Peter Kling: Universe is alive – Jubilee Year AI CERN spike Schumann Resonance beyond 7.8 Hz normal “Theta State” to 64 Hz “Gamma” where only dolphins think?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, author and hermeneuticist Peter Kling discusses issues relating to Artificial Intelligence arising over the coming Jubilee year through 2017.
These informal notes prior to the interview give a concept of what is discussed on the Panel.
PETER KLING: “Alfred, Hi! The events over the last 60 days especially the last 30, has my brain working overtime looking for other answers than “Archonic Attack”, these same life forms may also be posing as “Alien Grays”.
“Your postings on “AI” and the situation which currently appears to be carried out at this time using people and projects like Blue Avian and Blue Beam along with Jade Helm 15, which I have not seen a posting on in over a week, beside something you had posted. 30 days ago there were too many Jade Helm postings to count, where did they all go? What meme is being posted by those who believe they are awake? We are back to cops killing blacks, and politics. This leads me to believe that most of the awake are “awake sheeple” and do not understand their personal power at the soul level. Most are looking to ascend and that the [AI] Galactic Federation of BS and Lies are here to help us.
“The next part of this maybe answered by understanding what is causing the Schumann Resonance to spike well out of its 7.8 Hz normal “Theta State” and making it spike up to 64 Hz into “Gama”? As far as I know only dolphins think in Gamma, it requires both hemispheres to operate at the same time, in humans this is not sustainable and as far as I know can only happen at time of extreme duress. The Beta Fight or Flight response vibrates from 13 to 35 Hz, Gama is above 35 Hz.
“This has me all wondering if “AI” may actually be “Alien or Archon Intent” to mind control the masses into beyond reactionary thinking to the point Jesus said they would become “faint out of fear” which is exactly what the state of Gama would do to the brain, cause it to overload and shut it down. Should we be ready for a False Flag Alien occupation and the coming of a false Messiah and “King of Earth”, or King of the World, as foretold in the Protocols? I believe we should be watching for major change to come at the end of the Jubilee. The Jewish Jubilee ends October 2sd 2016 and the Pope’s Jubilee ends on November 20th 2016. I would say the “Party” is going to start 2017. For a very interesting year in history visit 1917 the year after the Jubilee.
“One thing, why with all those who channel for different ETs and Federations and get information from their “Guides”, is there never ever a word that connects to anything in the Scriptures? But there are connections to Anunnaki teachings.”
Go Fund Me
“”Go Fund Me”. I intend to give a free PDF of my book LETTERS TO EARTH: YOU CAN SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON to everyone who makes a donation. With all the listeners we have and those who maybe willing to get behind this, we may be able to give my grandson a nice birthday present, a new home. The Sheriff’s Sale is a week after my grandson’s birthday.”
In Light! 😉
Here is the Go Fund Me link to make a Contribute to a family home for Peter’s son. In return you will receive a PDF copy of Peter’s book LETTERS TO EARTH. YOU CAN SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON. [Unlawful actions by authorities have prevented Peter and his family from assuming their intended family home off-grid in Maine in September 2015 as planned.]
Letters to Earth by Peter Kling
Recommended Reading
Panel: Anunnaki religions, Zionist-Jesuit-Hidden controller governments, world military-industrial complex end in defeat by Lamb (Messiah) and Universal fleet
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
Can you please send the details where one can make a donation to Peter Kling
As usual, Peter kept me spellbound through his entire presentation. I own his book and find his message most encouraging and his correlation of hidden history with contemporary science the most compelling I’ve come across. I want to help his family in their time of need but need some clarification on a point that has me a bit confused. In the interview Peter refers to the family member who is in need as his son and his son’s family. But the gofundme site refers to Peter’s brother and his brother’s family. I’m sure this is an honest mistake, brain fart or what have you, but I feel that some clarification of this point is needed. I hate to point this out and be a fly in the ointment but I’ve learned over the years that caution is indeed the better part of valor.
There are 144,000 functions of the human body/’divine according to the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. When these are all turned on WATCH OUT!
Ok, good to know… but how do you turn them on when you do not have time to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu??
Everytime you touch your own body you are opening something up. Each finger controls 14,400 functions because ALL the flows go through the fingers.
You can start on your thumb and go from there.
Enjoy and relax yourself!!!!
Hold gently and feel the life force pulse of each finger…
Thanks Alfred and Peter for the nice interview and infos about “Universe is alive – Jubilee Year AI CERN spike Schumann Resonance beyond 7.8 Hz normal “Theta State” to 64 Hz “Gamma” where only dolphins think?” .I am working to build a new Orgon.- Generator with 7,8 Hz and I found out, that the “Scalarwaves ” are conecting with the Photons and other elements. That means we can clean the earth with this Generator to solve the “Transhumanist Agenda” . I have duifferent cristals which are directed into the skys. Just mentioned that we only need 1000 Orgonits for example in Germany. We all must thinking in a harmony consciesness and act with LOVE. As we know Good is LOVE and LOVE is Good. And everything is connected with everything.
I have understand know the theory of Burkhard Heim which is a 12 dimensional theory of the Omniverse.
B. Heim can physically explain how mater and spirit, or the physis and pneuma, Bios, Psyche can work together in a more dimensional entetie. Heim is one of the greatest scientists. He shows us how everything is conected.
If you want I can give you more details about Heims Theory .
Here are some links:
In LOVE Truth and LIGHT.
Jours Jarumir Khan
NEMO says…
I find it very interesting that Gama “ascension” happens to humans under great trauma/stress… As in PTSD., I would venture…
Which I don’t think is a “disorder”, btw!… just an extreme “mad-skill coping mechanism”, but, I digress…
From my experiences with “forest energies” since early childhood, The Forest Meant “Sanctuary”
The difference before, &after I returned (“refreshed”) “home” “enabled” me, I guess, to “go-on”
I HAVE HAD THIS EXPERIENCE “MELDING” “VIBRATIONALLY” With “Matter” Under Extreme TERROR/HORROR “Duress” …*points of light manifest”…
I “became” “less-“dense”, read: “levitation”, &etc.,
(Labeled “MPD”/Panic/Dissociative/Long-Term “PTSD”&etc.)
&THEN, last July 17th… I re:”MET” my ’til-then “unknown” Mentor, Teacher, LOVE…
&With A LOTTA HELP from my FRIENDS… “ON-LINE” “Sweet-Geeks”…
GRATITUDE! ~*Eugene Irwin,*~ * Kathy Vandawalker,* *Alison Nappi* *Melissa LaFlamme,*… ~*Deanna Medley.*~…
Hi, Alfred.
I have many issues with almost everything Kling says about the status quo of the human being. He is speaking of who we have been, not who we are becoming. Our bodies are evolving as Gaia evolves, and our capacities now have nothing to do with what we used to be able to do..
My understanding is that the frequency of the planet has risen to 21 Hz – our bodies, as parts of the planet and All Our Relations, are attempting to vibrate in resonance. When any living system receives extra energy, the first thing that occurs is housecleaning – all the toxicity that has accumulated because of lack of time and energy is emptied. THEN, growth can take place….
I believe that this describes well what is presently going on in our lives, our bodies, and on a global scale as well….
Blessings on all your work, Alfred.
in Oneness,