Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima – Nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation, ritual sacrifice by Jesuits and Zionists
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In this NewsInsideOut.com interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret MA, PhD ABD exposes Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima as nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation an and ritual sacrifice events by Jesuit and Zionist forces.
Outline of the Interview
Part 1: First A-Bombs Dropped On Human Population
Fukushima: Impact Of Fallout On Oceans Part 1
- A-Bombings
– Quote – Yoshito Matsushige
– Immediate Coverup
– New York Times Mouthpiece For Gen. Groves
– Hidden Japanese Christians (Jesuits 1500’s) Were Target
– Col. Henry Stimson – Sec. War WWI + II- Wall St.
Banker, Skull And Bones, Ties To Col And Churchill
– 8000/12000 Christians Killed
- Post WW II – Rockefellers Made Huge Profits
- Jesuit History In Japan/Nagasaki
– Arrived Aug. 15, 1549 On Feast Day Of Assumption Of
– Fat Man Dropped On Mass Aug. 9 1945 For Feast Day Of
Assumption Of Mary
– Emperor Surrendered Aug. 15 On Feast Day Of
Assumption Of Mary
- Financiers Get Rich Off Wars And Wmd’s
– Killed 2/3 Of Christians In Nagasaki
– Destroyed Largest Catholic Cathedral (Jesuit) In Asia
– Stopped Spread Of Christianity In Asia – Christians
Opposed To Usury
- To Send A Message Assassins Like Anniversaries
– Attacks On Jp Christians Always On Feast Day Of
Assumption Of Mary Over 400 Yr. Period
– Symbolism Is NWO Fingerprint On Events
World Trade Center – 911, Hitlers Bday 420, Fuku 311,
Skull And Bones 322, Demosthenes – Greek Democracy
Ends (#?)
- Post WWII Rockefeller Land Grabs Thru A-Bombs
– Sony
– Took MITI Position – Ministry Of Trade And Industry
(Even Used To Advantage W Tepco/Fuku)
- Leuren Introduced New Rad Risk Model 2003 – Lawsuits For Hibakusha First Time Win Against Jp Govt.
- Col. Lester Prouty Quote
Part 2: Global Nuclear Kabuki Theater Starts – Japan At The Starting Line
Fukushima: Impact Of Fallout On Oceans Part 2
- 1904: Early Japan Nuclear Experimental/Theoretical Physicists In Eu
– 1904 – Hantaru Nagaoka – First Atomic Models
Worked On Japan Nuclear Bomb Progr. Ww Ii
– 1928 – Yoshio Nishina – Co-Authored Klein-Nishina
Formula That Led To Compton Effect After Visiting Eu
Nuke Labs – Cavendish, Gottingen, And Research W
Niels Bohr
– 1930 Yoshio Nishina Returned To Jp W Austrian Chem.
Engineer Fritz Hansgerg To Build Jp A-Bomb
(Sponsored By Emil F. Winter A Rothschild Who Built A
Magnesium Plant In Austria)
(Marie Curie Had Been Given 1 Ton Of Pitchblend In 1898
By Austrian Govt. To Find Uranium + Decay Products)
– 1934 – Hikosaka Todayoshi – Atomic Physics Theory And
Pointed Out That Enormous Nuclear Energy Could Be
Used For Energy Generation And Atomic Bombs
– 1936 – Yoshio Nishina – Built 26″ Cyclotron At Riken Lab
– 1938 – Yoshio Nichina Built 60″ Cyclotron W 250 Ton
Magnet Ernest Lawrence Gave Him (Collaboraters)
– 1941 – Minister Of Army Gen. Tojo Orders
Development Of A-Bomb
- Japan’s Atomic Bomb (Genzai Bakuden – “Greatest Fighter”) Detonated In Northern Korea 3 Days After Nagasaki A-Bombed By Us.
– Richard Cook Quote – Bankers And Wmd’s
- Fritz Hansgerg Gives A-Bomb Plans (Jesuit Source In Austria) And Scientific Support In 1940’s To All Countries W A-Bomb Programs – JP, US, UK, DE, Soviet RU, China?
