Ole Dammegard: Operation Sea Eagle 2019 is an Oct 23-24, 2019 “9/11 op” in 5 EU countries, unless exposed
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO https://youtu.be/rVfmXuRhp_s
ON TOUR in SWEDEN – Journalist and whistleblower Ole Dammegard has released urgent information from Ola Slettermark, an EU-based individual previously associated with an April 7, 2017 synthetic Terror EU false flag attack, who is reportedly claiming that Sea Eagle 2019, a possible 9/11-type false flag operation, is tentatively planned under the guise of disaster drills for the Oct 23-24, 2019 period unless exposed, hitting “39 targets in the following five EU cities”:
London UK
Manchester UK
Barcelona Spain
Paris France
Rotterdam Netherlands
In addition, Ola Slettermark’s reported information indicates that two (2) nuclear power plants may be the targets of a synthetic Terror attack in Sweden within 36 hours of the main Operation Sea Eagle 2019 attack, with an estimated 1600 persons present at planned disaster drills at this location.
Ole Dammegard’s research has shown that Synthetic Terror attacks are often planned in the guise of disaster preparedness drills as appears to be the case with Operation Sea Eagle 2019.
Purpose of Synthetic Terror attacks
If verified, the purpose of the planned Synthetic terror attacks include social disruption, as well as the imposition of martial law and substantive controls on free speech and publication on the Internet and elsewhere in civil society, according to Ole Dammegard.
Source Documents of Operation Sea Eagle 2019
Source documents obtained by Ole Dammegard from Ola Slattermark and provided to NewsInsideOut.com and published from the original in Swedish include:
“Ola Slettermark – and sees that they will have an exercise October 23-24
“23-24 Oct – EXERCISE Sea Eagle
When: Oct 23 – 24, 2019
“Description: The management team in the Stockholm Cooperation Region has jointly decided that the county’s players will participate in the Sea Eagle Exercise 2019. It is highlighted, partly as an important preparatory step for TFÖ 2020, and as an important activity to achieve the ambition in the common target image 2019-2022 .
“Sea Eagle 2019 is designed as a broad simulation exercise. It contains elements of gray-zone problems, with extensive social disturbances, disinformation and informational impacts and elements of serious antagonistic acts. The various exercises will highlight possible challenges for society’s crisis preparedness capacity and will place demands on the region’s ability to act in a coordinated manner at agreed levels of cooperation. The scenario will provide the conditions for practicing, testing and continuing to develop areas of ability within the state civil service, emergency preparedness and civil defense. In preparation for the main exercise, a number of knowledge-enhancing measures will be implemented. The main exercise will take place on October 23-24 and will last for 36 hours, which provides opportunities for each player to test their ability to endure.
Ola Slettermark Oct 6:
“On the way to Barcelona and the last steering group meeting within the int. proj we participate in. On November 15, @MayorofLondon launches the result and launch of the “Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network” where @samverkan_sthlm is part of London, Barcelona, Paris, Rotterdam Manchester. #CTPNS”
Ola Slettermark – och ser att de ska ha en övning 23-24 oktober
23-24 okt – ÖVNING Havsörn
When Oct 23 – 24, 2019
Description Chefsgruppen i Samverkan Stockholms Regionen har gemensamt beslutat att länets aktörer ska delta i övning Havsörn 2019. Den lyfts fram, dels som ett viktigt förberedande moment inför TFÖ 2020, dels som en betydelsefull aktivitet för att nå upp till ambitionen i den gemensamma målbilden 2019-2022.
Havsörn 2019 är upplagd som en bred simuleringsövning. Den innehåller moment av gråzonsproblematik , med omfattande samhällsstörningar, desinformation och informationspåverkan och inslag av allvarliga antagonistiska handlingar. De olika övningsmomenten kommer belysa möjliga utmaningar för samhällets krisberedskapsförmåga och kommer ställa krav på regionens förmåga att agera koordinerat i beslutade samverkansnivåer. Scenariot ska ge förutsättningar att öva, pröva och fortsatt utveckla förmågeområden inom statlig räddningstjänst, krisberedskap och civilt försvar. Som en förberedelse inför huvudövningen kommer ett antal kunskapshöjande åtgärder genomföras. Huvudövningen genomförs den 23-24 oktober och kommer att pågå under 36 timmar, vilket ger möjligheter för respektive aktör att pröva sin förmåga till uthållighet.
Ola Slettermark 6 okt:
På väg mot Barcelona och sista styrgruppsmötet inom det int. proj vi deltar i. Den 15 nov lanserar @MayorofLondon resultatet och start av ”Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network” där @samverkan_sthlm ingår tillsammans med London, Barcelona, Paris, Rotterdam Manchester. #CTPN
Ole Dammegard
Recommended Reading
TrueTube – Parts I-II-III: Ole Dammegard exposes 4 more layers of the global False Flag industry – USA, Trump, Greater Israel & Mystery Babylon
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Watch on TrueTube: Part III TrueTube Exclusive – Part III Ole Dammegard: Israel is the source of the False Flag operation industry – The Souless Signs of Death
Watch on TrueTube: Part II After watching the evidence, Is Donald J. Trump a conscious participant in False Flag industry operations such as the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas false flag industry operation with its “Orange Man” Meme?
Watch on TrueTube: Part I Breakthrough on exposing the commercial false flag operation industry: “The Soul-Less Signs of Death” https://vimeo.com/279764120
MYSTERY BABYLON – JESUITS & GREATER ISRAEL – Personal postcript from the reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre on Jesuits, Trump, Israel & Mystery Babyon
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Copyright 2018-19 Alfred Lambremont Webre All rights reserved. Please include a courtesy link back to this original with any sharing of this article. Thank you.
FF freedom says
2019, here we go again… latest fake “Cedar revolution” in Lebanon is just another fake Arab Spring of 2011- which was a repeat of the first failed fake Arab Spring from 2005. Each time the NWO syndicate regurgitates these operations, they are widely greeted by even the alt media as “unprecedented, first of their kind” events.
Where are peoples’ memories? Why dont people see this pattern when the power elite just keep recycling the same formula over an over an over again??? Why do people keep falling for it?!
ME says
Israel’s security cabinet called into urgent session
Oct 22, 2019 @ 22:34
Members of the security and foreign affairs cabinet were notified on Tuesday evening that an urgent session had been called for tonight.
Liz Jordan says
Ole, I’m writing from the UK.
I left 2 comments on your video with Alfred Lambremont. They are on his personal comment thread, the last 2 comments as of now 7pm GMT under the name Liz727. They are about a big incident that happened in England today at a shipping port in Essex near LONDON. In case any significance to Operation Eagle. Plus some perhaps completely coincidental but odd details I noticed.
Take great care of yourself, Ole, you are a international treasure to many for a very long time!
Best regards from the UK,
Judi D Johnson says
The NWO are planning to blow the Seattle Tour on Nov. 3, 2019. The video explains it all including a number of movies related to it as to what happened for the 9/11 attach. Pretty amazing, however, one never knows what these desperate elites will do.
Here is the link: https://blogspot.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18a2493aebcf8bf779c82c54f&id=1a03b2e9a5&e=45b5474d20
Please pass it on.
Blessings and Gratitude in Eternal Love,