Trudeau, Poster Boy for the Chronogarchy, the hidden quantum access time travel AI Transhumanist government, triggers the predicted 2022 timeline split between the Soulless AI Transhumanist timeline, and Original Earth’s Divine Soul Incarnation Timeline
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
Author, Timelines of the Chronogarchy (
Vancouver, BC – Justin Trudeau, as of this writing Prime Minister and Leader of a Liberal Government in Canada, is a Poster Boy for the Chronogarchy, a hidden quantum access time travel AI Transhumanist interdimensional governance, who by the evidence is leading the predicted 2022 critical mass timeline split between the Soulless AI Transhumanist timeline, and the Original Earth’s Timeline of Divine Soul Incarnation.
According to The Chronogarchy, now available at, “the Chronogarchy is an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates. In the third-density of Earth’s time-space dimensional hologram, the Chronogarchy develops and deploys a variety of Quantum Access Time Travel technologies to carry out its elaborate long-range, past, present, and future based construction and manipulation of an artificial Time- based Meme Legend within which to entrap and enslave humanity and humans’ souls.
“The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls and includes (a) factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military- intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical- pharma, as well as (b) archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco reptilian and Orion greys, and (c) Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence.
“U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel pre identification program.”
Each of these individuals was briefed and groomed to be US President by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential pre-identification program, headed in the 1971-72 period by US President Richard M. Nixon, with Donald H. Rumsfeld as the Defense Liaison, and Henry Kissinger as the U.S. National Security Advisor. As functional Commander in Chief of the top-secret U.S. time travel pre-identification program, it was on Richard M. Nixon’s direct orders that each of these individuals was pre-identified, briefed, and groomed as a future U.S President by the DARPA Project Pegasus – CIA Presidential pre-identification team.
During the 1971-72 DARPA Project Pegasus – CIA time travel Chronogarchy Presidential pre-identification program, pre-identification of future national political leaders was apparently not limited to United States Presidents, however. By the evidence, the 1971-72 DARPA Project Pegasus – CIA time travel Chronogarchy Presidential pre-identification program appears to have pre-identified Justin Trudeau as a future Prime Minister of Canada, assuming office on November 4, 2015 until an unknown date as of this writing. Presumably, the Chronogarchy, through its penetration of Canadian and international elites, will have found a methodology of briefing and grooming Justin Trudeau for his pre-identified Quantum Access Prime Ministership, as it has used the US CIA for this function.
Here is a Canadian journalistic version of the April 13-15, 1972 State visit of Time Travel Commander in Chief Richard M. Nixon to Ottawa to deliver the public news, under plausible deniability, that Justin Trudeau, had been preidentified as a future US President.
That time Richard Nixon predicted Justin Trudeau would be PM
The last time a Trudeau and a U.S. president met for a state dinner, it didn’t go that well—but Nixon did foresee Justin Trudeau becoming prime minister
In April 1972, Adrian Macdonald and her then-husband, Otto Lang, a former cabinet minister, were among the dignitaries at a black-tie gala at the National Arts Centre for president Richard Nixon’s state visit to Ottawa.
It was a glamour-filled evening hosted by Pierre and Margaret Trudeau with a lively concert by the NAC Orchestra and the Festival Singers of Canada, which journalist George Radwanski (who would go on to become privacy commissioner and author of a biography on Trudeau) described in his news report as “unusually modern for a formal event of this nature.” He wrote in the Gazette: “One of their songs, entitled ‘Seller from Fortune,’ contained the clearly enunciated phrase ‘tore the ass right out of his britches.’ ”
After the show, Nixon gave a champagne toast during a buffet meal. His remarks have become known as the Nixon prophecy. “Tonight, we’ll dispense with formalities. I’d like to toast the future prime minister of Canada—to Justin Pierre Trudeau.”
To which Pierre Trudeau replied, saying should his son (who was then four months old) become prime minister one day, “I hope he has the grace and skill of the president.”
