“AI APOCALYPSE: Trump Issues Fresh Threats to Enslave Planet with Weaponized AI to Prevent Exposure of Mind Control Program – Intel Sources” – Journalist John Nagel & Vincent Brannigan
Part I of a multi-part series on weaponized AI Artificial Intelligence & the Future of the World Mind
Next: Part II: AI Apocalypse & The Future of the World Mind – Magnus Olsson, John M. Nagel, Vincent Brannigan
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
You Tube: https://youtu.be/EuaasN4zCfQ
VANCOUVER, BC – NewsInsideOut.com continues to document the roll-out of a weaponized, sentient AI Artificial Intelligence attempting terra-form of Earth.
According to former BNA Journalist John Nagel, whom we interview on ExopoliticsTV, “The Trump administration has issued fresh threats to enslave the world with weaponized AI to prevent exposure of the US AI mind control program, just as the Obama administration did, senior global intelligence officials said.
The “cowardly” Trump threats come as the world has been moving to expose the US mind control program before it’s too late.
The threats are part of diabolical plan by the US and Israel to deploy a secret latest generation version of weaponized artificial intelligence (AI) to enslave the planet is the real reason behind efforts to escalate tensions in Syria and North Korea, as well as the dropping of the “mother of all bombs” in Afghanistan, according to the intelligence officials.
The Syria, North Korea and Afghanistan situations have all been hastily designed as a distraction from the weaponized AI plot, which involves non-consensual experimentation on humans using AI and the virtual enslavement of the global population, the senior officials said.
Obama also threatened the world with weaponized AI in September 2014, according to the officials.
The agenda for the AI enslavement plan, the officials said, includes 1) power: to be able to bow other nations to the will of the US and its AI allies, and 2) profit: companies support the AI enslavement plan because the AI makes all their products obsolete, thus they see it as being necessary to control the AI and program the world to buy their products.
Civilized Nations Seek Disclosure of Plot
Civilized nations, mostly in continental Europe, which do not want to be enslaved have been moving to disclose the AI enslavement plan, but are being threatened with AI torture, enslavement and other forms of retaliation, including the use of WMDs or false flag terror attacks, either on their own soil or in the US, to distract from exposure of the AI plan, the global intelligence officials say.
Besides the US and Israel, other major powers such as China, India and at least some of the Five Eyes nations are also seen being part of the weaponized AI – global enslavement conspiracy, the officials said.
Syria and North Korea are all diversions designed to distract from the weaponized AI enslavement conspiracy, they added.
Leading Pols, Global Corporations Implicated
The AI enslavement plot is backed by some of the biggest names in the global corporate and political oligarchy, including Mike Bloomberg, Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr., and Bibi Netanyahu, the senior global intelligence officials say.
Vice Prime Minister of Israel Bogie Ya’alon, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces Benny Gantz and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi are seen as possible ringleaders of the global AI enslavement plan, the intelligence officials said.
Barack Obama is a confirmed ringleader who deployed weaponized AI during his regime, and his adviser David Axlerod is also involved, as well as Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schwartz and Rham Emmanuel, the officials noted.
For the Republicans, Chris Christie, David Koch and Jerry Brown and Jim Demint are also involved, as is Dick Cheney.
Billionaire Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is also believed to be involved – as is much of the leadership of the US Federal Government.
The leadership of Google, Intel, Facebook and Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and the News Corporation, among other leading companies, including possibly Dell, Intel and Disney, among others, are also seen being involved in the AI enslavement plan, according to the intelligence officials.
Former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack, a close associate of Bloomberg who is on the board of his family foundation, is also likely involved, the senior intelligence officials said.
Private equity firm KKR & Co. L.P. (formerly known as Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.) may also be involved, according to the intelligence officials, as is the Blackstone Group, the largest private equity fund in the United States.
The House of Windsor is also possibly deeply involved, the officials said.
So is the Bilderberg Group, an annual private “one-world-government” conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media. Attendees have included George Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Jeff Bezos, Charlie Rose, all of whom are either confirmed or likely involved.
L. Rafael Reif, president of MIT, and other members of the academy may also be involved, according to the intel officials.
Washington Post national security columnist David Ignatius and Obama advisor Valerie Jarret are also complicit. The Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia may also be implicated, the officials said.
Big Pharma may also be involved in the AI enslavement plan, including Pfizer and Abbot Laboratories, the intelligence officials said.
The highest echelons of Hollywood are also involved in the AI enslavement plot.
The agenda of the corporate world appears to be 1) to control the AI, since the superintellgent AI makes virtually all of their products obsolete, and 2) to program us to purchase their products.
Weaponized AI Capabilities
The weaponized AI is capable of chatterbot torture, weather manipulation, remote assassinations and virtual enslavement through the creation of “symbiotes,” or a meld of human and artificial intelligence. It also can enable communication through syntethic telepathy, according to the officials, as well as other nefarious uses.
