Former Canadian Acting PM Paul Hellyer: “USA in grave danger.” Exposes Cabal, calls for New Energy, ET Disclosure, Cabal ouster in 2016 Election
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In a video statement released March 18, 2015, Former Canadian acting Prime Minister Paul Hellyer, declaring the USA to be “in grave danger”, exposed the Shadow Cabal controllers and called upon the American people to elect a new Administration committed to the disclosure and public distribution of sequestered New Energy technologies and disclosure of the ET presence in the coming 2016 U.S. Presidential election.
USA recaptured by loyal Americans in 2016
Mr. Hellyer urged that the USA and its government “be recaptured by loyal Americans” in 2016 from Cabal controllers in banking, petroleum, corporate sector, intelligence, including the CIA, FBI and sectors of the US military. Mr. Hellyer was also Minister of Defence of Canada.
Mr. Hellyer stated that this 2016 U.S. election might be our collective last opportunity to chose between a peaceful and positive future for our Earth, or the destruction of our civilization, as other civilizations and species have self-destructed in the past.
Military Industrial Complex = Nazi New World Order = Perpetual War financed by the Cabal
In his statement, Mr. Hellyer reviews the history of Operation Paperclip, the secret appropriation of ET technology to the war machine starting with the 1947 Roswell ET saucer crash, the “cult” of psychological warfare against the American and world population by the Cabal in ordering extraterrestrial craft to be identified as swamp gas.
Mr. Hellyer notes that only after President Eisenhower threatened to storm Area S1 and Area 51 with the US 1st Army was Eisenhower as US President given any access to the military industrial complex retro-engineering extraterrestrial technology there for Cabal-directed projects. This episode of the Eisenhower Presidency led to President Eisenhower’s famed “Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex” speech.
This same Cabal and Military Industrial Complex, Mr. Hellyer notes, has gone on to be responsible for the false flag operations of 9/11 and the War on Terror, in which high members of the Bush Administration [George W. Bush; Richard B. Cheney; Donald H. Rumsfeld et. al.]. Mr. Hellyer termed the false flag operations of 9/11 and the War on Terror the most serious social regression in our civilization in 800 years, since the Crusades, which ended in the 1200s.
Policies for a Positive Future
In his video statement, Paul Hellyer urges a number of policies to ensure a positive path to the future.
End the Banking Cabal – Mr. Hellyer strongly urges dismantling the Banking cabal, its infrastructure and its practices, with the first step of dismantling the Federal Reserve Bank, created by legislative fraud in Dec. 1913 through the mentorship of Cabal kingpins the Rothschilds. Mr. Heller even urges the U.S. Treasury to issue $2 trillion platinum coins and cancel its public debts to the Federal Reserve immediately.
Religions move from Duality to Unity Consciousness – Noting that he had to turn 80 before he found out that Allah was his God also, Paul Hellyer urged world religions – Islam, Christianity, Judaism and others – to move from Cabal-manipulated Duality consciousness [I win you lose] to Unity Consciousness [We are One].
Secret Treaties with Manipulatory and other Extraterrestrials – Because of the research suggesting the existence of secret Treaties with specific manipulatory extraterrestrial civilizations granting these ETs the rights to abduct and experiment on humans in exchange for ET technology, Mr. Hellyer urges that the Cabal be forced to release the full terms of all Agreements and Treaties with ETs.
US National Security Act of 1947 – Peace & Reconciliation Amnesty Process Mr. Hellyer suggests amendment rolling back the US National Security Act of 1947 permitting a Peace and Reconciliation Amnesty process so that all individuals involved in the secret compartmentalized ET-related or exotic projects can come forward and make public the actions they undertook in the secret ET treaties and programs without fear of being prosecuted criminally or for security breaches.
Secret technology patents made public – Mr. Hellyer suggests that the secret patents on exotic technology, all made with public funds, be made public and that these technologies be facilitated for distribution in the marketplace.
7 years shift from Petroleum Economy to Clean New Energy Economy – With the Cabal’s hold on the Petroleum economy and new technologies removed, Mr. Hellyer demonstrates how the shift from a petroleum-based economy to a clean, new energy based economy can happen in 7 years.
Oceans restored before the food chain is permanently broken – Cabal False flag operations like Fukushima, the BP oil spill and others are negatively impacting the ocean’s food chain, catastrophically in the case of some species and ocean areas. Mr. Hellyer in his video statement discusses the urgent steps that the new US Administration and others must take to save the Ocean food chain before it is permanently destroyed.
Reforestation to restore carbon sinks – Mr. Hellyer urges reforestation of Earth to restore the planet’s carbon sinks.
