2016 Time Travel Chronicles: CIA Time Travel pre-identification is why I switched from running in the 2016 US Presidential race to exposing the 2016 race
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – I switched from running in to reporting on the 2016 race because the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election has been pre-determined by a combination of CIA secret time travel pre-identification, pre-grooming, and social, political, virtual, and technetronic technology and power Matrix that we call the “Shadow Government”.
I can provide a greater social service by making this secret time travel government more widely known as a journalist protected by the First Amendment, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and international humanitarian law, than inside a legal box running for CEO of the USA Corp, headquartered in the District of Columbia, the military City-State of the three City-State Empire of Vatican, City of London, and District of Columbia, aided by specific Grey, Draco, and Archonic groups, known as VatLonUSA.
Two time travel cognizant candidates: The Winner & Andrew D. Basiago
Of the 150 (and growing) participants in and aspirants to the U.S. President[1], we know that at least two candidates are aware of CIA time travel pre-identification: The 2016 Winner and Andrew D. Basiago.
Andrew D. Basiago is a time travel whistle blower who reports as a child personally witnessing part of the CIA/DARPA time travel identification and briefing of US Presidents George HW Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. His father, part of the DARPA/CIA time travel program, time travel briefed Hillary Clinton one summer before Hillary went to Yale Law School.[2]
Andy has long-stated publicly that that 2016 might not be his year to be elected US President, and that he might be elected in 2020 or 2024. Part of Andy’s calculus for the U.S. Presidency is based on his father’s having signaled to him in a secret 1980 summer training class for the Mars jump room that there were “two US Presidents” in the class, namely Barry Soetoro (AKA Barack Obama) and Andrew D. Basiago.
Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush may be the CIA time travel identified (and groomed) President in 2016 (or not)?
So far we do not have any leaks or whistleblowers to come forward as to the identity of the CIA time travel identified (and groomed) President in 2016. One guess that it may be Hillary Clinton came last week when Obama apparently scared Romney out of the Presidential race after only one tweet, in the parlance of post time travel politics. Or was it Jeb Bush that scared Romney out of the GOP race?[3]
Bush and/or Clinton are the District of Columbia City State, U.S.A. Corp. candidate. If either Bush or Clinton win in 2016, that means the American people continue to support the USA Corp. that in turn will continue as the war platform of the Vatican, City of London and Vatican 3 City State Empire (“VatLonUSA” for short).
VatLonUSA: Vatican City of London USA Corporation
Abolishing the District of Columbia and prosecuting pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks are the issues that precipitated me making a symbolic political pledge and a Bully Pulpit:
“If there is no 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate willing to openly run on this platform, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre shall run for U.S. President on this platform until a qualified candidate steps forward.”[4]
My analysis is quite simply until the American people and its Congress vote to abolish the District of Columbia as a City-State, return the land to Maryland and Virginia, and close this legislative portal to USA Corp, Federal Reserve Bank, Vatican and City of London rule as well as Draco and Grey ET dimensional infiltration, the USA Corporation will continue as the war platform of VatLonUSA and the American people’s sole purpose will be cannon fodder and political cover turning into depopulated mass.
To date the American people have supported the USA Corp and VatLonUSA because of the high standard of living being a war platform on the rest of the world has afforded the USA Corp’s captive population. Yet that is rapidly changing into a depopulation program unless there is an accelerated awakening and self-liberation from the USA Corp and VatLonUSA.
The positive time line still rules. The USA Corp will just be able to string itself out as a platform for perpetual war VatLonUSA a while longer. If Black Hats Clinton or Bush are elected in 2016, the USACorp will serve as platform for countless perpetual wars, as its charter and economic profit of the Three City State empire demands. VatLonUSA-BRICS dynamics will string out the economics of the USA Federal Reserve corp fiat dollars for the 2016-2020 Presidential term.
Abolishing the District of Columbia?