“It came true. Who knew?” jokes Macdonald, whose twins, including former CBC journalist Amanda Lang, went to primary school with Justin Trudeau. Her current husband, Donald Macdonald, another former cabinet minister, was also at the gala concert during the Nixon trip. “Trudeau has the skill but [there’s] nothing he could take from Nixon,” she says.
Marc Lalonde, Trudeau’s principal secretary in 1972, missed Nixon’s toast to the future prime minister that night, saying he must have “been busy watching after other things” but laughed at the former president’s prediction this week as Justin Trudeau headed to Washington for a state dinner. “I didn’t know Nixon had that sort of foresight to see into the future. He was a strange but remarkable man, obviously.”
As for Pierre Trudeau’s diplomatic reply, Lalonde said there was a “great deal of courtesy on each side” despite the daggers being thrown privately.
Relations between the two leaders were strained and there was no love lost. Oval Office recordings later revealed Nixon referred to Trudeau as an “asshole.”
According to Conrad Black’s book Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full, the former president did not want to spend much time with the prime minister during the visit and found the idea, as Black described it, “unappetizing.” Black wrote that Nixon made an early exit during the gala, which was attended by an A-list of guests including Adolph William Schmidt, former United States ambassador, and former cabinet minister (and future prime minister) John Turner. The American delegation included Ron Ziegler, Nixon’s press secretary, Rosemary Woods, the president’s secretary, William Rogers, former Secretary of State, and Nixon’s national security adviser Henry Kissinger, who caused a stir by bringing Canadian broadcaster Charlotte Gobeil as his date.
Barney Danson, the former defence minister, described sitting beside Kissinger at the NAC event, along with his wife, Isobel, and U.S. foreign policy adviser Ivan Head, in his autobiography Not Bad for a Sergeant: The Memoirs of Barney Danson. He wrote that Kissinger was “confident to the point of arrogance” and noted his Canadian date was “resplendent in a deeply cut gown that exposed her considerable endowments.”
He described an “awkward” evening and state visit. “Almost all of the official Nixon party gave the impression that the whole visit was a crashing bore and that this foray into the ‘sticks’ was something that had to be endured.” He noted Nixon was “not an easy man to be with and there seemed to be no natural affinity between him and Trudeau.” Nixon seemed distracted and never relaxed, because, he assumed, things were going badly in Vietnam.
Helicopters buzzed overhead during the NAC gala and the U.S. government installed a red telephone and hotline to Washington at the president’s table during the concert, according to In Art and Politics: The History of the National Arts Centre, by Sarah Jennings (sister of the late anchorman Peter Jennings). In a section detailing the 1972 visit, she wrote: “A special hotline telephone, set up by the White House secret service, became an unexpected adornment adjacent to the silver-laden, damask-covered table when the president sat down to dinner.” The NAC still has a “Nixon room” that was used during the trip.
During his visit to Ottawa, Nixon and his wife, Pat, attended a dinner at Rideau Hall with governor general Roland Michener and his wife Norah, the night before the NAC event, and the leaders signed a multi-billion-dollar agreement to clean up the Great Lakes, despite strained relations. They also came to an agreement to resume trade negotiations.
The young Justin Trudeau altered some official plans. Margaret Trudeau missed the Nixons’ arrival at the airport to breastfeed her son. Pat Nixon brought a stuffed Snoopy toy, which she presented to Margaret during tea at 24 Sussex.
Nixon’s prophecy about Justin Trudeau gained media attention this fall, in light of his election win, but at the time it happened it was overshadowed by heavy security and politicking at the NAC function. Nixon was only at the event for about an hour, according to media reports from 1972, and his toast would not have happened if his aides had their way. His chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, and senior aide John Ehrlichman (who went to prison for the Watergate scandal) tried to usher Nixon out of the venue before the buffet, Timothy Porteous, Trudeau’s executive assistant, told the Globe and Mail in 2002.
Porteous said Kissinger, meanwhile, was enjoying the concert with his date. “Kissinger had the right attitude. He was appalled by the way these guys were behaving. He was relaxing and having a good time while Haldeman and Ehrlichman were kind of jumping around going, ‘We’ve got to get the boss out of here.’ Kissinger said, ‘The president’s a grownup. If he wants to leave, he’ll leave.’ He was all apologies. The tension between them was quite funny,” Porteous told the Globe.
