Emily Windsor Cragg, Daughter of King Edward VIII, files Claim to UK Crown with UK Parliament, charges Elizabeth II with Treason
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Emily Windsor Cragg, the only daughter of the late Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII of the UK, announced in a NewsInsideOut.com interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that she has filed a Claim to the UK Crown & Throne with the UK Parliament, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the International Criminal Court.
Emily Windsor Cragg’s Claim to the UK Crown & Throne can be seen at
Emily Windsor Cragg: My Claim to the UK Crown & Throne
Emily Windsor Cragg’s Claim is to force Elizabeth Windsor and her complicit, compliant “Royal” family to step down so the Royal Bloodline through King Edward VIII’s line can take up the Reign and do the job correctly–to confront, mediate, facilitate and problem-solve these conflicts of interest that “Her Majesty” has willfully and negligently allowed to slip through her fingers.
Under the Act of Settlement of 1701, the UK Parliament has the authority to reinstate the line of King Edward the VIII for cause, in which case Emily Windsor Cragg would be come UK Queen.
In her Claim, Ms. Windsor Cragg states that King Edward VIII was the victim of a deceptive, unlawful coup d’état that involved the occultist branch of the Windsor family – her Grandfather King George V, her Uncle King George VI and his half-brother Adolf Hitler – in a plot including MI5 double agent Wallace Warfield Simpson to take over the UK Crown from legitimate heir and non-occultist Christian King Edward VIII and stage World War II as a False Flag.
“What’s going on with the Windsor family RE SUCCESSION
“Edward violated the 1772 Marriage Act by marrying a divorcee [Wallace Warfield Simpson] who was [secretly] a double MI-5 agent in the employ of King George V during WWI serving as intermediary between the King and his German cousin Kaiser Wilhelm, as well as with the eldest illegitimate son, Adolph Hitler
“As a result Parliament [knowing the secret] passed an Act that removed Edward’s Royal privileges and all of any issue/children he may have ever had. There’s reason to believe from “a King’s Story,” that if Edward ever found out who and what Wallis was, it never seemed to show up in his writings or relationship at home; and his efforts to regain the throne were pitiful and few and consisted of some negotiations with Germans prior to WWII who were in charge anyway.
“Now. Charles has violated the exact same act, and his present wife has Catholic connections, also forbidden by Law. So, it appears to me that the Royals can do one of two things: Cut Charles and his kids off (William-the-avowed-Satanist, Harry and Baby George) as happened before to Edward;
“OR, by rescinding the special Act against Edward, they can place Charles back in the line of succession. Except for one ITEM: rescinding that Act would restore me as a member (albeit illegitimate] a half-member of the family, the bloodline of which I am a member in God’s sight by inheritance.” From Ms. Windsor Cragg’s Claim.
Address the House of Commons and House of Lords
Emily Windsor Cragg, who filed her claims with the UK Parliament in early January 2015, states that her next steps with be to follow up with the offices of the Prime Minister and the Leaders of the Opposition Parties, as well as with the House of Lords, to request the opportunity to address the House of Commons and House of Lords so as to avoid the constitutional crisis that has arisen as a result of Parliaments unlawful actions against her father King Edward VIII.
Crowd funding Claim for UK Throne & Contact
Emily Windsor Cragg has established a crowd funding project for individuals who would like to help support her Claim for the UK Crown & Throne and the values she would implement as UK Queen.
Fund Me: Bring Dreams to Life
CROWD-FUNDING: Donate to My Claim to the Crown & Throne of the United Kingdom
Contact Emily Windsor Cragg:
Email: PositiveMonarchy@gmail.com
Daughter of King Edward VIII files Claim to UK Crown & Throne with Parliament, charges British Monarchy with Treason
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has withheld and overturned her own Powers to confront and address moral conflicts of interest in the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and the Commonwealth; in doing so, she has failed to reign or rule as Queen.
Emily Windsor Cragg, the only daughter of the late Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII of the UK today announced that papers are being filed with the International Criminal Court to indict Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with [fraud, malfeasance] Treason for the neglect of Coronation Vows to confront and address conflicts of interest in the United Kingdom.
Claims are filed with Parliament, with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the International Criminal Court to force Elizabeth Windsor and her complicit, compliant “Royal” family to step down so the Royal Bloodline through King Edward VIII’s line can take up the Reign and do the job correctly–to confront, mediate, facilitate and problem-solve these conflicts of interest that “Her Majesty” has willfully and negligently allowed to slip through her fingers.
On June 2, 1953, Elizabeth Windsor vowed and promised in her Coronation Vows:
- To govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain . . . according to their respective laws and custom— not allow UK’s being overrun by hostile minorities threatening to bring Sharia Law to the UK, without advising nor consenting by the peoples of Britain.
- To cause Law and Justice in mercy [English Common Law] to be executed in all [her] judgments– not give over and abandon sovereignty to EU Maritime [Law of the Sea] tyranny, without having any consent of British citizens.
- To maintain the Laws of God and . . . the Protestant Reformed religion established by law – not to realign British mores and Ethics with Tavistock Institute’s cynicism and nihilism, without having advised nor obtained consent by British citizenry.
- To maintain and preserve inviolable, the settlement of the Church of England, the doctrine, worship, discipline and government thereof – not to degrade Church leadership into passive political-correctness, common vices, misuse & abuse of children, without having advised nor obtaining consent by Anglican communicants.
ACTUAL JOB DESCRIPTION [POWERS] of the Queen of Britain:
- Power to choose and dismiss a prime minister.
- Power to dismiss ministers and the government, dissolve parliament and call for new elections.
- Power to enact laws and/or veto legislation passed by Parliament.
- Power to issue proclamations with Parliament’s consent.
- Power to “exercise Crown prerogatives,” including declaration of war and emergency.
- The “right” and privilege to read confidential government documents and Intel reports; to advise and to warn.
- Power to elevate or exile individuals; pardon convicted felons, grant and bestow titles and honours. The Queen hereby is declared NOT IMMUNE from conflicts of interest!