Read this early email thread around abolishing the District of Columbia between Gordon Duff of Veterans Today, a progressive candidate for US President in 2016 and former candidate in waiting Alfred Lambremont Webre of NewsInsideOut.com.
Jan 20 (12 days ago) | |||
It is unfortunate that there now appears to be a rift between Alfred Webre and Jim Fetzer. They have both done some really great research and brought the light of day to many cover-ups.
Last June Jim invited me as a guest on his program, The Real Deal, for which I am grateful. I spoke about the permanent state of national emergency and Senate Report 93-549 (1973). This report was cited and its significance explained in an extremely well researched (and documented) piece by John B Nelson in 1991-1992: To the American National People. John discovered and uncovered a lot more shocking facts, so it is well worth reading.
As you can hear from my interview on Jim’s show, Jim was unfamiliar with Senate Report 93-549 like most people, or its significance regarding the endless Executive Orders that come out of the White House and the necessity for the President to maintain a permanent state of emergency, i.e. the war on terror. Few know of this report because it has been kept quiet for the most part. Unfortunately, the information it contains seems to create a sort of cognitive dissonance to all hearing it for the first time.
Two relatively prominent people (besides Yale graduate Alfred Webre) are among the multitudes aware that our government was converted to a private corporation in 1871: Ambassador Leo Wanta and former World Bank Attorney Karen Hudes (also a Yale graduate).
Short audio clip of Wanta
Short audio clip of Hudes
[Their full interviews can be located under January 17, 2015 on this page]
There are folks who believe that Gordon Duff, who many support as a 2016 presidential candidate, has the backing of the US military. Gordon is also close to Leo Wanta. There are other folks who believe that Alfred Webre would make an excellent presidential candidate in 2016.
From my chair here in Ohio, I cannot see a way for any candidate to overcome the money monster’s control of the election process here in America. Jim Fetzer also featured Bob Fitrakis (an Ohioan) on The Real Deal, who explained the serious problems we all have regarding election fraud.
So, how can we restore the original Constitution and put an end to the criminal enterprise (the FEDERAL RESERVE) that has hijacked our country?
What are some of the things Gordon Duff and Alfred Webre have in common?
- They are both aware that there has been ET contact
- They are both aware that there is a break away civilization
- They both know that the FEDERAL RESERVE is a private criminal cabal of Zionists that took over our economy in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
- They both know that our so-called government has become fascist
- They both know that our military is being used across the planet (just as Smedley Butler exposed) to advance the agendas of the banksters and does not represent the best interests of the American people, the American military or even humanity for that matter.
What strengths does Gordon have?
Gordon has many attributes and understands that the US government is now under the control of a criminal cabal and might very well be able to get the support of the US military machine
What strengths does Alfred have?
Alfred also has many attributes, but as an attorney, Alfred understands that the Constitution has been shelved (which Leo Wanta has been trying to expose for many years) and that what we call the United States federal government is actually an unconstitutional corporation . . . run by a criminal cabal. (Short extremely important video featuring Alfred Webre) Alfred could help devise ways to restore the original Constitution – to include our legal system.
From the amazing book Fruit from a Poisonous Tree by attorney Melvin Stamper, JD
“The scheme also provided for the control of the courts via the 1913 creation of the American Bar Association, whose parent organization was the European International Bar Association, which was the creation of Rothschild. This allowed the International Bankers to control the practice of law, in that the only ones permitted to practice before the courts were those who were educated under their brand of law, which was only Admiralty and Contract law. Common law of the people was to be replaced as it gave the natural man many jurisdictional protections from the bankers’ legislation.” (Pg. 58)
“Contract law is above the Constitution and under the jurisdiction of equity/Admiralty courts, so the governments began to contract with everyone. The 1930s saw federal legislation providing for the registration of babies through applications for birth certificates. Government workers could get maternity leave with pay. The States pushed for registration of cars through applications for certificates of title and for registration of land through registration of deeds of trust. Constructive trusts were created secretly by adhesion contracts, giving benefits either present or future and as a result, each of the people blindly
walked into the trap of United States democracy and its jurisdiction by the signing of contracts, thereby agreeing to be sureties for the debts of the United States and collateral for the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.” (Pg. 74)
As a sneak peak, here is chapter two, titled Magicians, of Melvin Stamper’s book. The book is available on Amazon.
