Part I: Exclusive Interview – Ella Draper & Abe Christie’s testimony on Hampstead pedophilia the UK Court excluded
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Speaking with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre from an undisclosed location in Part I of a wide-ranging interview, Ella Draper & Abraham Christie make public their testimony that the UK Court excluded in the case involving Ella’s children Alisa and Gabriel, whose whistleblowing has led, thanks to the Internet and a growing number of awakened supporters in the UK and worldwide, to the exposure of Hampstead, UK as a pedophile and ritual child sacrifice hub involving the courts and Hampstead municipality including schools, social services, churches, police, and families.
![Abraham and Ella. Before the children’s disclosure on holiday in Morocco. 04.08.14. [Photo Courtesy Ella Draper]](
Abraham and Ella. Before the children’s disclosure on holiday in Morocco. 04.08.14. [Photo Courtesy Ella Draper]
![Gabriel and Alisa. Happy, relieved and healthy after disclosing to us and police, hopeful that their nightmare would soon end. 06.09.14. [Photo Courtesy Ella Draper]](
Gabriel and Alisa. Happy, relieved and healthy after disclosing to us and police, hopeful that their nightmare would soon end. 06.09.14. [Photo Courtesy Ella Draper]
Ella and Abraham’s interview took place on March 20, 2015, the day after the wide publication of Mrs. Justice Pauffley’s decision in “hit pieces” with no independent journalistic critique of the evidence, proceedings or judicial bias in newspapers with known intelligence connections such as the UK Daily Mail and the UK Telegraph. According to one informed source, Justice Pauffley reported leaked her decision to the Daily Mail and the UK Telegraph before releasing her decision to parties and their counsel as well as publicly, and then fled to Israel on a “vacation”.
One independent journalist, Aimee Devlin of CCN Network, remarked of the judgment,
“A court and Judge (and mainstream media channels) have now become complicit in satanic ritual abuse by participating in a widespread Paedophile cover-up.
“The High Court judge ruled that ‘An evil mother tortured her children to make up sickening allegations about a satanic cult based at a primary school in the midst of a seething child contact dispute.’
From the prima facie evidence, Mrs. Justice Pauffley, the Judge brought in to cover up on prior leaks of the pedophile networks such as IN the Hollie Greig case, has been similarly tasked by her superiors here.
Judge Pauffley same judge in the start of the Hollie Greig Case
Undoubtedly there are be multiple grounds for appeal from Mrs. Justice Pauffley’s decision.
Ella & Abraham’s Interview
Ella and Abraham’s interview includes their feelings about the implications of what Ella’s children Alisa and Gabriel have brought to public light about Hampstead being a hub of pedophilia and ritual child sacrifice, up until now protected by the authorities.
Their interview continues with the full story of their discovery of Ella’s children Alisa and Gabriel’s participation in the pedophile and ritual child sacrifice hub at Hampstead through their Father Ricky Dearman; through the Christ Church School and the Hampstead neighborhood.
Ella and Abraham share their experiences, following this discovery with the Police, Social Services, Other State Agencies, the Courts, and the Main Stream Media
Part II of Interview
Ella and Abraham are currently pursuing their legal options including preparation of an appeal from Mrs. Justice Pauffley’s Court decision.
Ella and Abraham and their legal team and supporters are working so that Ella’s children Alisa and Gabriel be placed back with their maternal family including their grandparents, and not be returned by the pedophile enabler Court to either state care or the pedophile Father Ricky Dearman.
Part II of the interview with Ella and Abraham will include: What have your learned from these experiences? What are your plans to rebuild your children’s future? Part II will be released in the near future.
Is There a Masonic Paedophile Ring Terrorising Scotland’s Children? [Hollie Greig Case]
December 12, 2012 By Chris O’Neill
Recommended Reading
“Anonymous” document exposes Hampstead UK School & Municipality as ritual child sex & sacrifice hub
Pedophile Cover-up: Hampstead UK Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids, send mother & legal helper into exile, protect Satanist abuser father
VIDEO – CCN Director Mel Ve: Anonymous Hampstead expose is plausibly real – Citizens must now take action
Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
FBI polygraphers know that undetectable deception is impossible when using a Stoelting Ultrascribe polygraph. Google “The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects”
Che bello vederli sorridere . Bisogna aiutarli , non lasciamoli soli.
I sent the following to the Commisioner of the Metropolitan Police and editors of five British national newspapers, March 31, 2015. I am still awaiting a reply.(April 4, 2015).
To the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and all the other addressees of this mail containing this witness statement: You are all servants of the public charged with both protecting the people of this land, and keeping those people informed of serious matters in the public interest. Your lawful duty to do this overrides any legal considerations you may have. You are called upon to fulfil that obligation.