Information Website: www.holyconservancy.org
CONTACT: Emily Windsor-Cragg
Email: PositiveMonarchy@gmail.com
Emily Windsor Cragg: My Claim to the UK Crown & Throne
Recommended Reading
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial
Emily Windsor Cragg: WWII was a False Flag. Hitler & Kings Edward, George VI were half-brothers
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By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
silver says
PORPHYRIA is Emily’s claim to the UK throne and everyone is taking her seriously. Have I missed something?????????
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
No, that’s not “my claim” to the throne; There’s much more. Further, dna tests have not yet been done because my father’s blood is not in the US, for testing. so those tests await my going to the UK.
JD says
Time for a change anyways, go get your throne back.
Harry Blanton says
You actually came forward without DNA research ! Not a single statement you have made has any credence. You have mentioned no mother?
Edward VIII, abdicated the throne for the hand of commoner, Wallis Simpson (marriage was 3 June 1937), had no children! None!
Due to his abdication, the crown went to Elizabeth’s father, George VI, younger brother of Edward VIII. The King and Mary of Teck had only two daughter’s, Elizabeth (eldest) was the Crown Princess, and Margaret. When the line is passed as it was, only the children of the King have the right to the British Crown.
You can not be part of the succession if you have no proof of paternity or maternity. Our historical society has researched for over 20 years the lines of many royal families, and some that presumably were murdered, when in fact we have more evidence (and DNA) than you!. Our society has documents that spread the entire lives of royals who disappeared, given new identity, and lived as normal a life as they could. Further, we have written documentation that the British Crown, The Vatican, and most ‘power’s that be’, all know of it!
The dishonesty in the path of most of them is dishonest.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
The whole story they keep telling over and over and over and over is about as accurate as the 911 story and the JFK story and the OKC95 stories they keep telling over and over and over.
The event was staged by King George V before his death, so that the “obedient” Luciferian son would take over from the honestly-rebellious, Christian son.
No Christian would ever be allowed to reign who eschewed the Satanic or Luciferian model . . . let alone! PRO-LABOR?? My God! What was this world coming to?
They had to get rid of Edward, so George V matched him up with Wallis, who was MI-5 double agent for Germany.
Got that now?
Harry Blanton says
As a European historian with expertise on the Imperial Family of Russia, I can say that they were not killed. Fact! Their event was also staged and we can prove that. Don’t think of your case as something special or new! I know far more than you realize.
George V and Mary of Teck helped shelter and finance most of the Tsar’s family along with many other emigres The Tsarevich Alexei grew up in Northern Ireland and remained there much of his life. He also worked for the UN in New York.. Read “Blood Relative”, by Michael Gray. Prince Michael of Kent went after him with MI5 agents after the book was published. Dreadful story for the royals!. They all assumed new identities and lived. The staged charade at the Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg was a sham! I know all about the ‘Wallis affair’. Your issue is identity. Who are you? Who is your mother?
Our society has tens of thousands of documents and photographs to prove their escape and existence. e have traveled, researched, interviewed and investigator for two decades to learn what we know. The autobiography of Olga Nikolaevna Romanov was hidden after The Vatican denied her publishing it in 1955. It is out now. We found it, translated it from Italian and Planeta published it, 2012.
Janet Windsor says
What utter rot. You spout rubbish without education or fact. You have no close contact with families who in England have all proof. history is recorded and in triplicate. Nothing you claim is right. Churchill forced King Edward to sign all away even his heirs to give his brother power to rule. This Queen now on our throne is there by right of Kings. many other far more older claims stay closed as it has past from us over the centuries to what is now and rightful in the eyes of all English Barons Dukes and Clergy. You are finished by every means in your path. Only an idiot would say other.
Richard Bridge Leining says
Typographical correction: the mother of Elizabeth and Margaret was Elizabeth Bose-Lyon, wife of Bertie (later King George VI), and not Mary of Teck, who was the wife of King George V, as noted later on.
Terje Egholm says
Can you look for Peggy Ann Childers on YouTube she is the only child/daughter of King Edward VIII and Queen Claudia O’Keeffe of England. Thanks
ZenDog says
I once asked you a perfectly reasonable question, out of curiosity, regarding exopolitical aspects that I had an actual interest in. You became extremely nasty and insulting, basically at the drop of a hat. I was staggered to be honest
Still, I didnt take it personal. I noticed you acting like this to lots of people. I saw people, not trolls.. Frankly, if you took over from the monarchy, I think we would be no better off.
That’s coming from someone who thinks they should have been collapsed generations back.
Get over yourself. What makes you any more special than the 7 billion+ people crawling around on this rock. What gives you any notion to think you could have the right to rule another soul..
You don’t!
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
When did this insult occur? I’m very sorry to say this, but I’m not in the habit of being rude to people who ask me questions about exopolitics issues.
Please be more specific. Perhaps you misconstrued something I said, or perhaps I misconstrued something you said.
What was the topic? What was the Forum, and when? I make it a policy and practice and try to be even tempered with everyone.
Sir Kevin Parr, Baronet Kendal says
These wild silly claims not just you but the woman who now claims that the Romanov Royal family was not shot to death but escaped. This is so stupid that bodies found DNA correct and statements from the last man who fired upon them who was Latvian forced to shoot by his Russian masters the bastards who killed my relatives. The Tzars wife related to my bloodlines by her German mother. We pray for their souls that saintly sit with God from that day forth
Rosie Boo says
The thing is Edward abdicated which would automatically denounce any children of his to the throne. Back in them days the kings and princes slept with chambermaids, servants, visitors etc, there have been many children born from these activites and are not “entitled” to use the term “royalty”. Lastly, why would you WANT to be queen? The British royal family are among the most hated institutions in the world, not only did they kill, rape, maim those who didn’t recognise them as royal, they are STILL taking money from us all without our permission.
Harry Blanton says
Rosie, Precisely! She has no right at all! She has no mother! I completely doubt her. I have known far too many impostors doing the very same.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
I found out who my father actually was only ten years ago.