- Nuclear Bomb Template For WW II A-Bomb Programs:
A secret CIA document, “Chasing Bitterfeld Calcium” by Henry S. Lowenhaupt, was redacted and released on July 2, 1996, and referred to the Japanese atomic bomb project in North Korea:
Then we learned that Soviet technicians had been intensely interested in the similar Hansgirg process furnaces at the Hungnam Chemical Complex in North Korea when that country came under Soviet control in 1945. H.S. Lowenhaupt, “Chasing Bitterfeld Calcium” (1996).28
Similarities between the Japanese Atomic Bomb Project, U.S. Manhattan Project, Soviet Union Nuclear Weapons Program, and the British Nuclear Weapons Program indicated a common source for many aspects of those top-secret programs. All of them had knowledge of a self-sustaining fission reaction in a heavy-water-moderated pile, knowledge of reactor theory, the best arrangement for the lattice of fuel elements, experience in the production and casing of metallic Uranium, detailed designs and pilot programs for the production of heavy water, and experiments with different methods of isotope separation for concentrating the fissile Uranium-235 (especially the gas centrifuge method). They had a body of know-how, experimental machines, and basic materials unique outside Britain and the United States when they reached the production stage.
- Fukushima: New Nuclear Bombs For Bankers
Jesuit template for A-bombs in WW II came from Austria through a Rothschild banker/industrialist in Pittsburgh, and introduced to every nuke country by Austrian chem engineer Fritz Hansgerg – he even worked with Ernest Lawrence and built a Magnesium plant south of SF for extraction of uranium from ore. All nuke bombs in WWII were built with similar components (CIA declassified paper indicating one source – and this evidence proves it came through a Rothschild – Emil F. Winter whose parents had the middle name “Bauer” the Rothschild family name before it was changed to Rothschild.
Emil F. Winter funded Austrian Chem. Engineer Fritz Hansgerg who introduced the Jesuit Nuke template to Japan, US (thru Ernest Lawrence), Germany, Austria, UK, Russia, China?, in WW II. From 1930 on he helped the Japanese build an atomic bomb detonated in northern Korea 3 days after Nagasaki was bombed. Clearly Winter (parents middle name was Bauer = Rothschild) was a Rothschild posing as a banker and co-founded Pittsburgh Steel.
Subject: Winter Mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery
Winter Mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery
Photo of Emil F. Winter:
BIO of Winter:
Austrian testimony on Winter in village where he built magnesite mine to extract uranium from ore for the bomb. Villagers said he came from Dusseldorg or Darmstat Germany and had ties to IG FARBEN in WWII. He was a Jew so he lost property in WW II:
Info on Japan A-bomb detonated near Pyongyang in 1945:
Hungnam, North Korea: Delving into
Pyongyang’s Long Nuclear Past
Tony palumbo says
Just want to tell u guys we Love u , I wish I can help in any way , I’m not to good on the computer but here’s my number 561-676-6909
Jarumir Khan says
Thank you Leuren and Alfred.
Neue Erkenntnis der unabhängigen Wissenschaftlerin Leuren Moret belegen, das die Neue Weltordnung (NWO) hinter dem Geno,- und Ecocid unserer Erde stecken.
Es sind die Banker und Oligarchen, wie die Rothshilds und Familien wie die Rockefeller, die Bushs, die den 1 und den 2 Weltkrieg durch ihr Finanzsystem verschuldet haben. Die gesamte Transhumanistische Agenda, die Verseuchung unserer Athmosphere durch Chemtrails und Plutonium,-all diese alten Eliten, (Iranischer Abstammung und die Jesuiten) die gesamte Kriegsordnung dient nur der Versklavung unserer Erde.
Die Politiker haben die Funktion von Handlangern dieser NWO. Das ist ihr “Job” ! Ein Job den ISIS durch ihre Todesschadronen im Nahen Osten erledigtund und tausende und Millionen von Menschen tötet.
Das schlimmste aber ist die Nichtachtung diese Tatsache nicht zu Kenntnis zu nehmen, so als ob das Töten Unschuldiger Menschen und Tiere kein Verbrechen da stellt. Die Gleichgültigkeit aber ist das Verbrechen schlecht hin, was durch unsere Massenmedien täglich passiert.
Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima – Nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation, ritual…
Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima – Nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation, ritual sacrifice by Jesuits and Zionists By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Jarumir Khan says
Thank you Leuren and Alfred.
