Leuren Moret & Laurens Battis: Jesuits behind 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and 2015 Jade Helm to destroy US constitution
How Richmond CA’s Space Preservation Act Resolution can deconstruct the Jesuit-Pope-Obama End Game and create a positive future
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging interview with NewsInsideOut.com’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, Independent scientist Leuren Moret and journalist and military historian Laurens Battis discuss how the Jesuits, ancient Iranian and Roman bloodlines, as well as Zionist interests have coordinated attacks basic freedoms, including freedom of thought and expression, guaranteed on the U.S. constitution.
These have included sustained attacks on the U.S. aimed at destroying the democratic rights of the American people. Attacks have included the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, where Jesuit and Zionist interests in the US acted to defeat Jimmy Carter’s re-election and ensure the election of super-hawk Ronald Reagan.
Jade Helm 2015 False Flag
The Jade Helm 2015 False Flag has included HAARP-Chemtrails WMD weather warfare retaliatory strikes against Texas in retaliation for the Texas governor’s calling out the Texas Guard to monitor Federal troops mobilized for the attempted Jade Helm 2015 occupation of America in contravention of the historic Posse Comitatus act passed in 1878 in the aftermath of the Civil War prohibiting the deployment of Federal troops on the U.S. mainland. It is long documented that the Bauer family fomented the U.S. Civil War.
Texas State Senate Authorizes Gold and Silver as Legal Tender
The HAARP-Chemtrails weather warfare attacks on Texas were also a retaliation against the Texas State Senate having passed on May 26, 2015 HB483 a bill taking a step towards gold and silver as commonly-used legal tender in Texas by an overwhelming 29-2 vote. If passed by the Texas House and signed by the Governor, this would functionally place Texas as the equivalent of a BRICS nation in terms of internal monetary policy, and represent a step toward con-federation with the United States, as the current currency policies of the United States do not permit gold and silver as legal tender.
Adoption of the Texas HB483 allowing gold and silver as legal tender by other states would (1) restore state sovereignty and real wealth of the American people; (2) allow the U.S. government to default on its obligations to the Bauer-family owned Federal Reserve bank without negative real wealth consequences for the real wealth people of the United States.
If other states were to adopt the Texas standard, this could seriously implode the legitimacy of the now bankrupt and Bauer-family controlled Federal Reserve Bank.
Texas-based Members of Congress such as Ron Paul have attempted to end the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (established without a vote during the 1913 Christmas holiday break through Bauer family bribing of then President Woodrow Wilson and other politicians).
SEE: Texas Senate Passes Bill to Establish Bullion Depository, Help Facilitate Transactions in Gold and Silver
How Richmond CA’s Space Preservation Act Resolution can deconstruct the Jesuit-Pope-Obama End Game and create a positive future
Leuren Moret and Laurens Battis also discuss how the adoption on May 19, 2015 of the Space Preservation Act Resolution by the Richmond, CA City Council bans the HAARP-Chemtrails WMD weapons system, the principal system for all modern weather warfare, population and individual limbic system mood and mind control and “Imagineering” false flags, including the false flag of September 11, 2001 and future planned false flags such as “asteroid hits”, extraterrestrial false flag invasions” etc., as well as exopolitical and etheric or “spiritual” warfare.
WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Act and the companion Space Preservation Treaty has established a permanent ban on all space-based weapons, on the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects or persons from or that are in orbit; and the permanent termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of all space-based weapons; and
WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Act, companion to the Space Preservation Treaty, introduced by U.S. Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), requires the U.S. President to continue enforcement of banning space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage persons or objects that are in or from orbit; and
WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Treaty has established an outer space peacekeeping agency to monitor outer space and enforce the permanent ban of space-based weapons. In addition, this legislation serves as a safeguard for targeted individuals who claim to be under assault from weaponry that should be outlawed by the Space Preservation Act.