I have attached The Witness Statement to this mail, as well as copied it here below:
Witness Statement Reporting the Serious Crime of Fraud in a Police Investigation and Court Proceedings Statement made and sent last day of March, year 2015.
I have been made aware of the very serious crime of fraud committed by Mrs Justice Anna Pauffley, a senior judge, Detective Constable Rogers of the Child Abuse Investigation Team at Barnet Police Station and Detective Inspector Cannon, who was in charge of a recent police investigation into child rape and murder in Hampstead, London. This fraud is revealed by Judge Pauffley herself, in her own words, in paragraphs 107. and 108. from her “Care Proceedings: Fact Finding” judgement made public, 19th day of March, year 2015:
107. It is a curious fact that prior to the launch of these proceedings, no police officer had listened to the audio recording made by Jean Clement Yaohirou or watched the film clips of the children. DI Cannon made inquiries at my request to discover that DC Rogers, the member of his team who received the film clips and the audio recording from Mr Yaohirou, had sent them to a property store in Chingford. The focus would appear to have been upon arranging almost immediate ABE interviews.
108. I say no more at this stage than that the police and social services inquiry could have taken an entirely different course if attention had been given to those recordings. At the very least, the questions asked of P and Q at interview would have been directed towards other areas of interest.
The video clips and audio recording Judge Pauffley refers to constituted the entire evidence gathered in ella draper’s and abraham christie’s interviews with ella draper’s two young children. Some of these video clips contain the children’s very detailed descriptions and drawings of distinguishing marks, such as warts, birthmarks, tattoos, piercings, etc. on and around the private parts of the adults named by the children as their attackers.
Jean Clement Yaohirou handed all of this crucial evidence to DC Rogers on September 5th, 2014. The police investigation began the same day, but throughout the investigation no police officer, “…listened to the audio recording made by Jean Clement Yaohirou or watched the film clips of the children” because DC Rogers, of the Child Abuse Investigation Team at Barnet Police Station, “…had sent them to a property store in Chingford.”
Judge Pauffley rightly points out in paragraph 108. of her fact-finding judgement, “…the police and social services inquiry could have taken an entirely different course if attention had been given to those recordings. At the very least, the questions asked of P and Q at interview would have been directed towards other areas of interest.” This was effectively prevented by DC Rogers, who concealed from the investigating teams – both police and social services – throughout the inquiry, ALL of the crucial evidence he had taken possession of at the very beginning of the investigation. Concealing and failing to disclose this evidence was, and is, FRAUD. As you are aware, ignorance is no defence, especially in the case of a police officer in a position of public trust.
Once DC Rogers’s fraudulent act was revealed to Judge Pauffley by DI Cannon, the Judge had no other lawful option but to stop the proceedings, but she continued. Judge Pauffley’s decision to continue with the proceedings knowing full well the police and social services investigations – which formed the basis of those proceedings – were woefully incomplete and criminally compromised, shows wilful contempt for the law by the Judge and served to perpetuate the fraud. Judge Pauffley’s claim( in paragraph 9. of her fact-finding judgement) that the police and social services investigations were “wide-ranging”,
knowing DC Rogers had concealed from them the video clips and audio recording evidence, is also
clearly fraudulent.
Judge Pauffley also failed to remind DI Cannon of his duty to act on this information concerning DC Rogers.
DI Cannon himself, upon realising DC Rogers had concealed vital evidence to the case, chose to do nothing, and made no protest to the Judge that the proceedings should be stopped. In short, he failed to carry out his lawful duty upon realising a fraud had been, and was being, committed – which is aiding and abetting fraud. Unlike the police officers and social services during the investigation, Judge Pauffley WAS able to view “a dozen or so short film clips of the children being questioned by Ms Draper and Mr Christie and listened to the very lengthy audio recording.” However, it seems the Judge did NOT view the video clips containing the children’s detailed descriptions and drawings of the distinguishing marks on and around the private parts of the adults named by the children as their attackers, as she makes no mention of these anywhere in her twenty-page fact-finding judgement.
To reiterate: The incriminating evidence of fraud perpetrated by Judge Pauffley, DC Rogers and DI Cannon is provided by Judge Pauffley herself, in her own words, in paragraphs 107. and 108. of the “Care Proceedings: Fact Finding” judgement, 19 March, 2015. It is in plain sight for all to see. This fraud not only utterly demolishes the validity and credibility of the police and social services investigations, but as her “fact-finding” report was based largely on that investigation, it destroys the validity and credibility of her judgement too. In short, it is nothing more than a mockery of the law, and therefore null and void.
