VIDEO: Vancouver BC TI [Targeted Individual] warns against manipulatory ETs associated with Jesuit Pope Francis Vatican ET Disclosure – What’s Your View? Please leave your comments below. Thank you 😉
VIDEO: Vancouver BC TI [Targeted Individual] warns against manipulatory ETs associated with Jesuit Pope Francis Vatican ET Disclosure – What’s Your View? Please leave your comments below. Thank you 😉
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Lisa Harding says
You handled this well Alfred. Although this person appears to be sincere, he offers confusion. I am happy to hear he will not be back on the air. I tried to understand his viewpoints in this and his other interviews and, based on the current positive timeline and contemporary knowledge, could not make sense out of them.
marisol.delfene says
I think you did a good job with this guy Alfred, unfortunately because of his own unpleasant
experiences, he is throwing the baby out with the bath water so to speak. He is not really understanding
the big picture and where we are in time now