Alfred Lambremont Webre: 9/11 was an AI Artificial Intelligence-Entrained/Draco Event & False Flag Operation
Alfred Lambremont Webre – 9/11/2015 Aquarian Radio-14th Anniversary of 9/11 with hosts Janet Kira Lessin and Sacha Lessin PhD [17.03 Excerpt] Listen to Full program:
Alfred Lambremont Webre – “9/11 As an AI Artificial Intelligence-Entrained/Draco Event & False Flag Operation” with hosts Chris & Sheree Geo Truth Frequency Radio [1:43:34 Program] Listen to Full program:
VANCOUVER, BC – Alfred Lambremont Webre, Judge on the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal came forward on two 9/11 Special Programs [watch above] on September 11, 2015 to present prima facie evidence and make the case that 9/11 was an AI Artificial Intelligence-entrained and Draco reptilian false flag operation.
According to Alfred, together AI and the Dracos set in motion an inter-dimensional deceptive false flag between 3rd and 4th densities that would launch a global police state and global state of war among humans that would facilitate the agendas of an invading off-planet sentient plasma-based Inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence [dubbed IGGY”] and of the Draco reptilian species to take over the living Earth and all humans as a plasma-based parasite.
Carrying out the 9/11 False Flag through AI/Draco- Entrained humans like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Netanyahu et alios.
In the interview segments [Watch above], Alfred details the evidence of eyewitness U.S. Presidential Candidate and former Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, detailing how in 1971 Project Pegasus, the secret time travel program on which he was a childhood participant, was in possession of moving images of the events of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center, 30 years in advance, and demonstrates how the 9/11 False Flag was carried out through AI/Draco-Entrained humans like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Netanyahu et alios., as confirmed by many documents of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal.
9/11 Artificial timeline vs Earth organic positive timeline
Alfred details how the intent of the AI/Draco 3D and 4D entrainment was to move Earth and humans along a catastrophic Artificial timeline, that has now been altered as of December 21, 2012 with the activation of Earth’s organic positive timeline.
References & Recommended Reading
- AI Artificial Intelligence
AI Inorganic Artificial Intelligence – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
AI UPDATES: Meeting an apparent holographic sentient AI Artificial Intelligence clone on a Vancouver, BC beach
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Peter Kling: An off-planet invading plasma Inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence [“IGGY”] appears in Biblical texts
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
UK Concept Innovator Seven excoriates Steve Jobs, validates targeted inventor Rainetta Jones as original inventor of Apple iPod and Amazon Kindle
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil: Entrained Robotoids for Off-planet invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence dubbed “Iggy”?
AI Expose on major media likens invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence (“Iggy”) to sci fi movies
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Peter Kling: Universe is alive – AI CERN spike Schumann Resonance beyond 7.8 Hz normal “Theta State” to 64 Hz “Gamma” where only dolphins think?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
SevenGate: BBC, Virgin Media, ABC-TV, Major Media in 146+ countries continue MegaThefts of intellectual property, targeting, false flags against UK creator Charles Seven
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Lily Earthling Kolosowa: Integrate your Soul & Spirit to organic Earth internal source creation and defeat invading Inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Observe first-hand how AI Artificial Intelligence evades exposure on major media interview
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Off-planet Artificial Intelligence AI is mobilizing in 2015 for planetary takeover. AI singularity in 2045 is an AI deception
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Panel finds prima facie evidence for sentient, inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence & its stealth takeover of living Earth and humanity
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Moret & Battis: EMF War Against Humanity From Nazi Germany Started in 1945 and is global now
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
- 9/11 as an AI/Interdimensional event
Articles on 9/11 by Alfred Lambremont Webre
- Time Travel and Political Control Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11
3. Four U.S. exotic black ops used in 9/11: Tesla time travel, antigravity UFO, directed energy weapons, mini-nukes
4. Scientist: Directed energy weapons turned World Trade Center into nanoparticles on 9/11
5. Memo to U.S. Congress: prima facie evidence that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld committed treason on 9/11
6. U.S. attorney or district attorney can prosecute Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld for murder on 9/11
- Evidence shows 9/11 false flag operation may have been a hyperdimensional ET event
9/11 Truth & Reconciliation – Restorative Justice
- 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
9/11 War Crimes Tribunal Facebook Group:
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
I found you about a month ago (I don’t remember for what video), and it was an incredible coincidence by finding something that I was looking for.