Incomparably more serious are the EFFECTS of this fraud perpetrated by three public servants in high positions of public trust: It has put at further risk of harm the lives of not only ella draper’s children, but the lives of many more children(and adults) in Hampstead and beyond. If the “Distinguishing Marks” and “Drawings” videos had not been concealed from the police, the police interviews of the children would have necessitated questions regarding these distinguishing marks and the names of the individuals the children identified. The investigating officers would have been compelled by law, to require those people named and physically identified by the children, to submit themselves for medical examination in order to be eliminated from the inquiry. However, the police are NOW AWARE of the existence of the “Distinguishing Marks”and “Drawings” videos, so there is NOW nothing to prevent a proper and thorough police investigation being carried out, and those people named by the children can come forward to undergo a medical examination to clear themselves.
Chief Commissioner, you are on notice that the lives of many children are at risk of harm, and you are called upon as a servant of the people of this land, to perform your lawful duty and to investigate those people named and physically identified by the children as their attackers without delay. You are also called upon to investigate the crime of fraud committed by DC Rogers, DI John Cannon and Judge Anna Pauffley, which has now been brought to your attention. What is required now is the safe return of ella draper’s children to her, or her grandparents’ care, the safeguarding of any of the children considered( by a large and growing proportion of the public) to be at risk of harm, and the commencement of a proper investigation into the alleged rape and murder of children in Hampstead, and beyond. As you realise, any “legal” obstacles impeding these requirements are contrary to the law and wishes of the people of this land.
I hold only to that which is lawful, and do not consent to the transmutation of any living beings mentioned in this witness statement (including myself) to that of “legal person” status, or to any legal interpretation of my words whatsoever. All words and combinations of words used in this witness statement carry solely the meaning I intend them to convey, which is to tell the truth to the best of my ability in order to report the crime of fraud detailed above and to bring about an end to the brutalisation, torture, rape and murder of innocents – as I know such things to be contrary to the laws of humanity.
from a conscious living being,
the last day of March, year 2015 contact email address: drifloud
Well said…I hope you sent it!
I sent it 31st March, 2015. Got this reply today passing it off as a complaint:
Dear Drifloud,
Thank you for your e mail received in the Commissioner’s Private Office, which I acknowledge.
I am sorry to read that you have concerns regarding the conduct of Metropolitan Police officers.
I have forwarded your e mail to the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS). They have responsibility for ensuring all complaints regarding the organisation are correctly recorded and responded to in the most appropriate manner.
The DPS will make contact with you in due course, however in the meantime you can contact them by writing to the following address:
DPS Complaints Support Team
22nd Floor
Empress State Building
Lillie Road
Yours sincerely
They could have gone to court they chose not to. Probably didn’t want to hear how torturing these kids and abusing them was wrong and the only ones who are a danger to them is them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am watching the Hampstead case with interest,
and note ex-Detective Sergeant Ray Savage’s professional opinion
that the facts hold water.
I have been exposing Alan Harris,
a duty solicitor in Plymouth,
who blackmails clients into sex,
since 2012.
I was charged under the Public Order Act,
and to make no defence possible,
they advanced 2 of his secretaries
( experienced legal secretaries who meet thugs day-in, day-out ),
who perverted the course of justice
by pretending
they were so terrified of myself,
I could not cross-examine them
( self-representing ).
The Court appointed a lady barrister
with the backbone of a wet sponge,
who never spoke a word to me,
asked 2 empty questions of one secretary,
and none of the second -=
then vanished.
This blatantly rigged court
sets the standard for police / CPS collusion in cover-up.
I will begin fasting in Plymouth shortly,
to raise awareness about abuse of authority,
and the cover-ups that come as standard,
during the General Election.
At some point I will cease drinking,
and I am willing to die.
The system knows the allegations are true,
yet pretends they are false.
That Alan Harris blackmails clients into sex,
is well-known in Plymouth,
but considered ‘normal’.
By dying,
It will up the stakes
towards proving what I say is true.
I know men he has raped,
plus one woman.
I intend that my word be proven true,
because the system
is as vile and odious as Alan Harris.
In fact,
it is worse than Alan Harris,
because the system protects him,
allowing rapes to continue.
Alan Harris is handed boys on a plate,
when he was arrested in a public loo
with a 15 year old boy.
Any sane person
knows this cannot be right,
who will help me expose Alan Harris
and bent Plymouth police?
My Facebook:-
Best wishes,
I have been following this case since the release of the private tapes spoken of in this interview. I must say my impression is that this case is key to making people aware and illustrating it honestly. The cabal systems are collapsing everywhere. I am so grateful that a honest face and voice has been given to this most sad crimes against humanities children. Had their faces been blurred i don’t feel it would have made as big of an impact. You can see in their faces they are honestly telling the truth. Thank you so much. These children are helping countless other children.
It is time to wake up.
Thank you.
I’m attempting to find recent information.. i live in USA, I don’t have a familiarity with anyone and not more than 2 days can go by without me thinking of the amazing kids and extraordinary mom and step dad.., how they can put 1 foot in front of the other is a miracle… can not imagine … last I knew the mom was put in jail and that person was doing some fake award . I will keep looking but you are not forgotten.