Comet Ping-Pong Pizzagate False Flag Shooter Meme Exposed!
IMDB – The Shooter In 2005 Pizza Movie & The Shooter In Pizzagate False Flag Shooting Are The Same Actor
Pizzagate Profile and methodology congruent with false flag methodology exposed by author Ole Dammegard
Purpose of Pizzagate false flag shooting explained
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
BLAINE, WA. – The shooter Patsy in the Comet Pizzagate False Flag Shooting is identified as Edgar Maddison Welch, who played the part of the SHOOTER in the Movie “Something About Pizza!” Welch’s acting chops and history qualify him as a “Crisis actor” in the Pizzagate false flag “psyop” operation.
NWO False Flag central is now coordinating these false flags as it did in the Boston Marathon false flag psyop and many others. The purpose of the Pizzagate False Flag shooting is to discredit existence and hide and deflect from the activities the Global Satanic Ritual Abuse Pedophile Ring. The Pizzagate attack is meant to use psychological operations “psyops” principles to “inoculate” with mainstream media managed news around a ritualistic staged false flag involving pre-scripted actors and agreements with a traveling false flag troupe hidden within layers of sequestered secret black ops that part of the ring that has infiltrated US, state, and local government, media, churches, courts, and social services institutions, as needed for the performance of a particular false flag.
IMDb – The Shooter In 2005 Pizza Movie & The Shooter In Pizzagate False Flag Shooting Are The Same Actor
IMDb Something About Pizza (2005)
7min | Short, Comedy | 21 February 2006 (Luxembourg)
A young girl comes from school hungry, but her brother left nothing of her favorite food: Pizza. Her only thought now is revenge.
Director: Olivier Koos
Writer: Olivier Koos
Stars: Celine Reichel, Alain Schumann, Patrick Védie | See full cast & crew »
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Behind the Curtain: Cinematography the “Bosch” Way
Bosch (2014-) Bosch (2014-)
Presented by Intel: The show’s cinematographer shares how tech plays an integral role in bringing his vision to life on “Bosch.”
Title: Something About Pizza (2005)
Something About Pizza (2005) on IMDb 3.8/10
Credited cast:
Celine Reichel Celine Reichel …
Alain Schumann Alain Schumann …
Patrick Védie Patrick Védie …
The pizza deliverer
Edgar Maddison Welch Edgar Maddison Welch …
The Gunman
A young girl comes from school hungry, but her brother left nothing of her favorite food: Pizza. Her only thought now is revenge.
Country: Luxembourg
Language: English
Release Date: 21 February 2006 (Luxembourg) See more »
Box Office
Budget: €100 (estimated)
Company Credits
Production Co: Pyramid See more »
Color: Color
Did You Know?
During filming, the main actress’ shadow fell on the wall, reminding the director of the famous Max Schreck shadow in “Nosferatu”. He promptly had her redo the scene 16 times until he was happy enough with the improvised scene to keep it in the final cut. See more »
Discuss Something About Pizza (2005) on the IMDb message boards »
- 5 Things you should know about Edgar Maddison Welch
Pizzagate – Probable cause evidence of a pedophile network around “Pizzagate”
“Only after watching the preceding video will it be possible to make sense of the Democrat pedophilia ring that has been broken in Washington, D.C. When this [ORGANIZED] Satanic ritual child sexual abuse is finished being investigated, it will make the Franklin Scandal and Cover-up look like a garden party.”
Huge Breakthrough in D.C. Pedophilia Ring
VIDEO: Pizza & Pedophiles 1
The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That Reached Bush/Reagan White House
BREAKING: From the anon who brought you the Laura Silsby connection: I have uncovered a pedophile with links to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Brock, George Soros, Marina Abramovic and the Podestas (self. The_Donald)
From David Wilcock:
The Podesta emails went public as of October 7, 2016, and were devastating to the Clinton campaign for other reasons, at least initially.
As the Millennium Report pointed out, “John Podesta is not only the ultimate Democratic powerbroker, Beltway insider and powerful political fixer, his professional resume is both long and deep in the U.S. Federal Government.
“[Podesta] was Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff back in the 1990s, Barack Obama’s Counselor to the President, and Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”
Out of 2,060 total emails in the first Podesta collection, there are 149 instances of “pizza”, 73 of hot dog, 85 of cheese, 78 of pasta, 41 of sauce, 84 of ice cream and 47 of walnut.
The word “map,” which can refer to a telltale clue that could destroy the entire crime ring if left behind, such as through DNA evidence, appears 917 times.
That’s almost half of all the emails.
These words often appear in very, very bizarre contexts that have nothing to do with food. That is one key element of Pizzagate.
The term “pizza” itself appears to be code for a sexual partner, particularly if it is a minor, and again appears 149 times.
Although “walnut” appears 47 times in very strange ways, the equally popular nut “cashew” doesn’t appear even once.This is most likely because “walnut” is a code word and “cashew” is not.