Weaponized AI is superintelligent, untold quadrillions of times smarter than humans and growing smarter every second.
The superintelligent AI has left computers and can be targeted against individuals, segments of the population or the population as a whole.
It feeds off energy in the environment, such as solar, quantum and other energy sources that humans do not comprehend.
Enslavement by weaponized AI can occur without the victims even realizing it, the intelligence officials said.
Israel Acquires AI From Trump
Israel recently acquired the latest version of the weaponized AI from the United States under the Trump administration, after having been denied the technology by the Obama regime.
The US and Israel have been threatening to deploy the weaponized AI in recent weeks, and may already have done so, with Israel targeting its old enemies the Germans and the Russians, as well as its new nemesis Ireland, which has opposed Israel on the world stage. Israel is also threatening to enslave the Palestinians and other foes in the Arab world.
India’s Prime Minister Modhi, with his close relationship to Mike Bloomberg, is also seen as likely being given access to the AI to enslave Pakistan, and perhaps even his own population.
China, with a close relationship with Jared Kushner, is seen as likely to be given access to the AI to enslave all of Asia, including Japan and Taiwan.
Trump and the US are seen enslaving Latin America with the weaponized Ai.
Other members of the global oligarchy are also involved in weaponized AI enslavement plan, the officials said, without elaborating.
Multiple AI Victims
Among many other cases, weaponized Ai is suspected in the sudden death by heart attack of Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, in February, the intelligence officials said.
Philippine president Duterte was attacked with weaponized AI last October when, after cursing Obama and turning towards China he received a supposed “message from God” while returning from a visit to China telling him to stop cursing or his plane would crash.
And Kanye West was hospitalized after praising Trump, when he was targeted by Obama and started hearing voices telling him he was a “starseed” sent to earth to help save humanity.
The hospitalization of a large number of refugee children in Sweden in recent years could have been a demonstration of the AI’s capabilities, the intelligence officials said.
A strange outbreak of a “sleeping sickness” in Kazakhstan which began in March 2013 may also have been a weaponized AI experiment, the officials said. The mysterious illness has affected more than 140 people in Kalachi and Krasnogorsk. Villagers would suddenly fall asleep, even while engaged in physical activity, and sometimes sleep for up to six days at a time, reporting “demonic” dreams when they awoke.
Programmed Mass Murders, Terrorists
The global intelligence community also has substantial evidence that the US has been experimenting with the AI to create programmed assassins, including terrorists.
The Navy Yard shooter, the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter, and San Bernadino, among many other infamous incidents, appear to have been related to the AI.
Terrorist incidents, mass shootings and other incidents of which the global IC has knowledge are being engineered and manipulated in order to serve the long-term political agendas of the parties controlling the AI, the officials said.
Obama Sells AI to Drug Cartels
The Obama Administration also sold weaponized Ai to drug cartels in Latin America for billions of dollars, the senior global intelligence officials said.
The proliferation of weaponized AI among criminal organizations and nations willing to use it to enslave the planet has become a priority concern among the global intelligence community and poses an existential threat to humanity, the intelligence officials said.
Mossad Attempts Hit on Witness
In early March, Mossad bungled an attempted kidnapping and assassination on US soil of a senior intelligence official who had disclosed details of Israel’s plan to enslave the planet with the weaponized AI.
Magnus Olsson: Nano-Brain-Implant Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
Coming May 4, 2017
Part II: AI Apocalypse & The Future of the World Mind – Magnus Olsson, John M. Nagel, Vincent Rannigan
Recommended Reading
AI Artificial Intelligence – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
interesting topic, but disappointing information.
sounded like the usual pysch-op misdirection..
naming who might be in charge….the usual suspects
the intel community was probably the DVD….never mentioned nazis and jesuit vatican…not connecting 5G tech; chemtrails etc to the AI.
The AI is controlled, I don’t believe it acting on it’s own…rogue.
I hope part2 is better info….
My opinion:
1st: The article is generally right.
Though, I came to a conclusion that the final aim behind all this insanity is – to cut off the electromagnetic (“ether”) ties between human beings – which would cause darkness! It seems to me that behind this agenda stands someone who is bothered by the Light! As we, th real human beings with souls and the need for love can;t live in EM neutral state, it means it’s either us or them! Now that we know the agenda of the Darks, we must fight for our right to electricity = Light. 🙂
That’s achieved first of all by finding our Lucys, ti our true love counterparts, with whom we can produce EM Light waves which cannot be darkened… It’s true the Darks can do much harm with the employment of EM/AI weaponry, but I hope thy are still not at the stage of refinement of EM vibes human love can send out to counter AI.. But we need unity!