WHEREAS, the well-being of all residents is of the upmost importance to the City of Richmond.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Richmond hereby supports the Space Preservation Act and companion Space Preservation Treaty, to ensure that individuals will not be targets of space-based weapons.
SOURCE: Richmond, CA City Council Meeting – 5/19/2015 Resolution I-1 passed
Basically, the Space Preservation Act of 2001 (HR2977) [which this reporter personally drafted in August 2001 and which was sent via Dr. Carol Rosin to the office of then Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Dem-OH) who introduced the bill in Oct 2001 when he could not even get into his own Congressional office because of the CIA anthrax threat from the Inside Job false flag of September 11, 2001] prohibits the HAARP-Chemtrails WMD and associated weather warfare and mind control attacks against civilian populations, which are also prohibited by the 1977 Convention Against Environmental Modification and international humanitarian law.
- HR 2977 IH
1 (2)(A) The terms ‘‘weapon’’ and ‘‘weapons sys2
tem’’ mean a device capable of any of the following:
3 (i) Damaging or destroying an object
4 (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or
5 on earth) by—
6 (I) firing one or more projectiles to
7 collide with that object;
8 (II) detonating one or more explosive
9 devices in close proximity to that object;
10 (III) directing a source of energy (in11
cluding molecular or atomic energy, sub12
atomic particle beams, electromagnetic ra13
diation, plasma, or extremely low frequency
14 (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) en15
ergy radiation) against that object; or
16 (IV) any other unacknowledged or as
17 yet undeveloped means.
18 (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or dam19
aging or destroying, a person (or the biological
20 life, bodily health, mental health, or physical
21 and economic well-being of a person)—
22 (I) through the use of any of the
23 means described in clause (i) or subpara24
graph (B); - HR 2977 IH
1 (II) through the use of land-based,
2 sea-based, or space-based systems using
3 radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic,
4 sonic, laser, or other energies directed at
5 individual persons or targeted populations
6 for the purpose of information war, mood
7 management, or mind control of such per8
sons or populations; or
9 (III) by expelling chemical or biologi10
cal agents in the vicinity of a person.
11 (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems
12 such as—
13 (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information
14 weapons;
15 (ii) chemtrails;
16 (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency
17 weapons systems;
18 (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ul19
trasonic weapons;
20 (v) laser weapons systems;
21 (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extra22
terrestrial weapons; and
23 (vii) chemical, biological, environmental,
24 climate, or tectonic weapons. - HR 2977 IH
1 (C) The term ‘‘exotic weapons systems’’ in2
cludes weapons designed to damage space or natural
3 ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper at4
mosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems
5 with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction
6 upon a target population or region on earth or in
7 space.
Legal impact of the Richmond CA Resolution
Under natural law principles, international humanitarian law principles, state law principles, municipal law principles, the NWO actors, including the U.S. government and co-conspirators in the international war crimes racketeering organizations such as the Bauer family, who are using the HAARP WMD weapons system to create the following war crimes and crimes against humanity are banned and must immediately cease:
- California drought;
- Personal and mass population foot-print wide mood and limbic mind control in California
- All weather warfare in continental United States
- Personal and mass population foot-print wide mood and limbic mind control in continental United States
Enforcement of the Richmond CA City Council Resolution can be by any municipality, State, National or International entity passing the Resolution, by the International Criminal Court, and by the Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal or other common law body.