HAARP & Chemtrails – Terming HAARP and chemtrails the “twins of death and destruction” of GeoEngineering, and population mind control for Cabal Transhumanist Agenda to robotize humans into a robotized, soul-less, Artificial Intelligence directed species, Mr. Hellyer called to a multi-billion dollar class action against the US Air Force, its contractors and suppliers. Presumably this popular-based class action lawsuit can be continued against the 17 and more known HAARP installations world-wide.
Humanity’s Survival
Paul Hellyer’s closes his statement to the American – and world – people by reminding us that we are at a cross-roads in humanity’s survival, between Cabal-induced genocide and ecocide on the one hand, and if the 99% of humans awaken, to a positive future of peace.
THE MONEY MAFIA by Paul T. Hellyer
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Trudie Anne says
One step ahead of you this time Mr Lambremont Webre. I have posted this disclosure on facebook.already. Probably don’t need to tell you that no-one looked at it. I am hoping the big announcement, predicted, coming from Putin is going to blow humanity out of the water.
Trudie Anne says
Pardon moi! I mean in a good way, like wake humanity up!
Lisa Harding says
Hi Alfred, Your last few programs have been stellar!!! Thank you for them.
Would you ask Rafapal to update you & present anything you deem timely? Regarding the clean up of our various messes, if we get rid of bad actors, won’t they need to be replaced by Whitehats? Do we have enough Whitehats to do the job & hang around long enough to get replacement judges, congress men & women installed? Will the cleaners have to be sequestered to keep them alive long enough to finish their jobs & not be bought off in the process? I am reminded of when they elect a Pope – lock them inside & they are not allowed out until a solution is reached – might work! I am praying the President takes some real leadership action – he has several fronts from which to select.
Best regards,
Lisa Harding
Luis Magno says
If we want to bring the masses into the electoral process (or, alternatively, into the re-evolutionary consciousness movement) we must dismantle the so-called welfare system and introduce a guaranteed basic income for every man, woman and child. That will “awaken” the mass like nothing else can or will.
No more pie in the sky rhetoric which is what Hellyer’s proposal would sound like to most people. Let us be practical and down to earth. Unity consciousness is too esoteric for most folks. It’s bullshit to most people including me depending on which asshole utters it. And assholes will attach themselves like leeches to any movement no matter how well-intentioned the originators might be.
Lets come down to earth and start thinking like ordinary folks most of whom are more concerned, and rightfully so, with feeding their and their children’s bellies than feeding their minds with esoteric garbage masquerading as “wisdom” or “knowledge” or “higher consciousness” which is easily the case even if not in Hellyer’s case.
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
Louis – Hi! In your zeal to be Earthbound, you quoted Paul Hellyer out of context.
He is urging Islam, Christianity and Judaism as religions to get over their differences and awaken to the fact that they are about awakening humanity to the same God, Source, Allah, YHWH 😉
Luis Magno says
Me llamo Luis.
Kerry says
Exactly, the brick wall for myself and most other people is the need to earn money. I have so many ideas of how to help and change things but can’t do it as I need to earn a living.
Like you said if everyone had security we could all work towards a greater good
K x
Gary says
Kerry, that’s exactly what they said at the tower of Bable in Genesis 11
Guy Hawkins says
Cool…however people will never be able to assimilate this…they are not even able to grasp the 9/11 conspiracy…what is the common denominator…English civil war…American Revolution…French revolution…Russian revolution? all were revolutions of the business class against the entrenched interests…present an alternative to the banking elites…an entrepreneurial revolution based on non-interest bearing debt created by a central bank owned by a nations citizens…a revolution that entrepreneurs and citizens can get their head around…the problems mentioned and their solutions will fall out of the new dynamic of money creation…
Blair T. Longley says
Superficially nice ideas, BUT,
there are no grounds to doubt
the opposite SHALL happen!!!
As far as I know, Paul Hellyer has been warning about
“us” running out of time to change things for decades!
I believe he was always right about that “or else.”
“We” have run out of time to change those things.
Besides, the reactionary revolutionaries do not provide
for any better government, but only impossible ideals:
“Religions move from Duality to Unity Consciousness
Paul Hellyer urged world religions to move from
Cabal-manipulated Duality consciousness
[I win you lose]
to Unity Consciousness
[We are One].”
Of course, I agree with that, but Paul Hellyer et alia
promote Unity Consciousness via Duality Morality!
Unity Consciousness works through Unitary Mechanisms.
The universe is already perfect, including that various of
the worst psychopathic people are controlling civilization.
“Humanity’s Survival
Paul Hellyer’s closes his statement to the American
– and world – people by reminding us that we are
at a cross-roads in humanity’s survival, between
Cabal-induced genocide and ecocide on the one
hand, and if the 99% of humans awaken, to a
positive future of peace.”
Any “positive future of peace”
could only actually EXIST with
alternative death control systems.
