UPDATE: Exclusive new evidence for a previously unreported Columbia River Basin UFO crash and recovery incident is presented for the first time.
By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on October 8, 2015, offers viewers a first look at a mini-documentary about high-tech starlight imaging of anomalous objects and unconscious testimony of the UFO witnesses encrypted backwards within their spoken words. Highlights from a five-year independent research study include 3CCD color infrared and high-sensitivity digital night vision evidence from the front lines of public-led initiatives with implications in human performance and consciousness studies. Guided by Canadian UFO videographer Les Murzsa, NewsInsideOut.com’s Jon Kelly explored the British Columbia “UFO Canyon” to capture a stunning rare essence of contact through sound and images.
UPDATE As of December 27, 2015: “UFO Canyon” is now streaming on NewsInsideOut Plus as the final mini-documentary in the 2015 series.
NewsInsideOut Plus subscribers are streaming new productions included each month with their subscriptions. Find out more about journalist and videographer Jon Kelly’s adventure of a lifetime exploring UFO and mystery lights phenomena of the Columbia River Gorge and Canada’s Sonoran Desert. VIP subscribers receive behind the scenes access to “Journey to Inner Space 2015” as presented in Vancouver this July.
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