It doesn’t matter who my mother was, although she was descended from the Stuart line–
because I am merely bringing forth the lies and deceit of the Windsors heretofore, which had cut me off from all contact with my own father;
who had reduced him to penury over the issue of his marriage; destroyed his royal rights, property rights, civil rights and my personal inheritance rights–
over the fact, he didn’t know that Wallis Simpson was an asset of MI-5 during the time she was married to the Naval Officer Spencer, the drunk who tied her to their bed and left without her, time-after-time.
she was a trauma-based mind-control candidate and King George V knew about her and availed of her services.
This was the same King George V who told my father that if he (Edward) wouldn’t accede to an arranged marriage, he wouldn’t be allowed to marry at all.
This was the same King George V who got rid of Albert Victor, King John and the troublesome (devout) Romanovs off the political scene, for his own advantage.
This was the same King George V who was instrumental in Tavistock’s taking over organizational development according to a collectivist model beginning in 1921.
So, accessing the Throne is NOT the point here, fellas. The point is, clearing my father’s name and showing the people of Britain how they’ve been bush-whacked, deceived and sold down the river.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
This issue I bring forward is not about being queen, myself. It’s about, as Harry Blanton above says, the blatant lies and cover-ups and false flag events that this particular branch of Royals has been staging for about the past century.
My purpose is to contrast real and true leadership with the haus-frau approach to Monarchy of the present Royal Family . . . and to bring forward and publish their gambits, conspiracies and blatant dishonesty.
I’m a Monarchist, I believe having a Royal bloodline of well-educated and well-trained leadership is invaluable to a society; but this batch of Luciferians hasn’t told the truth since George Duke of York sabotaged his elder brother Albert Victor; And THEN, he sabotaged his own sons John and Edward, and got rid of the Romanov’s who did not agree to follow the Satanist-Globalist script, as Edward clearly did not.
Just look at my father'[s Peerage.com resume, and there’s no contacts or associations in his lifelong experiences that were Occult-oriented, Satanist or Luciferian, He didn’t take Masonry seriously, nor secretive organizations that operated over the heads of the working people. Edward was pro-Labor, and that’s one reason his father had to get rid of him. And so the honeytrap worked. Wallis was known to Geo V as the trauma-based and mind-controlled wife of a Naval Officer Spencer who dabbled in Tantra and Satanic rituals. She could be controlled, and Edward was never advised about that, but King George his father sure was. So, okay, Edward Duke of Windsor was a patsy . . . but he was not a traitor as charged!
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
TYPO ABOVE: Prince John–NOT–King John. Sorry
Amused says
“It doesn’t matter who my mother was, although she was descended from the Stuart line…”
Ahahaha Of course she is.
Dear Madam:
As a canadian I am both sickened and repulsed by the stories of royal paedophilia
and satanic rites performed whilst the supposed royal couple visited BC decades ago and a number of 10 or so, native kids disappeared and were never seen again.
Charges against her were filed and as you know she and her consort were found guilty by an International Tribunal. With that I agree that she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I would love to see God’s justice prevail and for them to lose their places in the line of succession and for you to assume your rightful place as our Queen and sovereign. We shall be praying for you and that you have every success in establishing and winning your claim. God bless you dear lady.
Shawn T. Carson Edmonton Alberta
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Apparently, what I’m hearing is that the “charges” that were alleged to have been filed against Elizabeth II and Philip were actually hoaxed by Kevin Annett. They never occurred, and so no trial has ever taken place. But of course, it ought to have.
Emily… if I may call you that… are you serious? I have seen Kevin Annett
interviewed on YouTube with Alfred Webber where he described in detail
crimes of the Windsors, our own PM Stephen and even the Pope. I have read charges about the ten Indian children that disappeared in the 60’s; do you mean to say all of that; the involvement of the RCMP and the ITTCC were all an orchestrated hoax? How does somebody… a supposed man of the cloth perpetrate a hoax of that magnitude? I just cannot believe this! Why would he do this? Would he not know these charges… lies would be exposed? This boggles the mind! What can be done especially with regard to this stench jeopardizing your own case?
Sara Young says
Hi Emily you say you are on communicating terms with the annunaki. Michael Tellinger says they introduced money as a way of enslaving humanity. What is your opinion on this? what do the annunaki think about the creation of a moneyless society? You say the annunaki are themselves divided who are the ‘good’ guys ie the ones that think we should be left in peace to develop communities of unity and equlity and higher conciousness and who are the ones who oppose this? or do they all love money?
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
4th and 5th Density realities utilize paper money easily and without problems because each individual manifests his needs.
In 3rd density physical where we must work and labor for our needs, fiat-debt money doesn’t work out so well; but how were the Annunaki to know this, unless they brought it here and tried it out?
Janet Windsor says
Why not name your mother then we can trace you to that dates and then DNA later. As you will not give that detail one suspects you know result is fake
Terje Egholm says
Hi Janet yes it’s true Mrs Cragg is Not THE child of King Edvard XIII but the child of the imposter who Rockefeller replace with King Edvard XIII , a fake King Edvard XIII after the imposter/the fake King Edvard XIII become a governor in Bahamas and made terrible war crimes there and was never brought to justice because the Rockefeller protect their own
Terje Egholm says
The real child of King Edvard XIII you can find on Facebook under the name of Peggy Ann Childers but her real name is Margaret Anne Windsor and she can pure it by herself just give her a chance to do it
Donna says
In another article she claims her mum is Marie Lorraine Scott, descendant of Mary Queen of Scots and King James II through the Kirkpatricks, Porters and Scotts. She was an Army nurse who met my father at Fort Huachuca Arizona at the Memorial Day Weekend 1943, and she was provided to the Duke as his weekend entertainment. They did a lot of drinking together, but her opinion of him was that he was a little “wimp.”
Dawn says
I’ve read that the duke of Windsor was infertile. That i know is an outright lie,I am a great great granddaughter of king Edward . Grandaughter of a stuart.
paula Burton says
It doesn’t matter you are illigitimate and no illigitmate child can inherit the throne of UK
paula says
The royal marriage act does not say you can’t marry divorced person. It says you have to have permission of the Monarch and parliment to marry. So even if Duke of Windsor had married anywhere in the world any children would be illigitimate. As for Prince of Wales even if as you claim his second marriage broke the . 1772 marriage act that would have no bearing on his first marriage which did not break it thus have no bearing on Prince William.
