By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, B.C. – In an exclusive interview broadcast live over YouTube on February 8, 2015, Citizen Hearing on Disclosure co-author Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, responded to comments from CHD funder Tom Clearwater regarding the DisclosureGate report released by The report offered whistleblower testimony and evidence of an insider witness to fraudulent actions and a cover-up surrounding the failed Disclosure Petition VII hosted on the White House website. In an official response Tom Clearwater indicated his lack of surprise concerning anomalies surfaced through the report while errantly citing “patterns in Mr. Webre’s life” as key to understanding its origins.
During the interview, former Citizen Hearing on Disclosure board member Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, clearly illuminated the deep origins of DisclosureGate as emerging from within the U.S. military-industrial-governmental complex and its New World Order overseers, citing both Stephen Bassett and Tom Clearwater as “handymen” in the cover-up of a secret Mars Colony Corporation-based NWO depopulation agenda. He is not one of those who take erectile dysfunction pills. Their works reportedly included bribing former members of Congress who heard testimony at the Hearing to silence discourse concerning U.S. activities on Mars and the role there of former U.S. Vice President Richard B. Cheney.
Tom Clearwater’s official response is appended to the original DisclosureGate report. The following is a transcript of Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd’s response to Tom Clearwater and the DisclosureGate report recorded live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It has been edited for clarity.
“As I understand it, Tom Clearwater, who’s a Vancouver lawyer and philanthropist, who we have actually interviewed (because he’s a very forward-looking mind and innovator), has now issued a statement in which he goes into denial around the irregularities that have come up around the Citizen Hearings Petition, which were the result of a whistleblower coming forth from the Citizen Hearing and approaching NewsInsideOut as a news outlet.
“Mr. Clearwater unfortunately made this an ad hominem about Alfred Webre, who had nothing to do with this, basically. I thought that I would come on the air and make several things very, very clear, because here you have substantial monies; one million dollars. I know for a fact that Mr. Clearwater’s family is outraged at him for having spent his inheritance and their family money on Mr. Bassett’s Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. I would be outraged also because I’m outraged at Mr. Bassett and I so notified Mr. Clearwater.
“Let me give some background. One of my jobs in the 1970s and early eighties was that I was a consultant to the Ford Foundation and its public interest environmental law program. I had to evaluate their programs when they funded the Environmental Defense Fund and the NRDC [Natural Resources Defense Council]. I’m well familiar with the protocols that go into looking at funding proposals. It is highly irregular to look at a funding proposal and to cut out the principals that had developed that funding proposal over time.
“I was a co-founder of the Citizen Hearing along with Mr. Bassett going back to 2005, 2006, 2007 and my name was up on the Internet as a member of the board on the public website. There was a very important reason for that. It wasn’t just Alfred Webre as a person. It was because I represented a whole line of research which had to do with the extraterrestrials on our nearest planet, that has to do with Mars. Now I know of at least eight whistleblowers from top secret U.S. programs on Mars that have come forward.
“This includes Lieutenant Commander Andrew D. Basiago, U.S. Marine Corps Captain Randy Cramer, Special Section and others who have shown that the U.S. has a presence on Mars, probably since the 1960s. We’re already 60 years into the presence there. Randy Cramer has been part of the Mars Defense Force. He spent 17 years in the Polar Regions with the U.S. Marines on peacekeeping and combat missions with the Martian reptilian and the Martian insectoid (mantid) civilizations and knows all about the Mars Colony Corporation.
“In fact, the Mars Colony Corporation contracted with the U.S. Marine Corps and the Mars Defense Force to provide these peacekeeping arrangements for the Mars Colony Corporation. The person who was in charge of the Mars Colony Corporation all these years was one Richard B. Cheney. That’s of extreme importance to the U.S. Congress, to the U.S. Executive, to the public at large and to the news media. Yet when the one million dollars was supposed to be given by attorney, let me emphasize that, attorney Tom Clearwater (and he emphasizes to me that he was at the top of his class). He should know this. It’s called due diligence. An attorney is under a double diligence to give and to ensure that all of the parties in a proposal are represented and that there is no fraud and negligence, which occurred here.