New realization of the independent scientist Leuren Moret demonstrate the new world order (NWO) behind the Geno- and Ecocid of Earth plug.
They are the bankers and oligarchs, such as the Rothshilds and families such as the Rockefellers, the Bush that have caused the 1 and the 2 world war through its financial system. The entire Transhumanistische agenda, the pollution of our atmosphere with Chemtrails and plutonium,-all these old elites, (Iranian and the Jesuits) the entire order of war serves only the enslavement of our Earth.
Politicians have the function of these NWO thugs. This is your “job”! A job of the ISIS erledigtund by their Todesschadronen in the Middle East and kills thousands and millions of people.
Worst of all is as if killing innocent people is not a crime because humans and animals ignoring not to take this fact knowledge. But the indifference is the crime bad, what happens every day by our mass media.
I swear by God to fight against the “New World Order” and the people behind that. They will be finished in 10 Years, believe me !
Jarumir Khan
Neue Erkenntnis der unabhängigen Wissenschaftlerin Leuren Moret belegen, das die Neue Weltordnung (NWO) hinter dem Geno,- und Ecocid unserer Erde stecken.
Es sind die Banker und Oligarchen, wie die Rothshilds und Familien wie die Rockefeller, die Bushs, die den 1 und den 2 Weltkrieg durch ihr Finanzsystem verschuldet haben. Die gesamte Transhumanistische Agenda, die Verseuchung unserer Athmosphere durch Chemtrails und Plutonium,-all diese alten Eliten, (Iranischer Abstammung und die Jesuiten) die gesamte Kriegsordnung dient nur der Versklavung unserer Erde.
Die Politiker haben die Funktion von Handlangern dieser NWO. Das ist ihr “Job” ! Ein Job den ISIS durch ihre Todesschadronen im Nahen Osten erledigtund und tausende und Millionen von Menschen tötet.
Das schlimmste aber ist die Nichtachtung diese Tatsache nicht zu Kenntnis zu nehmen, so als ob das Töten Unschuldiger Menschen und Tiere kein Verbrechen da stellt. Die Gleichgültigkeit aber ist das Verbrechen schlecht hin, was durch unsere Massenmedien täglich passiert.
Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima – Nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation, ritual…
Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima – Nuclear kabuki theater, depopulation, ritual sacrifice by Jesuits and Zionists By Alfred Lambremont Webre
cui bono ? says
Dear Leuren,
Dear Alfred,
Please kindly explain where Mr Keshe fits into all that you have explained.
Keshe Foundation Youtube Channel :
Mr Keshe is Iranian & says he is working to give The Plasma energy to the world for FREE.
At the same time, his Keshe Institute is in Bari Italy. This can only mean that he has the protection of the Jesuits / Vatican, whose destructive & predatory reputation over the centuries, has been clearly exposed by Leuren & yourself.
The jesuit connection contradicts Keshe`s declaration of providing FREE energy to the people of the world, specially when the Pope is going around propagating Climate change & Carbon Tax.
This is a map of countries working with the Keshe Foundation.
The USA is there on the map but I`m guessing The Washington DC Corporation is not. Hence these long heated negotiations, so they too can have a piece of the new Tech pie.
If it was about Nuclear power / weapons etc, then Pakistan & India also have it. So why not attack them ?
I feel that the nuclear deal being hotly discussed over the years, is not about the nuclear weapons at all but rather about this free Plasma energy that Mr Keshe is broadcasting on Youtube,
because if Energy became free, then the Nuclear / Uranium & Petroleum / Us$ industries will vanish. It will destroy the current rulers of the world & free the people.
Can`t have that !!!!!!!!!
Somehow I can`t see the Jesuits & their controllers on voluntary self destruct mode. so there must be other things going on behind the scene….
Secondly, Leuren stops with Iran as the place of origin of these people & she is right to a point but if one looks into it a little bit further, then one can learn that the Pallavas were a ruling dynasty from India.
Dr David Frawley & some others have made a connection that during the Vedic times the Asuras ( Iranian Ahura Mazda ? ) were thrown out of India exactly because of their non Vedic & destructive attributes.
They were taken by the Vedic Gods Varuna & Mithra & resettled in the West.
