By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Listen to TrueTube-NewsInsideOut Interview:
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – In a recorded 11:17-minute July 10, 2018 telephone statement with Alfred Lambremont Webre of, the fiancée of the late Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang, has stated prima facie substantive reasons why she believes that:
-her husband-to-be Craig R. Lang was targeted and murdered at the February 2018 International UFO Congress
-using exotic weapons
-in order to stop Craig Lang’s ongoing disclosure investigations into anti-personnel weapons
-under development by negative covert elements in “government and aliens [Extraterrestrials]”
-to target the human community by “altering their brain waves”, according to Craig R. Lang’s disclosure research.
Summary of Testimony of Craig R. Lang’s former Fiancée
In her 11:17 minute statement that she plans to present to local police, District Attorney and FBI investigators along with other evidence and her criminal complaint, requesting criminal investigations to arrest, prosecute, try and convict the perpetrators of Craig R. Lang’s suspicious death, Craig Lang’s fiancée states that:
-Craig R. Lang was targeted by a destabilizing honey trap that led to the dissolution of his prior marriage and derailed Craig from ongoing disclosure investigations into negative government and Extraterrestrial anti-personnel agendas and weapons to be directed at humans.
-After Craig’s recovery and engagement with his fiancée, Craig resumed his disclosure investigations and traveled to the Feb. 2018 International UFO Congress.
-At the Congress, he texted and communicated that “something was not quite right, people were paranoid, and he was being followed” by a perpetrator.
-Craig R. Lang stated a woman wearing a “sweet smelling perfume that made him feel sick” followed him into an elevator. Craig’s fiancée says Craig felt sick and checked himself into a hospital, where he was admitted to ICU. As his fiancée was making arrangements to fly into Phoenix AZ to see Craig at the hospital, the ICU called her to say that Craig had “passed over”, as his family had agreed to have life support taken away/
[Update: Below are copies of emails from two women that state they accompanied Craig R. Lang in the IUFO Congress hotel elevator, summarizing their respective experiences around the suspicious death of Craig R. Lang – JJ Buckner & Susan Murawski of the Starrlight Group on Facebook]
–JJ BUCKNER EMAIL ABOUT CIRCUMSTANCES OF DEATH OF CRAIG R. LANG: “Today is the first day that I feel a bit normal after UFO Congress. I came home from the congress and immediately fell ill with the flu – just about everyone there had it. I cannot imagine how much worse I would have been had Don Cain not given me some c60 to try. I hugged Craig Lang in the elevator at the hotel and said “feel better” when he said he was going upstairs because he didn’t feel well. He died the next day. Janet and Sasha Lessin got sick on the plane and had intense flu the entire time at Congress. Many other sickos – so there was no avoiding the exposure. Barbara messaged me yesterday saying she’s been in the hospital and that her grandson had died of flu. The woman I introduced you to last year, Monica Lambert, died two days ago. I suspect that this is chem flu or something similar. I have not had the flu since — well, can’t remember when, but for me to be sick for 3 weeks — just has never happened. Melinda is still fighting this flu as well as everyone else I know who was there.”
-SUSAN MURAWSKI EYEWITNESS EVIDENCE about Craig’s movement in the UFO Congress hotel elevators From Susan Murawski in Starrlight Group on Facebook:
“I was alone with Graig in elevator couple days before conference ended
“Went to give him hug since we were good friends and he told me to stay away from him cause there was something wrong.”
Posted July 11, 2018
Jirka Rysavy &– A Czech national with known Satanic practices, who arrived to found in 1988 a year after the Harmonic Convergence radio program out of Boulder CO NPR station dedicated to a new positive post 2012 timeline, is photographed at a Contact in the Desert event CITD next to JJ Buckner. In the photo, Jirka Rysavy, who as its 1988 founder owns 30+% of stock, is also seen next to one of the speakers at a CITD event whom he has targeted with a hand-held DEW. Rysavy managed to elude Security called by the speaker, as well, ran the CITD, and well, Rysavy ran the contractor Security.
-What action are the Police, District Attorney and FBI going to take in their investigation of the links among, Jirka Rysavy, and the probable DEW attack on Craig R. Lang at the Feb. 2018 IUFO Congress?
These are among the questions for
District attorney and
to determine in criminal investigations and prosecutions, trials, convictions and sentencing according to due process under law by evidence, following valid criminal complaints filed with these agencies by Craig R. Lang fiancée, or as a Judge I would say: **Common law widow**
Exopolitical & UFO community – There are also deep questions for the leaders, researchers, scholars, healers, contactees, conference attendees, ascenders, Starseeds Light workers who are part of the multi-dimensional community.
Some malevolent force is not targeting out community with deadly advanced weaponry and we need to unite and speak out and take effective action to ban their weapons and neutralize and resolve/dissolve/disperse/ this malevolent force..
