NewsInsideOut report: A global Extinction Level false flag event is underway under the Meme “September 23, 2015” lasting until Oct. 11-12, 2016, challenging the positive timeline
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In the course of reporting on Jade Helm 15, an apparent martial law drill exercise of the U.S. government, has discovered what appears to be an attempted global Extinction Level false flag event that is operating under the Meme “September 23, 2015” designed to last until Oct. 2016, and presenting a challenge to the positive timeline that has reportedly supplanted a catastrophic timeline in our Earth’s timeline hologram as of December 21, 2012.
“Sept. 23, 2015”: Challenge to the positive timeline?
The “Sept. 23, 2015” year-long false flag is reportedly designed by its controllers to be a near Extinction Level event. However, the Positive Timeline Equation [Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness] is thought to have supplanted and overcome an out-dated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective, even if applied in the dimensional ecology by duality consciousness controllers like Dracos and Orion greys, renegade Anunnakis, and demonic Luciferic interdimensional entities behind the “Sept. 23, 2015” event:
Problem + Reaction = Solution[1]
“Sept. 23, 2015” is code
“Sept. 23, 2015” is code for a dimensional ecology year-long event whose memes are embedded in Illuminati cards, movies, TV, media, music, Bible Prophecy (Rapture), “Ascension”, CERN demonic portals, ET invasion/false flag, killer asteroids, Jade Helm, Georgia Guidestones depopulation to 500 million humans, One World Religion, Peace & Security, Antichrist, Second Coming, with the principal upper theatre archetypes being the Pope [Whore of Babylon], USA (Obama) & UK (Crown) [Two-Headed Beast] , UN/EU [Seven-Headed, Ten Horned Beast] and King of the North [Russia/Putin].
False flag duration: September 23, 2015 to October 11-12, 2016
The initial phase of the “Sept. 23, 2015” global level false flag is scheduled for a Sept. 22-28, 2015 period around the final Tetra Lunar Eclipse of 2014-15 [9/28/15], initiating a “Peace & Security” phase of the false flag. The final phase of the false flag is scheduled for a year later, technically on the Jewish Day of Atonement 2016 (October 11-12, 2016)
Hidden controllers behind “Sept. 23, 2015” false flag year
The “September 23, 2015” [Jewish Day of At-One-Ment] False Flag was planned principally in the 4th and 3rd consciousness densities along an old catastrophic timeline and is being implemented by the following a consortium of controllers still in Duality Consciousness. has previously reported that the hidden controllers of humanity that have set up the Jews as a tribal ethnicity of social patsies or mind-controlled collectives for Tetrad Lunar cointelpro-like events include the Saturn-Moon mind control Matrix, under the control of the descendants of the Giants crypto-terrestrials originally from the planet Marduk (nor the asteroid belt), and now settled in the rings of Saturn, Mars, Earth’s moon and Earth itself.[2]
Hidden controllers of the “September 23, 2015” false flag year can also be classified from the ranks of such documented controller classes as Dracos, Orion Greys, Anunnaki, Ancient Vampire Illuminati, Zionist Illuminati, Jesuits, Bankers, Monarchies, Coneheads, operatives of VatLonUSA, the three-city-state Empire of the Vatican-City of London-Washington, District of Columbia [founded 1871].[3]
Illuminati Skull & Bones Shill John Kerry on “September 23, 2015”
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, a Yale school mate of this reporter and member of Skull & Bones [2nd Chapter of the Bavarian Illuminati, established at Yale University in 1776 to subvert to American republic to Illuminati designs] was apparently tasked by the “September 23, 2015” controllers to stage the public announcement of the end-date, or “Mass Kill Date” of the year long false flag, which is the Jewish Day of Atonement 2015 Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015), or 500 days from the public statement made in the company of the French Foreign Minister who served as Kerry’s spokesperson for the Illuminati “September 23, 2015” coded announcement.
“500 Days” Until Climate Chaos (May 14, 2014 To September 23, 2015)
Is “Climate Chaos” code for “September 23, 2015” false flag event?