Terje Egholm says
Find Peggy Ann Childers on Facebook and you will find the child of King Edvard XIII,give her a chance to prove herself
Amused says
There was not an Edward XIII (13). He was Edward VIII (8).
Anna says
I do think that this woman is nuts , please get some help from the dr emily cragg, I am british and proud of it ,british people will not believe you that you daughter of Duke of Windsor I think british government and royal family wouldn’t take any notice of you , when send you a letter to british government and royal family it was put in the bin , what where it belongs
Ann says
Please be very careful about Peggy childer is not nice person. and Peggy childer has make video on YouTube about brown family, brown family was telling truth about Peggy childer is not duke of windsor daughter
:Chief:Nanya-Shaabu:Eil(R)(c)TM says
Abdur Kull Shaayuaat Bi Wah Saamus Shil Pa Temt-ta
Begin All Things By First Using The All
17th day 12 Moth 69 Year , Yamassic Calendar[February 6, 2015 gregorian calendar = Fake Time]
Dear Emily Windsor Cragg ,
as per the web site NewsInsideout.Com ( https://newsinsideout.com/2015/02/emily-windsor-cragg-daughter-king-edward-viii-files-claim-uk-crown-uk-parliament-charges-elizabeth-ii-treason/ ) regarding your Claim to the British Throne.
I must inform you I have an ACTIVE FILED CLAIM on the British Throne since May 26, 2011( https://www.scribd.com/doc/95182934/ReginavJahVerdictApostilleAHNYM ; Also scroll down and see attached Files included with this email as a courtesy to you) .
What I have seen thus far in the information you show, you leave out the Regina v. Jah case(http://mtrial.org/node/133 — imperative and not to be ignored) you do realize that by filing with the UK Crown & Throne with the UK Parliament(Queen’s agents ALL with an oath(fraudulent) to her), the Archbishop of Canterbury( Oath(fraudulent)) to her, and the International Criminal Court( NO JURISDICTION nor Venue as far as her Nobility(albeit fraudulent is concerned), you will not get any remedy as you are going to her agents; Further, since my claims re ACTIVE, FILED, SUPERCEDE Yours, have CLAIMED ALL RELATED CRESTS OF EUROPEAN(sic – Named after an Ethiopian Princess), you must contact myself as I AM the FIRST Lienholder and Creditor on the CROWN, THE VATICAN/HOLY SEE, THE PENTAGON, THE JESUITS( see attached Vatican Holy See Treatise.)
I look forward to your contact Emily and as a gesture of my Honor, i will put this response in the NewsInsideout.com comments section.(Screen shots are attached).
Further, I will have this published on facebook, NewsInsideout.com, youtube and ALL social networking sites on the Planet.
Furthermore Emily Cragg , I give universal consent to all who receive this email to forward, upload, post, make videos, linkedin, etc. so it is KNOWN ON THIS PLANET that I have communicated with you and you know you have NO CLAIMS to the Throne/British Throne.
Nut’t Shaayu Kow Amun Kalun Samusmul.
Nihil utile quod non honestum — Nothing dishonest is useful.
MOOR, Plate 100, Cresent 11(regardant plate 4, Cresent 9).
Moor, Berks., a griffin, sejant, regardant, or,
winged, az., beaked and legged, gold.
With My Ancestors Now…
UCC 1-308 All Rights Reserved.UNDRIP.AHNY Constitution
UN International Decade for People of African Descent.(UNIDFPOAD)
https://www.scribd.com/doc/242347822 /ChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestsClaims999
see: https://www.scribd.com/doc/96229566/Acknowledge-STATEMENT-OF-CLAIM-by-UCC-office-Against-Elizabeth-Alexandra-Mary-Windsor-Mountbatten-Battenburg-MISNOMER-Queen-Elizabeth-II
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Wow. Thank you!!
Between yourself, Hallett, JAH himself, Anna von Reitz and myself, that’s five cases in preparation against this Royal Family’s haus-frau rule (NOT “reign”) in which housekeeping has been all any of them ever did . . . never mind any leadership skills at all.
They have no knowledge of Law, nor of Theology, nor of Ethics, nor of Organizational Strategy . . . just party, party all the time.
I’m aware there are competing bloodlines. I’m aware there are competing cousins. I’m aware, the issues that “Windsors” have avoided and neglected have caused the United Kingdom to legally fall to its knees. And I’m glad you are pursuing your case further.
You are welcome to contact me privately, so I can understand more clearly, the nature of your charges. You can reach me through Facebook or LinkedIN.
Frank says
Dear Queen Emily,
Thanks for your courageous stance.
In this positive timeline I am confident that things will work out for the good of all.
We need leaders who are informed and accept accountability. Who are conscious Souls and respect and implement our Natural laws, laid down in common law.
We are all living human beings of flesh and blood and we have free will. We have been born as such and no one can take this away.
I could not react on the YT video, because the loading of the page took forever (sabotage?) ….
And of course Alfred, from my heart to yours,
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Thank you for your king encouragement in this case. There is much yet to do.
Terje Egholm says
Mrs Cragg is the child of the imposter WHO was put in power by Rockefeller and not the child of King Edvard XIII
THE REAL child of King Edvard XIII you can find her on Facebook under the name of Peggy Ann Childers give her a chance and she will pure it for you,her real name is Margaret Anne Windsor and are the only child of King Edvard XIII
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Thanks, Frank, for your caring concern. Whether my role is merely as Truther, whistleblower, or whether I will in time inhabit my father’s legacy . . . is up to God, not up to myself. However it works out is fine with me. 🙂
Doc Waterman says
Emily’s information is interesting and would be much more compelling if she knew who the ancient Israelites really are.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
http://youtu.be/Lml-nSukCck . . .
False histories don’t help civil society..
They’re sure as shootin’ NOT in Israel. According to the research I have, the Tribes of Dan and Judah settled in Ireland in the 6th century BC after the Diaspora.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Yes, good point.
