WEBINAR: Exposing the hoax of Religions: Jesus was a Buddhist monk & ET contactee
“A BBC documentary & the Talmud of Jmmanuel agree on this: ‘Jesus was a Buddhist monk who died in India in his 80s’, though the Talmud mentions Jesus’ ET abduction & the BBC does not” with Maurice Osborn & Alfred Lambremont Webre
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Exposing the hoax of Christianity: Jesus was a Buddhist monk & ET contactee – WATCH WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Streaming https://gumroad.com/l/evIkt
WEBINAR: “A BBC documentary & the Talmud of Jmmanuel agree on this: ‘Jesus was a Buddhist monk who died in India in his 80s’, though the Talmud mentions Jesus’ ET abduction & the BBC does not” with Maurice Osborn & Alfred Lambremont WebreWATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK Sunday Feb 4, 2018 at 7pm PST, 8pm MTN, 9pm CST, 10pm ESThttps://www.facebook.com/alfred.webreI. BBC Documentary: “Jesus was a Buddhist monk“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwafEk3iSp0II. Comparison with Talmud of Jmmanuel: Differences in the Book of Matthewby Maurice OsbornContents1 Description of the Scrolls2 Genealogy of Emmanuel3 The Birth of Emmanuel4 John the Baptist5 The Sermon on the Mount6 The Crucifixion7 The Excluded ChaptersAncient Sanskrit scrolls have been found to be similar, with many differences, to the Book of Matthew in the New Testament of the Christian Bible regarding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. A man in Switzerland by the name of Billy Meier translated the text into English and published it as a book titled “Talmud Jmmanuel”. The title is in Meier’s native language of German and can be translated into English to mean “The Testament of Emmanuel”. An English version of the text, titled “Testament of Emmanuel”, is also available over the Internet, free of charge, at the URL address of: http://www.PleiadesMission.com.1 Description of the ScrollsThe following is a transcription of what a woman from the Pleiades star cluster, by the name of Semjase, stated regarding how the text of the scrolls came to be discovered. On February 25, 1975, she stated the following:“The Pleiadians had been contacting a priest of the Greek Catholic church by the name of Isa Rashid since 1956. He was ordered to handle different matters, which he promised to do. As a result, the Pleiadians thought him to be the right person to solve a difficult mission.
Posted by Alfred Lambremont Webre on Sunday, February 4, 2018
I BBC Documentary: “Jesus was a Buddhist monk“
BBC Documentary: “Jesus was a Buddhist monk“
II. Comparison with Talmud of Jmmanuel: Differences in the Book of Matthew
by Maurice Osborn
1 Description of the Scrolls
2 Genealogy of Emmanuel
3 The Birth of Emmanuel
4 John the Baptist
5 The Sermon on the Mount
6 The Crucifixion
7 The Excluded Chapters
Ancient Sanskrit scrolls have been found to be similar, with many differences, to the Book of Matthew in the New Testament of the Christian Bible regarding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. A man in Switzerland by the name of Billy Meier translated the text into English and published it as a book titled “Talmud Jmmanuel”. The title is in Meier’s native language of German and can be translated into English to mean “The Testament of Emmanuel”. An English version of the text, titled “Testament of Emmanuel”, is also available over the Internet, free of charge, at the URL address of: http://www.PleiadesMission.com.
1 Description of the Scrolls
The following is a transcription of what a woman from the Pleiades star cluster, by the name of Semjase, stated regarding how the text of the scrolls came to be discovered. On February 25, 1975, she stated the following:
“The Pleiadians had been contacting a priest of the Greek Catholic church by the name of Isa Rashid since 1956. He was ordered to handle different matters, which he promised to do. As a result, the Pleiadians thought him to be the right person to solve a difficult mission. He was shown the actual burial cave of Emmanuel where he was able to find the Testament of Emmanuel in the form of rolls that were encased in preservative resin. The rolls were the original scripture written by Judas Ischarioth at the time of Emmanuel.
“The priest learned the old Aramaic language and was able to translate the writings. He performed this properly and created a German translation. In 1963, a copy of the translated text was given to Eduard Albert Meier for safe keeping. However, while reading the original writings, Isa Rashid became troubled by his conscience and no longer knew what he should acknowledge as the truth.
“He continuously lived in the fear that the scripts would be discovered and become known by others. As a result, he was brought in connection with others who had no fear and vouched for his character. But unfortunately, Isa Rashid became even more fearful and spoke of things, which could cause danger for him and the rolls. He carried it so far that by the middle of 1974, there remained nothing else for him to do but to flee from Jerusalem and retreat to Lebanon where he lived with his family in a refugee camp under a false name.