French Foreign Minister & John Kerry
Design of the False Flag: Peace & Security (Sept. 23, 2015) to Mass Human Execution/Depopulation (September 23, 2015)
By this analysis, an unsuspecting human population is “sucked in” by a Peace & Security Series of Global TV events on Sept. 22-28, 2015 as follows:
September 23, 2015: Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio (Whore of Babylon prophecy code] meets with President Obama in White House (One Head of Two Headed Beast prophecy code);
September 24, 2015: Pope Francis Bergoglio (Whore of Babylon prophecy code] speaks as First Pope in U.S. Congress (One Head of Two Headed Beast prophecy code);
September 25, 2015: Pope Francis Bergoglio (Whore of Babylon prophecy code] addresses the UN General Assembly ahead of the Post 2015 Summit;
September 28, 2015: Fourth and Last Tetra Lunar eclipse 2014-15
Beginning of the ‘Organization of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda[4]
According to the false flag plan, it can be deduced, a second Mass Planetary Human Execution/Depopulation occurs on Oct. 11-12, 2016, timed for Yom Kippur or the Jewish Day of Atonement in 2016.
In accordance with Jewish beliefs, acts committed against “Goyim” or non-believers on Yom Kippur are forgiven in the eyes of the Jewish God.
Mass Planetary Depopulation while Elites go to Mars Colonies?
The planned year long false flag event, around which the U.S. government Jade Helm martial law drill is designed, may take various forms. The holographic projection, crisis actor, and managed mainstream media technologies perfected in prior false flag events such as the JFK assassination (Nov. 22, 1963); 9/11 (September 11, 2001); Hurricane Katrina (Aug. 29, 2005); Hurricane Sandy (Oct. 22, 2012); Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012) are reportedly to be applied in creating any one or more of the following “events”.
(A) Dimensionally engineered Asteroid collision or “Planet X-Nibiru” false flag event[5];
(B) HAARP and directed energy weapon intentional Yellowstone seismic detonation warfare[6],
(C) CERN Dimensional Hell Chaos[7]
(D) False Flag ET “Invasion” or False Flag ET “Disclosure”
See also: PROJECT BLUE BEAM The technology of the September 23, 2015 Jade Helm year-long false flag explained?
The New World Order And Project Blue Beam
Under cover of this “false flag” human Elites are evacuated to the secret Mars colonies operated by the Mars Colony Corporation once overseen by U.S. Vice President and David Rockefeller and Council on Foreign Relations darling Richard B. Cheney, another Yale schoolmate of this reporter who flunked out of Yale as a sophomore.[8]
Hidden controller asset Jon Stewart, who announced his retirement “unexpectedly” from Comedy Central earlier in 2015 in coordination with the September 23, 2015 year long false flag, recently announced the Elite Mars colony escape through a comedy meme sketch on the Daily Show with a Yale graduate John Hodgman comedian.
Jon Stewart & John Hodgman, The Daily Show – 2015: Mars-A Space Gated Community
Misdirection & Code
As with other major false flags of the 20th & 21st Centuries (September 11, 2001 – “9/11”), for example, the hidden controllers have embedded coded public notice of this false flag in memes around Illuminati cards, movies, TV, media, music, Bible Prophecy (Rapture), “Ascension”, CERN demonic portals, ET invasion/false flag, killer asteroids, Jade Helm, Georgia Guidestones depopulation to 500 million humans, One World Religion, Peace & Security, Antichrist, and Second Coming of Christ.
The Illuminati know what is coming September 22-28, 2015
Besides the Illuminati cards, some of which explicitly refer to the “September 23, 2015” false flag year, the “September 23, 2015” meme is embedded in numerous popular movies [“Evan Almighty”; “Ghostbusters”; “Knowing”; “Tomorrowland”; “Deep Impact [Black President]”;”Left Behind”;”Gone Girl”;”Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”;”The Number 23”; ], TV shows [“3rd Rock from the Sun”; “LOST’; “NCIS’], toys [LEGO Dimensions (CERN)], Music [Beyonce’; Miley Cyrus] and news media memes [“Climate chaos”].
Renee M has created a 4-part video analysis of the “September 23, 2015” false flag that readers may want to watch at their leisure. Readers may want to view this informative series discounting Renee M’s personal belief system in the “Rapture”, which does not critically affect the integrity of her research as to the reality of the “September 23, 2015” false flag.[9]
Readers are recommended to watch the 14:33 video [BELOW] by Renee M summarizing some of her evidence. Renee M states that there is a second planned false flag event for October 11-12 Yom Kippur, 2016.
Renee M. An asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015 – you have been warned!!!
How will the Positive Timeline & Unity Consciousness Equation deconstruct the “September 23, 2015” false flag?
A May 5, 2015 Panel addresses the issue of whether and how the Positive Timeline & Unity Consciousness Equation deconstruct the “September 23, 2015” false flag.
Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Lunar Eclipse global false flag for Jade Helm, Pope, Congress, Obama, UN Post 2015 “Development Agenda”?