Alfred has stated publicly that: “The destiny of the American people is to go back to their original Constitutional roots and to become once again their own bankers and to operate their own currency . . . ”
So please let’s all consider giving our beleaguered planet and its fabulous inhabitants – to include those we fondly call humanity – a break. Let’s see if we can convince Gordon and Alfred to use their influence and expertise to oust the money monsters, start disassembling USA INC and restore the organic Constitution so that our currency (the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE) doesn’t collapse and leave us all faltering – or even starving as many, like economist Jim Willie, are now predicting.
By the way, Ellen Brown of the Public Banking Institute has great information regarding the creation of a national public bank . . . which would create a monetary system that makes sovereign currency a “right” versus our current private currency system which produces Slavery by Currency.
Best to all,
AL Whitney
AntiCorruption Society
Co-host of In Defense of Humanity on RBN
ps FYI I do not request donations nor sell products. My motivations are purely In Defense of Humanity
Attorney Alfred Webre exposes USA INC and planned dollar collapse
Jan 20 (12 days ago) | |||
not so much as to advocate following me..as heaven knows, any of us who start becoming a threat will be dead in hours….
my own background in constitutional law and in economics is far from minor…but there is little danger any of us will be ad odds with the other
we have all traveled the same roads
the issue will be this….i have military backing already……
what we have not seen is whether that unseen hand is going to step in…
toward that end, some money has been made available for a campaign….a pittance
those of us who have played this game before….know that a hand will or won’t reach out to us
if it reaches for me….we all move together
if it goes to another
i join and bring what protections go with me
if you don’t understand what is written here…i can’t help you.
as for this missive….well stated
Jan 20 (12 days ago) | |||
Dear AL Whitney – Hi! Thank you for your email.
I would like to add two brief corrections.
- There is to my knowledge NO rift between Jim Fetzer and me. There was a hiccup around the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal at some point. Jim and I have moved beyond that hiccup and are on the same track. Here is an amicable interview Jim and I did together in Philadelphia at the Free Your Mind Conference.
False Flags, Barry Soetoro, and The Revolution with Professor Fetzer, Alfred Webre and Bob Tuskin
Jim is in written agreement with our 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal going forward to Judgment and Verdict. VIDEO – 9/11 Judge Alfred Webre: 9/11 Tribunal in session; Welcomes Witness & Experts’ evidence; Will issue Verdicts – See more at: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/911_war_crimes_tribunal/#sthash.o0mWbSfP.dpuf
Prof. Jim Fetzer on behalf of the witnesses and the Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre reached a written agreement to proceed with the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal process including the witness statements.
- 2016 – I am NOT a candidate for the US Presidency in 2016. This is what I have written:
EXCERPT 😉 If there is no 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate willing to openly run on this platform, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre shall run for U.S. President on this platform until a qualified candidate steps forward.[1]
The USA 2016 President must restore the original 1789 constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House
Now having said this, I do not know what Jim’s position is on the Act of 1871 having created a 3rd City State in the District of Columbia to act as a 3-City State Empire along with the City of London and the Vatican.
Jim can explore that position in the above article. Please understand that there are truth seekers like G. Edward Griffin who maintain that the Act of 1871 did not create the legal fiction of the USA Corp.
I would favor abolishing the Act of 1871 and returning the District of Columbia to Maryland, thereby cutting all chords with the Vatican and City of London city-states. I say this as a member of the DC Bar.
