Axis shift, Nibiru & Positive Timeline: Are ETs moving Earth toward Orion inside techno-Sun/Dual Sun device?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In this Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre, authors Peter Kling and Emily Windsor Cragg project out the positive timeline to perceive, define and evaluate possible alternative futures using our best multidimensional as well as 3D tools on the issue of an Earth axis shift or Nibiru type event as part of our immediate future toward planetary frequency ascendance.
One outcome of the Panel is a hypothesis that there is prima facie evidence that advanced interdimensional entities – Universe Architects – may be moving planet Earth out of our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy toward Orion in order to avoid potentially catastrophic astronomical events.
The Universe Architects are employing an advanced planetary space-moving device consisting of a tubular structure wrapped around the Earth and containing a techno-sun and a dual sun, as a form of transporting humanity and its spaceship Earth out of the way of possible danger in the Milky Way, Sol region.
Emily Windsor Cragg: Cosmological References
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Inuit Elders tell NASA Earth Axis Shifted
The Lie NASA Told – The Imminent Demise of the NWO – Yellow Rose for Texas
Positive Future
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Emily Windsor Cragg
Planetary Image Gallery
Books by Emily Windsor Cragg . . . Trans-Send-Dance . . . Come Let Us Make Man in Our Image, 8.5 x 11 all color . . . Path To Orion, 5.5 x 8.5 color with planetary images . . Sovereignty in this Galaxy: a History
Recommended reading
Jarumir Khan says
So we are getting shipped from aliens out of our solar system and also from the Milky Way galaxy, because of inner structural problems. No, I can see the moon, the Venus, Mercury, Mars and also the other planets in our solar system. Even the near by seeing planets did not change in my opinion. The hypothesis that our Earth may be “moving out of our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy toward Orion in order to avoid potentially catastrophic astronomical events” is in my opinion for that reason wrong. What Emily W.C. says about the “techno-sun” is also totally wrong. But what we see is Geoengeneering and Chemtrails. In my o. She also thinks that HAARP and chemtrails does not exists. People should listen to her very carefully and for example she posted to me back where I show a picture with HAARP anomalies in the sky. This was for 3 month or so. She than said to me: “that this is not HAARP” . I bet she has never ever read some books about HAARP for.example Nick Begich/ Jeanne Manning or Rosalie Bertell, and she is manifesting her mnemes like the main stream media i this point and other points, too.
Jarumir Khan says
So we are getting shipped from aliens out of our solar system and also from the Milky Way galaxy, because of inner structural problems and drifted to Orion, which is in our Milky way too. No, I can see the moon, the Venus, Mercury, Mars and also the other planets in our solar system. Even the near by seeing planets did not change in my opinion. The hypothesis that our Earth may be “moving out of our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy toward Orion in order to avoid potentially catastrophic astronomical events” is in my opinion for that reason wrong. What Emily W.C. says about the “techno-sun” is also totally wrong. But what we see is Geoengeneering and Chemtrails. In my op. She also thinks that HAARP and chemtrails does not exists. People should listen to her very carefully and for example she posted to me back where I show a picture with HAARP anomalies in the sky. (This was for 3 month or so.) She than said to me: “that this is not HAARP” . I bet she has never ever read some books about HAARP for.example Nick Begich/ Jeanne Manning or Rosalie Bertell, and she is manifesting her mnemes like the main stream media in this point and other points, too.
I don’t like her rassim thoughts against Muslims and also her understanding of monarchs, when she said in an interview with Alfred, that England should ruled by a monarch and not by the people. Every people should ruled by the people and not by dictatorial principals.