Oval Office audiotapes later revealed Nixon called Porteous an “ugly bastard” after the trip to Ottawa. The president also said: “Was the prime minister’s executive assistant that bushy-haired fellow?” Nixon ordered Haldeman to plant a negative story about Porteous in the Washington press.
“Play it hard. Find a way, goddammit. You’ve got to put it to these people for kicking the U.S. around after what we did for that lousy son of a bitch,” he said, referring to Trudeau. “Wasting three days up there. That trip we needed like a hole in the head.”
Justin Trudeau is notorious for his access to transnational elite organizations, and so may have been briefed and groomed on his Chronogarchy preidentified future Prime Ministership [and his future dates in office] by Canadian CSIS – Canadian Security and Intelligence Services that may be part of the 5 Eyes community privy to the Quantum Access Chronogarchy Time Travel governance Protocols.
The Chronogarchy’s ability to control events and human history on Earth and even key aspects of the human Interlife reincarnation cycle is a function of Earth’s current status as a third-density time-space planet, in a troubled solar system and galaxy filled with interspecies exopolitical warfare and default of interdimensional spiritual entities.
The Chronogarchy
The documentary and witness evidence of THE CHRONOGARCHY book demonstrates, more probably than not, that the Chronogarchy itself exists. One working hypothesis about the Chronogarchy is that “the Chronogarchy” fulfills the definition of Evil in our Sol solar system having started on Earth, Earth’s Moon and Mars. See, for example, “This Afterlife/Interlife Matrix might be part of an historic “Lucifer Rebellion” in our quadrant of our Universe in coordination with negative Extraterrestrials such as the Draco Reptilians in the Exopolitics Dimensions of our Earth holographic dimensional ecology.”
THE CHRONOGARCHY book, which establishes the existence of a clandestine quantum access Time Travel organization affecting human society and individual lives for its own ends, changes the established “scientific canon” about Time Travel, its existence, and its real applications in modern Earth society.
For example, “Jenny Randles, the author of a number of books on Time Travel, including Breaking the Time Barrier, Time Storms, and Time Travel: Fact, Fiction & Possibility, offers a cautionary view on travelling through time: “’ The ability to manipulate time would provide a dictator with the ultimate doomsday device: allowing one to change the past or adapt the future until it suited his or her own ends.” And as Randles perceptively notes: “Human society will face many difficult questions when that first Time Machine is switched on. Like the first moon landing, the discovery of Time Travel will change our world.’”
THE CHRONOGARCHY book proves through eye witness and documentary evidence that Time Travel technology is now actively monitoring and intervening in our human society and, in Randles’ words, “’The ability to manipulate time [is now providing] a dictator with the ultimate doomsday device: allowing one to change the past or adapt the future until it suited his or her own ends.”
Likewise, THE CHRONOGARCHY book, by establishing more probably than not that a working clandestine quantum access Time Travel global governance and surveillance mechanism exists and is functioning, completes the hypothetical concepts and speculations of most contemporary books and publications on Time Travel that had benefitted by researching secret US government Time Travel, Project Pegasus, DARPA, and CIA.
Channeler Saratoga Ocean & NaNoWrimo Award-winning Novel Timelines of the Chronogarchy Converge on the same Message:
“WARNING! 😱 | Timeline Split Visible NOW! 🌎 | PREPARE YOURSELF”
The Split between The Organic Timeline of Divine Earth & the AI Artificial Timeline has reached Critical Mass in 2022, the year of publication of THE CHRONOGARCHY book.
Groundhog Day, 2.2.2o22 – An early chapter of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s 2022 Novel Timelines of the Chronogarchy starts out this way:
“Let’s start with the year 2022, the year of the publication of the Chronogarchy book. Fundamentally, that was the year when the two timelines started visibly separating on the time-space hologram that we know on Earth. The two timelines reached critical mass and separated as Earth Timeline Zero, the base timeline we would know as Earth time, and Earth Timeline One, the AI Artificial Intelligence Timeline. Organic Earth Timeline Zero is the timeline that existed in this period of history, starting with the discovery of the universes by the Sumerian astronomers in 3,500 BC; the discovery of the multi-verse about 1895 by William James, and, following through to the publication of the book Exopolitics by Zofyo Arni. Exopolitics articulated on Earth once again, that the Earth exists in a highly populated and organized universe.”
