TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY: A Novel Multidimensional Novel & THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife
TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY: A Novel Multidimensional Novel Kindle Edition
A Novel MultiDimensional NovelTIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY is available on pre-order Kindle at $3.99 until its March 1, 2022 Date of Publication, when its publication price will be $9.99/copy.
Many Heroes on different Organic Timelines expose the AI Artificial Timeline and consign the Chronogarchy, a secret Time Travel Interdimensional government manipulating Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife, to an AI Artificial Intelligence Timeline where it can no longer harm humanity, the Universe, and the Omniverse.
Is a 2021 NaNoWriMo.org AWARD WINNER
THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife Kindle Edition [A Non-Fiction Treatise]
How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
and The Omniverse Trilogy
What is the Chronogarchy?
The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates.
In the third-density of Earth’s time-space dimensional hologram, the Chronogarchy develops and deploys a variety of Quantum Access Time Travel technologies to carry out its elaborate long range, past, present, and future based construction and manipulation of an artificial Time-based Meme Legend within which to entrap and enslave humanity and humans’ souls.
The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes (a) factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as (b) archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco reptilian and Orion greys, and (c) Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence.
U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) discovery of the Omniverse 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, (3) promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth, published in his 2017 book Journey, and (4) public exposé of the Chronogarchy, an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates.
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s Books Are Available
Wherever Good Books Are Sold Including
Email: exopolitics@exopolitics.com
Skype: peaceinspace
Mobile/Text: +1-604-600-9203
Thank you.
Domonic Kay says
I am happy to see that your newest book is out Alfred and that it is non-fiction. I am disappointed that it is not available in paperback though. While kindle books are quick and inexpensive to access, if the internet should go down for any length of time due to a solar flare or an intentional international act of sabotage, then none of the kindle books would be accessable. I so hope you will add a paperback version of your newst book for your readers.
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
Thank you! Please note that there are two Chronogarchy books being published on March 1, 2022, one a non-fiction Treatise and one an Award-winning Novel related to the Non-fiction book. Both books will be published in Softcover as well as eBook editions,
and will be available wherever good books are sold, including:
Al Cambrola says
Hi Domonic,
You asked the question I was going to ask. I prefer paper also.
I have and am enjoying your book, “This Embodied Life.’ Do you have a website and are you planning anymore books?
al.cambrola@yahoo.com Thanks