Cuqui Cordero says
Alfred … thank you so much for all of this information. In reality we need at least to try to understand many things at this time, to know where we are standing and at the same time where we are heading. Our lives and souls are being torn apart because manipulation of this dimension we are in is in total chaos. It feels like in reality we are slaves of some energy that won’t let us go any where and even won’t let us think and feel our true emotions … when it comes to love. I do hope that something better is closer to us because I do have faith in our human family. We can do so many things and still we are thought to be … useless eaters and animals. I feel that we are ready for something better in this life and we have earn it through thousands and thousands of years in the making of the human race. Will god or who ever god is (I say it like that because three gods in ancient Sumeria were mention on this video at some point and from there on all religions came to be? Whose the boss here? Oh well…) Who ever is in charge probably will give us a surprise, because I fell that it is time. What does it take to have a new Sun (son) three hundred thousand years? A new sun? I have always though about this and who is the boss here and I can not take my mind away from Jupiter,… well but this is just my thought and does not have to be right. Only inspiration. Ok … and back to our human family and our journey through space time… I hope that we land in a better time-line than this one that already is out of date. We need to enjoy the life that was given to us and be creative and make this universe one with positive(?) at least… to feel who we are. I do have to mention… that energy and creation needs 2 or 3 to make the music and then play it. What I try to say here is… that no matter what … as we already know… positive a negative will always be needed to create more, but neutral (?) is the most important on the mix. You know what I mean…:) Thanks again and I will keep listening and watching your videos.
Jarumir Khan says
I see it in another way. I am Information Scientist specialist in the Neuroscience, Journalist and Philosophy.
I learned by the Information Scientist, Cybernetic Prof. Dr. Ing. Völz ( who makes a lot of satellites for the Russians) and the futurist and Information Scientist Prof Dr. Wersig at the University of Berlin. We also had semiars with other authers and scientists like Stanislav Lem, learning the structures of our universe from an Information Scientistic way. There we becan clear,that there is other Liveforms in our Universe. And yes we have allot of other species which are existing in multible time lines and in space. I am more lookig with the Heims theories (12 dimensioal world). There we can see, that the most importand thigs are coming from organisational and information structures without material, but with gravital and other elements, that forms our structures.
In these quote you see that our Galaxy is moving to Andromeda. And the sun is moving to Hercules.
The Milky Way and our entire solar system are directly from the gravitational forces and movements of other physical forces, such as the gravity, density, heat, mass and size of this spiral structure affected.
As the Sun moves within the Milky Way and thus towards the extragalactic stars with about 4.1 AE/a ,
the determination of the Parallax is more complicated. «Earth Parallax «runson a helical path, how it fig. 14 c (no amended)
This shift (secular Parallax) isannually even larger than the diameter of the Earth elliptical track.
In addition, this position changes over the years accumulate. Therefore, larger distances shall be determined through them.
Unfortunately, however, both of these changes are intertwined with each other. These cular Parallax is to collect separately only in rare cases through statistical releases ascompared to star clusters.
This is possible for some groups such as the δ Cephei star and some planetary nebulae.
Finally also the milky way compared to the other galaxies are moving.
These relationshipshave resolved largely 1926/27 Bertil Lindblad (1895-1965) and Jan Hendrik Oort (1900-1992). The Sun moves on a circular orbit at about 10 kpc with 220 km / s around theCenter. A round takes a less than 3∙108. So a movement exists in total, shown on image 6 c.”