“But, he also had to flee from there to another country. In his fright, he enclosed all writings into a wooden wall. Only some hours later, they were completely destroyed in a fire when Israeli military forces invaded. In 1976, Isa Rashid and his family were assassinated in Baghdad. Isa Rashid holds the guilt for the destruction of everything. But, the Pleiadians also accept guilt for this because they confided too much in him and expected too much from him.
“Now, the most valuable evidence has been destroyed by chance, which could have revealed the falseness of the Christian religion and all other religions. However, there still exists a quarter of the scripture in German. It will be sufficient to reveal the truth and to free humanity from its deadly delusion.”
On March 18, 1975, Semjase stated, “The Talmud is not to be used as a means of creating a new belief system or for the worshiping of Emmanuel as an idol. Emmanuel was only a human being like everyone else. Although he had very great knowledge, he does not embody any symbol, idol, or anything else. He was only a teacher and prophet of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. No creature should ever be idolized or adored as is done on Earth.
“The only reason for taking the Talmud Emmanuel from its hiding place after 2,000 years was because the time for truth had come. The lessons of Emmanuel were not his lessons, but were of Creation and its laws, which Emmanuel had to learn, recognize, and acknowledge. He only revealed what the natural laws demanded. He never intended for the delusion to be committed of having him seen as the embodiment of his lessons and be idolized for them.
“The truth of the Talmud should be learned and acknowledge for its own worth without the attraction of his name and his glorification. Only the truth and laws are important, not the person who has brought them. If another cult were to be constructed around Emmanuel, then his purpose would not be accomplished. Only the truth and the laws are of absolute importance.”
After more than 20 years of research and analysis of the roll text by Jim Deardorff, Research Professor Emeritus, he reported in his website at http://tjresearch.info/ that, “The rolls were written by Judas Iscariot who traveled with Emmanuel to India, along with Emmanuel’s brother Thomas and his mother Mary, several years after the crucifixion. However, the full story was only completed in India in the early second century, with a transcription of the rolls apparently having been penned there.
“Upon Emmanuel’s eventual death in the Kashmir region in early 2nd century, the rolls and their transcription were carried back to the Palestinian or Anatolian region by Emmanuel’s oldest son. He hid the original rolls in the tomb where Emmanuel was laid after his crucifixion, just south of the Old City of Jerusalem, and released the transcription where it eventually found its way into the hands of the writer of the Gospel of Matthew.
“A majority of scholars nowadays no longer believe that the Gospels were written by their namesakes, that is, by the names attached to them. This is due to indications that the Gospels appeared too late to have been written by any of the twelve disciples, or to the fact that Mark and Luke were not eye witnesses to any of the events of Jesus’ ministry yet the Gospels are written from the point of view of the eye witness. Nevertheless, such scholars speak and write as if they thought that the writer of Matthew was the disciple Matthew himself.”
Professor Deardorff has reported that he “determined that the rolls were the source for the Gospel of Matthew and that the Matthean verses are only partly genuine and pure invention. In over 100 comparisons of parallel passages, the arguments pointing to the Book of Matthew’s dependence upon the text of the rolls are seen to be difficult to reverse, and in all other instances, the differences between the two are also consistent with the Testament of Emmanuel as being genuine.
2 Genealogy of Emmanuel
Anyone who has ever read the first chapter of the New Testament in the Book of Matthew is struck by what appears to be a very boring, repeating, and seemingly endless list of foreign names of men who begat other men. This supposed genealogy of Jesus makes no sense at all, especially since it begins with Abraham and not Adam. Abraham was actually the 34th generation from Adam and Eve. The rolls provide the complete genealogy. Why does the biblical version only begin with Abraham and omit all that occurred before him? The answer could be that the writers of the New Testament did not want humanity to know the truth about the origins of mankind.
3 The Birth of Emmanuel
After the genealogy in the first chapter, the biblical text says that Mary was found to be pregnant from the Holy Spirit before being married and that an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream while he was filled with wrath and thought of leaving Mary. However, the rolls say that Mary was impregnated by a distant descendant of a Celestial Son and that a Celestial Son named Rasiel appeared before Joseph and spoke to him.
The biblical text says that Joseph was told that Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. He was also told to name the child Jesus and that he would save the people from their sins. Strangely, the text also quotes a prophecy that says he shall be named Emmanuel, which means that God is with us. But when Joseph awakens from his dream, he marries Mary and names their child Jesus.
However, the roll text says that Joseph was told that he was to marry Mary and that she was impregnated 11,000 years after the birth of Adam through the Celestial Son, Semjasa. He was also told that this would fulfill the word of god, who was the ruler of those who traveled from afar. The prophesy states that the child would be named Emmanuel, which means “the one with godly knowledge”. It is interesting to note how the Bible describes Mary’s impregnation by the Holy Spirit instead of a Celestial Son and that instead of naming the child Emmanuel as “the one with godly knowledge” he is named Jesus so that he will save the people from their sins.