CRAIG’S POST-MORTEM Craig’s fiancée, a former paramedic, examined Craig’s body at the post-mortem morgue. According to Craig’s fiancée, Craig’s body:
Did not look like Craig;
Had signs of burning on his lips;
Had anomalous bruising on his body and wrists as where he has been “tied down”;
Craig’s facial structure and facial bones were altered & changed.
The top of Craig’s nose had been broken earlier in his life. The corpse presented by the morgue had a perfect nose with no broken bones in the nose.
Craig’s stomach was bloated
A strip of skin had been removed from the exterior of his tummy, even though an autopsy ordered by his family had not yet been performed.
Prima facie murder – Taken together and separately these observations of Craig R. Lang’s fiancée raise prima facie evidence of suspicious circumstances – foul play in Craig’s death,
Craig Lang’s Fiancée’s evidence contradicts flat denials by IUFO Congress
The fresh evidence that Craig R. Lang’s common-law-widow offers flatly contradicts officials at the International UFO Congress sought to give to at the time of Craig R. Lang’s and two others suspicious deaths along with scores of serious hospitalizations in February 2018.
In response to’s report, International UFO Congress’s Alejandro Rojas stated, “This story is completely FALSE! Unfortunately, Craig Lang did pass away from a bacterial infection, not radiation. There were some people with colds and a speaker recovering from a flu, but nothing out of the ordinary for a bad cold and flu season.”
Yet IUFO Congress’ Alejandro Rojas dismissal does not account for the finding in Capt. Jerry Flynn’s 283 Report on “microwave sickness” and DEW directed-energy weapons that the fatal symptoms Craig Lang exhibited are precisely those attributed to attacks by Microwave and DEW weapons. [DOWNLOAD PDF Capt. Jerry Flynn’s Report, HEALTH EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION WITH DEW & MICROWAVE FREQUENCIES]
As has previously reported, a statistically significant pattern has emerged during 2016-18 in the United States of America of witness-documented deaths, bodily injuries and serious hospitalizations for cancer and other illnesses, as well as mood swings involving suicidal ideation and deep depression among attendees and certain speakers at public Conferences on “Extraterrestrial Disclosure”, as well as consumers of products offered by, a Boulder, CO-based company dedicated to promoting “Extraterrestrial Disclosure”.[1]
- Initial documentation of DEW attacks at 2016-17 ET/UFO Conferences in USA
– Readers can access here: Sinister force targeting multidimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, and a 2016 US Presidential candidate with DEW directed energy weapons, causing blindness & paralysis By Alfred Lambremont Webre
As documented in a 226-page Expert Report to the BC Public Utilities Commission by Capt. Jerry Flynn, a former Canadian Armed Forces officer with 22 years experience in Electronic Warfare, there is probably scientific cause to believe these deaths, bodily injuries and serious hospitalizations, are being caused by the use of directed energy weapons [DEW] targeted at the ET/UFO Conference attendees and consumers of products.[2]
BC STUDY-DEW cause nosebleeds, depression, nausea, etc.
- HEALTH EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION WITH DEW & MICROWAVE FREQUENCIES – Readers can download Capt. Jerry Flynn’s 226-page Expert Report to the BC Public Utilities Commission. Capt. Jerry Flynn is a former Canadian Armed Forces officer with 22 years experience in Electronic Warfare –
Findings of June 23-24, 2018 Abort5G/Ban DEW Summit
There is substantive evidence of a planned massive depopulation of America and the human community using a rollout of 5G devices and DEW directed energy weapons Internetinų svetainų kūrimas, seo paslaugos ir elektroninės parduotuvės
Abort5G/Ban DEW – Call To Action: Community Summit
Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones, 5G WIFI & 5G Internet-of-Things, DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails
WATCH TrueTube Video documentary:
28+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre at the 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT Saturday June 23-24, 2018
Recommended Reading
Findings of June 23-24, 2018 AbortG/Ban DEW Summit
There is substantive evidence of a planned massive depopulation of America and the human community using a roll-out of 5G devices and DEW directed energy weapons
Abort5G/Ban DEW – Call To Action: Community Summit
Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones, 5G WIFI & 5G Internet-of-Things,DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails
WATCH TrueTube Video documentary:
28+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre at the 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT Saturday June 23-24, 2018
After 3 deaths at International UFO Congress in February 2018, “microwave sickness” and DEW concerns raised about June 2018 Contact in the Desert and Vancouver, BC “ET Disclosure” Conferences
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Please download:
Sinister force targeting multidimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, and a 2016 US Presidential candidate with DEW directed energy weapons, causing blindness & paralysis
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Alfred, it is heartbreaking that these intrepid souls, you included who has been attacked/targeted to your detriment, is not better protected by those around us interdimensionally, who could possibly put barriers around for protections.
I wish this would be the norm for those who are trying to make this a better world and fight the evils in it. I hear there are improvements but damn it, it is still happening too slowly.
You will always have my respect and love and I will always wish you good health.
Your Internet buddy, Donni De-Ville.