Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on August 9, 2020, offers viewers one insider’s account of a 2018 meeting held during that year’s International UFO Congress (IUFOC) in Phoenix, Arizona, where alleged pedophile Jan Harzan is said to have rejected compliance with U.S. educational standards as a requirement for Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) national infotainment programming targeting primary school-aged children. Semi-retired U.S. educator Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross spoke earlier this week with Jon Kelly in a two-hour interview for TrueTube News explaining how the former Executive Director’s dismissive posture red-flagged MUFON as an ambiguous player in the trafficking of children to symposiums at U.S. hotels and resorts.
In an August 3, 2020, post to Facebook titled “TEAR IT DOWN AND START OVER: NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO REFORM UFOLOGY” Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross wrote “In February 2018, I presented at the IUFOC in Phoenix, AZ. Immediately after my PowerPoint presentation, I was approached by members of MUFON, who were also attending IUFOC. They requested that I meet with them later that day, along with MUFON’s Executive Director, Jan Harzan. As a group, we would discuss ways that MUFON could use education to increase membership in their organization. As a seasoned educator and curriculum specialist, I met with them and offered my recommendations. MUFON desperately wanted to attract younger members.”
In previous correspondence with this reporter Dr. Gross has emphasized that “Getting students involved with MUFON was NOT a secret. I know I wasn’t the only person who was aware of MUFON’s plans. Everybody who attended the meeting in Phoenix in 2018 had input on how to grow MUFON via educating school-aged students.”
During his exclusive TrueTube News interview Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross explained how the 2018 backroom IUFOC meeting with prominent MUFON figures including Jan Harzan unfolded. “They asked me to present what I think needs to be done if they want to go into an educational approach to MUFON and attract school students at a younger age. So I told them if I was doing this and I was serious about it I would develop content standards and try to align them with national science standards and things like that. Then I’d create curriculums and then someone like me or someone else could teach your individual MUFON members that have some kind of background in that how to teach that.
“So I presented it and everyone listened. And then Jan said he wasn’t interested in putting that much time or effort into doing something like that.”
In an apparent IUFOC meeting attendee follow-up email dated July 9, 2018, (whose distribution list names “TRAVIS: The True Story of Travis Walton” Producer Jennifer Stein, MUFON Publicity Rep Bambi Dudley, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University at Albany (SUNY) Dr. Kevin Knuth and Dr. Gross) Phoenix Lights author Dr. Lynne Kitei issued a dramatic call.
“Appreciate you writing up something to assist us in our effort to inspire young people to attend the free events Bob. Terrific! In the meantime Jennifer, thought it might be helpful to contact CAMPS around Philly & NJ, who might want to bring their campers to either the FREE Lectures, Films or both. Just an idea. Can’t hurt to contact them, as that’s where most of the kids in town are right now and they’re always looking for fun activities,” the email explained.
From Dr. Gross’ perspective foreseeable child negligence issues surrounding these initiatives were further amplified by sickening news of the retired IBM senior project executive Jan Harzan’s July arrest on charges of soliciting a minor, what the former Penn State music instructor describes as the “Last straw”. In a July 14, 2020, post to Facebook Huntington Beach Police explained “On July 3, detectives contacted a male by the name of Jan Harzan after Harzan solicited sexual activity from a detective he believed was a 13 year old girl. The suspect solicited the minor to meet for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, and when the suspect agreed to meet the supposed minor, detectives were there to take him into custody.”
In their response to Jan Harzan’s arrest MUFON terminated his directorship replacing him with Flamingo Air sex tourism proprietor David MacDonald (as profiled by Vice where the article’s homophonic headline alludes to the new executive director’s reputation for facilitating bestiality).
According to Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross “They [MUFON] almost have to shut that place down and take a look at what might be going on. Even though I don’t have any evidence necessarily that something really terrible was going on I think they really need to say “Stop the works here and let’s take a look at what could be going on in our organization.””
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I get that both Jan Harzan & Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross have Reptilian souls and are pedophiles..
Dr. Gross does NOT have a Reptilian soul and is NOT a pedophile.. . .