NORAD Officer Stanley A. Fulham: Regional Galactic Governance Council
Readers can now listen to this historic 90 minute interview with Stanley A. Fulham and Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8), ET contact, and ET environmental intervention:
Fulham, Stanley A., Challenges of Change (2010)
VANCOUVER, BC – In an exclusive, in-depth interview on Exopolitics Radio with Alfred Lambremont Webre, former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham has stated that a regional galactic governance authority, (the ‘Council of 8’) made a dramatic decision in January, 2010 to put aside the law of non-intervention.
At a solemn meeting, the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) decided to intervene with their technology to clean Earth’s atmosphere before an environmental collapse occurs on Earth, as has happened on many other inhabited planets with civilizations similar to our own.
The Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) did so, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, after reaching a conclusion that that our human technology could not now prevent an environmental collapse and species extinction on Earth from occurring.
According to Mr. Fulham, this is a rare decision by the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8), and is partly a result of Council members wishing to preserve the unique positive qualities of our human population.
Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8)
The Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8), according to Mr. Fulham’s information, consists of the intelligent civilizations of the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Bootes, Alpha Centauri, Comsuli, Zeta Reticuli, and Pouseti. [Ed. Note: A preliminary search failed to reveal a known star system or constellation named ‘Comsuli or ‘Pouseti’.]
This cleanup of the Earth’s atmosphere will, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, commence after a speech at the United Nations by the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8)’s Pleiadian representatives.
The Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8)’s appearance at the United Nation’s General Assembly may occur, according to Mr. Fulham’s information, following a collapse of the present world order and the emergence of a new way of living during the period.
Possible earth changes, monetary collapse, and governmental and nation state collapse
This transitional period may be accompanied by possible earth changes, monetary collapse, and governmental and nation state collapse. Stanley A. Fulham originally identified the transitional period as being 2010-15. However, given both the non-linear and non-temporal interdimensional interdimensional intelligence he was communicating with both at the Transcendor and at the Council level, as well as the backlash that occurred when Stanley A. Fulham’s UFO sightings predictions for late 2010 and early 2011 over New York City, Moscow, and London, as well as Israel and Mexico, the transitional period predicted by the Transcendors, the Council, and Stanley A. Fulham may occur later in the 21st century.
Mr. Fulham stated in his Exopolitics Radio interview that the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) had chosen New York City for an initial Oct 13, 2010 UFO ‘decloaking’ because it was a global, cosmopolitan city with a blasé population that would not be frightened of their appearance.
There are multiple, independent evidentiary sources that prove the Oct. 13, 2010 UFO sightings over New York City were the result of an intervention by a non-Earthly intelligent civilization, and not the result of other causes such as released balloons.
The original plan of the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8), taken at a meeting in January 2010, had been for simultaneous UFO appearances on Oct 13, 2010 over major world cities.
The purpose of these Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) UFO appearances, which are set to increase in the future, is to acclimatize Earth humans to the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8)’s presence and decision to intervene.
The increased UFO sightings in the future are meant to lead up to a world speech by the Pleiadian representatives of the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) in the General Assembly hall at the United Nations.
Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8) Caretaker role for Earth
According to Mr. Fulham, the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8)has had a caretaker role for our planet for about the last million years, and has effectively maintained Earth under protective quarantine following an attempted invasion and takeover of Earth.
Mr. Fulham has authored a book, Challenges of Change, containing the results of his 10 years investigation of the role of the Council of 8 and other entities in our galaxy and Universes.
Mr. Fulham writes that he obtained this information about the Council of 8 through an inter-dimensional intelligent civilization that monitors events in our galaxy and Universes.
Other experts such as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman have independently predicted in interviews with Alfred Lambremont Webre an end to hierarchies and the value of money, and increased extraterrestrial and UFO contact.
On Oct. 14, 2010 – a day after the New York City UFO sightings – Dr. Mazian Othman, director of the U.N. Outer Space Office, delivered a wide-ranging 28 minute video press conference at the United Nations in New York during which she stated that ‘ET life is a possibility’ and remarked that the United Nations must ready itself for ET contact. readers can view Dr. Othman’s press conference here.