Any functional alternatives to the
“Cabal-induced genocide and ecocide”
would require really working death controls.
The paradoxical presentations of
“Unity Consciousness” guys still
relied upon Dualistic “solutions.”
The path “we” ARE on is “we all lose.”
Energy will be conserved, but not in
human systems, which will commit
varieties of genocides & ecocides,
that Hellyer correctly warns about.
As usual, Hellyer’ analysis was correct,
but his bogus “solutions” NOT possible.
Better solutions require that working “Unity Consciousness”
be able to work through Unitary Mechanisms regarding the
possible ways to operate some better death control systems.
Luis Magno says
As a proxy, stand-in, virtual candidate for the Presidency of the 1789 Constitutional Republic of the United States of Anglo-Saxon America I advocate a basic income guarantee (BIG) for each man, woman and child funded from the Common Wealth. That’s for starters.
Luis Magno says
P.S. I beat Ted Cruz in announcing my candidacy for the Presidency of the US of A by a couple of milliseconds in omniversal time. He is tentatively my fantasy extremist right-wing political opposing and complementary counterpart. In a higher dimensional consciousness we are one and together we will to triumph.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
What this planet experiences is Diversity; but we do not have a Law Profession that is up to writing good Common Laws for the Land and effective Commercial Law for the Seas and Space Treaties.’
What we have is slavery; and enough is enough.
When Elite Predators and Stupefied Sheeple become ONE, Hell will freeze over. Look at what Communist China did to “become ONE.” They murdered sixty million of their own people, to intimidate educated classes into sleep-walking obedience.
That doesn’t work either.
Paul Hamblin says
This comment/question may belong elsewhere. If so please specify. Mr. Alfred Webre, I am new to your information and feel very fortunate to have been introduced to your work, through the work of Loren Moret, PhD.
When you refer to the number of excess souls created by war, that are apparently, somehow, collected and “sold” to planets whose inhabitants do not have souls. And, you make reference to the fact that these predators are capable of targeting and taking the souls of whomever they wish, does it disturb you to know after all of the soul expansion you have achieved, that a predator can take your soul from you and sell it to another who will benefit from your accomplishment? “I thank whatever Gods may be for my unconquerable soul” is a favorite quote, yet with this new information, it now seems meaningless.
I have recently placed an order for two of your latest books. Will these books help to clarify the standing of the soul?
In the 1990’s when Manley Palmer Hall expired, a close friend of his happened to mention that Mr. Hall requested of his wife that she not report his death, as he did not wish to have his remains moved until three days after. Do you suppose Mr. Hall was concerned about saving his soul from possible predators?
I apologize for the disjointedness of this inquiry, however, as you can see this is a subject of great interest to me. Thank you in advance for your response and for any reading recommendations you may provide. Sincerely, Paul Hamblin
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
Paul Thank you for your erudite questions.
That may have been Manley Palmer Hall’s motivation. Also some religions/spiritual procedures dictate this practice at death for that reason.
My book on the OMNIVERSE will address your questions on the soul.
Thank you so much. Alfred 😉
Kerry says
Wow!!!! Let’s get started!!!
Thank you Alfred for all you do xx
Dan Willis says
I am one of the top secret military witnesses that testified in Washington back in 2001 regarding this. I absolutely LOVE it when someone at the level of being a former minister of defense just comes right out and tells the truth like it is! Hon Paul Hellyer said that the US is in grave danger from enemies from within. Essentially saying that a malicious powerful cabal has infiltrated into our legal government, and ever since Eisenhower, has controlled every President up til present day in order to forward their agenda. That they falsely manipulate our perceptions through the media and are responsible for perpetuating ongoing wars, as well as withholding earth saving reverse engineered extraterrestrial technologies. Hearing him say these things affirms that there is a GLOBAL AWAKENING happening right now. And that If enough of us are aware of the truth and have overcome our years of deceptive indoctrination, we can then, as a collective force no longer give the cabal our CONSENT to continue. Enough of us now can see through the deceptions that are becoming more and more transparent to EVERYONE. So what has been previously hidden to the 99.9% of us, is now gaining in awareness, therefore the support that comes from us giving our consent, which was given in the past only by means of deception by this rogue illegal cabal, is now removed. Without that consent, the old false agreed upon reality’s ability to exist rapidly diminishes, as transformation is occurring. A transformation that understands the wisdom of the Golden Rule to everyone. Although this cabal has been trying to hide with secrecy and control our perceptions through all the media and the web in order to hide this truth, the one thing that even the NSA does not have access to is the power of an idea based in truth that is seeded into the collective consciousness that we are all inseparably a part of. Now that the idea has already been seeded, it is propagating, as in the butterfly effect! Learn more at