Where the 12 Tribes went is a matter of much research and conjecture. And where Israel is today is assuredly not in Palestine; only 20% of Israeli “Jews” are Semitic Seed of Abraham.
iammr says
The sooner we get rid of all you sick to-yal perverts the better off we will all be. You have raped, pillaged and murdered for long enough. This is your end time, as you well know.
Without doubt your line of psychopaths will tryany and all level of sculdugary to mmaintain a position of power and control over the human heart.
Alas we are wise to your monstrosity. There will be no continuance of the religiocosis chosenitus, we are finished with you evil perverts, you are being retired to the history books were we will reference the disgusting, pitiful and brutal acts you and your control freak ilk have metered out on the good folk of England and planet earth.
Leave us alone to establish something constructive and creative for humanity and planet earth.
Good bye and good riddance.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Exactly whom would you like to nominate for leadership, since historically, the only people educated and trained to develop the skills of consensus, problem identification and problem-solving were the middle and upper classes?
marlio says
I do not believe we were created by aliens but by the all knowing God. Queen Elizabeth and her family are descended from the kine of Judah, and settled in Ireland. The Queen of England is descended from the Tribe of Judah, as I am. However our lines split after King Alpine who is the last King of Ireland.
June says
Harry Blanton,
I’ve read quite a lot of the Russian dynasty, Anastasia and the WW1 & WW2…..I would dearly love to read this book itemised on the link you posted.
Is there a translated English version?
Do you also have a website with all this fascinating history on?
Thank you
Harry Blanton says
This is the only current publication. Olga NIkolaevna wrote her memoirs in German originally. While living in Menaggio (until her death) she and her friends translated it to Italian and it was contacted with Mondadori (I have the original 1955 contract) for publication. The Vatican intervened and would not allow the publisher’s to print. It stayed in an archive until 2010 when it was agreed the the biographer, Marie Stravlo would have authority by its owner’s to translate in to Spanish for Planeta’s contract in Madrid. There is the introduction written in English with much more on the life of Olga and her sister Marie who married in 1919, HH Prince Nikolai Dolgoruky of Ukraine in the Peles Castle of HM King Ferdinand (Hohenzollern-Sigmarigen) and Queen Marie (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) in Romania. The royal family’s son, Carol II was the Godfather of Marie’s grandson.
This historical documentation is far more interesting than what is displayed here. We have documents and DNA! We have letter from the living, King Michael I of Romania, to them! Also telegrams from Lord Mountbatten and depositions from Mother Pasqualina Lehnert, housekeeper, secretary and Administrator to Pope Pius XII (Nuncio of Bavaria).
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Wow. Thank you for this link. I wish we had a central location where true and actual information were available on the British Royals also.
What I was able to dig up is not what I expected to find.
Harry Blanton says
There is correspondence to the surviving Imperial Family of Russia from Lord Mount Batten. This is relevant to your comment. All of them knew that they survived. There is archived a telegram from him.
Read “Blood Relative”, by Michael Gray (alias). There is further truth there, as well as evidence of how hard the royal family members came down on him when he made his claim. Particularly, Prince Michael of Kent. I do know the author and have interviewed him several times.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
The Romanovs may have physically survived, but King George V helped the Rothschilds take down the throne of Russia, nonetheless, and left the Monarchies of Northern Europe in sore array.
Emily Windsor says
Do you have DNA from the Royal Family, Edward?
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Me too. 🙂
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Tessie Robb says
The selection for the next monarch to reign after Queen Elizabeth ll is by invitation and the Sconce or Stone of Destiny will proclaim the next ascendant to the throne. The original Sconce of Destiny had been hidden and will be released by the Keeper of the Stone of Destiny.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
martha l conner says
I read the stone had been returned to either Scotland or Ireland about 4 or 5 years ago.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Martha L. Conner–
1996 to Scotland, but it was the 348-lb stone, not the 448-lb stone . . . a fake one. See
Stone of Scone
Jim says
What rot!
The stone under the throne of Longshanks which is now in Edinburgh is the one he took from Scotland.
And, by the way, what makes Emily think Scotland wants another waste of taxpayers money? We’re not exactly happy with Liz Windsor (Scotland never had a Lizzi I, so we can’t have a Lizzie II.) And we haven’t had an Edward VIII either – the only Edward King of Scots was Edward Balliol.
Vicky the German’s filandering wast of space was Edward VII of England and II of Scotland.
That makes Hitler’s pal, Edward Windsor, Edward III.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Clearly, you don’t know the real story. Hitler was not Edward’s Pal; he was Edward’s elder half-brother, son of King George V.
Tessie Robb says
The DNA and Akashic records is required for scrutiny for qualifications.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
You are correct. 🙂
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
I’m so glad there are others making this my same case against the default, dishonesty and failure of HRMQE2 to fulfill her Trust.
StClair says
Dear Emily Windsor Cragg
I await you crowning, the way the media has played the event with our King leads me to belief there was foul play. The current establishment is weak and run by corporations who only intend to destroy or nation.
Take care those same foul people who scheme and act evil will still come to make you seem weak, talk with you as if you are a peasant. I say to them! We have invaded before with Robert the Bruce, the only nation to ever invade England, so put away your smug smiles.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Yes, they’re smug, they’re exclusive and unreasonable; greedy hoarders.
God will deal with them.
And we’ll watch.
Emily Windsor-Cragg
Natasha Frances Thoms pereira says
And your claims are because you yourself are humble, honest and kind….lol :):):):):)
Emily Windsor says
SHAWN CARSON–These replies are completely out of Order, and I need to direct one to you.
I’m sorry, but the facts appear to contradict Annett’s stated intentions. I refer you to his own FB page ITCCS and the further Discovery of Alfred Webre. Apparently, no case ever was taken to the Belgian Common Law Court, nor prosecuted there. We’re all as horrified as you are.
Harry Blanton says
The only specimens I am aware of are by lineage to Edward VII through his grandmother, Alexandra of Denmark. George’s mother is the biological sister of Marie Feodorovna, Dagmar Empress of Russia. Thus, George V and Nicholas II were first cousins. .
