Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks: Abrogate & renegotiate secret Greada, Tau-9 Treaties with pedocriminal ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
PEACE PORTAL, WA – In an interview with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer of Off-Planet Radio, Alfred Lambremont Webre explores the Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks and presents a proposal to abrogate and renegotiate the Treaties entered into secretly by the US government with pedocriminal ET civilizations under the administrations of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and George HW Bush.
Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
1954 Greada Treaty: (Orion Greys – Draco Reptilians – Anunnaki)
Ref: http://exopolitics.org/archived/Study-Paper-8.htm
I: Established human trafficking in the solar system & galaxy as lawful & legal, until Greada Treaty is abrogated.
Provides the legal & institutional [Government, law enforcement, social services, religions, etc] for lawful human trafficking on Earth jurisdiction and outer Space jurisdiction.
- Non-Disclosure is Legal and Lawful: classifications, need-to-know, confidentiality, compartmentalization, the covert operations of Government.
- Marketing in body parts internationally by hospitals and private butchers is Legal and Lawful.
- Marketing in sex slaves internationally (for DynCorp and other “defense” contractors) is legal and lawful.
- Virtual Kidnapping and Marketing in social services, children removed from homes at risk is legal and lawful.
- Virtual kidnapping and using humans for experimentation is legal and lawful.
We need new ET Treaty negotiations, and not just for commercial interests; but for Human Rights interests.[1]
OUTCOME 1: Make non-consensual human-trafficking illegal.
OUTCOME 2: Remove Doctrines and Dogmas promoting violence from religious holy texts that permit this as a social norm, and were originated by manipulatory interdimensional ETs promoting violence.
Reptilian Influence: Anunnaki have affected religion, society, politics and social norms.
OUTCOME 3: All this must be repealed, interdicted at the Source, by having Anunnaki Principals engage in and abrogate their interests in human trafficking, sex slavery, abductions and human experimentation, which is currently permitted by ET treaties such as the Greada Treaty & Others, including the TPP.”
PROPOSAL – This Proposal is based on a Proposal contributed by author Emily Windsor Cragg in email dated May 10, 2017 to Dr. Michael Salla, PhD [Hawaii] & Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd [Canada]
Historical Background – Reptilian-Human Conflict
- Reptilian-Human-Grey Exopolitical Dynamics in Milky Way Galaxy.[2]
- Exo-phenotypes Reptilian & Human
Reptilians Draco wars on humans in Lyra constellation leading to human diaspora in Galaxy
Draco-Orion Wars for occupation of solar system Tiamat asteroids, Mars
Earth Reptilian planet – age of dinosaurs
Lemuria Atlantis wars
Reptilian occupation 4D & Inner Earth/Agarthans.
Anunnaki Reptilian allies Religion & Government
Draco Human Food source & Loosh
Homo Sapiens Sapiens – Tripartite brain: Reptilian, Mammalian, Rational neocortex
CONFLICT ON EARTH – Reptilian – Human
- Human Institutional Adoption of Reptilian-Anunnaki Pedocriminal
Churches Secret Societies Satanic Religions from Babylon
Judaism & Jesuits
Finance & Bankers
Ninth Circle Pope John Paul II Vatican – Jesuit priest
CIA Time travel preidentification
POTUS CIA Executive decision to supply American children to DUMBS
Middle East & domestic USA (40 million multigenerational Satanic families); TO off planet & Underground Draco (Treaties)
Reptilian USA Rockefeller Rothschild
Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller YLS 1966 Clintons
John Podesta Rockefeller initiative 95
Bill Clinton Chief; Obama Chief; Hillary campaign Chief – Reptilian CIA political pedocriminal
2015 Jade Helm AI from 1982 Falklands war Marconi Labs
Singularity 2015 not 2045 – Kurzweil; Gates; Prince Charles
2016 Election – Clinton Reptilian
Trump Russian Mafia child prostitution Wiki leaks
White hats & Putin Sochi Declaration result in Pizzagate Pedogate Epstein (Mar A Lago groundskeeper daughter was one of girls)
White Hat prosecutions
Clinton & Trump products of RR Satanic Mafia & Russian mafia
AI singularity 2015-2045
Ascension – Consciousness Density Shift 3rd density to 5th Density Love/Unity Consciousness
House cleaning of US 2nd American revolution – Law of 1871 & Original constitution
Abrogation of Greada Treaty & Renegotiation of new ET Treaties.