How to get your City Council to pass the Richmond CA Resolution
Leuren Moret and Laurens Battis discuss how you can get your City Council or other local authority to pass the Richmond CA Resolution. Here are the necessary tools:
- Chemtrails Defined As Exotic Weapon in Space Preservation Act of 2001 – HR 2977
- City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents
- VIDEO: Richmond City Council ban spaced-based weapons
- Space Preservation Act of 2001 – Official Text
- Is Texas Under Attack By The U.S. Government For Resisting Jade Helm? “Weather Warfare Right Before Our Very Eyes”
By Leuren Moret
Community Environmental Advisory Commission*
May 17, 2005
Berkeley is the only city in the United States with its own Foreign Policy
PHOTO: (left to right)
Geri and Alfred Webre Jr., Mayor Lisa Barrett, and Leuren Moret, City of Berkeley Environmental
Commissioner, on Bowen Island, British Columbia April 10, 2005.Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin survived a razor-thin vote of confidence on May 17, 2005, when the House of Commons voted 152-152 on a confidence vote which put his minority government in peril (1). It survived by a single vote when the Parliament speaker gave the minority government its one-vote victory. “It is the first time in Canadian history that a speaker has broken a tie on a confidence vote”(1). Martin said after the vote: “The margin of tonight’s vote is very narrow – indeed that is an understatement.” (1)
A few months earlier, Canadian citizens opposed to a secret National Missile Defense (NMD) agreement between Prime Minister Paul Martin and President George Bush, forced Martin to reverse the agreement contributing to a crisis in his minority government. After the Berkeley City Council had passed a resolution in 2002, “ENDORSING THE SPACE PRESERVATION ACT AND COMPANION SPACE PRESERVATION TREATY TO PERMANENTLY BAN THE WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE” (2), the historic resolution swept through cities in Canada and helped gather thousands of signatures opposing Canada joining NMD. When citizens appeared in the Canadian Parliament with piles of paper covered with thousands of signatures, Martin was forced to reverse his secret agreement with Bush and the Canadian government rejected NMD.
For several years I had wanted to personally thank the Mayor of Bowen Island, the first municipality in the world to adopt the Berkeley resolution. In the summer of 2002, with the help of Vancouver lawyer Alfred Webre Jr., we created the space preservation resolution (2), which was introduced by Berkeley City Councilmember Dona Spring, and passed by the Berkeley City Council on September 10, 2002. The resolution was inspired when I read the language of the bill and the “definitions” of weapons intended for space as described in HR 2977 (3), the “Space Preservation Act of 2001”, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich:
– Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)—
– directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object [individual or targeted populations];
– through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; (3)
When I seemed incredulous that these weapons were even possible to develop, Kucinich, a member of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, assured me that these weapons exist and “those people who control them are deadly serious and intend to use them if we don’t stop the weaponization of space…”. That was the moment when I decided to do something about stopping it. I had no idea what to do and it seemed overwhelming but the idea of a resolution seemed like a good first step.
Just a month ago, in early April I was traveling by bus to Vancouver to meet with Lisa Barrett, the Mayor of Bowen Island. Sitting on the bus from Seattle and reading a pile of Canadian newspapers, I was alarmed to learn that right on the heels of the NMD fiasco, Martin’s Liberal Party government was embroiled in a corruption scandal. The opposition insisted he no longer had enough support to govern, which threatened a government crisis (1). I was unaware of the impact the Berkeley resolution had on the Canadian decision to reject NMD, and how it tied into the minority government crisis. But a few days later during my visit to Bowen Island, I discovered just what role the Berkeley resolution had played in Canadian Foreign Policy.
On Sunday, April 10, 2005, Alfred Webre Jr., his vibrant wife Geri, and I traveled by ferry from Vancouver to meet and thank Bowen Island Mayor Lisa Barrett. The ferry trip was beautiful through the mists of the inland passage and deep fjords of British Columbia (BC), and I was especially excited to finally meet Mayor Barrett. Bowen Island is a town much like Berkeley, with an interesting mixture of writers, artists, musicians, lots of bicycles, and a progressive flavor to the political landscape. We met in an art gallery where a local artist was having an exhibit, and together we nibbled on the artist’s homemade gingerbread cookies while mingling with citizens and artists. I even talked physics with another city council member.
