Worldcach’s Leo Angesleva: “Obama” Brain Project & US Army facilitate AI Artificial Intelligence reading & controlling all human brains planetwide
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre,’s Leo Angesleva details how the “Obama” [read “U.S.”] Brain Project and the U.S. Army, along with other agencies covertly committed to the Transhumanist Agenda, are facilitating AI Artificial Intelligence reading and controlling all human brains and minds worldwide, and constructing Cyborg armies.
World Cach-World Coalition Against Covert Harassment
U.S. Cach – U.S. Coalition Against Covert Harassment – Join here
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Magnus Olsson survives massive DEW attack, launches World Coalition against AI-CIA-NSA DEW transhumanist agenda, shows how 6 million+ Europeans are entrained into HAARP supercomputers, 80% of humanity have chemtrails implants
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
AI Artificial Intelligence – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Tank You Alfred,
Leo is not a T.I. he do not understand TORTUR , HARASSMENT, invading my home stilling , poisoning.
Stilling my money, and infecting all relations, sleep deprivation, inserting low and agley deems.
No more deems of my own. I am in a constant pain
He is just a researcher for the Swedish Government
I thank you for your time and effort in bringing to the general poplulation this research. .I have limited time with dividing my time; partime employed and traveling 140 mile round trip to look after my grand chidldren , (dont’ want them in government nursery slave programs from age 3, school is enought. ) . My family feel I am extreme in my views but I have shown the lead information you bring enables. me to follow research and make an informed decision whether the information you bring is validated, (I have to say, generally is ). The more people who recognise the insane plans of those who wish to controll us, the more likelyhood we will escape the machinations of the insane!
Fran Digby
So far I am only 27 minutes into the presentation but feel compelled to say what will most likely be said eventually:
I suspect that only those who have discovered their INner Self, the Spirit within, the GOD of LOVE, will be able to fully digest all of this … the “folks” pushing this down our throats are aware of the GOD, but they have chosen another path, the God of FEAR, they have long ago sold their souls to the Devil.
Their path of choice is EVIL and that is the nature of the profane aspect of this world, the Physical side where the Spiritual TRUTH gives us each and all the choice of the direction of Love or Fear.
Our destiny is freely chosen by each of us as the condition of our incarnation. Power and Authority, secular and Religious have been long ago corrupted by Evil, deceit is their nature now, pathological is their nature and their mission is to fully corrupt the entire planet … and it will happen to the degree that we allow it so. We have been lied to so much that we almost accept it as normal (look at the FBI letting Hillary off), all of our highest leaders have arrived at their positions of power by playing along with the system of lying to gain power and control (wealth is but a secondary aspect that allows them to purchase what they really want from those enticed to work for them).
Religions, in their polluted condition, are but a “tool” of the Powers That Be (PTB)(our controlling “Elite”) to keep the adherents fenced in and to scare the more intelligent folks completely away from any aspect of real Spirituality (the “good” (natural) kind) …
Earth is a “school” for us, we learn our lessons and advance to higher Spiritual futures, or we “fall” for the lies that ever more will enslave us.
Only the Truth will set us Free … and that Truth will never come from our Leaders, it comes from within.
IMnsHO and E.
I can’t understand how people can sell there souls , as the soul does not belong to any one person or persons. When you were born you never had an ego / self/ the self was created by a manifestation of thoughts , ideas concepts and sentences from those who surround us. it is impossible for anyone to sell a soul that was around before any seller could sell..
No little thing can interfere with your decision to wake up.
Copy-paste of my comment from another article
A good resource article explaining how they plan to introduce massive-scale “virtual” control (t.i. spying) of population:
It explains how “Jade Helm” training was actually training of how to spy on citizens via mobile/internet/any sort of chipped cards networks, all able to be controlled/monitored from the network of satellites.
All it takes for any person to be controlled is for her/him to carry a smartphone or chipped credit card with herself/himself – there is even no need for direct underskin-microchipping of people anymore, for Orvellian control to take place… I bet that’s why the puppet masters are pushing for cashless society – they need people to carry some sort of chip with themselves! If that doesn’t work out, smartphones will do the job, as everyone’s using them… as simple as that. ?
It’s also easy to unplug yourself from the system – don’t carry smartphones or chipped cards with yourself.
I know that some people were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in secret gov projects on various ways of how to introduce control over people, but, regarding the underskin microchipping – did you know that a few years ago it was discovered (by mere chance) that 1/3 of American population had microchips inside of their bodies, without knowing about that!… As far as I remember, it was discovered at the dentists’, as if some dental fillings contained them or something like that….
But, inside-of-body microchips can be scanned and then removed…. Probably that’s why the puppet masters gave up on that idea, and are pushing for people to accept cashless (no-actual-money, lol) agenda, which, if it works as they plan (if people are so stupid to fall into another easy trap again, instead of creating independent payment systems) – will indeed allow the jokers to monitor everybody all the time via chips on credit cards… lol
(that can be avoided if ppl don’t accept such ‘new monetary system’)
Btw2: I began to wonder about the alleged plastic GMO Chinese rice – I mean, I hope those rice beans aren’t microchips actually!?? 😀 How things are going, we better start scanning our foods before eating.., lol.