Historic 90 minute interview with Stanley A. Fulham on the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8): ET contact, and ET environmental intervention
Exopolitics founder: ‘Oct 13 2010 NYC UFO sightings confirm Exopolitics model’
Exopolitics researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, whose book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe founded the field of Exopolitics, discussed the deeper context of the October 13, 2010 UFO sightings over New York City, and what these sightings may indicate for future open interactions between human society and other intelligent civilizations now visiting Earth.
According to Mr. Webre, “ A core portion of the October 13, 2010 New York City UFO sightings appear to have been authentically created by intelligent civilizations from star systems elsewhere in our galaxy. When understood in their full context, the Oct 13 UFO sightings confirm the Exopolitics model – that we live in a populated, organized multi-verse, filled with intelligent civilizations, and that our civilization has been functionally quarantined from interaction with other intelligent civilizations.”
Former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham in his book Challenges of Change originally predicted the Oct 13, 2010 UFO sightings over New York City, as part of predicted sightings over major cities worldwide. Mr. Fulham indicated he had been informed, through inter-dimensional contact, by representatives of a reported self-organized galactic regional governance council that the Oct 13, 2010 sightings were an intentional ‘de-cloaking’ by benign advanced intelligent civilizations who have decided to use their advanced technology to reverse environmental degradation on this planet before humanity self-destructs.
About three weeks prior to Oct 13, Mr. Fulham indicates he was informed by the galactic governance council that although the UFO sightings predicted for Oct 13, 2010 were originally to have been over major world cities, the council had decided to scale them back to one City only – New York City as a major world capital in order not to seem threatening or frightening to humans.
Mr. Fulham was a guest of Mr. Webre’s on ExopoliticsTV in an exclusive in-depth interview on Saturday Oct 23, 2010, covering Mr. Fulham’s interactions with the reported galactic governance council, and their future plans for open contact with Planet Earth and human society.
Mr. Webre explained an evidence-based model of ‘Intelligent Civilizations in the Omni-verse’ that integrates intelligent civilizations existing in the ‘physical’ and hyperdimensional universes with the intelligent civilizations of the soul existing in the ‘soul’ dimensions. Together, the ‘exopolitics’ dimensions of reality and the ‘spiritual’ dimensions of reality comprise the ‘Omni-verse’.
This empirical Exopolitics model, coincidentally, is very close to a model of the multi-verse described in Mr. Fulham’s book and provided to him by the Transcendors, a group of 43,000 inter-dimensional advanced beings.
Shortly after the Regional Galactic Governance Council decloaking over New York City and the United Nations on October 13, 2010, Alfred Lambremont Webre started a 2010-11 ‘Intelligent Civilizations in the Omni-verse’ tour starts on Oct 31, 2010 with an Exopolitics/UFO Symposium in Buenos Aires, Argentina (sponsored by Exopolitica Argentina), and continued with presentations at Congresses and Conferences in Latin America, Mexico, Europe, Oceania (Hawaii) and the United States.
ExoPolitics and the Regional Galactic Governance Council
Exopolitics is the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.
PsiSciences include parapsychology, a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death or the inter-life using the scientific method. Exosciences also include energy medicine, quantum access sciences resulting in technologies such as teleportation and time travel, and other sciences now effectively kept out of the scientific mainstream educational canon.
Exopolitics: An evidence-based model of how the multi-verse functions
Dr. Hui Sun Kim, a Ph.D. in chemical and biological sciences, and a nanotechnology specialist, has provided a useful introduction to Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations.