In addition, none of the remaining prophesy was included in the Bible, which states “Behold, god and his retainers came far from the depths of space, where they delivered themselves from a strong bondage, and created here a new human race and home with the early women of this Earth. God deserves the honor of people of Earth, for behold, he is the true maker of the white and of colored human species, and to him honor should be given. Over him and his Celestial Sons, reign only the almightiness of all creation: Creation itself, which should be revered.”
4 John the Baptist
Chapter 3 of the New Testament describes John the Baptist as a man who proclaimed that people should repent, for the kingdom of heaven was near. But, the rolls state that he preached of blessings and that the way to knowledge should to be prepared. He preached that god’s laws should be followed because he is the sole ruler of this human species. He also preached that above god, however, stands Creation, the source of the worlds, universes and all living creatures.
The rolls said that he taught that god, the lord and ruler of the human species and of those who traveled from afar, the celestial sons, holds Creation in high reverence. All Judea and all the people of Jerusalem went forth to John the Baptist, acknowledging the wisdom of the old laws of god, and let themselves be blessed by him in the river Jordan. But, the Bible says that when John baptized the people in the river Jordan, they confessed their sins.
Both versions describe John as responding to many Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him with malicious talk. The Bible says that he told them to repent for their sins, but the rolls say that he told them much, much more. He predicted that in 2,000 years, their greed for power and treasures will be vanquished and punished on account of their lies. It will be a time when humanity will comprehend the truth and build chariots of fire, with which they can escape into the cosmos, as is done by god and his followers, the celestial sons.
The Bible says that Jesus came to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him while the rolls state that Emmanuel approached John at the Jordan, to be blessed by him. The Bible and roll text say that just when Jesus/Emmanuel came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to them. But, the Bible says that it was the Spirit of God with a voice from heaven while the rolls state that it was a metallic light that descended like a dove with a voice that spoke to them, saying ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’ The rolls also include, ‘He will be the king of truth, through which the terrestrial human species shall rise as wise ones.’
The first 11 verses of Chapter 4 in the Book of Matthew are vastly different from what is stated in the roll text. The Bible states that Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. But the rolls state that from that day on, Emmanuel no longer lived among the human species. Emmanuel was lifted up from the Earth and no one knew where he had been taken or what had happened to him. But, he was set down by the metallic light between North and West. Thus, he lived there for forty days and forty nights where he received secrets of knowledge. Both sources then describe how Jesus/Emmanuel acquired his disciples of Simon, Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
5 The Sermon on the Mount
Chapter 5 of the Bible and roll text is where Jesus/Emmanuel went up a mountain, sat down, and began to teach his disciples. However, what was taught is vastly different between what was written in the Bible and in the rolls. Jesus/Emmanuel begins by describing those who are blessed.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven/those who are rich in consciousness and recognize the truth, for life is theirs. Those who mourn, for they will be comforted/those who endure hardship, for they shall thus recognize truth and be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth/those balanced in consciousness, for they shall possess knowledge. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled/those who hunger and thirst for truth and knowledge, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy/those who live according to the laws of nature, for they live according to the plan of Creation. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God/those who have a clear conscience, for they need not fear. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God/those who know about Creation, for they are not enslaved by erroneous teachings. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven/the righteous, for nature is subject to them.
It is interesting that when both sources state, ‘Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake’, only the rolls include, ‘thus they lie about the teachings.’ Also, both sources state, ‘Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven’, but only the rolls include, ‘this life and the next life will reward you’ and both continue with, ‘in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’
Then, after both sources include accurate quotes about being the salt of the earth and the light of the world to let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works, the Bible text says ‘and give glory to your Father in heaven’ instead of ‘and recognize the truth of your knowledge’, which is in the roll text.
There is much more that involves laws and the prophets, adultery, divorce, love for your enemies, the practice of piety, prayer and the Lord’s Prayer, treasures, the serving of two masters, and the judgment of others. Unfortunately, there is not sufficient time to discuss the differences in the two texts that describe these matters and others. So, we will now jump directly to what happened after the crucifixion of Jesus/Emmanuel.
6 The Crucifixion
There are two entirely different versions of what occurred during the crucifixion of Emmanuel. In Chapter 27 verse 50, of the Book of Matthew, it says that Jesus cried again with a loud voice and “yielded up the ghost”. However, the rolls say that he slipped into a state of apparent death and they presumed he was dead. Both texts state that when it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who was also a disciple of Jesus. But the roll text continues with, “After a short while he noticed that Emmanuel was not quite dead, but he told no one.”
Both versions then say that Joseph went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus/Emmanuel and the Pilate ordered it to be given to him. So Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock. He then rolled a great stone over the door of the tomb and went away. However, the roll text continues with, “to obtain medicine so he could take care of Emmanuel.”
