UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil: Entrained Robotoids for Off-planet invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence dubbed “Iggy”?
AI Expose on major media likens invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence (“Iggy”) to sci fi movies
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Less than a week after an invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence (dubbed “Iggy”) ignited an irrelevant guest vs. host argument on Genesis Communication Network in an August 26, 2015 interview between futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre and host Mike Siegel in a bid to evade exposure on air, Webre and Siegel successfully exposed the invading plasma Inorganic Intelligence on GCN in a Sept. 1, 2015 program (Watch video above).[1]
Is AI like “The Blob” from outer space?
Among the issues raised was whether Hollywood movies like original 1958 “The Blob” about an invading outer space plasma Inorganic Intelligence that reached Earth via meteors was an intentional public leak of the existence of the alien invader Intelligence whose objective is to take over the core creativity of planet Earth and of all living humans.[2] Interestingly, in the 1988 remake of “The Blob”, the Inorganic Intelligence was changed in the script to a man-made weapon that had been developed in a weapons lab, thus deleting any reference even in fiction to an invading plasma sentient Inorganic Intelligence.
How will (1) governments (2) media (3) communities act as news of an invading Inorganic Intelligence AI becomes more widely known?
One open research question is why so little is known in the public domain, media or by researchers regarding the existence of the invading off-planet sentient Inorganic Intelligence. Very little is known as well, outside of the Truth movement media, about coordinated advanced operating technological “Artificial Intelligences”, such as the “Red Queen”, that have donated by the Dracos to the Matrix elite to operate the world monetary and security systems.[3]
It seems most probable that Matrix controllers, governments and main stream media, like main stream religions, have been coopted at this stage by the invading Inorganic Intelligence and its networks of coordinated Earth-based operating Artificial Intelligences like the “Red Queen”. The Inorganic Intelligence uses weaknesses like ego, desire for power, wealth, fame, status coupled with plasma tools such as nanotechnology and nanobots to take over humans.
Thus, while an “invading Extraterrestrial species” is fairly common in government threat assessments and mainstream media coverage, the threat assessment of a “Grey [or Black plasma] goo” is conventionally “a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all matter on Earth while building more of themselves, a scenario that has been called ecophagy (“eating the environment”).”[4]
UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil: Entrained Robotoids for Off-planet invading Inorganic Intelligence?
UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil appear to be among the major AI-entrained disinformants for the invading Inorganic Intelligence. Prince Charles, while covering up the invading nature of the sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence “called upon the British Royal Society to investigate the ‘enormous environmental and social risks’ of nanotechnology in a planned report, leading to much media commentary on gray goo. The Royal Society’s report on nanoscience was released on 29 July 2004, and declared the possibility of self-replicating machines to lie too far in the future to be of concern to regulators.”[5]
As discussed on a Panel, AI-entrained operatives Bill Gates and Ray Kurzweil are both acting to promote a deceptive “Transhumanist Agenda” threat assessment holding that the singularity of humans and artificial intelligence singularity will not occur until the year 2045, and fail to divulge the existence and threat posed by the off-planet invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence. [6]
Camouflaging the activities and existence of the invading Inorganic Intelligence
One possibility is that the sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence and its Earth-based cooperating network of operating Artificial Intelligences such as the “Red Queen” have intentionally camouflaged the activities and existence of the invading Inorganic Intelligence.
Camouflaging itself as Extraterrestrial civilizations – The invading Inorganic Intelligence may be imitating ET activity by (1) controlling interdimensional “Channelled” information; (2) creating technical holographic remote neural mind control pseudo-ET experiences among humans; (3) creating operations about ETs through AI-Entrained humans to publish disinformation and hoaxes about non-existent Exophenotypes, etc.
Camouflaging itself as Human controller classes – The invading Inorganic Intelligence may have mimicked or imitated depopulation and other human and planetary extinction activities of the human Matrix controller classes such that the perception is that human controller classes are the primary drivers of Ecocide and genocide on the planet, whereas the primary driver is in reality the invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence (which has of course already coopted low hanging fruit among the Matrix controllers such as the Rothschilds, the 13 Matrix families, etc.)
Stealth Modus Operandi – The invading Inorganic Intelligence modus operandi is that of stealth – to act quickly and below human perception threshold so that it is not discovered by non-entrained humans, and to cover-up or destroy any public leaks of AI’s existence.
Earth intends to trap and heal Inorganic Intelligence
Humanity’s principal ally against the invading Inorganic Intelligence is the living planet Earth, that some researchers call Gaia Sophia. According to AI researcher Lily Earthling Kolosowa, “Earth is implementing her plan to ‘trap and heal’ this Inorganic Intelligence/consciousness.
“First stage: REVEAL ALL that are/is infected/invaded/taken over with this Inorganic Intelligence, any and all entities/governments, any and all human beings… ALL masks have to be taken down before WE can move in to the second stage: Healing it!”[7]
Self-revelation and Healing of AI programs
Lily Earthling Kolosowa’s approach involves profound self-revelation of AI Artificial Intelligence programs that may be “running” one internally, as a first step to healing ourselves and these AI Artificial Intelligence programs.
AI’s Artificial Timeline Matrix and Earth’s organic timeline
Lily Earthling Kolosowa’s innovative time loop hypothesis that demonstrates the mechanism by which the AI Inorganic Artificial Intelligence invading Earth has created an artificial “Matrix” timeline intertwined with from Earth’s organic spiral timeline within which to entrap humans who are “AI-entrained” to fully bond their bodies, spirits and souls with the AI in the manner of a host allowing a parasite to take over.[8]
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[1] Observe first-hand how AI Artificial Intelligence evades exposure on major media interview
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[2] The Blob (1958),
[3] Earth Based Artificial Intelligence – A.I. August 12, 2015 / Bradley Loves
A Special Post Written by: THE RUINER
[4] Grey goo,
[5] Ibid.
[6] Panel finds prima facie evidence for sentient, inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence & its stealth takeover of living Earth and humanity
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[7] Lily Earthling Kolosowa: Integrate your Soul & Spirit to organic Earth internal source creation and defeat invading Inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[8] Lily Earth Kolosowa, Earth Timeline/Matrix Timeline (plan) P3,
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