By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media June 28, 2017, reveals The Fenton Perspective host Lorien Fenton in extended conversation with “UFO Hotline” producer Jon Kelly. Originally aired this past Monday on Revolution Radio, the broadcast takes a deeper look at issues in Jon’s professional clinical and journalistic practice as a world-renowned analyst from In a summary of UFO community and domestic U.S. news events over the previous six months the former CBS Radio feature producer suggested self-inquiry has become a national priority and urged listeners to find solutions emerging from within their own creative human potential.
In the new documentary ‘UFO Hotline: Secret Messages of the Contactees’ callers to a UFO Hotline have questions about their lives as witnesses, experiencers of UFO Contact pioneering along front lines of expanding consciousness and human performance. Jon Kelly from hopes that an “extremely psychoactive” non-invasive procedure will help as he attempts to learn more about cognitive processes that accompany Contact, including the emotions and dreams of the contactees. Viewers rapidly enter the psychic world of UFO experiencers by listening to digital reflections of callers’ unconscious sleep talking-like gestures facilitated by a knowledgeable and friendly expert with nearly 20 years of professional experience.
During the Fenton interview, Jon Kelly listed three caveats that had previously appeared in an annotated transcript published earlier this month. According to these remarks, the practitioner “doesn’t warrant that people will be able to audibly resolve his findings, that he can make other people hear things, or that he can hear what other people hear.”
Jon Kelly continued to emphasize how his analytic bona fides are based almost entirely upon unimpeachable facts (backed by independent third-party documentation) of a track record that demonstrates “beating headlines” (consistently reporting news later substantiated by mainstream sources, sheriff’s departments and the newsmakers themselves) over an almost-20 year period.”
According to an online bio, Lorien Fenton became actively involved in the San Francisco Bay Area UFO Community after almost dying from a mysterious form of Pneumonia during the H1N1 scare of summer 2009. It was that near death experience which propelled her into doing the work she loves in a community that she has been passionate about her entire life. The host of three talk radio shows, Lorien Fenton is the MUFON Marin and Sonoma counties Section Director, holding meetings in Petaluma, CA on the first Saturday of the month.
Jon Kelly is an international clinician and world famous speech analyst who released key intelligence pertaining to the Iraq War two years in advance of the “Shock and Awe” strikes against Baghdad in 2003. As a former feature producer for CBS Radio with experience in #1-rated US television, his work exploring consciousness, communications, the paranormal and UFO phenomena have been featured in Huffington Post, USA Today, Dallas Morning News, Florida Today, Wall Street Journal, Irish Independent, UC Irvine Today, Coast to Coast AM, Fox News, CBS Radio and Television, CBC, BBC London, Deutschlandradio Berlin, AOL News, UFO Digest and Click here to learn more about the work of Jon Kelly.
‘UFO Hotline: Secret Messages of the Contactees’ is now streaming via rental, purchase or subscription on NewsInsideOut Plus, exclusive to CLICK HERE to watch the full 72-minute Canadian independent documentary.
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