The rolls then say that Joseph sought out Emmanuel’s friends from India and returned with them to the tomb. There they entered through a secret second entrance unknown to the henchmen and soldiers, and for three days and three nights they nursed him. Soon he was in better health and with good strength. On the third day he was once again strong enough to walk.
In Chapter 28 of the Bible, it says that on the morning of the third day, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake and an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, rolled back the stone from the tomb, and said that Jesus had risen and that they should tell his disciples that he will be seen in Galilee. However, the roll text says that it was a guardian angel which did this.
The Bible says that, at Galilee, Jesus came and said to them, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
The version from the rolls indicate that Emmanuel spoke to his disciples and said, ”Behold, I will speak to you one last time; then I will leave and never return. My path leads me to the land of India where many of this human species also dwell, because they have left this land to live there. My mission leads me to them and to the human species that is born there.”
Emmanuel told his disciples about his future travels, life after death, the need to live according to the laws of nature, gaining wisdom, about love, and reunion with Creation. Emmanuel also predicted that in 2,000 years, his teachings would be taught again, but there would also be many false teachings, and that his teachings should be spread without falsities. Then, Emmanuel ascended into a bright metallic light and the disciples told others about what had occurred.
7 The Excluded Chapters
There are also four additional chapters in the rolls which do not exist in the Bible. They describe how Emmanuel traveled to Damascus and was met there by his brother Thomas and his disciple and scribe, Judas Ischarioth. It describes how Saulus was having Emmanuel’s followers condemned to die and it explains how Emmanuel set a trap in order to have him repent. It also explains that his mother joined him as they traveled to India.
The last of the text from the rolls describe how Emmanuel preached of the human being and of Creation. He said that while the Earth and stars bring peace and grandeur, human pettiness, disgrace and ugliness bring only disharmony. It is explained that the ethereal world is the true home of the human spirit and that mankind should try to broaden and deepen their knowledge about it so that the spirit may be perfected and lifted up into its true home of becoming one with Creation.
Those who understand the truth and attain cognition through wisdom will awaken to the obligation of aligning their lives with their destiny of eternal change toward Creation. When people are honest and seek, they will not hold any preconceived opinions or prejudices. But persons who disregard and fail to recognize the timeless and everlasting laws and truths must take upon themselves the dire consequences of sickness, misery, injustice, privation, fighting, strife, slavery, erroneous cults and exploitation that lead to bloodshed and death.
- “Testament of Emmanuel”, is also available over the Internet, free of charge, at the URL address of: http://www.PleiadesMission.com This is website of Maurice Osborn
- Jim Deardorff, Research Professor Emeritus, website at http://tjresearch.info/
- Comparison with Talmud of Jmmanuel: Differences in the Book of Matthew by Maurice Osborn https://newsinsideout.com/2018/02/webinar-bbc-documentary-talmud-jmmanuel-agree-jesus-buddhist-monk-died-india-80s-though-talmud-mentions-jesus-et-abduction-bbc-not/
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WEBINAR: Exposing the hoax of Religions: Jesus was a Buddhist monk & ET contactee
“A BBC documentary & the Talmud of Jmmanuel agree on this: ‘Jesus was a Buddhist monk who died in India in his 80s’, though the Talmud mentions Jesus’ ET abduction & the BBC does not” with Maurice Osborn & Alfred Lambremont Webre
READ FULL ARTICLE: https://newsinsideout.com/2018/02/webinar-bbc-documentary-talmud-jmmanuel-agree-jesus-buddhist-monk-died-india-80s-though-talmud-mentions-jesus-et-abduction-bbc-not/
EXOPOLITICS: The Talmud of Jmmanuel
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
According to Michael Horn ( http://www.theyfly.com) the Playaren took Billy Meie to Jerusalem 2000 years in the the past where Billy met with Jmmanuel….. ergo they could do that again and get a hold of the original manuscript again, use a scanner and bring a copy of the scrolls to the presen and finisth the translation with the best experts. The original scrolls could remain in the tomb and allow the original 2000 year timeline without much interference.
Just like the original pages of the Urantia book disappeared, the golden plates of the Book of Mormons disappeared so did the scrolls of the Talmud of Jmmannuel disappear. The pattern is a bit … shall we say” convenient” ? That being said, what’s holding the Playaren instead of them complaining how Isa Rashheed was the wrong person to do the job etc…
I read the English translation of the TJ a few years ago and I was very mystified by the whole Billy Meier story. It turns out that George Lucas’ Indiana Jones character was based on Billy’s life so, for me, Billy is bigger than life and I could have believed the story of TJ and seen it as a symbol of the second coming or the return of J….. There is nothing that I would want to believe more. But then who am I right?
Great job gentlemen and Alfred I have so much respect, love and gratitude for you. Be well and be you.
Nick Marini