Thank you for listening,
Alfred 😉
Turn Your News Inside Out
Jan 20 (12 days ago) | |||
suggest all review Beard’s “Economic Interpretation….”before endorsing the 1789 document. Remember going thru the notes on this at the spec. collections at Columbia.
We have proven we can’t survive with either a Supreme Court or Electoral College.
It goes further, much further.
Jan 20 (12 days ago) | |||
Alfred Webre is of course correct that we reconciled and resolved our differences regarding the witness/testimony/indictment process to be followed.
As for the issues of the proper charter for Washington. D.C., and related questions related to the Constitution, I would reserve judgment for the time being.
The situation with respect to the nation’s future is dire and I welcome Gordon Duff’s candidacy for President of the United States, which I would fully support.
With this thread as Judge, I vouchsafed the introduction of the Affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago into the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, in which Andy gives sworn eye-witness testimony that CIA time travel acquired moving images of the events on 9/11 at the World Trade Center thirty years before the physical events in 1971.
That may be of more value to the freedom of the American (USA) people that anything that independent candidates may do in the 2016 Presidential campaign, things are that tightened down in the USA Corp.
Exposing the Transhumanist Agenda in the 2016 US Presidential Campaign
As a reporter rather than a candidate I also feel more able to expose instances of the Transhumanist Agenda of remote neural control in the U.S. Presidential campaign.
For example, just today February 1, 2015 I witnessed an example of what can be reasonably interpreted as an execution by Texas police of a female targeted individual (TI) using voice to skull technology, set up around an Exopolitics Group that I founded on Facebook that 2016 U.S. Presidential candidate Andrew D. Basiago graciously agreed to administer after my Facebook profile was illegally terminated by Facebook. The sophistication of the Transhumanist Agenda attack is such that not even the 2016 Presidential candidate was able to recognize it.
Please examine this thread on Facebook and see if you agree with my assessment. You can comment below:[5]
- Josh Moore The misinformation evolved from the recent, apparently suicidal behavior, of exopolitics member Kristina Coingard: http://www.inquisitr.com/1796986/kristiana-coingard-video/
Kristiana Coignard: Video Of Killing Shows Cops Had Teen Subdued Before…
4 hrs · Like · Remove Preview
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Josh – Exopolitics is a science. Your question is like asking Does physics advocate killing oneself in order to communicate with ETs. This is a DISCUSSION group for Exopolitics, a science. The groups does not ADVOCATE
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Was Kristiana Coignard a member of this Group?
- Alfred Lambremont Webre UPDATE: This is what the Group records show: “Kristiana Coignard
Added by Andrew D. Basiago about 2 weeks ago”
- Alfred Lambremont Webre My analysis of this case is that Kristiana appears to be a TI, probably directed to do this by V2S Voice to Skull artificial telepathy technology. The police may or may not have been knowingly participant that they were out on a mission to execute a TI.
- Alfred Lambremont Webre The execution of TI Kristiana happened AFTER she joined THIS EXOPOLITICS GROUP, which suggests that the set up for the Voice to Skull was done by the Perps (probably NSA + DHS + local PD networks) AFTER Krtstiana joined in order to target this group. …See More
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Andy – Hi! What is your evaluation of the above?
- Andrew D. Basiago Alfred, I have no comment except to say that since this group has never advocated suicide and everybody is the captain of his or her own ship, it is totally inappropriate for Josh to ask this question. I would also caution you from leaping at esoteric…See More
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Thank you Andy
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Well, this IS the Exopolitics Group, Andy
- Andrew D. Basiago So? The reporting in this case indicates that the woman involved provoked a lethal altercation with the police. How does that implicate our work in any way?
