Ole Dammegard, who accurately predicted Las Vegas & 3/22/2017 Westminster UK False Flag operations, shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law and FEMA CAMPS – dividing the USA into 6-10 administrative districts and cancelling States rights under the US Constitution.
This reporter was first briefed of the plan to divide the United States into administrative districts – called Operation REX in some iterations – in the Spring of 1977 by futurist Peter Schwartz – later Futurist for Shell Oil Company, and head of the Global Business Network – when this reporter joined the Center for the Study for Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute [SRI], Menlo Park, CA as a Futurist.
If Ole Dammegard’s deconstructions of the planned US Capitol False operation are correct, such would be an implementation of a planned coup against the Constitution of the United States that has been in the planning for at least 40+ years since 1977, if not more since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 by the German DVD Fourth Reich planetary government of occupation headquartered in Antarctica.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH WEBINAR with Ole Dammegard on ExopoliticsTV
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WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Gumroad – Make a voluntary donation to support ExopoliticsTV [Our You Tube account with 47,000+ subscribers & 10million views is under unlawful strike by Google-YouTube for exposing 3/22 UK Westminster False Flag]
PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – April 29, 2018 – In a live Webinar author and investigator Ole Dammegard, who accurately predicted Las Vegas & 3/22/2017 Westminster UK False Flag operations, deconstructs recent major false flag operations such as the Florida False Flag, [to defeat 2nd Amendment citizen gun protections], the Toronto Van False Flag [To trigger G7 debates on shutting down Internet, Facebook & Twitter Freedom of Speech] & the Meunster, Germany False Flag and reveals intentionally embedded “foreshadowing signs” of a possible planned US Capitol false flag operations to shut down US democracy and impose martial law and FEMA camps, as predicted by journalist Christopher Story’s book The New Underworld Order.
The planned false flag operation to destroy the US Capitol
This planned false flag operation to destroy the US Capitol – and complete the damage apparently planned in the original 9/11 false flag operation – and along with it impose martial law and shut down US democracy and States Rights in the US, in coordination with the confiscation of lawful armaments under the Second Amendment to the US Constitution via the 3.24.2018 March triggered by the Florida False Flag – – is being carried out according to Ole Dammegard by a global “false flag industry” in league with a global Deep State as part of the roll-out of the so-called New World Order, articulated by US Presidents from George HW Bush to Barack Obama.
According to Webinar host Alfred Lambremont Webre, the “Deep State” is journalistic shorthand for actually the German DVD, or the Fourth Reich German underground planetary government of occupation that is headquartered in bases in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars and that took over America clandestinely through Operation Paperclip after World War II and now controls the White House through US President Donald J. Drumpf [German family name], a German DVD asset. According to Webre, all four major space-faring nations that have not ratified the ICC-International Criminal Court Treaty prohibiting wars crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity – the USA, Israel, Russia and China as well as the Vatican- are part of the [“NOT-SEE” Nazi] underground Fourth Reich government in Antarctica that runs the global war industry and has a planned false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC as a trigger of a hot phase of Albert Pike’s World War III, a long-held Masonic and Nazi goal.
Support Ole Dammegard’s Research
Contact: info@lightonconspiracies.com
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Ole Dammegard shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law/FEMA camps – dividing USA into administrative districts, cancelling States rights under the US Constitution.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Bitchute – FREE
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Gumroad – Make a voluntary donation to support ExopoliticsTV [Our You Tube account with 47,000+ subscribers & 10million views is under unlawful strike by Google-YouTube for exposing 3/22 UK Westminster False Flag]
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Ole Dammegard: “Statue of Liberty – NYC is next NWO synthetic terror False Flag”. Ole predicted & deconstructs 3/22 Westminster “Brexit” False Flag
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You Tube https://youtu.be/lQNPeYuXim4
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Official inquest stating Khalid Masood was shot in chest & died is false & a high-level felony by UK officials, including PM May
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Watch ExopoliticsTV Interview & Access Article, Videos & Links
256. Ole Dammegard: “Statue of Liberty – NYC is next NWO synthetic terror False Flag”. Ole predicted & deconstructs 3/22 Westminster “Brexit” False Flag
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
You Tube https://youtu.be/lQNPeYuXim4
272. Ole Dammegard exposes international False Flag psyop corporate hub responsible for 3/22 Westminster & 5/22 Manchester False Flag attacks: Crisis-solutions.com!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH ExopoliticsTV INTERVIEW: https://youtu.be/fS1bq_YrcgU
301. PART II-Ole “Dammegardes” the Elite: Are False Flags like Las Vegas a reality version of the HUNGER GAMES?
WATCH WEBINAR PART II ON OmniverseTV [Streaming]: https://gum.co/MseiL
WATCH WEBINAR PART II ON OmniverseTV [Vimeo]: https://vimeo.com/239912864
WATCH TRAILER [You Tube 4:19] https://youtu.be/ZJI0LrhfSo4
222. My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
221. Evidence DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified Trump as future U.S. President
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News: ladyx.ch
the only problem with this is that we are on a positive timeline…what ever is planned ,it will fail miserably…also mother earth is also manipulating trump for the good of humanity…who do you think will win????? there is no need to fear anything anymore… ..yes we will go through some dark times because there are still lessons to be learned..trump is just part of this transition….source and mother earth are in charge…we need to start talking about what we need to do instead of worrying about trump…source and mother earth will take care of him…who’s to say trump will not awaken???? all this talk about trump is from another time line…its not going to play out that way so why even go there?????
