By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media January 8, 2020, offers new evidence supporting claims the U.S. President is being “covertly drugged” by Deep State handlers. Granular audio analysis of Wednesday’s Address to Nation on Iran suggests evident mispronunciations plus modulations in spoken pitch, volume and cadence in the address were somehow related to a hypodermic “needle” injection administered earlier that morning. Trump’s morning delivery appeared at variance with the direct style of a bellicose President who just one day before had spoken bluntly about Iran suffering consequences of hostility towards the United States.
The U.K. Guardian reported in September 2017 how Trump media ally Alex Jones claimed that “most presidents end up getting drugged” explaining how the “US president had been fed tranquilizers for around two months and they were making his speech slur.”
After watching a September 2019 Trump rally former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci amplified the claim telling CNN “[Trump] looked sedated, he was using words that he typically doesn’t use, he was reading off the prompter. He’s got a loss of confidence going on and he’s got a loss of personality at the same time.”
Perhaps the version of the president viewers saw this morning was comically channeling George W. Bush (widely cited as a recovered cocaine addict dry drunk who notoriously conflated a folksy aphorism with lyrics from U.K. rock band The Who).
Nevertheless, radical changes in behavior of political leaders have long been a topic of interest to the public at large. From Bushisms to a stumbling Hillary Clinton, human fascination with these potential fitness and wellness indicators influences voter decision-making.
Readers skeptical of using granular synthesis to sample and resequence human speech for news intelligence gathering can review previous reports following the same procedure that revealed evidence of last week’s drone assassination against Iranian Quds Force General Qassim Suleimani and the auditory DNA of its origins in a revived CIA PHOENIX assassination program three and six years before that fatal action.’s January 2017 inaugural address coverage identified sleep talking-like remarks concerning “A war. Missile must smash your brain.” as documented in this report. The New York Times confirmed on January 4 that “Suleimani had been in Trump’s sights since the beginning of the administration.”
In that article this reporter reflected how “The video contains an invocation to war but does not identify a clear threat or enemy. The Moon appears sequentially after this invocation in a way that suggests it’s a prize to be won in an angry battle. Perhaps in this mirror way the president is trying to tell us something about competitive behavior and low-intensity warfare between partner nations over the further militarization of space. President Bush’s 2001 inaugural address revealed a similar pattern in which the president was then observed discussing traditional American values while uttering an encrypted invocation to invade Iraq.”’s reprint of a story originally published by in March 2014 offered a world-first exclusive look at a revived CIA PHOENIX assassination program pronounced in Euromaidan remarks of U.S. SecState John Kerry in Kiev, Ukraine, from earlier that month. This insight was further substantiated by reporting that appeared in The Intercept describing former Blackwater mercenary chief Erik Prince (brother to billionaire U.S. Education Secretary Betsy Devos) as a shadow Trump advisor who would later be cited for proposing the PHOENIX program go global.
In that 2014 article this reporter then reflected on “An Osiris-like archetype reborn from its own ashes in the form of the phoenix. As a citation from his own Vietnam War experience, it can also be said that in the face of revolution against the elected government of the Ukraine, the secretary invokes a reinvigorated CIA Phoenix Program (1965 – 1972), which according an online CIA retrospective, sought destruction of the political infrastructure of targeted nations.
“The Phoenix program is arguably the most misunderstood and controversial program undertaken by the governments of the United States and South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. It was, quite simply, a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Lao Dong Party (hereafter referred to as the Viet Cong infrastructure or VCI) in South Vietnam.”
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