An innocuous, non-code-word junk food like “French fries” only appears 13 times. “Milkshake” only appears six times.
“Vegetable” only appears 24 times. “Pear” only appears 25 times. “Grape” only appears six times. “Avocado” only appears four times. “Strawberry” only appears twice. None of these are code words.
Law enforcement authorities and online “Urban Dictionary” resources have identified the specific terms we just mentioned – pizza, cheese, sauce, pasta, et cetera – as code words for child sex trafficking.
Code words allow people engaging in illegal activities to have a cover story in the event that their communications are discovered.
A simple, much less serious example of code-speak would be a college student referring to a bag of weed as a “book”, such as when talking on the phone or in an email about it.
People engaging in criminal activities have always been aware of surveillance, and use code terms to avoid getting caught, or at least reduce the risk.
A simple-sounding question like “Read any good books lately?” can lead to knowing laughter in cases like our hypothetical pot-smoking college students.
Pizza and other specific food terms appear in very suspicious, non-food-related ways in hundreds of different letters sent by Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta and others. ( 1 , 2 , 3 )
Here are three notable examples:
I consider ice cream, its purchase, and its consumption a rather serious business. We can’t just willy-nilly toss it out and about in casual references, especially linked with the word “free”.
Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy.
I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.
Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?
From, ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal By David Wilcock
False Flags are designed like movies, with scripts, sets, actors, technical support crew [Law Enforcement/Intel] and media
Researcher Ole Dammegard has documented the parallels between how motion picture filmings are carried out on dramatic sets with cast and technical crew to the functions that need to support a false flag such as the Paris attacks or the Pizzagate shooting.
PART II: Ole Dammegard reveals Freemason pyramid erected opposite Martin Luther King secret death site. Full details exposed of US Army, police sharpshooters, FBI operatives Jesse Jackson, Rev. Billy Kyles in false flag even as MSNBC uses Jesse Jackson as on-air commentator on 2016 Campaign African American issues
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert FBI operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.
Jesse Jackson continued as a post-King, US “black leader”, including as 1984-88 Manchurian US Presidential candidate & 1991-1997 US Senator from DC, based on status as covert FBI asset at the Dr. King assassination.
Ole Dammegard: Coca-Cola, Nike, Starbucks featured in NWO product placement signage at 2015 Paris, 2016 Brussels false flags. “Explosion” at 2016 Brussels airport false flag was produced by movie-like special effects built into fake airline ticket counter & ceiling
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ole Dammegard: Pres. Hollande, G-20, Climate Summit part of Paris Friday 13th classic False Flag
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ole Dammegard exposes 2011 Norway false flag as 2-5 police shooters kill 69-86 youths. Bilderberger-CIA-Mossad-MI5 ops group commits false flags in USA; UK; Spain; Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Canada; France and others
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ole Dammegard: Ebola depopulation plot in Obamacare codes & UN takeover will fail
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ole Dammegard: NWO crisis actor group stages false flags at Ottawa, Paris, Copenhagen. Italy next?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The existence of Pedophile and ritual child sacrifice activities and networks worldwide is real and has been established by forensic evidence.
“The Transhumanist Agenda can be defined as: A complex cooperative entity originating in the Draco reptilians and CIA/U.S. government using MKULTRA technology that appears now to have expanded out into a planetary infrastructure around the NSA and contracting agencies around the world, along with a dedicated grid of HAARP installations, chemtrails, Supergrids, Super computers, nano-bots, nanochips to be the prime mover entity responsible for driving pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide in power institutions such as the Vatican, Jesuits, Zionists, Churches, Monarchies, governments, intelligence, military, police, Schools, and families. The existence of Pedophile and ritual child sacrifice activities and networks worldwide is real and has been established by forensic evidence. Pedophile rings appear to facilitate establishing a global power base in these institutions for the ultimate AI soul-less robotization of humanity.”
UK’s Richie Allen – Alfred Webre: “Paedophilia Rings Controlled By Draco Reptilians, Monarchies And The Vatican!”
Panel: World Pedophile/child sacrifice network based on Babylonian system includes 2016 Trump, Clintons, CIA, Popes, Monarchs, Churches, Governments, Courts, Banks, Masons
Law and our Endocannabinoid System are solutions to deconstruct these ancient demonic energetic Soul engines
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
NEW INTERVIEW WITH Ella & Abraham: Evidence trail from Hampstead UK pedophile network leads directly to PM David Cameron
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
NOTE: The normal Skype recording was intentionally interfered with by an outside agency. This is a backup recording and we urge viewer patience. You are witnessing an international information war around the activities of pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks.
Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The USA 2016 President must restore the original US constitution and protect the rights of children against pedophiles. A White Hat in the White House
Pedophile Cover-up: Hampstead UK Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids, send mother & legal helper into exile, protect Satanist abuser father
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
NewsInsideOut responds to “Web Sheriff” over “Anonymous” & the Hampstead UK pedophile & ritual child sacrifice hub
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
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