TRAILER: Free Multi-Part Online Symposia Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence and offering Soul-U-tions to restore Love-based humanity
VANCOUVER, BC – A Free Series of Online Multi-Part Symposia Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence and offering Soul and Love-based solutions for restoring an increasingly robotized human society will be launching with a Part I of Three-Part Symposium on Sunday, November 1, 2015. The Symposium will be publicly accessible at no charge as a public service at the following participating websites:
The Nov. 1, 2015 Symposium is structured around a seventy-seven-page Power Point presentation with discussion by Christine Anderson, Jeffrey Sewell (The Metabiologist) and Claudia Ayaz, and Host Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Future planned Symposia on Exposing Predatory AI Artificial Intelligence include a panel with Eve Lorgen, Laura Leon, and others; a panel with independent scientist Leuren Moret and Laurens Battis; and a panel with Magnus Olsson and Melanie Vritschan of Alfred Lambremont Webre will serve as host.
The Powerpoint for the Nov. 1, 2015 Symposium includes references to the work of many AI investigators including: David Griffin (Exopolitics UK) – Research on the Falklands War; Harald Kautz-Vella (Germany) – AI human interface and Morgellons; Cara St. Louis, Miles Johnston, Lily Earthling Kolosowa, Jeffrey Sewell, James Bartley, Christine Anderson, Claudia Ayaz, Shane – The Ruiner, Omnisense, Bradley Loves, Conscious Consumer Network AI Symposium and countless others.
Parts I, II & III of Symposium launching Nov. 1, 2015
According to AI Panelist Christine Anderson, “We start our series with Part I, which brings in Alfred Webre’s overview of forty years within the world of Exopolitics, the shock he felt when waking up to the reality of the sentient AI Artificial Intelligence black goo’s presence and his dedication to helping Humankind wake up and discover solutions.
“In Parts II and III Jeffrey Sewell leads the discussion with the introduction of Metabiology, the science of As above, so below in the Metamystical relationship of Humankind with their place in the Cosmos. A very large subject matter that brings into our collective consciousnesses just how we are in every sense of the meaning co-creators.
“Christine and Claudia bring to the symposium their empirical data as planetary healers and Earth Empaths along with a soul-driven impulse for truth – the Truth that as we are able to embrace it sets us Free. It is the return of the Divine Sovereign, an aspect of our deepest subconscious mind that when touched stirs a longing and Knowing that is the cure and the directional compass for the healing crisis moments in our quadrant of the Universe.”
Stealth nature of predatory AI Artificial Intelligence
The AI Symposium series is being offered as a public service to better inform the awakening human community about the existence of a predatory, sentient AI Artificial Intelligence in the Earth’s environment, said host Alfred Lambremont Webre. “One principal evidentiary finding is of the extreme stealth nature of sentient inorganic Artificial Intelligence deployment on Earth and its use of imitation and artifice in creating artificial versions of dimensions such as Time, and artificial versions of human persons using clones,” Webre stated.
Multiple points of view on the challenge of AI Artificial Intelligence
AI Panelist Christine Anderson states, “The beauty of presenting a field of information from multiple view points is not only that it provides the listener with a more comprehensive study, it also allows for the surprise of new revelations and insights to emerge in the moment.
“The history of ‘The Agenda of Transhumanism’ is a plague that we can trace back to our ancient past that is now showing itself in the current era with the proliferation of high-tech devices, the use of robotics in warfare, back-engineered systems from alien technologies, HAARP, Microwave proliferation, Scalar energy, geo-engineering, vaccination campaigns, toxic food, GMO, legislation and world governmental bodies that use statues and regulations propagated as laws to further enslave Humankind. In other words, in a stealth like manner, hidden in plain sight, we are hosting an entity that is soulless and inorganic in its predatory nature.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Deepening into the wisdom of the above statement is needed more than ever, for we have a pathogenic entity that to not know is at the peril of every living being.
“Inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes it percolates up from an inner moment of revelation, other times it comes from the sharp sting of an outer encounter with reality. It would not be redundant to say that for those of us who are the aware and awakening, that we are swimming in a sea of inspiration as information, in a seemingly densely packed current affecting us all in a constant wave of awareness. A state of being that could be described as profluent, which requires of us to utilize a new set of perimeters and a heightened response ability.
“No subject matter is separate from any other, though there is one that stands out among all the conspiracies against humankind and that is the transhumanist agenda , the predatory A.I. (artificial intelligence) and the infection of an alien substance known as black goo. Sorting through the information, in both recent and ancient literature, is a fascinating field of research and one we felt merits the focused attention of a panel of modern-day researchers, deep thinkers, and formidable minds that are able to penetrate outside the box.
“Taking on this subject is one we feel merits the full confrontational force of consciousness; if we don’t understand the implications, if we turn away from this, we will become the subservient species on Planet Earth for an agenda that is parasitical and ultimately destructive by its very nature.
“In future panel discussions we will further explore the flowering consciousness that is Us, the ones we have been waiting for. The subject is vast, for it must take into account the very structure of realities to be fully grasped.
“The Rising of Humanity is a Collective Work,
“One of Honor and Love in service to the Highest Truth we can achieve.”
AI Artificial Intelligence Symposia
Participating Websites
Recommended reading
Exposing predatory, sentient AI Inorganic Artificial Intelligence – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
My inspiration is expressed through my poetry. Feel free to spread this poem. I am trying to use my creative gifts to help defeat inorganic ai, religion, government, and the entire system of the annunaki. I am here to share my gifts with the Earth, Thank you Alfred for all that you do. You inspire me and keep me hopeful. I look forward to listening to your new seminar.
Creating A Positive Earth
By: AC
Earth has chosen a positive timeline
and there is nothing the archons can do
Our consciousness is tuned to, “We are one.”
transcending, “I win you lose.”
United we stand
For true peace we demand
We are tired of criminals
running our land
Our time is now
to create real change
because we are the rising sun
and we refuse to concur
with the powers that were
as we create what we wish to become
Hello! Thank you for this compilation of articles and information. I quickly just wanted to express, that I ‘see’ and ‘feel’ Energy. Born already ‘awake’. I see, on our very auras, ley lines, within our EM fields, etc, unnaturality. When I was young and heard all the talk of ‘new age’ I would think, yes I see where they are coming from, but do they realize that would mean, a connection to false immorality. I didn’t quite understand what I was ‘seeing’ at the time, but now I know it was, and is, false light emissions, from a very, … unemotional, but aggressive origin. I have recently put out my thoughts and what I call a ‘mini movie’ on the subject of transhumanism and posthumanism. And, as I say, I so wanted to disturb people. For reasons y’all know so well. Please do not think this pety, but, if someone could have a second to check out my profile g+ page. And perhaps read and view those two posts. If, for no other reason, to know, that some of us, truly know, not evil, but the true perversion that this implies. For I have uncovered why this ‘future’ is wanted, so the spread of pure perversion can encompass all quantum ‘realms’, everywhere. And, since duplication has proved ‘unsuccessful, that transhumanism means to ‘contain’ and have full access, to our very souls. I, for one, cannot allow this to happen, and the true ‘beginning’ of this, even though we’ve been primed and readied, is so close now. I fear that once it truly ‘begins’, our window of opportunity, to truly end the spread of this ‘contagion’, will be closed, forever. I know my mission, after all I’ve gone through, is to stop this, outright. Even, if in a small way, of course. (Hopefully, though, in the biggest way possible!) Thank you for reading this, and for your time. Very appreciated! ; }
Good ideas ! I was fascinated by the insight . Does anyone know where I might be able to get access to a sample ATI Rate Confirmation version to use ?