A tall slim blonde and young mother, Mayor Barrett was very pleased to hear that Berkeley had adopted the Kyoto Protocol (4). She pointed out that even though the Canadian government had already signed on, it was still necessary that locally, towns like Bowan Island must also make efforts to meet the standards. She firmly stated it is even more important for cities like Berkeley to act when the US government refuses to be a signator to the Kyoto protocol. It was energizing and exciting to know that, even though we are on different sides of the border, citizens of Canada and the United States can work together, and that our collective impact leads to positive change. We can learn from each other by implementing and sharing our ideas on issues such as energy choices, divesting pension funds from weapons manufacturers, stopping the US Navy from shooting depleted uranium weaponry in US and Canadian coastal waters, and sharing information about the spider web relationships between US and Canadian corporations. She told us that the US Navy is shooting depleted uranium weapons into the waters around Nanaimo, poisoning their fisheries just as they did around Seattle and in California. Lockheed Martin Marietta has bought a controlling interest in the ferry systems of BC, privatizing an essential public transportation system – and raising the cost of the services.
The very next day, during an interview Afred and I had on CO-OP radio CFRO 102.7 FM (5) in Vancouver with Gail Davidson, co-founder of Lawyers Against War (6), we discussed the extent of Canadian government pension fund investments in US weapons manufacturers and the Carlyle Group (the Bushes, Bin Ladens etc.). Gail exposed BC pension fund (British Columbia Investment Management Corp. – BCIMC) and local Vancouver city pension fund investments and involvement in US corporations and weapons manufacturers. This interview helped Vancouver listeners focus on the issue, which quickly became a push for pension fund weapons divestment as part of their main election this month, driven by the labor unions. As of March 31, 2004, investments were estimated to be $4.6 billion in 251 companies that provide goods and services to the US Department of Defense or are otherwise involved in military production (7). Missiles (17 kinds), bombs (16 types), and bullets (300-500 million per year by SNC-Lavalin alone) are produced for the US Armed Forces by Canadian corporations (7).
Vancouver antiwar activists said in an April 26 letter (7) to NDP leader Carole James “What this means is that every nurse, physiotherapist, floor cleaner, and pharmacist in every hospital in the B.C. health care system, every kindergarten teacher, college instructor and university professor, every city worker, garbage collector, computer programmer, firefighter, ferry worker, B.C. transit driver, ICBC employee, B.C. Hydro worker – in fact, virtually every municipal and provincial public sector employee – is involuntarily supporting the US invasion and occupation, because of decisions taken behind closed doors by the BCIMC.”
US war crimes and the use of illegal weapons such as depleted uranium (8) was also a top concern. Gail described how she had filed a lawsuit against Bush in a Vancouver court (6). This action discouraged and impacted his visit to Canada, and he did not visit the Canadian Parliament nor make any public appearances except in a small town in eastern Canada – for a photo op with the media. She was a party to a second lawsuit filed in Germany charging Rumsfeld with war crimes, preventing Rumsfeld from visiting Europe in February 2005 with Bush and Rice (6).
This trip to Canada made me realize that the need for citizen oversight and participation in local government is greater than ever before. Many things that we see happening locally such as election fraud are actually broader trends, the result of global corporatization and militarization. The vast looting of pension funds began about 8 years ago and will continue until we stop it. Enron was just the beginning and CalPERS, the California state government workers pension fund, is in the crosshairs now for privatization and looting. The extent of pension fund investment in the US military industrial complex is shocking. We are actually unknowingly supporting and benefiting from wars we oppose. Divesting from weapons of death takes the profit out of war. Subtle implementation of police state policies – such as RFID tags in the Berkeley library – must be stopped. There are many things that can be done locally and through “cross fertilization” of ideas across borders. We are the only ones who can make this happen… and it can start with something as simple as a Berkeley resolution, Canadian paper ballots, and a determined citizen lawyer.
1. “Canada’s Minority Government Survives Vote” by B. Duff-Brown, AP, May 19, 2005.
