“Moms – Get out of the House! March! Do Something!!” Lockdown Protest Leader Susan Standfield Spooner
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/B7SFe_GVNDU
NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/05/moms-get-out-of-the-house-march-do-something-lockdown-protest-leader-susan-stanfield-spooner/
VIDEO SERIES that tell the stories, build the brand and spread the word ASSEMBLIES to actively engage and educate citizens in health justice ART CURRICULUM that inspires adults and youth to explore how health & justice are linked The HEALTH & JUSTICE© IP and concept was born in the middle of the night when I discovered while researching that herbicides could be making their way into injected pharmaceuticals. A lightbulb went off in my head connecting my mother’s death when I was 18 in 1986 to this same system of weak or failed health regulation policy in Canada. Women like my mother had been lied to for decades throughout the 1960’s-1980’s by big tobacco that colluded with governments to deceive consumers about smoking safety. It was only 17 years after my mother’s death that consumer warnings were placed on cigarette boxes in Canada and I often wonder, how many other mothers died in those 17 years because of injurious health policy?
I DESIGN JUSTICE I design, write and create justice content with and for people who want to change the world. My stories are designed to aggregate across all platforms in every global market including the UK, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, India, Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Western Ethiopia and Cambodia. My audiences are mostly women and their children to inspire them to learn about and engage in social justice through story.
Recommended Reading
CoronaVirusDepopulation! Coronavirus Lockdown Protest Leader Susan Standfield Spooner: Vancouver, BC
WATCH ON TRUETUBE: https://youtu.be/303N81MH6EU
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