By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on December 7, 2015, purports to reveal how San Bernardino shooting witness Sally Abdelmageed cited the presence of drugs and a sniper at the Inland Regional Center as part of a three-man crew of Caucasians brandishing automatic weapons during an interview with CBS. A second witness Juan Hernandez told local NBC affiliate WMGT he saw “three white men in military fatigues” leave the scene of the crime. Fourteen people were said to have died with another 21 wounded in an event the FBI is reportedly treating as a terrorism case.
An intelligence assessment of witness Sally Abdelmageed’s statements to CBS television detected a sleep talking-like mirror-encrypted message describing a “Sniper” on the scene as a “Drug skull guy.” reported earlier this year how unconscious indications of heroin addiction and a criminal media enterprise surrounding publication of his autobiography accompanied “American Sniper” Chris Kyle’s appearances in major American media.
Sniper fire at Maidan in Kiev played a role in turning the tide of political favor against Ukraine’s former democratically elected government. reported last year how “A raid on Kiev conducted by British covert operatives was instrumental to sniper incidents that killed a reported 94 people during protests leading to the ouster of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.” Secret messages in that case offered evidence of a Maidan Conspiracy originating from the British Monarch.
“CIA Paramilitary Sniper Punisher Skull” is the name of a decorative patch sold on styled in a way that encapsulates a number of pieces of evidence in this story including reports of military fatigues from two eyewitnesses along with products of analysis suggesting the presence of a sniper and drugs. The skull archetype resounds in unconscious statements of the witness and the “Punisher” motif found on this badge.
Under MKULTRA the CIA is said to have “lured heroin addicts to participate as test subjects by paying them in heroin,” suggesting a possible operant mind-control facet within the “American Sniper.” The “Steal Your Face” of the Grateful Dead transposes the skull motif into a psychedelic “drug”-implying setting consistent with that era of extreme violence and consciousness expansion.
According to one source, “The Punisher” is a fictional comic book anti-hero, “a vigilante who employs murder, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, threats of violence, and torture in his war.” Seen through such a lens the character appears to have emerged on the 1970s cultural landscape in an effort to glamorize Blackwater-like CIA black site values within the minds of vulnerable children and teenagers.
U.S. presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told “Morning Joe” on December 3, 2015, that ATF reported one of the guns at the scene had been purchased on behalf of a police department prior to being used in the mass shooting. A large number of potential terrorists were located at DHS. Serious and substantial questions about deeper motives and undercurrents of conspiracy surrounding the tragic events that took place last week are legitimate and worthy of further understanding.
None of the witnesses who described three Caucasian suspects are shown to have obvious ties to military or law enforcement yet at least one of the San Berardino shooting witnesses was able to articulate the drug-addled characteristic that defined the secret messages of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle as reported by
The presence of previously undiscovered forensic information was detected while monitoring a mirror-filtered version of the witness’ statement. The broadcast soundtrack was loaded in a digital audio workstation and subjected to mirror-filtering and time-expansion in preparation for a detailed auditory study. The conduct of this procedure was informed by best practices refined through repeatedly providing military, forensic and medical-grade intelligence that had been successfully vetted through practical real-world feedback over nearly 20 years of research and reporting. has previously reported how the same procedure publicly revealed details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and uncovered the UFOs and ETs in Edward Snowden’s NSA cache weeks, months and years before such information became widely-accepted public knowledge. Below is a partial transcript of San Bernardino mass shooting witness Sally Abdelmageed’s remarks to CBS on December 2, 2015, followed by the secret message encrypted backwards therein.
SALLY ABDELMAGEED: I couldn’t see a face. He had a black hat on. From my view all I could see was just a black hat and a black long-sleeved shirt. Possibly gloves on. He had black cargo pants on. The kind with the zippers on the side and the big puffy pockets. He had a huge assault rifle and he had extra ammo. He was coming ready for something.
SECRET MESSAGE: The sniper: Drug skull guy.
Recommended Reading
‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle’s heroin addiction and media mafia demons
Maidan Conspiracy Redux: British black ops in Kiev sniper attacks
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