Excerpt From: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd. “TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY.” Apple Books.
A Novel Multidimensional Novel
by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
Synchronistically, Channeler Saratoga Ocean in her January 11, 2022 video is basically delivering a similar message that the “Timeline Split between the Organic Timeline of the Earth and the AI Timeline is visible now in 2022 and as human Souls we have to prepare ourselves:
Saratoga Ocean says we Human Souls must now focus on Four areas to safeguard our Souls:
Starting at 18:22 of her video, Saratoga Ocean suggests that we all:
- Stay Anchored On Natural Earth & its Higher Timeline
- Be Clear About Values and their relation to Natural Earth
- Stay In State Of Gratitude – Enjoy Physical Environment
- Stay Clear Of The “Metaverse” – A Virtual 2nd Earth created by AI, that has
No Heart
No Love
Only AI
Maintain Perspective
See For Yourself
The Chronogarchy
Here is a book review by Dr. Raymond Keller, PhD of The Chronogarchy, a non-fiction treatise that forms the scientific basis behind the Novel Timelines of the Chronogarchy, whose plotline is the splitting of the Organic, Natural Timeline of Divine Earth and the AI Transhumanist Earth in 2022, the year of publication of The Chronogarchy book:
Book Review by Dr. Raymond A. Keller of Alfred Lambremont Webre’s THE CHRONOGARCHY (Universe Books), available on
“Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School and a former Fulbright Scholar. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. In addition, he served as the former general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and former director of the 1977 Jimmy Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study, and former non-governmental organization delegate to the United Nations. The author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe, he is the recognized “Father of Exopolitics,” the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. Now, Alfred Lambremont Webre has come out with a new book, The Chronogarchy (Universe Books, e-book), available on
“In The Chronogarchy, Alfred Lambremont Webre delves into the real nature of space, time and inter-dimensionality. He interviews many of the leading authorities and experiencers in these fields, thereby facilitating an awareness of the people, powers and organizations constituting the network of the Chronogarchy’s existence and helping us to formulate viable defense strategies in the coming years of increasing tribulations. We also learn of the “good guys” helping us from “behind the scenes,” so to speak, thereby pointing to a light of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel.
-Dr. Raymond A. Keller, 31 January 2022, Morgantown, West Virginia
Justin Trudeau, the Chronogarchy & the Planetary Timeline Split of 2022
With a non-sensical, persona-based, unlawful, unconstitutional, anti-democratic invocation of Canada’s Emergencies Act in February 2022, unilaterally cancelling Canada’s Constitutional Bill of Rights in order to cover up a flawed, unsupported unilateral Mandate imposed by Justin Trudeau himself around the mNRA bioweapon that he and named criminal co-conspirators have manipulated through genocide and crimes against humanity since March 2020. Justin Trudeau appears to be accelerating global critical mass to the predicted Timeline split of 2022 between the AI Transhumanist Timeline his AI-entrained actions are promoting, and the Divine Soul Timeline that Trudeau and his minions are attempting to suppress.
Hence Justin Trudeau appears to be AI-Entrained and to embody the Splitting timeline and emerging AI Artificial Timeline Earth that is separate from the Divine Soul Original Timeline that all Divine Human Souls follow and incarnate along.
This is how one Tribunal of Conscience expresses this reality:
February 14, 2022 – Justin Trudeau et alios –
THIS IS LAWFUL SERVICE OF THE ATTACHED PDF ORDER TO JUSTIN TRUDEAU ET ALIOS TO CEASE AND DESIST and Emergency Injunction Immediately halting in your Jurisdictions Your Criminal Co-Conspiracy to unlawfully commit genocide and crimes against humanity and profit through the mRNA Bioweapon injection; Halting Any and All COVID measures as Genocidal and Crimes Against Humanity including and not limited to unlawful declarations under the Emergencies Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 22 (4th Supp.),; Vaccine Passports, COVID Vaccines Mandates including any and all “COVID VACCINATIONS” [GENETIC BIOWARFARE], Genocidal Technologies.