Emily Windsor says
YES, I know George V and Nicky were very very close; and they looked like twins. I have some wonderful dual=portraits of them together, dressed to the nines.
Emily E
Emily Windsor says
I don’t know where to even begin to look for a DNA sample from my late father. I don’t have access to NHS services, of course.
Harry Blanton says
There is much more. Cross over to the both women’s brother, George I of Greece, and his son, Prince Andrew. Do you know of his son, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh? There are many cross overs to Russia in the 19th Century, Philip’s grand mother was Grand Duchess Olga Constantinova. of Russia, whose mother was Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg.
The connection for research that is recent is that of Prince Alfred of Prussia (17 August 1924 – 5 June 2013), son of Prince Sigismund of Prussia, a nephew of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia and his mother Princess Charlotte Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg, eldest child of the Duke of Saxe-Altenburg. . Alfred and his sister, Barbara, were related to all the monarchs, Wilhelm II, Nicholas II, Sigismund’s mother, Irene, was also the sister of Tsarina Alexandra (Hesse and By Rhine). There is a new biography out on him, just last year, in Spanish.
It has taken a long while to both comprehend and untangle this genealogy.
Emily Windsor says
What a tangled thread. But the cross-breeding hasn’t gone far enough to undo congenital diseases like porphyria and hemophilia. . . . This is probably one factor that allows some current illegitimacies to stand unopposed, with bloodline hybrids like Eliz II and Harry.
Emily… what about Brian Hastings in a Australian. Apparently all of the line of kings went terribly wrong now that its pretty much been proven that Edward !V was illegitimate. The Plantagenet line
should have gone to George Duke of Clarence and Edwards brother and legitimate king.
Instead as we know he died by drowning in a cask of Malmsey whilst in the Tower. Following
that it was usurped by Richard III and the Tudor line under Henry VII. WE know the Plantagenet claim is the stronger one and by right Brian Hastings Plantagenet should be the rightful King of the UK.
He knows it but says that he would not take up the line even if it were offered to him. Thats something to consider is it not? Interestingly he voted for Australia to become a Republic!
Admittedly, I too would prefer to see Canada become a true Republic and get those evil Hanover-Saxe-Gotha line out of power completely. Besides, to my way of thinking, if not Hastings Plantagenet then the true line should be that of the Stuarts and Bonnie prince charlie SHOULD have won the day back at Culloden Moor.
God bless you Emily.
Shawn T Carson
Edmonton AB
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Somebody has to operate the United Kingdom Corporation which has a staff of 1200 and constitutes one of the largest businesses in the UK: the tourist industry.
Or is destroying the British economy on your way to kicking out the Monarchy, your goal?
Emily E
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Doesn’t matter.
The bloodline is broad enough, there are members of the Royial line that can do the work of leader, and lead Britain back to “governance by consent of the people.”
Ann says
I am at a loss to understand how you can claim to know what Henry VIII took it to mean he owned every thing on the planet. Or how you can tell me what any deceased person thought.
So since my family is a directly descended from the Irish King Brian Boru, So what does that make me?
Emily Windsor says
… That makes you a human being with an opinion . . . just like me myself.
Only perhaps your dad didn’t get himself in a lot of trouble by marrying ‘the wrong woman” nor did he suffer the same outcome.
Emily E
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
The history of Henry VIII’s reign is full of conflict between himself and the Holy See, particularly in the Bull of Pope Innocent in which the Pope claims to own ALL SOULS on the planet.
The Papal Bull was defended, as was the Papacy itself in those days, by the Spanish Armada because Spain and Italy are contiguous, with common allegiance to the Catholic Church and Pope.
It was under Henry VIII’s Navy that the Spanish Armada was defeated, so that Henry could claim that HE, and HIS INDEPENDENT CHURCH OF ENGLAND now owned all the souls on the Planet, and he did so under Maritime Law.
That’s the story I get.
Terri says
Elizabeth the 1st defeated the armarda not henry the 8th.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Yes, you are correct. In 1558.
jehan heraux says
Let us hace a wager till your DNA test. You are not Blue Blod.
jehan heraux says
So many have fabricated claims. This one is even ill prepared. Get crows funded and released funds after only the proven results of your DNA. Anyway you should match the Tsar’s family if you cannot obtain the Windsor’s
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Why do I need to know this? Isn’t it enough that I have inherited, and my children have inherited, my father’s sensitivity and Populist views?
I don’t believe the Fascist Family on the Throne ever intends to let go of it, so what’s the point?
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
The Bloodlines of Judah and Merovingian are awakening and becoming aware that Monarchy is under attack by pedophiles, excessively predatory bankers and investors and professionals placing their own corporate preferences before civil order, decency and culture.
It doesn’t matter whether I think I’m a this or a that. My DNA test will show.
It doesn’t matter what Party I may have belonged to in the past; the Party system is broken.
Credit and finance TODAY ONLY benefit the already-well-healed. People who work get RIFTED, rifled and debt-ridden. That’s not freedom, in any sense of the word.
I’m here to testify that my father was slandered and driven out of the Royal family because he wasn’t about coddling predatory Elites/
I’m here to say to you, governing leadership must not follow the path of war-mongering, bribery, deceit and hoarding; and I’m here to make the Royal Family accountable for allowing conflicts of interest to take over the UK:
1. The Queen allowed Tavistock to re-program the Church into Liberal Federalism, the anathema of radical Christian faith, personal integrity and hospitality.
2. She allows the European Union to dictate Law to Britain without consent of the people, in full retreat from English Common Laws she vowed to protect.
3. She has presided over the humiliation of British culture and ethics by hordes of hostile and self-righteouis immigrants that Brits themselves never consented to have to experience or tolerate.
4. She has allowed Parliament to become saturated with bribery, pedophilia and slave trafficking in the name of Social Services and HR “procuring persons” for service.
If someone wants to dictate to me that I have no right to object to the scapegoating and slander of my father, no right to remind British leaders, they have a responsibility for outcomes the Queen has allowed to occur that violate human rights, civil rights and the planetary right of a people to have dominion over their own lands, well, too bad.
I’ll speak up anyway, whether you like it or not.
