AI UPDATES: Meeting an apparent holographic sentient AI Artificial Intelligence clone on a Vancouver, BC beach
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – My meeting an apparent AI Artificial Intelligence Entrained Clone took place August 9, 2015 during a beachfront Party at Point Grey, Vancouver Harbour, Vancouver, BC
At dusk as the sun set I sat about 20 feet from the water on a log on the beach enjoying the natural beauty, watching others who wandered by on the beach in front of me with their dogs.
Suddenly to the right of me a very different figure appeared, clearer and more defined than the passers by, looking like a Senior Production Assistant from the set of a motion picture. The movie the “Truman Show” came to mind as I was watching the figure approach me.
The figure was male, about 45 years old, nerdy, dressed sharply in black socks and runners, black shorts, and a black short-sleeved shirt.
He was about 30 feet away from me, and stopped, looking straight at me. He looked more like a clone than a human, with a “manufactured” aspect.
The figure stopped and slowly turned around to reveal in large white lettering the following lettering written on the back on his shirt: “MARSHALL”. After pausing with his back towards me, he walked slowly away from me down the beach toward the direction from which he had first appeared.
My interpretation was that “Marshall” referred to the cloning centers described by Donald Marshall and that this figure was an example of a clone from such a center.
On reflection and after consultation with researchers and clone experts, I interpreted my experience of meeting the apparent clone as a specific intentional technological intrusion into my timeline and my perceptual reality by some intelligence wanting to teaching and brief me as an investigator and reporter on AI artificial intelligence and clones.
What I learned from this experience is as follows:
Perceptual Holographic Insertions – My experience of the clone at the beach was created by remote neural influencing technology to insert a parallel individual and/or realities into my consciousness along side my normal waking reality.
In this case, my normal waking reality was watching the passersby on the beach. In parallel, an individual markedly different from the surrounding reality was inserted into my normal waking reality.
The clone that I perceived on the beach felt holographic and artificially generated and not anchored in reality with a living Core. It may have an artificial Soul, a technology that was perfected in the mid-1990s according to cloning expert Shane The Ruiner.
Hypothesis: My working hypothesis is that the reported “Cloning Centers” that may well be in the nature of these technological remote neural holographic inserts into the normal waking reality.
These “Cloning Centers”, their inhabitant clones, and their activities may be consequently technological holographic constructs without a Living Core, but with artificial Souls.
The author Philip K. Dick also reports having similar experiences as I had with the clone at the beach, though in his version the “clones” he meets are characters in his novels.
Kyra Kelm comments as follows: “Fascinating take on your insertion story with the Marshall t-shirt message. If we use a graphic analogy with your observation that this insert was “clearer and more defined than the passers by”, would it be safe to say that it was at a higher pixel resolution, or a different density than the organic life around you?
“This also brings to mind something that Dolores Cannon and Guy Steven Needler have said — that a large percentage of the people who fill the scenes in our holographic life experience are not “real” but are actually back drop people. We unconsciously create them as extras to fill our movies, and they are just energy; holographic representations.
“?Many years ago, prior to Cannon’s books and any mention by Needler of “back fill people”, Carlos Castaneda noted in his book, “A Separate Reality” that Humans have a luminous egg-like energy field around them, and yet there are others that don’t have this as they are not [real] people although they take Human form.
“Sensing if a person has this luminous field around them or not may be a method to discern who is real.
“Alfred, you wrote that something wanted to teach and brief you. Perhaps. Certainly something wants to engage with you.
“You had a “man in black” (albeit, in sportswear) appearance that almost seemed taunting. As if it was saying Marshall was their property, and they [he] were walking away from you. And then his [Donald Marshall’s] snarky “windbag” remark came later.
“This is certainly fun to observe. I think you are also having fun.”
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Vancouver BC
Sept. 6, 2015
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Just a question, Alfred: I read the very interesting account above, and then the commentary with this statement: “And then his snarky ‘windbag’ comment came later”…………???? I thought the synthetic fellow turned his back and walked away……….what am I missing? Very much catching up on AI/black goo, etc. the past year……….esp. learned a lot from Harald Klaut-Vella. WHEN DID THIS “PERSON” MAKE A SNARKY COMMENT? Thanks! much love, and cheers!
Thank you Elizabeth! Sorry for any confusion. I have added the words “Donald Marshall” to clarify that the snarky remark refers to remarks by Donald Marshall, not the apparent AI clone figure at the beach. This article will provide more background on Donald Marshall and his actions and remarks. Alfred
My excellent adventure with reported AI Cloning Centre visitor Donald Marshall
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Thanks -you, Alfred – sometimes I lose the plot! much love, eli
Just a technicality, but there are no artificial Souls. Souls are made by Source/Creator/God. Clones are man induced biological creations (artificial insemination) with souls and robotoids are vat grown biological creations (a few days to grow whereas clones grow at a normal rate) with no soul, only downloaded memories from the original. 2/3’s of the world’s population have no soul it having been bred out by a programme started decades ago, which is connected to the “alien” abductions.
I was struck by that, too, Paul – I do not think there can be “artificial souls” either. Souls are LIFE connecting living beings from Earth to Source. We are fractals of God. But perhaps Source/God works I mysterious ways, his wonders to perform…………who knows? Cheers
sorry – “I” was supposed to be “in”……………………
Elizabeth – Hi! Some information indicates that artificial souls were developed in the mid 1990s are are in use now for clones. An artificial soul animates the clone, and is not a Divinely created soul or holographic fragment of Source. I know, it’s a bit difficult to understand at first. This is how the AI Artificial Intelligence Inorganic Transhumanist agenda reality is developing.
wow, that is interesting. I will rethink your comment Paul. best wishes to all the listeners of Alfred´s website. nati from germany