OffPlanet Radio
Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks
Recommended Reading
Len Kasten – The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
LISTEN TO INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/B2ibRv5P8o8
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VIDEO: Mark Passio: 2016 – Trump, Order Followers, Pedophilia, Satanism, Control Matrix, AI & Ascension – Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre
What On Earth Is Happening
Date of Interview: Nov. 9, 2016
NEW INTERVIEW WITH Ella & Abraham: Evidence trail from Hampstead UK pedophile network leads directly to PM David Cameron
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
NOTE: The normal Skype recording was intentionally interfered with by an outside agency. This is a backup recording and we urge viewer patience. You are witnessing an international information war around the activities of pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks.
Pedophile Cover-up: Hampstead UK Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids, send mother & legal helper into exile, protect Satanist abuser father
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Part I: Exclusive Interview – Ella Draper & Abe Christie’s testimony on Hampstead pedophilia the UK Court excluded
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
[1] Proposal contributed by author Emily Windsor Cragg in email dated May 10, 2017 to Dr. Michael Salla, PhD [Hawaii] & Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd {Canada]
[2] Len Kasten – The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
LISTEN TO INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/B2ibRv5P8o8
ed says
Alfred; I like you, but I have to say:
ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs….is just bad info.
Exo is what the bad guys give to the public to follow.
Eso is what the bad guys follow.
Eisenhower was born in Austro-Hungry
Geo HW Bush ws born in Germany
Not Reptilians, but Jesuit nazi degenerate psychopaths are in control.
Satanic occult followers are just that, criminal groups…no special powers.
ETmaker says
Yeah! Everybody from the Adriatic coast knows that the incredibly cruel Venetiaan traders (of Albanian origin) were telling to the natives THEY ARE ALIENS! 🙂
And they are currently ruling the world.. It’s Albanians/Albions/Kalabrians/Sicilian mafia (all ethnic Albanians) , in essence…
Patrick Hair says
Question: Didn’t President Eisenhower agree to this Treaty??? If so, won’t or shouldn’t Laura Eisenhower adjust her opinion of her great-grandfather and his participation in this? She has normally supported him up until now and so did I until about 2 years ago at which time I discovered the reality of the ALLIED DEATH camps exterminating Germans after WW2. Then my world view of the War and of Ike changed. As my father was in WW2 and I always thought the Allies were the “good guys” since I was a kid, it was difficult for me to accept, but eventually I had to. Truth is what it is, no matter how the cards deal out.
Emily Windsor-Cragg says
Here’s my update, Alfred.
https://youtu.be/sBFWpx5kQso … Let’s Connect DOTS: PizzaGate IS RELATED to War, to Everything
https://www.facebook.com/notes/emily-elizabeth-windsor-cragg/2000_unesco_redefine_family-unesco-common-core-stupefaction/952904494843282/ . . . the UN is in compliance and collusion with sexual profligacy and human trafficking
https://youtu.be/gw2mrSyEA0E . . . the mind-control practice upon children of trauma-based “opening the pineal gland” is centered around sodomy, for which networks of human traffickers provide KIDNAPPED KIDS to be sodomized.
What I found out from Dan Burisch’s associate DonDepp about renegotiating ET Treaties for the TAU9 update was that the topic of human rights or human trafficking or violating the Prime Directive was NOT addressed in the updated Treaty.
What I found out about Val Valiant Thor a Venusian who spent several years at the White House under Eisenhower was that he was attempting to bring “THE PRIME DIRECTIVE” into Western Governance; and Eisenhower being a Zionist Jew, wasn’t having it, and according to his own norms and dictates ALLOWED ABDUCTIONS and human EXPERIMENTATION to be part of the Greada Treaty, without objection. He let the El-Anu Treaty stand, which had been required upon the Annunaki by the FOUNDERS Eloheim, to make RACE THE BASIS UPON WHICH judgments were made about people.
What I have found out about my uncle Adolph Hitler was that he was fighting to Free Germany of central banking, against Zionism and against the militarisation of space. So much for the history we have of him. He was a patsy who tried to please everybody and barely escaped to Argemtina with his life.
Brigitt Murillo Montanez-Graves says
It’s a pedocracy as Johnny Cirucci explains, excellent work, thank you
David Howard says
An FBI polygraph test will get Captain Mark Richards released from prison.
David Howard says
Captain Mark Richards and Fiona Barnett = trustworthy.