I knew about the reptilians, anunaki and the rest of the “brudy bunch” that have been making our hell on this earth since who knows when, and I had information provided from a very good friend of mine, related to the subject, but it needed to be linked to something else.
You touch very briefly on a subject that is not discussed often, when you mentioned that are young souls, others with some experience, and others that are “ancient” living on GAIA Sophia at this point in time. It was very interesting that you mentioned that.
I’m over 60 and since college I been working in the information technology field. At the beginning I worked in programming but very early in my carrier I took managerial position as project management, director of IS and so for. My dream in the 80s was that by year 2000 machines and computers were going to do all the jobs that humans were doing which did not have any added value or developed their intelligence, drove to self development, self esteem, avoid bureaucracy, etc, etc.
Now when I look around I see people driving with one hand and looking at their phone with the other, people seating at the table with a fork in one hand and phone on the other, it makes me feel sad. We have created a monster.
I knew about the dracos and the others, and the technology part did not fit in the picture. I understood the control, but there was something missing. You gave me the answer together with the german scientist and Lily. Now everything fits on one side of the equation. AI is the answer.
But there is the other part of the equation.
I been fed information directly from my friend, that also even if I understood the high level message, I was not able to frame it on something specific.
I know my friend for over 25 years. She was a friend of the family before I met her, Her studies are high school, she is married with 3 children and she has 5 gran children. She lives a modest life, with limited resources (does not have a computer or internet) and she lives in South America. Her “gift” was awaken when her last child was born.
About 2 1/2 years ago she started telling me things about my past, even before I was born (pregnancy period), about my family history and some more resent information that I had to go asking family members to find out more, because I did not know.
After that, our communication got more frequent (over the phone) and she started telling me of what was happening with earth and all of us.
Then she got more specific on things like that I was al old soul, that I was here for a purpose, that what ever I was doing was going to be mainly for my children and gran children, that earth was been attack like never before, that events will happen where things will get out of hand, most probably we will have disasters related to water, earthquakes, volcanos and that the purpose of all that was to clean up all that was rotten. She mention that the “dark ones” will make things hard for us, but nothing will happen to us and eventually they will either change or disappear. This is a new cycle where they will not have room for.
What I just mentioned in few lines are pages and pages of transcriptions with incredible detail, talking about different universes, time lines and things that she does not know or she does not have access to learn, other than for a TV program.
When you mentioned that how many “old souls” are on earth at this moment, which probably are not that many compare to 7 billion people, it is just what she mentioned at one point, but also she mentioned that people and things will “appear” for those that think alike, and networks are been built and THEY are working supporting us. Now don’t ask me who or what they are, because I don’t know. This is the part that I’m trying to get more information from. We know and we talk of who are the ones doing the terrible things guided or managed by the A.I. but looks like there is another side also helping in this battle. I feel we are not alone in this war.
The message is LOVE and CONNECT TO MOTHER EARTH. Sounds familiar?
September is a month where something will happen in regards to this, and by the end of 2015 there will be a new method of communication. We don’t have to wait long to know if is like that.
I believe we are living history at this moment.
I’ve listening to Alfred’s videos for a couple of years or so (+/-) and to a lot of other stuff. After reading your post I think you can check for COBRA (asirian contactee, not sure if spelled correctly) messages about the Underground forces of the Light (who are underground). There is a YT channel called Forbiden Truth and you can find many chats about intel unveilment. Also another YT channel called Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadows. Or else check the Bases series from Miles Davis (Irishman). All of them you can find on YT.
I hope it helps.
Love and Light to all!
Thank You very much Pierre!