Earth Humans’ Interaction with the Rest of the Universe: Alfred Webre and Exopolitics
By Hui Sun Kim
“I finally read Alfred Webre’s book Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universebooks, 2005). I had not known very much about Alfred Webre at the time I wrote my book Bridge to Earth, but according to Nick Pope, who served as the UFO Desk Officer with the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense from 1991-1994, ‘Alfred Webre can be regarded as the founding father of Exopolitics as a field of human inquiry.’ Exopolitics, as well described by Mr. Pope, ‘relates to the study of humanity not just as inhabitants of Planet Earth but in the wider context of our position in a Universe that we share with other civilizations.’
“From the back cover: ‘Exopolitics is the evolution of Alfred Lambremont Webre’s groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project of the Carter White House. This project was initiated because President Carter had seen a UFO in 1969 and was interested in the subject, as are millions of others.’
“’Exopolitics may turn the dominant view of our Universe upside down. It reveals that we live on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, and highly organized interplanetary, inter-galactic, and multi-dimensional Universe society. It explores why Earth seems to have been quarantined for eons from a more evolved Universe society. It suggests specific steps to end our isolation, by reaching out to the technologically and spiritually advanced civilizations that are engaging our world at this unique time in human history.’
“I want to present some highlights of this book using excerpts, but first, here is Alfred Webre’s background (from “About the Author” section of the book):
“’Alfred Lambremont Webre was a futurist at The Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute (today, SRI International, Menlo Park, California). In that capacity, he served as Principal Investigator for a proposed civilian scientific study of extraterrestrial communication, i.e., interactive communication between our terrestrial human culture and that of possible intelligent Off-Planet Cultures, [with the domestic policy staff of the White House of President Jimmy Carter, until the project’s abrupt termination in fall of 1977].
“’Webre has also served as a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and an NGO representative at the United Nations, an elected Clinton-Gore delegate to the 1996 Texas Democratic Convention, and a member of the Governor’s Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness for the State of California; and produced and hosted The Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio broadcast (1987) between the United States and the former Soviet Union. Today, he is “a space activist who works with others to prevent the weaponization of space and to transform the permanent war economy into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative Space Age society reintegrated with a larger, intelligent Universe society.’
“Central to Mr. Webre’s exopolitics model is the hypothesis that Earth has been quarantined within a highly-populated, -organized, and -advanced Universe society. It is not clear why the planetary quarantine was established in the first place, but it is put forth that some kind of catastrophic planetary rebellion or other key event in Earth’s exopolitical past may have played a role.
“The quarantine hypothesis starts with the premise that “planetary life implementation programs are not solely biological. Where planetary conditions are appropriate, life implantation processes can produce intelligent species like humans that are both biological and spiritual.. Planets are grown like gardens. Much of life development of Planet Earth is the product of conscious intervention by the advanced, sophisticated techniques of the life-technologist of Universe society. This process takes billions of years… At a certain point in planetary evolution, intelligent life comes into being as part of the life experimentation scheme. With this intelligent life comes the human soul, a trans-temporal entity that experiences life as a human, and survives bodily death into other dimensions of the Universe. Soul-bearing planets are visited and developed by formal planetary representatives of Universe society. These Universe representatives are charged with ‘civilizing’ the planet into Universe citizenship… On normal life experiment planets, general knowledge of, and participation in, interplanetary society occurs form the outset of civilization…”
“However, because of Earth’s planetary quarantine, ‘…Universe circuits of communication and advanced energy have been cut off [from Earth], throwing our planet into devolution… As a result of the quarantine, Earth has been historically deprived of normal planetary evolution and education. We have been kept in the dark about Universe society, and the advanced technologies and superior quality of life that normal planets enjoy.’
“’In Universe society, love, rather than conflict, is the central organizing principle among advanced civilization. A heritage of our planetary quarantine is that military aggression, political oppression, and economic exploitations are the predominant means of self-government…’
“’Technically, the quarantine of Earth is achieved by way of the superior technology and advanced evolution of Universe society,’ and ‘the UFO encounters that we experience on Earth are actually intentional ‘leaks’ in what is otherwise a total quarantine of Earth by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.’ Thus the UFO encounters, which started around 1947, have been termed ‘leaky embargo’ by Dr. Hal Puthoff and colleagues at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin.
