Moret & Battis: US Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) downed Russian Metrojet 9268 over Sinai. False flag like MH370 & MH17
VANCOUVER, BC – In a interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD and military historian Laurens Battis demonstrate how Russian Metrojet flight 9268 was shot down by a U.S. directed energy weapon (DEW) over the Sinai desert. Russian Vladimir Putin and Russian military authorities know this and are using Western disinformation that “there was a bomb aboard the plane” to facilitate formation of the anti-ISIS coalition in Syria. Thus the downing of Russian Metrojet 9268, like that of MH370 and MH17 was a false flag by the United States.
Summary of the Moret-Battis Interview
INTRO: Background on Syria war
– Geographic setting
– transition to silk road economy
– Syria war caused by Sarkozy/Hollande and Arabian Gulf Princes
– Putin speech at UN Sept. 28, Sept. 29 bombing started
– Many diplomatic meetings, change in allies, deep intel on causes
– Refugee crisis
– Countries supporting Russia, slow shift to ally w Russia
Part I: McCain False Flag
– Leaked Ukraine Wikileaks memo
– McCain and Ukraine CIA set up False Flag w Saakashvilli
– False Flag leaked to Putin, started bombing that night
Part 2: Metrojet shot down over Sinai
– Maps – Mediterranean, Sinai map, flight path
– Plane crash, disinfo from ISIS etc,
– Black box flight data
– Larry’s graph
– International emblem of disaster
Part 3: Paris Terrorist Attack
– Theater shootings
– Sports stadium – suicide bombers, Hollande and Steinmeyer at game
– France immediately passed French Patriot Act
– Other countries imposed police state policies
Part. 4: G20
– Putin exposed illegal oil trade in Iraq and Syria and how it funded ISIS
– Putins speech, satellite photos, bombing ISIS oil infrastructure, 40 countries involved (mentioned Turkey)
– Map oil infrastructure
– Satellite photos – RU bombing
– US bombing civilian infrastructure but using RU attacks to claim that US was bombing terrorists
– Putin’s Kremlin meeting w report on bomb in Metrojet, as basis for invoking UN article 51
Part 5: Strategic Bombing
– Cruise missiles from Mediterranean submarine, Caspian Corvettes
– Strategic bombers sent from RU, doubled bombing sorties
– Killed terrorists and destroyed infrastructure, terrorists leaving Syria
– White Swan bomber against moon backdrop
Part 6: FRANCE changes allies
– Putin and Hollande at G20
– Jean Claude Junker hints to Putin that sanctions may go
– French deploy aircraft carrier to Syria, and get top headlines as ally of RU
Putin takes another ally away from US, isolating US and making NATO irrelevant
Recommended Reading
Leuren Moret: Sen. John McCain in false flag plan to down Russian airliner, caught just prior to Russian Airbus A321 Sinai crash
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Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was Energy weapons demo; Rothschild patent scam; Payback for Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal verdicts vs. Israel, US and UK
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Leuren Moret: MH370 false flag objectives include NWO Malaysia oil grab; militarization of SE Asia; Inmarsat global plane tracking; advancing global police state (II)
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Stuart James Smith says
Leuren,Larry and Alfred,
Please bring into your stream the work of Anataly Fomenko
It is the missing critical element in our current awakening.
He is born March 13. 1945 and is the foremost mathematician living today,
and he has rectified the historical time line manipulated for 600 years by the Benedictine and Jesuit orders
and his discoveries remove about 1000 years of manufactured and inserted time.
You will learn how the great empire of Tartaria was completely disappeared through consistent concerted efforts in editing and copying.
The New Chronology
Stuart James Smith says
The other comment I have is about Leuren’s statement of Russians saving Europe in WW2.
Soviet Bolsheviks had already starved Ukraine and genocided White Russians and were poised to march over Poland into Germany to continue the slaughter of Christians, when Hitler stood to save the Germanic tribes from them. I refer you to Mike King and his book, The Bad War, for the NY TIMES collected news stories of the 1930s chronicling the actual events leading to the ‘Invasion’ of Poland.
FDR, Winnie the Poop, and Uncle Joe conspired to lead their nations against Germany.
I ask myself often today what Europe would look like at this moment had the outcome been otherwise.
As for the revival of the Cossacks, you would enjoy learning about the Tekos School ,
Mabelle Vonk says
I totally agree with you, too bad Hitler was used and end up like a puppet. I truly believe he betrayed the German people. Ask yourself why he never bombed or invaded Swetzerland?
Paul E. Coughlin says
Just from careful study of some pictures on the web it can be discerned that mh17 had a staged crash site, using, probably, broken up mh370.
The Sinai Metroject was a similar job, a fake crash site, this time using, most likely the GermanWings plane.
Assuming both mh370 and Germanwings planes really were in the air and they probably were, then they were ‘snatched’ (using remote takeover and control.
Currently the psychopathic criminal cabal has an intact Boeing 777 (was mh17) and an Airbus 320 series (the Metrojet).
That much is dead easy to figure out for any one who cares to study the pictures a little (before they are ‘cleansed’ from the web).
This does not mean I do not highly respect the work of ALW and LM – I absolutely do. But we all get bits of our reasoning wrong or the people who tell us things happen to be wrong. You don’t even really need any disinfo as it just usually happens anyway.
rance says
Putin is doing a great job of convincing us that he is a hero. He certainly seems consistent and credible compared to Obama, doesn’t he?
I have to admit, I am leaning towards believing in him myself. Frankly, I truly hope that Putin is who he seems more and more to be.
But the following article, which I wrote last spring, serves to remind me of some very important facts which must be taken into account or reconciled soon if we are to take the hook, line, and the sinker.
Somehow, the fact that the symbol for the KGB (still currently on the Kremlin HQ bldg, I believe) is the same as the Rothschild coat of arms creates a direct connection to the influence of the banking elite in Russia.
Does Putin see this as problematic, I wonder?
Stuart James Smith says
The double headed eagle was not invented by any Rothschild.
It is an ancient emblem, with origins in the great empire of Tartaria.
Stuart James Smith says
And as far as Putin’s character and intentions are concerned, I admire his actions and ability to stand alone against the corporate syndicate of the declining West. Think of the significance of his leadership as a bloodline Vedruss, in the wake of the Marxist Bolshevik atheist virus of the 20th century, that has now taken hold as the EU and Neocon corporate states.
He is the man for the job.,_Vladimir
Mabelle Vonk says
What job?
Stuart James Smith says
What job?
Standing up against western zio-imperialism , the spreading of cultural Marxism.
Mabelle Vonk says
Currently Marxism ceased to be an economic theory, and has become cultural. Perhaps because the riches of the “Gentiles” have been already transferred to the “Chosen” ones. Where the richness of the area lies in the hands of those “Chosen” or is in the process, Communism is replaced by Liberalism.
Economic Marxism updated by the “Chosen” at the the Frankfurt School is more destructible, much more efficient, and brings the same old slogans of Marxism. Always aiming at the creation of the “New Man”, “New Order”, “New Culture”, etc …
And I question if this zio-imperialism isn’t using Putin to some extent.
Stuart James Smith says
So well put, Mabelle. I like to think Putin is playing them as well. I am disturbed that he and Kissinger seem to be great friends, dining at each other’s tables whenever possible. This is something a German friend tells me and insists is true. I was told Henry K was a young leader of the Marxist party in 1930s Germany,organizing rallies and marches in Bavaria, by an old German upholsterer who witnessed it all, as well as shining Hitler’s shoes. He was appalled that he was a fixture in the Republican White House and couldn’t understand how Americans stood for it.