Jade Helm: Monetary Reset; Yellowstone Seismic Warfare, Nibiru Flyby Psyop, ET False Flag Invasion?
The Panel discusses what form a false flag may take as correlated to the apparent Jade Helm – 15 attempted U.S. government American people’s domestic pacification program patterned on the Phoenix Program in Vietnam 1967-1974. [Please see Appendix A for a list of research resources on Jade Helm – 15].
The Panel discusses a number of alternatives, including a Monetary reset; a seismic warfare setting off of the Yellowstone Caldera (for which there is prima facie evidence of a secret program[6]); a Nibiru Flyby (for which there are meme videos now circulating on the Internet predicting a “Nibiru asteroid collision for September 24, 2015[7]); a false flag extraterrestrial invasion, such as that leaked by Operation Paperclip scientist Dr. Wernher von Braun to Dr. Carol Rosin. [Werner von Braun & Dr. Carol Rosin: False Flag Wars and Exopolitics,
According to Panelist Peter Kling’s book, You can Survive Armageddon, at this time, by adopting an alpha state of consciousness, individuals and groups access a positive timeline and exit a catastrophic timeline established by the controllers of the false Matrix in which Earth has been a captive.[11]
According to Panel member Alfred Lambremont Webre, the operation of the Positive Future Equation in the time space hologram of Earth’s 3rd and 4th density itself deconstructs any such false flags that may have been constructed by false Matrix forces under conditions of Duality Consciousness (“I win/You Lose”) along an obsolete catastrophic timeline no longer operational after December 21, 2012.
The Positive Future Equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A 27 page paper explaining it origin and operation in more detail and in four languages can be accessed at
Some observers are contending that the positive holographic timeline did not enter into operation on [or about] December 21, 2012, and that the catastrophic timeline is still operating dominantly and will continue to do so until 2017.
That view appears by the evidence to be flawed. For an extended discussion of the evidence, please see Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
“It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
What can you/we do proactively to expose & deconstruct the September 23, 2015 year long Extinction Level false flag?
We now know that the Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
- We can Acknowledge the September 23, 2015 event as a false flag publicly, learn about it, share about with family, friends, and networks, create chat groups, personal groups, teaching groups and support groups to share about it and all its dimensions;
- We can support researchers, independent media, public groups, and others who speak out against the September 23, 2015 false flag operation and not allow assassination attempts; shilling; cointelpro; use of frequency weapons against them and their family members for attempted intimidation;
- We can bear Personal Witness before, on, and after the initial days of the events that they are the September 23, 2015 false flags;
- We can reach out to public officials of all levels of all nations and make them aware of the September 23, 2015 – October 16, 2015 false flag;
- We can vote into office public officials who vote against and are committed to expose false flag operations and overturn laws based on false flag operations, such as the Patriot Act (USA) and Bill C-51 (Canada);
- We can hold Silent Vigils (so they cannot be infiltrated by provocateurs) in public places and Common Law Tribunals presenting the evidence, prosecuting and sentencing the perpetrators of the September 23, 2015 False Flag event;
- We can meditate and pray and ask for interdimensional and Divine intervention to deconstruct this planned false flag event of the Dark forces to coopt as many souls as possible and impose tyranny on Earth.
- More…
BBS Radio taken off-air as James Gilliland & Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss September 23, 2015 Jade Helm False Flag
Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Lunar Eclipse global false flag for Jade Helm, Pope, Congress, Obama, UN Post 2015 “Development Agenda”?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Peter Kling: 2014-2021 “Tribulation” & Positive Timeline. Does Christ return with a decloaking of the Universe fleet?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
BuzzSaw’s Sean Stone interviews Laura Eisenhower & NewsInsideOut’s Alfred Lambremont Webre on Positive Timeline & Secret Mars Colony
Positive Timeline may result in the election in 2016 of a Positive US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification:
VIDEO: Alfred Lambremont Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 Federal Reserve fiat US Petrodollar collapse through BRICS into Sovereignty and planetary Golden Age
This planned and unsuccessful 2015 (or so) $dollar collapse is actually one of the functional components of the Jesuit-Matrix depopulation plan that includes Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, GeoEngineering, Wars, planned financial collapse and the Transhumanist Agenda, all orchestrated along a catastrophic timeline that is no longer operative in our time-space hologram.
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial
[1] Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
- “It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
- Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
[2] David Wilcock: Descendants of Giant species are the High Cabal and hidden controllers of humanity, can appear as Homo Capensis
See also: Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller?