“’In the quarantine hypothesis, Earth’s humanity is not yet sufficiently morally evolved to be unilaterally included in a Universe ‘dimensional’ role. Universe society does not want us to export war or violence into interstellar or inter-dimensional space. The powerful nations of Earth… are attempting to continue the militarization of outer space. These Earth nations are on a collision course with Universe society’s ethics and laws pertaining to the peaceful use of space. The militarization of outer space may be the single most important factor preventing the end of Earth’s isolation from civilized space society. Humanity may not be permitted into Universe society without an absolute ban on warfare and weapons in a jurisdiction ruled by the standards of a common Universe government.’
“’The highest levels of Universe government are most concerned with the spiritual evolution of interstellar space, its vast networks of life-bearing planets, and its myriad civilizations of intelligent, spiritual beings. Earth has been the subject of special scrutiny within the higher universal realms. In our history as a planet, we have been quarantined primarily for spiritual reasons. Hence, within Universe society, Earth is an unusual and fairly well-known life experiment planet. Metaphorically, Earth is the Galapagos Islands of spiritual evolution, because the species of souls we produce are greatly affected by our isolation.’
“’The end to our planetary quarantine will be based on open interaction between Universe society and Earth… The Universe is designed as a living environment for the education and evolution of consciousness. Our universe isolation will end when we are ready for the next lesson. There is good reason to believe that the end of Earth isolation in the Universe is now approaching.’ Toward this effort, Webre proposes to “create the Decade of Contact, a 10-year social program officially dedicated to examining the issues of extraterrestrial contact, a decade of official world participation in activating global consciousness and knowledge about Universe society… Through education, media and grass roots politics, a Decade of Contact can bring awareness about Universe society to public consciousness, and can reorient human science and institutions…’
“’In short, our planetary civilization will enter an unprecedented era of development of humanity on Earth. Unparalleled democratization and expansion of individual liberties will accompany our integration into Universe society. The permanent warfare economy will be transformed into a sustainable, cooperative Space Age society, one integrated with a larger Universe society.’
Webre discusses how the ‘federal systems of government here on Earth reflect the design of Universe governments’: ‘The relationship between universal governmental forms and terrestrial governmental forms is far deeper than mere comparative government. It is holographic… a hologram is an entity in which the whole of the hologram is present in every part of the hologram. Universal government is holographic in the sense that the whole of the Universe government appears in its every part. Terrestrial natural law, social law, and constitutional law are actual holographic entities of Universal law. Very roughly speaking, the legislative pattern of Universe government can be seen in Earth’s legislatures, even corrupted as they are from the planetary quarantine… Our science fiction novels, films, and TV shows have made interplanetary federation familiar to us. We can readily understand how an interplanetary federation might work. Likewise, we can understand the concept of a Universe judiciary. Universe courts decide disputes among planets… The executive function of Universe government is mysterious.’
“Similarly, he describes us Earth humans ‘as holographic fragments of a living Universe’: ‘Each of us has a holographic entity of God within us, as does each spiritual entity in the Universe. We can influence events in the Universe through conscious spiritual acts. This is not a metaphor, but actual reality.’
“He describes how living on a quarantined planet has affected the human soul: ‘One long-term benefit arising from Earth’s quarantine is that our isolation has helped build a soul that can live on hope alone. Our human souls must reach deep into inner resources to overcome many of the linger tendencies of the planetary quarantine, such as war, confusion, poverty, violence, and ignorance…From the viewpoint of a Universe career, Earth’s challenges may be ideal circumstances during the course of our lengthy evolution. A Universe career spans much longer than a single human lifetime on Planet Earth. Human souls progress on a path of development in a multidimensional Universe with individual outcomes dependent upon our choices and actions in our Universe lives…’
“’The process of reintegration will be gradual and will proceed in stages. It is, however, a reclaiming of our original blueprint as divinely connected, evolving beings.’