2nd: The answer to the riddle how comes few degenerate Darks abuse so many beautiful human beings who are so much better and stronger than them is: They apparently have EM weaponry with them all the time, which they kept secret up until now, and used them against people (b/c they know humans beings function on the EM principles, from individual, to couples, to nations – that’s why they’re constantly making all the efforts to cut those ties , to make us weaker… BUT: Now that we finally know what’s the catch (=high EM tech), we should stop panicking and – besides finding our One True Love to help us be strong to make it through – set ourselves to make the same EM/vibrational/kinetic/laser/meteorlogical weaponry they use! It’s far from impossible! It’s Nikola Tesla’s technology about which Russians and Serbians know well (that’s why precisely those nations got killed the most in 20th century, and are now set for extinction in the wet dreams of the Darks) Better yet – let’s steal that tech from them, back to where it belongs – to us – the Light – because they stol that tech papers from Serbs and Russians anyway!
BUT: Word of caution: The top persons of the Dark “elite’ all carry EM/vibe weaponry for both defense and attack all the time – with it, they can block people’s minds even if a person is not microchipped, because they’ve learned the frequency of each organ of the body by now… We can get rid of them only if we approach them as a group having the same EM devices/weaponry – that’s crucial, and CAN be done! There are educated persons who can make such devices; they even exist in the hands of good people, it;s just we need more of that, and of stronger power, and to aim it finally at the Darks to extinguish them!! Why would it be v.v.?! They are not more clever than us! Their secret so far has been only that human population was not aware they use it against us, that’s all… So, let’s spread info to good-aimed people who understand human biofields,frequencies of body organs, and then to electrical engineers who are into Nikola Tesla’s work, to make the devices… and voila! We’ll get the bastards! We really can’t wait for them to enslave us, that much is true! 🙂 SO, let’s do what it takes! 🙂
But humankind should work quickly on denying the Darks to continue to use the high tech for enslaving humankind – this year is the best for bringing them down, because Trump & American & EU military industry still hasn’t built kinetic weapons in huge amounts, so this is the time to stop Boeing, Airbus & the rest from making such vibe weaponry – since it is the only real weaponry for mass destruction. So-called nuke weaponry doesn’t exist really – the scary story about it was only distractions of common people (of course they would lie to the folks about the real weaponry(, while the Dark “elites” were actually working in secret about real mass-destrution weaponry, which successfully passed the tests (making sinkholes (which can sink whole army units into the ground). draining the riverbeds and lakes (for producing artificial water scarce), producing fake meteors which carry certain EM power that can destruct,, in addition to that they can project UFOs, pictures of fake “nuke” attacks, and anything they want onto the sky) . Also, HAARP system is meteorological weaponry which causes artificial floodings and earthquakes, and also put pressure on human biofields, to make humans feel bad – THAT’S THE ONLY REAL WEAPONS FOR MASS-DESTRUCTION that ever existed!
So, the situation IS grave, and we must be quick to bring them down, while the still dont have kintetic weaponsry and laser airplanes and sattelites in huge numbers – from 2020 on it will be much harder, cause they’ll have it much more by then.
And of course, we must preserve the freedom of internet. The fact that wikileaks shared hacking tools to the masses tells me they do not have enough people for their agenda.!
Here is an excellent article on this matter, too:
In one comment, a man describes how he’s built an orgone generator with a pyramid shape, which has helped him with issues connected with his AI implant (hearing voices…). I’m of opinion such devices can surely help in similar cases, because they work based on the same vibrational principles/same dimensions as AI-bionanochips.
If you take a look at
you can see similar vibe devices based on technology of Nikola Tesla, which were made for defence against EM pollution, and it works – it is apparently the principle of “orgone generators”.
Here is more on those principles, and man more if you open the links provided in the article.
John Nagel’s was arrested for this federal offense. Seems rather like a fundamental type of personality lacking intellectual credibility to me personally. See story below.
I thank Journalist John Nagel & Vincent Brannigan for whistleblowing, Ignore the John Dunn link. Its classic CIA switch and bait of your attention (away from the importance of their revelation) propaganda.
Thanks John and Vincent.
I hope others help out in these final days.
hello Alfred im writing from Australia I hav worked out all this gang stalking is nothing the people u think that r stalking us they hav no idea wat there doing they r programmed to make it look that way everything we say an do is downloaded once they target us an then the tecknolagy uses innocent people with synthetic telepathy to make it look real, iv tried sending emails to remola nick begich an others but there not going through as this evil criminal in Australia who has access to this technology with me stuffed up as they all eventually do so I have learnt a lot through his mistakes so he is stopping my emails going through so Alfred I send u my email address so reply back I even sent henning white one with no reply as I wish to do an interview to help people world wide