[3] Where does evil come from? Paul Levy: Our Wetiko (Archonic) mass epidemic of malignant egophrenia can destroy or awaken humanity
Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda
Leuren Moret: Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves world from $collapse
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda
Nibiru Planet X Arrival Date September 24, 2015
Expert: Obama will bring ET false flag invasion
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
GEORGE: 6 billion ETs, laser safety net, assist in Earth dimensional ascension through 3rdD, 4thD to 5thDimension/Density
“GEORGE” Interdimensional ET: “We are helping in your frequency ascension through Contactees, Psychics, and talk show hosts”
Peter Kling: 2014-2021 “Tribulation” & Positive Timeline. Does Christ return with a decloaking of the Universe fleet?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Letters to Earth, You Can Survive Armageddon! [Kindle Edition]
By Peter Kling
[4] Organization of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda,
[5] See Renee M. An asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015 – you have been warned!!! [In body of article]
[6] Jade Helm Environmental State Terror Event?
Yellowstone Secret Eruption Program
[7] CERN – GUARD AND PROTECT YOUR SOUL & SOUL POWER – From a Friend: “Have you seen this explanation regarding what the CERN collider is all about? Could put a new slant on what Jade Helm is all about and the internment camps. This man says he experienced dark matter as a weapon. If the world is turned crazy with this plan, then They have their justification for moving in.”
False Flag ET invasion/ET Disclosure – Predictive Programming – State Farm Insurance Ad
[8] VIDEO – Roundtable with USMCss Capt Randy Cramer & UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation
Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity with Mars elite DNA colony
[9] Renee M, The Illuminati know what is coming September 22-28, 2015 (Part 1 of 4)
stevor says
This is so wacko that it’s almost funny.
I have a couple of related suggestions, though. For one, if somebody(thing) wants to save the world, the best way to do it would to nuke DC, the City of London, and the Vatican.
For two, if the elites are thinking of a trip to Mars, have them come to me and I’ll put them in my “special spacecraft” that I’ll launch them to “Mars” in.
Larry says
I agree with you except you forgot the most important one, Israel.
Vatican = religious control, London = financial control, DC = military control, Israel = legislative control & media
Whitewraithe says
Your first suggestion is absolutely brilliant and I concur forthwith.
However, I thought this article was pretty nutty myself until another website posted this article on June 16, 2015. It is basically indicating the same predictions yet from an alternate perspective.
Luis Magno says
This predicted September 23, 2015 to October 11/12, 2016 year long NWO false-flag event overlapping the US Presidential campaign makes the New Paradigm concept of a “grassroots” collective US Presidential campaign and political organization a logical and common sense material imperative of, by and for the awakening American people and nation. ~ Adelante ~
Gary Carlson says
What you are missing is during that time Sept 2015 to Oct. 2016 the brown dwarf star (planet X) comes and wrecks or cleanses the Earth, killing maybe 20% of the people, that’s what they are hiding. You can prepare though get away from the coast and store over 3 months supply of food, water and other supplies like medicine and about 15 gallons of gas for your car in case you need to move.
Gary Carlson says
With the pendulum, I get a mile wide asteroid will hit the Atlantic ocean in Nov.2015, the brown dwarf star (planet X) comes into the kill zone April 2016 to June 2016 and about 20% of the people will be killed, you’ll see it in Feb. 2016, so get away from the coast before that time. I also get Jade Helm will only be a drill, Yellowstone will not erupt, nothing important will happen with Cern and Mars people will not be replacing humanity. Ascension or Rapture will start on 2017/9/21 and go till 2025/2/25 people will ascend one by one, oldest souls 1st and get 2 hours warning to say goodbye to loved ones.
buzz says
just watched your talk with peter k. – what a great conversation.
please make it a habit to talk, the 2 of u, like once a month…
and add zen gardner to a talk of that kind… will be very cool.
thank u. x
Exopolitics Hungary says
Thank you very much!
Lord Stephan says
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Steve Fletcher says
I was led to share this with you today… study to show yourself approved unto God!
The NWO will be in 2016 (216) , when 240 years of Illuminati are met ( 24 means to cycle to a new one (NWO ) )
When they met 120 years , the Illuminati held the “First Modern Olympic Games ” , since it is related to ” Prometheus and the fire of knowledge ,” which is a representation of Lucifer giving Knowledge.
THE ANTICHRIST / LUCIFER rule in 2016 , will have one triangle/or Solar Symbol on his forehead and held his dominance in the Olympics, ” RIO 2016 ” , WHICH HAS A STATUE OF CHRIST IN REMEMBRANCE
But actually represents the comming of the Antichrist.