YOU ARE HEREBY SERVED WITH AN EMERGENCY WRIT OF MANDAMUS ORDERING YOU TO IMMEDIATELY REMOVE, ARREST & INCARCERATE CRIMINAL CO-CONSPIRATORS & DEFENDANTS NAMED HEREIN INCLUDING JUSTIN TRUDEAU ET ALIOS for the Commission of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity Under Natural Law, Common Law, Treaty Law, 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – Genocide, Articles 6 & 7 of the International Criminal Court Statute , the Nuremberg Code , the Geneva Conventions , the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights , United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , the Final Judgment of the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at .
Chronogarchy Poster Boy Justin Trudeau mandated the Emergency Act of Canada and unilaterally cancelled Canada’s constitutional Bill of Rights around Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022 – a day socially dedicated to Love. One report states that two-thirds (66.6%) of the Canadian population support Trudeau’s decision to activate the Emergencies Act:
OTTAWA, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) — Two-thirds, or 66 percent, of Canadians support Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for invoking the Emergencies Act to give the federal government extra powers to handle the protests across the country, according to a survey released on Wednesday.
The survey, conducted Feb. 14-15 by Maru Public Opinion among a random selection of 1,518 Canadian adults, showed that a vast majority, or 82 percent, say that there is no way this protesting should have gone on as long as it has.
Some 67 percent of people surveyed believe that it’s time to clear out the protesters in Ottawa, even if it means people who will not leave may get hurt, or worse; And 71 percent believe Canada is an international embarrassment for not being able to run its own country, according to the survey.
However, the underlying dynamic for that support is driven by a mix of pent-up emotion, resolve, and unsettling admissions, Maru Public Opinion said.
The poll company said the results were weighted by education, age, gender and region to match the population.
Another survey, “a recent Leger poll suggests its noisy tactics are shifting public opinion: 32 percent of Canadians agree that it’s time to lift Covid-19 mandates now. Trudeau’s decision, appealing to the silent majority sick of the convoy’s lawless behavior, is a risky gamble that could create more headaches for his government.”
The Soulution to 2022 dilemmas posed by Chronogarchy leaders like Canada’s Trudeau and others seeking to implement the AI Transhumanist Agenda, is at the level of the Soul, at the level of the Community, at the level of the Planet, and at the level of the Earth’s Original Divine Soul Timeline.
Our Soulutions and Platforms for implementation are set out in the following Sources and we welcome a continuing dialogue and Collective Action Agenda with you.
How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
A Novel Multidimensional Novel
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd CERT Public Health
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where does this 2022 AI transhumanist timeline lead us??
what happens to the ones who do not get injected??
From what I understand, the level of connectivity between two entities is largely based on their “harmony percentage”.
Essentially the earth is mostly biological, so keeping your body biological (instead of robotic like the injections would do) allows your body to be a conduit for the planet’s needs and will.
Think of it like electricity travelling from the innermost earth to space…animating everything it touches. Depending on your harmony percentage, you will act in favour of the Earth, or against it.
Deep breaths, focus on positivity, being inspired from the inside (not outside), and disengaging from mental future projections are very helpful to go with the flow in this turbulent time.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out through my website
Please see:
Channeler Saratoga Ocean & NaNoWrimo Award-winning Novel Timelines of the Chronogarchy Converge on the same Message:
“WARNING! 😱 | Timeline Split Visible NOW! 🌎 | PREPARE YOURSELF”
The Split between The Organic Timeline of Divine Earth & the AI Artificial Timeline has reached Critical Mass in 2022, the year of publication of THE CHRONOGARCHY book.
It is not a matter of getting injected or not getting injected. Rather is is a matter of whether the individual holds onto their Divine Soul on the organic Earth Timeline, and does not become entrained with the AI Artificial timeline and the invading sentient AI Artificial Intelligence.