Alfred Lambremont Webre For example, please see our work at the Electronic Covert Harassment Conference in Brussels on Nov. 20, 2014, where speaker’s presentations support the profile of Kristiana as a Targeted Individual and her “assault” as targeting by voice to skull and other proven remote neural technologies. http://covertharassmentconference.com/summary_videos
Andrew D. Basiago Alfred, Is there any evidence of remote targeting? People can be disturbed without being TI’s. Why, in the absence of evidence, do you attribute this woman’s conduct to the actions of others? That strikes me as a tendentious — dare I say paranoid — form of criminal jurisprudence, where ideology substitutes for analysis. Andy
Josh Moore I don’t feel that my question is inappropriate as the life of a human has been lost, and my conclusions are based on the facts that are presented to me according to this lost human’s Facebook profile. I have nothing against alien cultures and consider humans as a legitimate alien race themselves. Thanks for your feedback.
Whither ValLonUSA or Wither ValLonUSA?
It seems fairly straightforward that the [Critical Path] easiest way that the American people can deconstruct themselves out of the sell-out deals made by earlier generations of traitorous politicians, lawyers, and bankers to the Rothschilds and the Vatican (Jesuit agents) is to (1) Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, and (2) Abolish the District of Columbia.
Whether the American people can detach themselves from the war programming of ValLonUSA and USA Corp in 2016 is highly problematic in my view. Since 1971, the USA Corp has been the military arm of the ValLonUSA Empire. The American people basically support the war economy with their feet and votes. The rest of their economy has been exported from under their feet to BRICS.
The following paper sets out the 10+ Positive Policies that set the world and the American people on a path to a Positive Future.
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s 2016 Time Travel Chronicles appear periodically in NewsInsideOut.com
Recommended Reading
VIDEO: Alfred Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 U$dollar collapse into Sovereignty, BRICS Golden Age
Leuren Moret: Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves world from $collapse
Where does evil come from? Paul Levy: Our Wetiko (Archonic) mass epidemic of malignant egophrenia can destroy or awaken humanity
The USA 2016 President must restore the original US constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House
Positive Timeline may result in the election in 2016 of a Positive US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification:
[1] Over 150 people have filed to run for president in 2016, including 7 from Michigan
[2] Alfred Lambremont Webre, Time Travel and Political Control
[3] Jennifer Rubin, Bush chased out Romney, so who’s the top not-Bush rival?, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2015/02/01/bush-chased-out-romney-so-whos-the-top-not-bush-rival/
[4] The USA 2016 President must restore the original 1789 constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House
[5]Facebook Post, Exopolitics Group, Feb. 1, 2015, https://www.facebook.com/ajax/sharer/?s=37&appid=2309869772&id=10152952111460202&p%5B0%5D=10152952111460202&share_source_type=unknown
Paul Hamblin says
Thank you for your comprehensive report. Hope people will do research to confirm some of the incredible facts herein, and not dismiss the info because it is not commonly discussed.
James Hyslop says
Hi Alfred,
This video fails to download. Even after multile attempts and switches to another computer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yk4e7ZpIrkM Attorney Alfred Webre exposes USA INC and planned dollar collapse
best regards
Dean says
Please provide info directed by checked boxes below.
Tks, Dean
Julia says
CIA time travel my behind. All they have to do is give someone a “soda” laced with drugs that permit the drinker to have glimpses of the future. It’s essentially called “Future TV:” in the trade letting a person see into the future. A friend of mine had been given some of this soda and she correctly identified the future presidents in the correct order back in 1992 up to the two term so called president we have now.. No, she was not from the future nor was she a time traveller. Law enforcement uses these sodas on folks who witnessed horrible car crashes or their own officers who had to witness a horrible after the fact murder scene. Done every day by them. Trust me I know first hand what these sodas can do.
Brent says
I am perplexed with what you say. The soda drink became Future TV. Then your description became Past TV. Those two drugs in the hands of law enforcement, throughout the country sounds like a recipe for disaster. The ability to virtually time travel, both ways, would be too tempting to just have it everywhere. Enough money would buy it right out of many cops’ hands. Bank robbers included!
Jane Tripp says
Absolute proof of time travel – free documents