2. “The Berkeley Space Resolution Story” by Leuren Moret , Institute for Cooperation in Space, September 26, 2002.http://www.peaceinspace.com/ed_berkeley.shtml
Local Resolution (2002): http://www.peaceinspace.com/sp_local.shtml
Space Preservation Treaty (2005):http://www.peaceinspace.com/sp_treaty.shtml
3. HR 2977 (2001) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?c107:chemtrails
4. Kyoto-USA
5. CO-OP Radio CFRO 102.7 FM: http://www.coopradio.org/
6. “Are Bush and co. war criminals? Some lawyers claim the US is guilty of crimes against humanity” by C. Smith, Georgia Straight, April 7-14, 2005.http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=9324
7. “Carr Raps War Stocks” by C. Smith, Georgia Straight, May 12-18, 2005.http://www.straight.com/backissues.cfm?id=265&issue=1951
8. “What is depleted uranium?” by L. Smith and N. Diebenow, Lone Star Iconoclast, May 11, 2005.
“A scientific perspective: Interview with Leuren Moret” http://www.iconoclast-texas.com/News/19news03.htm
“A military perspective: Interview with Major D. Rokke PhD”
“A survivor’s perspective: Interview with Melissa Sterry”http://www.iconoclast-texas.com/News/19news05.htm
* (for identification purposes)
SOURCE: Berkeley 2002 Resolution Sweeps Through Canada
Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal
“H.A.A.R.P. Season,” HAARP Patents and the military and political philosophies of their application.
“Psyop 101,” breakdown of mechanisms brought to bear as the United States attempted to build Ukraine into an effective lever to open the Soviet Union.
“The Three Secret Meetings,” Vienna, Verona, Chieri, that set the Global Course we are experiencing now. http://leurenmoret.info/currents/jesuitstemplars-origins-/the-three-secret-meetings.html
“The Old, New, Endless War,” a primer on what drives this endless cycle of carnage. http://leurenmoret.info/currents/editorial-page/the-old-new-endless-war.html
US Navy Wants to Bomb Pagan Island, Obliterating Rare Wildlife
Canada’s Indigenous Group Rejects $960Mln Payment For Building Gas Terminal
Malaysia’s Oil and Gas Giant Petronas Threatens To Cancel $10 Billion Project In Canada
Recommended Reading
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Fukushima polar vortex radiation in USA exceeds 2-3 times for evacuation
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VIDEO – PART II – Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda
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Leuren Moret: Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves world from $collapse
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VIDEO – Leuren Moret: Jesuit-controlled Obama/US authorizes nuclear attack on Donetsk (Ukraine)
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Leuren Moret: NWO Antichrist figure arises in Greece. Depopulation in USA, Serbia, New Zealand, Canada. Putin’s role: Collapse Western economy
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
The US Constitution works as a snare. It grants power to mankinds’s laws. The President made the law that he serves as the executor of the ESTATES of all U.S. Citizens. The Congress concurs in HR 3474 Reigle Community Development and Regulatory Improvements Act of 1994 (US Codification of the new World Order and the monetary system backed by human DNA). The President appoints the US Attorney General to serve as the “Custodian” over the ESTATES. He places the bodies of men in ‘custody’. The executor (The President) and the Custodian (USAG) and the US Congress appoint the judges and they are Registered agents with laws they must follow and commissions received. Those laws constitute human trafficking and the law says they ‘make up the law as they go and send all funds to “(The Fund” as described in the securities documents.. The judges are instructed to make it all up as they go adopting, dismissing, altering or whatever they want…. as written in mankind’s laws. They assume to own your DNA and all fixtures, attachments, derivatives and futures. They usurp all your time, energy and intellect at the point of the spark of life and have patented the same as their own securities interests..
THE ONE and the ONLY law that will save man is the Supreme Law, and The Supreme Trust resulting from the Word of God as Ordained by the Supreme Power and the Supreme Authority. You are Granted Dominion and you must acknowledge, validate, accept and claim you Birth Rites and Noble Inheritance or they will consider it abandoned or forfeited to them by default of mankind’s laws.