Also moves the earth around the Sun at a speed of 31 km / s and the movement of ourGalaxy is moving according to the figure 17: trajectories of Milky Way , Sun and Earth in (C)(fig. v. Völz, S. 103)
Mr Völz summarizes the different types and classifications of galaxies: spiral, elliptical, barredand irregular, as in the pictures belowchit show light. In addition explains the structure andfunction of galaxies, the bulge, the formation of the Sun and planets:
As I was saying while THEY (from the net) stop me – there is an evidence to this Theory of the whole Solar System plus the Sun moved to the constellation of Orion in the presence during last year and even before of Big Spheres the size of the planet Earth going around the Sun that were shown and seeing in the NASA LASCO program in you tube several times. So, those big sheres size of a planet has been probably guiding already or preparing the Sun to be move of orbit. That is one thing that we could have an evidence. But in the other side of Things it is not Jahve or Jehova the one changing this situation because the 3 commentators has not read the 3 o4 books of MAURO BIGLINO – search that in you tube for his explanations) – one of them called IL DIO ALIENO DELLA BIBBIA – tHE aLIEN gOD OF THE bIBLE – Biglino been an official translator of the Old Testament working for the Vatican and later expulsed by the Vatican because He found that in the real translation of several chapters of the Old Testament he probes that Jehova/Jahve was not any other than an Annunaki – and that was why he was expelled from the vatican translators team and his Books has not been able to be translated to English – they only exist fortunately in ITALIAN language – so the commentators should get an italian friend who could help them to translate his books that in one of them..he mentions for example that – when the jews were occupying Plaestine fighting and killing other towns – it was send a jew spy to the next town – and returning that spy he said to the boss that – it was not possible to attack that town because in there were Giants – so this boss requested that a far away soldier were call because he needs to tell Jahve about that and what to do – so, when that away soldier appeared he was having in his back some bag and with that bag – and only then the Boss could communicate to Jahve and get instructions. That is nothing more that a box of communication or long distance telephone or radio – because this jew boss could not talk to Jahve directly – he was needing the soldier with the bag in his back. That obviously is not GOD. In another part of the books of Mauro Biglino, appears Moses going behind a rock because Jehova/Jhave told him to put behind a rock because the Holy ghost or something will be passing in front of him So, why Moses has to go behind a rock to let pass another instrument or machine that radiates something like radio-activity or high energy..? God do not need to tell people go behind that rock because I will move something that could kill you.. And in another part that is very known by the people, GOD again told Noe to build an Ark…If he is God he can do it in an instant , He does not need the help of men to do it. And in the other part you have when GOD order to create an Ark of Alliance where they could COMMUNICATE with HIM and not to touch it because you will die, as it happened when the jews were reaching a town as you can read in the Bible. And there are other several things that you need to read the Book of Mauro Biglino..any of the 4 books and you will see that one Annunaki is passing as a God by the jews as the chosen people attacking other towns and killing people conquering terrains and countries. That is not GOD as we know it thru Jesus Christ. Well – you can get the Books of Mauro Biglino at obviously in Italian language, because obviously THEY do not allow it to publish these books in English or any other language.
Jarumir Khan says
there is nooooooooooooo evidence to this Theory at all, it is a fantasy negative utopian fiction. Cant you see the moon and other planets. How can Aliens move it ? Where is the navigations, the constellation of Orion is also in our Milky Way sytem and not out of the MW
Jarumir Khan says
I think, if everybody agree to my thesis, than we have a normal sun and normal solar system without a shifft from Aliens. It is not posoble that the gravity inside our system can be shifft.
QuasiPuppet says
Shhhhhhhh! You will sound more intelligent and way less like a little bratty girl that way.
buzz says
what a cheerful talk. great info .ty all.
Jarumir Khan says
so you agree with that shifting from aliens.?
Jerry C. Kays says
“Ye are gods” … and as such, we create our own realities … tempored by our co-creators, those who we associate with.
Thus, as much as we believe that this or that will happen to us, it will be modified by the thinking of others, so do not put too much stock in your “specifics” … seek above all, the truth, which will be found as love.
IMnsHO and E.
John says
According to Bradley Loves in this very interesting article, he sais the following.
Who or what is the screenname of the website “the yellow rose for Texas” ?
The Mad Hatter ! —> Alice in Wonderland
Conect the dots.! That site is total psyops ! and makes Emilies statement about the moving of our galaxy by universal architects total bull….
Just my 2 cents….
The Bunny says
one small problem…
the earth is a big cave 25,000 miles in diameter and all those stars and planets and sun and moon are INSIDE with us.
The Farmers of Earth want you looking in the sky.
Ever hoping…
But the rabbit hole goes DOWN, not up.
want to go to an alien world?
The entrance is in Antarctica.
Good luck getting past the military blockade to keep all you riff raff trailer park grease balls out.
No one wants you in the other near by caves.
Be born here.
Die Here.
Moving the Earth to Orion…ROFL….
Solid spins faster than GAS. Always. A Gas resists itself. That’s why the air stops blowing when you turn off a fan….You are BRAINWASHED. The earth doesn’t spin, rotate, move, at all. Proven many times. Airy’s failure, Michelson-Morley, The Rectiliniator, flight times, etc… NO ONE has ever proven the Earth to move. Ever. Cause it doesn’t.