The End Times starts in SEPTEMBER 23 2015, when the Pope goes to America .
Parravicini , Argentina Prophet said :
The Pope will move away from the Vatican in travel and come to America , while humanity will fall.
The Cross Ash, is a “SOLAR SYMBOL” (Pagan)
The Vatican loves the Sun and the Egyptian symbols, and the Sun = 666 in Hidden Knowledges, (As Magic Squares).
The Jesus they are showing us is a Antichrist, is Lucifer, because it has the mark (Sun) on his head, and everybody is worshiping
Jesus They are showing us is a copy of Apollo and Lucifer.
Apollo is a God of great beauty and perfection (as Lucifer), his animal symbol is the snake.
It is also considered: “The Light of Truth and Knowledge”
Update: If each letter of the alphabet we give a value of 9 (number compared to the Sun)
A = 9, B = 18, C = 27, etc.
We got these results
Jesus = 666
Lucifer = 666
Messiah = 666
The Vatican is overlaid with gold, symbolically, Gold represents the “Sun”
Jesus was not born on December 25th, they made it up because the December 25 ceremony is the “Sol Invictus” (Sun Born)
Update 2: MARK OF THE BEAST (666) = Sun
Antichrist = False Jesus of Christians
The attack is 9/11 reference Apollyon = (APOLLO) (Rev 9:11)
Which is the Antichrist
9 = Sun
11 = CYCLE SOLAR (Years)
Apollo 11 = 9/11
Etc, etc …..
VICARIUS FILII DEI = 666 (Roman numerals)
The Pope is the only one who can change the divine laws, he is considered “God on earth”, but is frowned upon as the only was Jesus
Update 3: Vatican and the Pope are the Paganizan Jesus, trying to turn it into a Sun God, and World Wide rule, politically and economically
144,000 Jews chosen / 666 =
216,216 216 216….etc (216 = 6x6x6)
-Verso 216 Rev Revelation 13: 4
“And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast”
144.00 these men Jews had “the name of his father (Jehovah)” on his forehead. (666)
Update 4: Jehovah is a Demiurge “SOLAR” (hence shines Triangle Eye) (Based on “Ra”, the creator of the World, is a Solar Demiurge, Copy Genesis
Jehovah also has 216 letters in his 72 NAMES
216 = 6X6X6.
Jehovah triangle = 60º, 60º, 60º
The Illuminati Pyramid has 72 bricks, and Triangle 3 sides 72×3 = 216.
It has 13 steps and the upper triangle 180º.
Revelation 13:18 = Mark of the Beast
666 is the number Beast and men.
Man symbol = Triangle
Petrobras says
Man this deception is awful even the lies have lies imbedded in them! The earth is flat and no one has ever been in so called space! There are no satellites .geez scaring the crap outta everybody
valerie woodard says
World “elites”, including Dick Cheney may go to colonies on Mars? Oh be still my beating heart!
Fujin says
Wow, you actually spent the time to type this all up. I bet you did a piece on Dec 21/2012, and Y2K, also. The World has ended probably around 200 times, all with ‘evidence’ to support the World will end on a specific day. Go contribute to society, instead of wasting time worrying about this stuff. The truth is, nobody will know the day or hour. Perhaps your World will end, but mine will continue for eternity.
Bonnie says
According to my dream from last year (before the presidential emergency alert system idea was announced) there will be a false flag terrorist attack on the white house, from which a threat will be announced by a “terrorist,” followed by an immediate EMP attack. This will cause police, FEMA, and military workers to approach Christians homes and take them to “safety.” This will clearly be happening in the midst of Martial Law, as our weapons and electronics were being taken away. It’s also likely to happen in October, due to many people (including myself) having strikingly similar dreams that feature a carnival (including my skeptic ex-boyfriend, who had the same dream at the same time in the same bed as me). They will start pushing RFID Chips and Ebola Vaccinations, which are nothing more than poison. I was surprised that you mentioned Oct. 12th, because I desperately asked God when I’d be slain and “19 days” popped into my head, which lead to Oct. 12th. Check out my channel to stay updated on my dreams because I’ll be posting more. God bless!
POOJA says
Wow, you actually spent the time to type this all up. I bet you did a piece on Dec 21/2012, and Y2K, also. The World has ended probably around 200 times, all with ‘evidence’ to support the World will end on a specific day. Go contribute to society, instead of wasting time worrying about this stuff. The truth is, nobody will know the day or hour. Perhaps your World will end, but mine will continue for eternity.
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Satyam says
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lavenda mithii says
great post
lavender mithii says
great post