WEBINAR: Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg, Lawful Claimant to the UK Crown – 1000 Years of Treachery in the New World Order [NWO]
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Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg, Lawful heir to the UK Crown, leads an evidence-based Webinar on Facebook with Alfred Lambremont Webre that is a tour de force of 1000 Years of Treachery in the New World Order [NWO]
Emily concludes by predicting that if the Luciferian Anunnaki reptilian hybrids and their Khazarian army of subversive infiltration in finance, banking, law and courts, education, media, entertainment, pornographic & pedocriminal networks, as well as Religion, Monarchy, Democracy & government do not abandon their habits of war, disease, crime, and infliction of poverty and genocidal depopulation and return to respect for Law, there will be a world-wide Revolution on Earth against these literal walking human Anunnaki hybrid reptiles and their interlocking circles of covert/overt social infiltration and camp followers.
As Rightfully-claimed Monarch, Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg has filed an active and ongoing lawful claim to the Throne of England & UK Crown before the UK Parliament and the Privy Council.
Emily Windsor Cragg, Daughter of King Edward VIII, files Claim to UK Crown with UK Parliament, charges Elizabeth II with Treason
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The Snake on the Floor of Westminister Abby
During the Webinar, Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg shows and explains how the carpeting formerly covering the Snake circling the 5 Continents on the floor of Westminster Abby has been removed in anticipation of an upcoming Coronation.
Emily casts doubt on the fitness of Satanist Prince William & Rothschild Duchess Catherine to be King and Queen Consort for the England and the UK.
In response to Alfred’s direct question, Emily suggests that the next Monarch of England will be fit to reign, even as her Claim to the UK Throne now in the UK Parliament and Privy Council asserts of herself as fit to reign.
Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg can be contacted through her Facebook page, where she holds a weekly Live Broadcast, as well as on her You Tube Channel:
Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg [Facebook]
(7133) Emily Windsor-Cragg – YouTube – YouTube
Recommended Reading
Emily Windsor-Cragg: Restoring Holy Law – How secret ET Treaties and Religious laws are mandating depopulation of human Souls
Watch on ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/jgtd_raetSg
Emily Windsor-Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. Returning to UK to separate Celts from Church of England corrupted hierarchy
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Alfred, I cannot belief that people like Ms Elizabeth are so blind as to pray to the God who is the creator of all that you talked about. Remember, Jaweh, Allah, your “Source” are all expressions of the same entity who claimes to have created this Universe. Sometimes he playes the good guy, sometimes the bad guy, like being Lucifer or Satan. And that is what the Matrix is about.
The only way to get out of this Matrix is to remember who we really are.
We all are só good these days at recognising the problems, both here and in the rest of the universe, however our minds are still completely controlled as long as we do not see that WE ARE THE ONES THAT WE WERE WAITING FOR. That we are the ones that co-created this Universe together with the Creator Being of this particular Universe. This Universe is called The Universe of Light and Light is the balance point between Light and Dark and we wanted to experience ALL that this Universe had to offer, so, we cannot blame any-one for the experiences that we are going through then ourselves, because everything that was created was done with our own input. Unless we are going to realise that, we will never be able to get out of this “mess”.
Please refer to the book “ Our Universal Journey” from George Kavassilas
I welcome your comments, but I do have my own experience of the Subjective. So, let’s just see how it all turns out, okay?
Yahweh is the “Holiest of the Holy” The God of the bible loves those who are Good and who do Good things in service to others. It is the Luciferians and Satanists who have perverted the truth in service to themselves. They are the epitome of selfishness and pride. Yes, we must stand up to these overlords who have profited at the expense of billions. Bitcoin is a step to extricate ourselves from the tyranny of the banksters. Let us all stand together and love one another in peace and harmony. In the meantime, invest in bitcoin.
CJ, Yes we stand with those whose methods and means we share, and we teach unaware friends and family by our behavior, that we’re serious about sticking to principles of honesty, sincerity, thrift and generosity. 🙂
This Webinar is truly interesting and those of us who want to know the truth, will appreciate this very different truth that has come our way before. We can add this info to the bits we already have.
I feel this lady, Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg, is the real deal! Her knowledge is incredible!
It is worth taking notes to fully understand and there is a lot of information here and it comes at us fast. I shall listen to this video as many times as I need to put it all in order.
Even if you find it all a bit confusing, I hope you will stick with it as you will get a few more pieces to your puzzle as ‘Disclosure’ begins to hit us all, which is starting to happen..
I find this all intriguing, especially as I was there at the FAUX Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation! I still remember it vividly. But, I want to know the TRUTH of it all and we all owe it to ourselves to learn as much truth as possible, as this will help to raise our frequencies. As well as doing ‘service to others’ of course.