Emily Windsor-Cragg
Bemused says
Well this is a website helping to maintain sales of tinfoil!!
Edward VIII had no legitimate children. He was only married to one woman and that marriage was childless.
So even if we humour your various conspiracy theories it all falls down on the simple fact that even if you WERE his daughter you are a bastard. Bastards have no legal claim to titles or thrones.
With that in mind, Elizabeth would still be queen today even if Edward had reigned as with no legal child of his own at his death the crown would pass to his brother George (dead) and his heir, Elizabeth.
I’m not even going to entertain your crackpot conspiracy nonsense about Hitler and Wallis Simpson
Jack Knight says
This is all just a load of pure and utter tripe.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Natasha Frances Thoms pereira says
If it has no connection to taking the power to which you have no claim, why request that they renounce their positions for you to take charge. To be honest, you would never survive this complex power structure. Your blood also pledged alliengience to another nation. An act of treason itself, Instead of remaining political refugees, which is the act of a person (..is….Edward vIII …) Who still validates his own claim in another country. I have no support for this claim.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
We all have our opinions about this.
Let’s see what God is doing about it. I’m curioius.
Natasha Frances Thoms pereira says
Also like to note that there is a great deal of evidence to establish that Edward was illegitimate. Conceived while his father was away. Windsor is NOT the line. It is hastings ,look for yourself
Good luck in your exaggerated quest for power that has plagued time
Emily Windsor says
Alfred, I am not seeing updates being published here.
Natasha Frances Thoms says–
Also like to note that there is a great deal of evidence to establish that Edward was illegitimate. Conceived while his father was away. Windsor is NOT the line. It is hastings ,look for yourself
Good luck in your exaggerated quest for power that has plagued time
Let’s see your evidence. I’ve never heard ANYTHING LIKE THIS. What I see is my 2nd son is; the spitting image of my father, with similar temperament, similar abilities and similar habits.
But, you go ahead an tell me what you know and have as evidence.
S Marie Sombero says
Hi Ms. Emily!
I Just want to ask some specific question regarding your claims on the British throne. If i am right illegitimate children cannot inherit the throne. Now my question is this. At the time that the Duke of Windsor abdicated the throne in 1936 were you already born? 2nd Question is Did the late duke of Windsor recognized you as his daughter? Can you show us evidence like Birth Certificate that stating the name of the Duke of Windsor as your biological father? Do you have any DNA test results that would strongly prove that you are indeed the child of the Duke of Windsor? Do you have any letters or pictures showing that your mom had a relationship with the Duke? Thanks
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Marie says (truncated) : If i am right illegitimate children cannot inherit the throne. .
EWC: The Monarchy is now a Corporation with CEO and Board of Directors; and historically it has conveyed from generation-to-generation on the basis of bloodline, with some “illegitimate” Monarchs in the mix, due to physical disabilities caused by too much inbreeding.
At the time that the Duke of Windsor abdicated the throne in 1936 were you already born?
EWC: No, indeed, I was born eight years later, and every piece of paperwork was hidden.
Did the late duke of Windsor recognized you as his daughter? I was put up for adoption because the Duke was in bankruptcy, unable even to fund his Pekisko cattle ranch in Canada. Yes, he knew, but he didn’t have the means to support a daughter.
Can you show us evidence like Birth Certificate that stating the name of the Duke of Windsor as your biological father?
EWC: My actual birth certificate was over-written when I was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Andre Domenico Trotto.
Do you have any DNA test results that would strongly prove that you are indeed the child of the Duke of Windsor?
EWC: I’ll have that test done when the Crown Court orders it, from a Laboratory that we can believe is unbribe-able. Corporations are easily bribed these days.
Do you have any letters or pictures showing that your mom had a relationship with the Duke? Thanks
EWC: There were no pictures allowed to be taken at Fort Huachuca Arizona, during Wartime, while the Duchess remained at the Alhawanee Hotel (Yosemite) and the Duke hopped a flight to Huachuca to inspect the troops there over Memorial Day Weekend 1943, when I was conceived. Of course there are no pictures.
EWC: So how do I know this is all true? There is no estate, no remuneration at issue here.
EWC: There has been a sequence of timed coincidences to cause me to come to the realization that there has been a cosmic confluence going on in this case; and the way I have been led to these understandings by virtue of remote-viewing and happenstance leads me to know for a certainty that my responsibility is to clear my father’s name. Whatever other outcome presents itself is beside the point. He was NOT a Nazi; his father and brother both were. And that’s the story I bring to the public mind. I get nothing out of this. So, what do people want from me? is the next question I always wonder. I am having to contend with the Duke’s bloodline children, so learning about my Father helps with those matters they bring up
Sarah says
Leaving aside that you are a complete nutter with massive delusions and equally massively ignorance…. Edward VIII renounced the throne on behalf of any children he might have and you are illegitimate anyway and can’t inherit.. But hey, I guess it’s a hobby for you.
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
This is a response from Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg:
“Maybe the concept of “bloodline” means nothing to some people. Maybe the flow of history means nothing to some people. Well, Edward sired three daughters, and that’s how it is. The fact all three of us are interested in our paternity is nobody’s business. Elizabeth (1) was born in 1934 (www.we3.org) ; Margaret (Peggy Ann Childers) was born in 1941; and I came along sired at a military base, in 1944. I was named Elizabeth also; and the CIA have tracked and followed all three of us throughout our lives. The fact I’m interested enough in the Monarchy to research how it was established and who’s doing what now, is frankly, my business. You want to name-call me because I do investigative research, that says volumes about what AND WHAT you are.”
Sarah says
And I say again – she’s a deluded ignorant nutter and that’s being polite.
bill allan says
who would be the next king of Scotland if they ceceded
Sandy says
NO is your answer to ‘Marie Sombero’s questions you have no case in this matter .
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
That’s okay. There is NO COURT that would even hear me, the Law system is so tangled up by Temple Bar and its associations (which favor Maritime Law, corporate statutes), and corporate hegemony.
Any relationship I come to have with my father’s family will be instituted and/or restored only by God Himself, because HE was the author of the Covenant that created the British Monarchy.