“According to the book, an ABC-NEWS poll in October 2000 found that 47% of U.S. adults believe that intelligent life exists on other planets in the Universe, and that of these people, 60% believe that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. Alfred Webre’s book is endorsed by officers of national governments, a U.S. military officer (retired), a former NASA astronaut, and scholars, journalists, and educators with established careers and reputations. I think that in the near future, looking back in history, we will recognize Alfred Webre’s work as a landmark.’
Hui Sun Kim is a writer, scientist, artist, and conscious creator.
She received her undergraduate education at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in chemistry, graduate education at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The Scripps Research Institute, and postdoctoral training at the University of California-Berkeley. She holds a Ph.D. in chemical and biological sciences. Her area of specialty is nanotechnology.
Hui Sun is currently working on picture books for children and for adults. She is also starting a project to develop a think tank/networking website designed to bring together scientists and non-scientists, and a project to develop a new low-cost photovoltaic material.
The mission of [Hui Sun’s writing and website] is to help others achieve the goals, which the founder holds in her own life: To live freely and realize the highest potential of our creative power.
For more information about ExoPolitics and the Regional Galactic Governance Council, please contact
Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005: UniverseBooks)
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Kindle eBook: Highlights & Read first chapter free:
My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
“Alfred Lambremont Webre’s odyssey into the realm of life in the vast Universe surrounding planet Earth is indeed a fascinating journey if you read it with an open mind… To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing a ‘Decade of Contact’ – an era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality. That could be just the antidote the world needs to end its greeddriven, power-centered madness.”
– Honorable Paul T. Hellyer, Minister of National Defense under Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
“Much of this book rings true. Certainly, our civilization cannot go on as we have. We will need all the help we can get to lift ourselves out of tyranny, genocide, and ecocide. So why not reach out toward those who are clearly more wise?”
–Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut
Recommended reading
Historic 90 minute interview with NORAD Officer Stanley A. Fulham on the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8): ET contact, and ET environmental intervention
Fulham, Stanley A., Challenges of Change (2010)
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
The views expressed by guests are their own.
Copyright 2019-20 All rights reserved. Please include a courtesy link back to this original article with any sharing of this article. Thank you.
Thank you gentlemen for this conversation. As one who has sighted many ships, I am mocked by all with whom I share my sightings. It makes me smile to believe the world will soon know the reality of other beings in the vastness of the multiverse.
One evening I saw five very large red ships to the west of my home. They had a larger section on top with a smaller section on the bottom. They hovered for a long time in a formation of three on top, two on bottom. I felt a slight sense of discomfort, and stated my sovereignty, etc.
Can you help me identify the origin of these ships?
Many thanks and blessings,
Is there a hard copy available of Stanley A. Fulham book? If so where can we buy it?
The link that you share is Amazon kindle only. Thank You!
You can try:
Alfred, thanks to the excellent work you do , Thanks for clarifying the Corey Good and the Randy kramer phenomenona . If I May make a suggestion ( please i am trying to help having worked in Broadcasting on the technical side for many years ) . when the talent is on the other side of the telephone line , chances are that his voice level is lower than yours . To equalize the incoming level there is a need of a amplifiers between the incoming phone line and the desk . This will improve the quality of the interview with both levels with the same amplitude .
returning to the ” Secret Space program ” wistleblowers ” , what do you think of Jason Rice ?
Thank you Peter! On a technical note, we use for recording interviews, and will be consulting and advising them of your feedback as that issue may be within their purview of control. The 2010 interview with Stanley A. Fulham was done with an archaic technology in Internet terms if that interview is what you are referring to.
INTERESTING, DAWNING OF AQUIRIUS ,AGENDA 21 ,AGENDA 30 and yuga time change, .all coinciding with an alien intervention.
and in the opinion of many, a depopulation agenda carried out through a mam made VIRUS..
INTERESTING ; DAWNING OF AQUIRIUS / YUGA ,AGENDA 21 ,AGENDA 30 and a depopulating virus and NOW our space cousins call .