Astrologer Mary Houston: A 2nd American Revolution & Trump’s Jupiter Sun God chart
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Astrologer & broadcaster Mary Houston discusses the astrological convergences of (1) astrological configurations of a 2nd American Revolution; and (2) the US Presidency of Donald J. Trump, whose astrology identity as a “Jupiter Sun God – Gemini – Dog” (“Trumpzilla”) seems a transformation after 8 years under the deceptive Neptunian chart & character of Barack Soetoro-Obama.
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By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Mary Houston: 2nd American Revolution & Trump Jupiter Sun God Astrology
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horace says
The 2nd American Revolution, is actually a more complete take over by the Fascists.
The USA becomes Fascist on it’s Face, no more hiding in the shadows.
Life is real and not a dream.
Talk about the new age and actually it has been used for millenia people will follow the leader anywhere.
Nothing is real anything goes, that’s the NWO.
Trump has business interests worldwide in real estate, so he must be a globalist.
Trump is underground Reich, was George Washington; maybe.
Mary is a nice person, but I can’t buy into the new age agenda.
More things are taking place behind the Stars, and stars and stripes.
DVD is not a plastic disc but actual nazi intelligence agency, in control today.
carson says
Mary tries too hard to defend Trump, in all matters.
I predict Trump will pull out of NATO, thereby handing it over to Germany, who really controlled it since its inception.
That is why Brexit took place
Trumpzilla is Radioactive, Mary didn’t mention it.
Mercury Amberdisck says
Also her coment on a mass murder war criminal roghe state of israel will avoid judgement from the UN thanks to trump? Also the bull about China…that owns US economy… some truth togheter with some lies…She’s forgeting Saturn opposed to Gemini-USA that means that the dollar and its global economic power is in decline.
Mercury Amberdisck says
PM Sageji says
hi it would help her to learn about the special Lord Tim Qo Tu, The Lord Who Loves All Worlds, who is living on the earth as a women Supreme Master Ching Hai. This Master is the reincarnation of some special spiritual beings that lived before. this Master soul has been working on the Liberation of this planet and repairing this Universe. for long time, in 2017 the Master told us that the system of high tech control machines that force souls to reincarnate in our planet earth has been smashed and destroyed by very high divine beings in the Diz Divinety relm. the Master worked with these beings to destroy this system, and the negative aliens that controled the humans and system were taken off the planet, October 1’2017 is now wowrld freedom day. please watch on you tube, Galactic Control Totally Smashed, and Galactic System of Ridged Planetary Control which the Master tells us about the reason we are all on this planet it has been used as a prison planet by some glactic system to put souls they do not want on their planet anymore, then we are trapped into the earth reincarnation and mind control for ever until a Master or Christ being takes us out. but now when we die we will be free to leave this planet because the machines have been destroyed this is huge and this information is public on the internet. without the bad eggs souls to control humans now we will soon be liberated from their negative influence and wars, we can finaly have peace on earth and loving society. the Master now is working on the system of the Maya in the 3 Lower worlds of illusion creation. the Maya beings and force do not like the Master upsetting their control of the souls in the matrix of 3 lower worlds controled by the Maya,, the physical, the astral, the causal. the 3 higher world the 3 world and fouth world and 5th world are real made out of light and sound. this is not dimentiona, the 5th world start at the 80th dimention, the 5th world is home of the souls to stay with 1percent ego to know themselves, the Master Tim. Qo Tu has jsut made a High Land for the Worthy in a 5th and half world for her disciples souls who wish to stay with her in this land in eternal peace. all souls do not have the same structure of light and power. you must learn from an enlightened Master inside your soul directly from the inside meditation with your own higher god self, so you get the direct wisdom and love and energy directly by passing your mind and ego. the soul godself is made of the energy of the almighty godhead, it can manefest as divine Light and divine Sound. this is the music of your soul, this contains qualities of wisdom and love, mercy, compassion, kidness and benvilance. human beings are blocked so therfore only use their ego mind which makes them insane and do harmful things. our planet uses the system of recording actions somthis system is called karmic, what you sow so shall you reap at some later time.please watch this Master on this Master mission is mostly private however She has to do much in the public eye now and shows videos of what she is doing. in the Original Universe called Ioskur Relm which means Mighty Merciful Relm, she is named Tim Qo Tu. the next higher realm is called Diz Divinety Relm and the Master soul is named Isy (aisy). stay tunned to see what the Master is up to and how she is helping our planet and humanity evolution. watch video youtube 2017 Galactic Control Totaly Smashed, and Liberation From Ridged Planetart Control. the Master wants World Peace so this wil happen.
Tony Marzio says
This interview is very old.. Why has it been put out as Feb 2020???? This is old information. as a comment was dated 2017 by ~~~~~ carson says January 11, 2017 at 1:02 pm
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
This video is re-published as a retrospective reflection on the Presidency of Donald John Trump, circa February 20, 2020.