Juan says
Yes…but man…nobody put in these monumental pictures God and Jesus whom created earth and humans…….just wait a little bit more and all we will see….marvelous!
Mark says
Ms. Lauren Moret: Question/Opinion…. LarouchePAC is so pro Reagan / Clinton / FDR Administrations historically; while they are in full court press on “Joining the BRICS…. How does their agenda relate to this report about the Jesuits? Friend or Foe in taking down the Jesuits? Please advise…
Webcast Series here: Latest on Friday sums it up quite wel.
Mark says
Also… If the top level control has been and is out of Iran…. Why such a big push to take crontrol of their banks? Mis-direction? Other?
Jimmy says
God please,… stop this madness,… & remove all of these monsters from our planet,… Now. Thanks,…
Gary Carlson says
I just want to let you know your 2 guests Leuren Moret & Laurens Battis are qualified for ascension, which makes them good people to listen too. http://www.icheckyoursoul.com/
Jarumir Khan says
The best protection in the moment against the HAARP and Chemtrails !
By it and I hope you will see the blue skay again !
Only youse LAN on your computers and dont youse your digital phone again, no WIFI ! And Blue touch tecnologies, no I pots, and other digital transmitters. ( our brain have multi dimensional skalar energie and transmits the information also inside the universe ! also no televisions, because they have manipulated all televisions from analog to digital. They can see you in all details !
Xours Jarumir Khan
Orgonite healing devices or orgone generators Orgone Zappers and Hulda Clark Zappers
Orgonite from Orgonise Africa. More than 100,000 Orgonite devices shipped wordwide since 2002….
Jarumir Khans Foto.
Leuren says
Thank you very much for the information you have given us in your comment. Nothing is as we think it is, it’s mostly the reverse. I will study the content of your comments and remind people that they must act on their own behalf and demand what is theirs.
Thank you so much – Leuren
Leuren says
It took me a long time to figure out what LaRouche really is. I discovered that he is from a Huguenot family like mine, and he was good on some things like his book “DOPE INC.” but I could not figure out why he was so pro-nuclear power. Then one day when I was investigating the Jesuits, I learned that he is Jesuit trained and owned. So LaRouche and is organization cover up and conceal the dirty agenda of the Jesuits and the ancient Iranian bloodline families who rule the world. The Jesuits have been planning to destroy America since before the American Revolution. Now they have it in their clutches and are tearing America into shreds along with the Constitution.
Leuren says
The top level that controls and created the Jesuits are the ancient Iranian bloodlines that originated in the Uzbek and Tajik tribes of C. Asia. They are finished with the western economy, stripping it down and harvesting all the wealth, the librairies and other things of value, and genociding the people. The new economy they are building is Russia centric, with a new BRICS banking system, and weapons of mass destruction so powerful they can wage warfare against humanity with HAARP (a frequency weapon that utilizes energy in natural processes) creating natural disasters artificially triggered (SumatraKobe/Fukushima earthquakes, rogue waves that have caused over 200 commercial ships to disappear in the last 30 years – eliminate competition, control elections etc. w HAARP mind control frequencies, bankrupt nations nearly overnight (Ukraine), and cause volcanic eruptions etc.
The top Uzbek bloodlines have created a victim population with the Tajiks by putting them into ghettos and pogroms and converting them to a false Judaism based on the Kabbalah and Talmud – books from magic and satanic cults in Mesopotamia. The Tajiks, mistakenly thought to be Jews by the public, carry out the rotten Uzbek agendas and then get blamed as the Jews who caused all the trouble. Meanwhile the Uzbeks walk away with everything, genocide the victim populations, and leave a scorched and poisoned earth behind. This cycle of plant, harvest, and kill has been going on for over 5000 years. Thank you Leuren