Leuren Moret: Obama Cuba-Argentina visits & 3/22 Brussels false flag are hand-over to Jesuit/Transhumanist agenda. Putin develops peaceful model – wealth created by trading – Spends of 80% time creating civilian infrastructure.
VANCOUVER, BC – In this NewsInsideOut.com interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, Ms. Moret discusses Barack Obama’s meeting with Castro in Cuba and his Argentina visits, together with the 3/22 Brussels false flag, in the context of a handover by the West by Obama to the Jesuit and Transhumanist agenda and AI-entrainment, both in North and South America, and globally, and well as part of a millennial bloodline-driven transition.
In contrast to the Jesuit-driven West, Vladimir Putin is pursuing a peaceful model of development, though wealth created by trading through the BRICS and Silk Road economies.
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Noeline Clayfield says
Leuren and Alfred..thank you for this interesting update. I am a litle confused Leuren that you constantly refer to “Iranians” instead of “Babylonians or Hyksos :
Wikipedia :
The Hyksos (/ˈhɪksɒs/ or /ˈhɪksoʊz/; Egyptian heqa khaseshet, “ruler(s) of the foreign countries”; Greek Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς) were a people of mixed origins from Western Asia, who settled in the eastern Nile Delta, some time before 1650 BCE.
I feel your use of ” Iranians” casts aspersions on Iran that is currently fighting all sorts of disinformation and aggression from Western Sources.
Or do you feel that these Babylonians are still very influential in Iran and therefore your use is justified?
Brigitte says
Dear Alfred! Thank You for all your work for humanity!!! I appreciate and follow for more knowledge and understanding, have done many years. I wonder about the book Leuren Moret mentions, the book a danish writer had written and wonder also where on the internet it can be found. Thankful for all both of you do to help us see the big picture.
Greeting from Brigitte