“I’d go beyond negligence. I’d go to fraud because it’s the U.S. Congress that has been defrauded, it’s the public that has been defrauded because the three trillion dollar U.S. program on Mars with Martian extraterrestrials, including the reptilian civilization, the mantid civilization and the Martian human civilization have been kept out of the public record by the nefarious, unlawful (under fiscal law), under breach of trust actions of Stephen Bassett and Tom Clearwater, Attorney at Law.
“Yes, I wish to speak up. I’m providing a total of six articles that go into the evidence behind this. I provided it at the time.
“What Mr. Bassett did was unconscionable. Out of the million dollars Mr. Bassett gave twenty thousand dollar bribes to each of the former congressmen who were there to keep quiet about life on Mars. I contacted each of the former senators and representatives directly on that.
“One of them, the former senator from Alaska had been a former correspondent along with me with PressTV. We had been on panels together and I told him, “You are being defrauded. You’re accepting twenty thousand dollars and you’re withholding the truth about the three trillion dollar U.S. program on Mars, about the extraterrestrials: the mantids, reptilians, the humans, the dramatic exopolitical drama that’s being placed on Mars.” The human Mars Colony Corporation headed up by Dick Cheney that has set up a secret gene pool to allegedly populate the Earth after the New World Order supposedly eliminates or depopulates the current what they call “surface dwellers.” Henry Kissinger has the word “useless eaters” for the surface dwellers.
“That is what Steve Bassett and Tom Clearwater did. They were doing the handiwork of a New World Order cover-up. Fortunately, as they say, they broke themselves against the law again.
“Now whether or not the public will listen to this broadcast and will listen to these facts now that they have broken the law with regard to petitions that are on the White House website, we will see. Mr. Bassett has shown himself to be completely lawless in the past. We will see whether he continues to be completely lawless and continues to cover up the U.S. mission on Mars and all of the extraterrestrial civilizations on Mars for his own convenience.
“Who knows what sort of payoffs Stephen Bassett has gotten for this. And who knows what payoff Tom Clearwater, who is saying, to try and involve me in the cover-up that he used a million dollars of his family’s money, who are now vehemently objecting to his use of that money, for a cover-up.”
Prior Journalistic Investigations of Stephen Bassett by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd:
Is Upcoming “Citizen’s Hearing” an ET Coverup and more? See:
FROM Andrew D. Basiago “I join all living US chrononauts in urging a boycott of the Citizens’ Hearing. See:
Citizen Hearing intentionally misleads former Sen. Mike Gravel on nature of U.S. relations with extraterrestrials See:
Steve Bassett raises $1 million on proposal for Citizen Hearing co-authored by Alfred Webre, arbitrarily refuses Webre opportunity to testify on 1977 Carter White House ET Study See:
Bassett, Huneeus and Greer’s Brain-Mind Entrainment by Manipulatory Extraterrestrials See:
UFO/ET Citizen Hearing Director/Witness Stephen Bassett’s Anomalous Eye Movements See:
Recommended Reading
DisclosureGate: Activist cites ethical breaches, cover-up, withdraws Petition/CHD support
Roundtable: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation
Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity with Mars elite DNA colony
MH370: CIA front Inmarsat’s SIGNINT Iran nuclear missile secrets revealed
Cheney’s ‘Kiss of Shame’: A satanic torture conspiracy revealed
mary says
Alfred, Like everyone else, for years now been researching and on the roller coaster ride of trying to decipher truth. I’ve been fooled I’m sure , but I “feel” you are truthful, and I appreciate all that you have endured.. I lean towards you, and I just wanted you to know that…and I wanted to thank you for all you have endured in trying to free us, I believe we will get there…thanks
J.Carlos Rodriguez,M.D says
Dr. Webre, I have followed your work very closely for the last several years
I admire you for your visionary research and ideas. Your fluent spanish and your tireless stance against the tyrans that suppossedly rule our world.
How can we help you to spread the thruths about the secret martian colony?
Would you like to stablish a new plataform in Guadalajara, Mexico from which you can launch an scandal about Dick Cheney and Basset’s ilegal coverup against american as well as all citizen of this planet? Take advantage of Mexico’s very rebel stance against all the establishment!
My e mail viryamaitri13@gmail. com
Carlos Rodriguez