Philip Good! You have Awoken. Now where to? Consider Awakening to your fuller Reality & share in this insight with Kendra & Melody
WEBINAR: Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM with Kendra Jonas
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH WEBINAR with Kendra Jonas on ExopoliticsTV
although i am heartily appreciative of the tremendous work Alfred and Ole are doing, i want to comment: the headline that NewsInsideOut uses here (and in other stories along similar lines) strikes me as ‘inflammatory’. i did not hear Ole claim that there WAS a ‘plan’ to ‘destroy the u.s. capitol, shut down democracy and impose fema/marshal law, etc,etc’.
i heard him present a compelling case that the capitol could possibly be scheduled for the ‘next’ (or future) false flag attack.
even the headline’s photo of the red target sight over the capital smacks of pyso-ops type work: just put the hideous act right in front of the people so that when it happens they’ll just yawn. (or whatever.)
i can’t believe that Alfred (nor Ole) are participating in the massive and sadistic media pys-ops going on, however, can anyone blame a discerning news reader for having a highly sensitive antenna for potential traps, misinfo, or disinfo?
when i see headlines like these (and others on this site) i wonder why they seem so inflammatory and potentially not a true surmising of the story.
i don’t want to be critical, and i might be confused – i do feel this site to be a breathtaking departure from mainstream nwo gruel, but with SO MANY other sites posing as the ‘alternative media’ or as ‘truth media’ and also with Alfred being a lawyer and judge, (which i humbly admire) i would think the standard for truth telling would be very sober and exacting.
in conclusion, i just realized, i would like to apply for an assistant editor position at NewsInsideOut.
keep up the awesome work! 🙂 james kirk, aka jadeheart.
once i saw your interview with george kavasillas, and followed his advice about going into the heart, i reached the end of a 5 year awakening experience…i live as a creator being now..
…that is who we are…once you realize that in yourself,,,its a wrap…but i will take a look at kendra and melody… everyone always has something to offer.
i certainly believe Source and Mother Earth are now in charge – and i’ld love to think that She is ‘manipulating trump for the good’ – tho, i think it’s impossible to use unloving intent (trump) for anything but compost (literally).
however, this does not mean that the work of people like Alfred and Ole is moot. i think they are playing a vital and helpful role as benevolent watchdogs and loving light beacons.
that being said, i do take issue with the inflammatory nature of the headlines and photo for this webinar. i did not hear Ole say that there was a “planned false flag operation to destroy the u.s. capitol”, i did hear him present a compelling argument that a clue was being planted and that such clues have often foreshadowed attacks.
this webinar’s headline along with the photo of the capitol building in red cross hairs smacks of nwo/ mainstream psy-ops tactics: e.g., show them the hideous event as if it’s a forgone inevitability and then when it happens they’ll already be immune to it.
i believe Ole was careful to say that he was speculating, not predicting. the headline, intentionally or not, belies the integrity of the information.
i only say this because i look to this rather amazing ‘news’ site (NewsInsideOut) for honest information. i am humbled that Alfred is a judge and lawyer. i have been duped by sooo many websites that turned out to be disinf, misinfo, or clever psy-ops working at the behest of God only knows. at some point i have to trsut my gut. and my gut does not like seeing a headline like this. not because it might be true, but it strikes me as a less than honest surmising of the story as presented.
also, and i HATE to waste anybody’s but ESPECIALLY Alfred’s time, i get really nervous when Alfred talks about the nine eelevven/twinn towerz flase flag op.
with all due respect to his service on the tribunal, it would appear that he is not aware of the jaw dropping conclusions of aace bakerz/siemon shakks you tube video ‘september klues’: namely, that there is no credible evidence that even one plane was involved in the attack.
let me repeat that: not one credible piece of evidence of even one plane.
so when Alfre says there was (paraphrased) “supposed to be another attack on the white house” (i assume he means plane attack – since he appears to be referencing the govenments claim) or when he says “the govt flew the saudis out” (also another government claim – or controlled leak) i have to wonder what script he is reading from.
isn’t it obvious tat the the (alleged) “fourth attack’ on the white house that day just part of the governments disinfo campaign.?? isn’t it obvious that the whole mickey mouse testimony that d chainee (allegedly) ordered the plane NOT be shot down is just smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that here were no planes??? isn’t it obvious that the govts story that they flew out saudis (as mentioned by Alfred) was just smoke and mirrors to help plant the false flag thought that saudi (IOWS muslim terrorists/b ladden) did the act.??
i would not expect to find the referencing of these stories on a reputable news site without them be cited as non-credible info.
i don’t mean to get off point on the video commentary, but A did bring these things up here.
i find it impossible to believe that A or O are playing a pys-ops role – at least not intentionally. but i’m wondering if there is a point where the zeal to expose sadistic behavior is potentially furthering the agenda. just asking.
my heart wants to say, keep up the good work guys – i am very grateful for your indepth inquiries.
ps, do you have any room for an assistant editor type position?
🙂 james kirk aka jadeheart
testing 123
Responding 4,5,6