planetary Golden Age
VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview with JF Simard of,’s Alfred Lambremont Webre discusses how a positive holographic timeline that activated around December 21, 2012 will transforms a planned 2015 financial collapse of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank fiat Petrodollar through BRICS into a new planetary age of individual Sovereignty and a Golden Age.
This planned and unsuccessful 2015 (or so) $dollar collapse is actually one of the functional components of the Jesuit-Matrix depopulation plan that includes Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, GeoEngineering, Wars, planned financial collapse and the Transhumanist Agenda, all orchestrated along a catastrophic timeline that is no longer operative in our time-space hologram.
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By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
KEN BUSTED IN 3 STEPS! “KEN” NOBODY authors historically inaccurate poison pen piece to discredit Alfred Lambremont Webre, only to have KEN’s inaccurate article expose KEN as a fabricator and fraud
hai tet 2015 says
Thanks for finally writing about >Alfred Lambremont Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 Federal Reserve fiat US Petrodollar collapse through BRICS into Sovereignty and planetary Golden Age
– NewsInsideOut <Loved it!