Melanie and baby Amethyst Vritschan supported by statement of Minister and Ambassador of Children’s Rights of one of the global Nations
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Support Freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – A Minister and Ambassador for Children’s Rights of a global Nation has submitted a statement in support of the rights of Melanie and baby Amethyst Vritschan. This statement that was read on air during a live program on Revolution Radio – – to raise funds for legal costs for an emergency legal habeas corpus proceeding in a Belgian court to free baby Amethyst from incarceration without cause in a Belgian hospital to which she has been sentenced unlawfully by a Judge after having been taken from her mother Melanie without legal or medical cause.
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Melanie and baby Amethyst Vritschan supported by statement of Minister and Ambassador of Children’s Rights of a global Nation. Statement in Support of Melanie & baby Amethyst Vritschan as read on Revolution Radio program:
Quotations from Minister and Ambassador of Children’s Rights of a “Nation”:
It is my opinion that:
The rights of a child are primary. In consideration of the *family structure, a child is the most vulnerable person as per their lack of experience, lack of physical and mental development, lack of skill sets for survival and lack of ability to function independently. The following is a proposition of the 2 primary rights of a child at an international level for a proposed Convention for The Hague.
(*The term “family” is defined as a natural or biological mother and father and child. The “structure” exists whether the 3 are living together or apart.)
In the following written proposal, the term “parent” is defined as a natural or biological parent to a child.
- The primary right of a child is the right to be raised by their parents. When this right is deemed beyond a reasonable doubt not to be possible to honor, due to imminent threat of mental or physical harm from a parent, the child is provided with the right to have as close of a relationship as possible with full continuity with that parent with the minimal intrusion as possible to ensure that there is no possibility of mental or physical harm.
To affect this primary right, resources shall be dispersed and appropriate steps taken by persons of professional certification with pure ethical direction to ensure that a child is raised by their parents. Such resources include, but are not limited to:
- Professional care for the parents to overcome any **disease that precludes the parent from delivering their full potential of care; (**term defined as lack of ease or difficulty)
- Implementation of every possible resource by the Country, Nation, Tribe or Community to assist the parent to deliver their full potential of care;
- Financial assistance to the parent such that the quality of food, residence and all other care is not compromised;
- Resources and funds available to ensure a child of a parent, who has been deemed to pose an imminent threat to the child’s mental and physical well-being beyond a reasonable doubt, that enable the child to have as close of a relationship as possible with no limitations to the amount of time child and parent are together.
- A reasonable period of time and resources provided to re-evaluate a parent who has been deemed beyond a reasonable doubt by professional certified persons with pure ethical direction to pose and imminent threat of mental or physical harm still with supervised contact. It is the right of the child that resources and funding be provided to allow for the parent to have the opportunity for rehabilitation during this reasonable period of time. It is the right of the child that there be no limitation to the number of periods of time that are provided for the parent to rehabilitate to a condition to deliver their full potential of care.
- A child has the right to be protected from mental and physical harm. There is a plurality of sources of mental and physical harm. There is a distinction between the probability and degree of each source. Such sources include, but are not limited to:
- Bullying from other children;
- Bullying from adults;
- The separation or elimination of a parent from the life of the child (parental alienation);
- Pedophilia and molestation from other children or adults
- Physical abuse and mental abuse
- Environmental disaster
- Exposure to military combat in physical or mental weapons
There is a crisis in the current Western World that appears to be orchestrated from the child welfare systems. Child welfare and protection systems are operating in a manner as to recognize one right of a child to be honored in a rare circumstance. This circumstance is one in which it is deemed by professional certified persons beyond a reasonable doubt that a parent poses an imminent threat of physical or mental harm to the degree that no contact can be safely implemented with all resources, to include professional supervision.
While this situation is a real possibility, it is rare as per the natural instincts of a parent which are to protect, elicit development and nurture their child. Global research clearly shows it is not possible to replicate or synthesize the pure protection, elicitation of development and nurturing from a parent.
The requirement to seize all contact between child and parent is very rare as per the high standards of responsibility provided by this Convention to honor the primary right of the child to be raised by her natural parents AND as per the natural instincts of a parent to be the only and best person to protect, elicit development and nurture a child.
The above being the case, why is there a massive ideology being marketed and promoted through such means as propaganda that defines there to be one threat to a child’s protection and that the source of this threat is the parent of the child?
Why are there a massive number of child protection systems that are corporations established and operating for the sole purpose of separating children and parents permanently at an accelerated rate? In 2015, it was reported by a reliable and ethical source under the employment of the Ontario government (a province in Canada) that over 30,000 children were taken into the status of crown wards in the province of Ontario. Why was it that this natural person who acted as this source was removed from their position the following fiscal year?