A lot of their words could stem from Indian words, e.g. Yashua could be Ya Shiva. Ptah is Pita ( father ) etc. Anyway, a lot of their rituals match the rituals of Goddess Kali & The Aghori God Shiva & this belies their origins.
You could read Robert Svoboda`s books on Aghora
If one studies the Mahabharat, then Gandahari, the Princess of Gandahar ( present day Kandahar ) married into a prosperous kingdom in India & her brother Shakuni, made it his business to destroy that kingdom in precisely the same way kingdoms are destroyed by these Jesuit /Khazars again & again, over the centuries.
( could it be Caesar = Czar = Khazar ? )
The Epic” Mahabharat” is a study in Khazar / Jesuit modus operandi.
Its easier to recognize this destructive race if one puts aside their names, costumes, religions etc & simple focuses on the principals of their character because their character traits have remained constant over the centuries & are easy to recognize anywhere, anytime, no matter how hard they hide behind their various masks ( the Masked balls of Venice point to their phobia with hiding )
Shakespeare`s Shylock in Merchant of Venice is one good study of the individual character of this race.
And the Egyptians, has anyone noticed that the paintings & sculptors have the men wearing the Indian male dress called Dhoti or Lunghi. They are brown skinned people too & look a lot like the Kerala people.
Captain Ajit Vadayakil traces King Soloman`s mother Bathsheba, Mohammad, Cleopatra etc from the South Indian state of Kerala. Jesus, son of Cleopatra, was there too….
He meanders all over the place & can use an old sea dog`s rough language but every article of his is worth days of fascinating reading. If you can stomach his style of writing that is.
“The universal sentiment of the Illuminati of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, the King of Israel, the honor of being their first Grand Master.
Little do they know that King Solomon’s mother Bath Sheba was from Kerala—and King Solomon’s wife Queen of Sheba who gave him all the sandal wood for the staircase of his palace was also from Kerala.
Nor do they know that Abraham is Hindu God Brahma and Sara is Brahma’s wife Saraswati.
And the Tower of Babel is nothing but the Hindu concept of Mount Meru–the churning rod of Samudra Manthan.”
Alfred, if you can manage to interview Captain Ajit Vadayakil, I will tip my hat to you.
Long post I know but I watch your interviews often & find them very enjoyable.
Have been sitting with this post on my mind for a while. Hopefully you will respond.
Thank You.
Leuren says
Thank you for your nice comment and offer to help. I am glad you enjoy our interviews, but the news is not as happy as we would like it to be. Please sign up for our news letter and alerts on new interviews. Go to the website LeurenMorett..info and there is a place to leave your email so we can add you to our list.
Best wishes – Leuren
Leuren says
Typo correction – LeurenMoret.info
Leuren says
Thank you Jarumir for your great comment. Yes, everything you say is true, but what I really hope is true is that the cancer covering the earth – these greedy people – are gone in ten years. We must awaken people and empower them with good information so that collectively and globally humanity will cleanse this beautiful planet of these criminals.
Best wishes – Leuren Moret
Leuren says
Mr. Keshe is a fraud, he is an MI6/CIA agent or asset. He has never produced anything but a website and persona that promises everything. He went from Iran to London, then to Belgium, then to Netherlands, then to USA, then to Fukushima issue in Japan. All highest level intelligence centers.
I do not stop at Persia. I have identified many many times the Uzbek and Tajik Iranian tribes as the ancient Iranians bloodlines that have power and the control of the world for the past 5000 years. The are Zoroastrian-Mithra worshipers. The Farnase family (includes Fidel Castro, AKA the Italian Duke of Castro and descended from Pope Paul III) an ancient Iranian bloodline dynasty also created the Etruscan empire, the Roman empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Hapsburg Empire, and now we are in their transition between two ages and are under the threat of their complete global domination of all living things. The Villa Farnase is the architectural model for the Pentagon that they built on land they own in Wash.DC and they own everyone in it too. The Iranians ruled ancient Egypt as the Ptolemies from their palaces on Cyprus. And yes, the Uzbeks and Tajiks also spilled over the Himalayas into India and left their bloodlines there too. It is all connected and everything you have written is true. Its a long story to tell in a small comment box, so watch the many videos we have posted on YouTube and on our site LeurenMoret.info. Thank you – Leuren