Patrick W. Crabtree says
Your Highness,I am an America and a social science major (emphasis, European history) and a person who thankfully studied the Royals. I say ‘thankfully’because I viewed your interview about this on youtube and, absent this knowledge, I would have chucked the interview and cast it into the refuse with the flat earth folks’ propaganda. I would not have missed this for the world!
I only have single question: Princess Dianna dubbed Camilla as “The Rottweiler”.Would you happen to know if Wallice Warfield Simpson happened to pick up a similar sobriquet? In reading Lord Beaverbrook’s book, nothing like this, of course, is revealed.
Whoops! One more quick question: should you annihilate the Windsors and become The Monarch of Great Britain, what will your regnal name be?
Long live the [new] Queen!
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
My mother named me Elizabeth at birth.
The third?
Dana says
Anything to try and get on the thrown this person wheres the actual proof paperwork or anything Queen Elizabeth’s done what she said sh will do……
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
You want to believe this Covenant between the people of Britain and God Himself relies and hangs on Court paperwork? You must be kidding.
Of course, HRMQE2 has done exactly and precisely what George V schooled and entrained Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to do as Queen: NOTHING SIGNIFICANT, No moral, ethical, economic or political influence whatsoever.
But if you were to actually read the Queen’s CORONATION VOWS, which she signed ABOVE AND NOT BELOW THE TEXT (in acceptance of responsibility), the Role of Monarch is “check-and-balance” among political elements, to see that conflicts of interest do not dominate to the detriment of the Government; that Parliament doesn’t become corrupted (with the power to dismiss the government and Parliament and choose a new PM), to see that the Church is true to its mandates (QE2 never even WENT to Seminary, never sat as anything but laity in the pew); and see to it that British culture continues as an exercise of Leadership in the world.
Well, do you think signing the Six Lisbon Treaties was an exercise in Leadership? Hardly!
Elizabeth has NOT SERVED AS EXECUTIVE, she’s a do-nice, make-nice consort queen of absolutely no moral significance or influence. Making social appearances in new outfits all the time is all she does. Hospitality is all she knows. That’s not Monarchy; that’s powerless Figurehead vested in the Hospitality business.
It makes me so sad to see how she was so carefully prepared to hand it all over to the NWO by both her grandfather and her father.
That’s not what a Queen does who takes her job seriously.
MLC says
Illegitimate children are excluded from inheriting the throne. Even if Ms Cragg is EVIII’s daughter, she would not be eligible to inherit.
Douglas Scott says
I find that The DNA you claim to be Edwards Off spring false because The fact that it was known to British Court fater World War 2 to have peoplle that scamed a similar match in claims of Inheritances and Edward would have left You much Land deed and things like he did my Grandfather who is Son of King Edward III by Freda Dudley Ward and raised by Scotland Yard Lover that queen elizabeth wrote a letter of innocence of My Grandfather of charge of murder set up and fabricated bya MMna you probably know who was in processing to havea a flasified DNA Match that if You were King Edwrads VIII Child Your DNAwould not match it mutative to quite a degree afteer 20 to 35 years and genetics is slightly damaged and bloodline is resposible and to degree probable and cover of tarcking Footprints of babies and the fact of following circusmatnces that Mine have already been looked at related and Part of William Ward Scotts Family line as SOn being I who is grandson of King Edwrad VIII and disclsoed and understood ina registered letter sent froom KING Edwrad Viii to Atlin BC to Prince and n Princess of Taku River Tlingits Thunderbirds Princess Lucy Ward Scott and Prince Mcmurray Ward Scott raised by Scotland yard Lover of Freda Dudley Ward beinga Forensic Officer and Science Wizard that has been quite the teacher of My Grandpa , anyways I d like to say that if You were kIngEdwrads Off spring Hed left Youa enormous amount of land and stuff that he gave My Grandpa the ability of investment capital starting with landdeed left in Bridge Lake 100 mile and Lone Bute and down south USA and also Prince edward island and more that Banks tried to as executors keeo from being known except My grand father worked for BC TEL off books doing lan deals and technology patnets and industrial design deal and regsistered securities and BCHydro and BC Sugar refinery that id =s going to coemto light soon as EARS Project Effective affordable reuseable speech transcripts of computer and scannned for keyword s and threats brought to attention of military without breaking privacy laws as noone listens to it untill applications of military intervenance , however lay off the Queen Elizabeth and well because Itll be going through all of it since 1961 and conversations that youve had with Voice stress analysisi progarm k lie detection with thermal imagery lie detection and retina scan and Iris scan with iris scan polygraph , Body language lie detection and facial recognition polygraph , welll also request MRI Polygraph tahtiis very scurate as its and also keyword scan secerecy of DSI 202 Transmission Microwave and “Temepest readin ” The Visual eye site of humans and thoughts transmitted recorded as you can check the patent list of “Technology to boggle the mind,Project FreedomNetwork” and synthetic telepathy and subliminal message generator and every thought you ever had and evry site yOur eyes seen has been recorded , so unless you want leaks of your personal life and and all th currupt things you have done your whole life accessed and put in hands of Public, amke a move ,because it will be accessed , istudied 17 ways to tap a phone 21 methods of Electronic Surveillance and 5 being neurological and I will not tollerate ignorance towars sucha beautiful lady named EQueen Elizabeth the second that Im King Edwrads Great Grandson and I certainly willloook into yoour mothers eye colour since birth to age and fathers to days and right down to since a9 50s recording what people see ina top secrecy that is now being accessed to the days and not only that the computers since ancient Egypt have been found recording since and before that time by United states government and others such as england access ,do you really want to continue because im working on a formula that KingEwrad used that makes the fact that hes still alive, His Clone died ,but hes still alive and that the fact , but appparently his clone might also be stilll alive and got the Saholin secret formula , the reasoon of being called a traitor is oover with considering what itold global television 604 420 2288 comments
Jack Knight says
You are a fantasist. I’ve never read such twaddle in all my life.
Rae Reid says
My foremost concern is the satanic ritual abuse of children by the Royals. This alone should make people rise up and demand they be punished. If the power of the throne leads to depravity, is it necessary?