My research shows that child protection services do not deliver any other service than separation of children from a parent. There are no services available for honoring any other rights of the child. My research shows that psychological manipulation techniques are being applied to employees of the child agencies to believe that parents pose the only danger to children and that this danger is at a voluminous level. My research shows that psychological manipulation techniques are being applied to foster “parents” that romanticizes the concept of acquiring a child into their care and compares the foster parent waiting for notification that a child has been apprehended by the state to the romantic time of being a pregnant mother. My research shows that psychological manipulation techniques are being applied to the public to believe that parents pose the most prominent threat of physical and mental harm and to understand children to belong to the State. My research shows that psychological manipulation techniques are being deployed on parents that cause parents to question their identities as parents and abilities as competent and safe persons. Such tactics include, but are not limited to psychological terror, torture, gas lighting, segregation and deprivation. My research shows that psychological manipulation techniques are being deployed on children in state (foster care) custody that include but are not limited to induction of Stockholm Syndrome and belief of abandonment from parents as well as medication enforcement to subdue children to conformity and compliance.
These enforced messages are in line with the provision in Agenda 21 and Agenda 20-30 for all children to be raised by the State.
Could it be possible that the child welfare agencies are operating according to a mandate different from honoring the rights of a child?
Could it be possible that the child welfare agencies are operating according to a mandate that elicits gain to the corporation of the State and for fulfilling the mandate of Agendas 21 and 20-30?
Could it be possible that the child welfare agencies are violating 2 significant rights of the child?
- The dishonoring of the child’s right to be raised by and cared for by their parents and therefore denial of receipt of the non-replicated natural protection, elicitation of development and nurturing from a parent; and
- Causing mental harm to the child by eliciting severe irreversible trauma to the child by being separated from their natural parent?
I suggest that the public consider the above model for these 2 fundamental rights of a child and compare the description I have provided with the writing provided in written form both of the municipal or local child protection and welfare legislation and that at the international level as written in the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child.
In order to extend my efforts of communication to a wider range of audience, I ask that people consider that films have replaced written literature which was typically written for purposes of teaching lessons of humanities. The following films are ones which the screen writer delivers important insight and teaching into pro-humanity and attempts to expose by mirroring the reality of what is taking place in global society:
- The Hunger Games
- The Starving games (a comical “spoof” to 1)
- The Kingsmen
- Star Wars
- The Dictator
- The Island
- The Matrix
- An American Affair
- A Grand Affair
- A Royal Affair
For the purposes of reaching an extended audience, the speaker may also be named as “The Mocking Jay” as she has experienced all aspects of the “arena” and communicates and teaches this wisdom with the marriage of professional and personal experience.
Baby Amethyst Vritschan’s Legal Fund
Emergency Alert!
Date: 10/30/2017
Amethyst Vritschan, newborn baby daughter of Melanie Vritschan, Founder of ICATOR, is being held in the Neonatal Ward at Erasme Hopital, Brussels, Belgium, on a 30-day order from the Youth Tribunal in Brussels, decreeing the separation of mother and baby, on wrongful psychiatric charges.
Melanie Vritschan was wrongfully charged on hearsay with being delusional, brutally interrograted, and her newborn removed from her charge less than 24 hours after the birth, on 10/19 in Erasme Hospital, by a group of psychiatrists. A court hearing on 10/25 established that the psychiatrists had acted without cause or evidence, noted she was not in any way delusional, and released her.
(For more detail, please see 10/22, 10/25, and 10/26 JIT Press Releases on The Everyday Concerned Citizen/
Despite Melanie’s release, the hospital is not returning her baby to her, citing the Youth Tribunal court order which decrees a 30-day separation.
Each day that passes is one more day lost of precious bonding between mother and baby, so crucial in the early days of a child’s life.
Please help fill legal fees to support current legal efforts to return Amethyst to Melanie Vritschan.
The anticipated legal fee is 2000 Euros.[~$2200 USD]
Donations can be sent online to:
Support Freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan
Melanie Vritschan
International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotization of Living Beings (
Recommended reading
Melanie and baby Amethyst Vritschan supported by statement of Minister and Ambassador of Children’s Rights of one of the global Nations
Melanie Vritschan seeks freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan and exposes Belgian psychiatrists.
Melanie is Founder and President of the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings []
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
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Support Freedom for Baby Amethyst Vritschan
JIT NEWS & WEBINAR: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders
WEBINAR: Visualize Amethyst/Melanie Vritschan safe from false Psychiatric charges by Belgian Attorney General
WATCH ON OmniverseTV:
WEBINAR PARTS I & II – Dr. Katherine Horton on “DEW Directed Energy Weapons & Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of forensic evidence of an electronic torture & robotization weapon”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH PART I -Dr. Katherine Horton: Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of torture-robotization DEW
WATCH PART II – WEBINAR Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of torture-robotization DEW
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