PART II – Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + HAARP/Chemtrails GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda [Robotization/ImplantsNeural control/Gangstalking]
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER. BC – In Part II of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled HAARP under President Barack Obama in coordination with the Vatican, monarchies and Zionist banking networks are creating polar vortex and nuclear typhoons filled with Fukushima radiation that is then dropped on the northern hemisphere populations, especially targeting the United States people.
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation. Putin is also constructing BRICS, a banking model in competition with the Rothschild-dominated private debt-based fiat-currency, a prison for humanity.
Depopulation Plan
In Part II of her interview, Leuren Moret summarized key methodologies of the depopulation plan that the Matrix elites have undertaken. The equation determining the Depopulation rate is:
Depopulation = Accelerate Death Rate + Decelerate Birth Rate
- HAARP to bring Fukushima via polar vortexes to targeted populations, mainly Northern Hemisphere
- Transhumanist Agenda – All aspects of the Transhumanist Agenda to robotize humans
- Next generation EMF generators – such as weaponized transmitter Light poles
- “Accidental” nuclear releases at nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons plants
- Depopulating the individual human through Cycle:
Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + HAARP/Chemtrails
GeoEngineering + Wars + Financial Collapse + Transhumanist
6. Others
GEOENGINEERING AND HAARP GLOBAL NUCLEAR GENOCIDE: Polar Vortex wind patterns forming in the North Pacific Nov. 10, 2014. After loading up on Fukushima radiation earlier in the week, two nuclear vortices moved into the north Pacific and headed for the Arctic region. The one on the right (below Alaska) moved down the west coast of the US, contaminating the food baskets of Canada and the US. The second nuclear vortex formed the Polar Vortex that moved down the middle of Canada and the US, then turned east to contaminate the entire US east of the Rocky Mountains. It is obvious that certain global regions were protected from radiation exposure by HAARP heating, creating high pressure zones over Russia, Korea, China, and Central and South America. This wind storm image confirms that Fukushima radiation from Japan, and the tsunami debris field stretching across the Pacific, serve as radiation sources for nuclear typhoons and storms thrown at North America. Accelerated genocide is the desired endpoint.
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Trabajo says
why does Monet have that big silly grin as she spews death and doom?