Factual Response to Penny Bradley’s You Tube Libel and Slander of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH ON NEW TUBE: https://newtube.app/TrueTube/TWnQe0s
FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM COVERAGE: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/06/factual-response-to-penny-bradleys-you-tube-libel-and-slander-of-futurist-alfred-lambremont-webre/
Vancouver, BC –
ALFRED: Thank you! I will take a look. I have no recollection of any untoward incident with Penny Bradley. In Light and Life, Alfred 🙂❤️
FRIEND: I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing ever happened between the two of you and her disillusionment occurred entirely in her mind. She has said very strange things about our organization and even talked about our organization as if she worked for us. Something in her is very unbalanced
- What Is Defamation?
- Defamation is a false statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about. An example is “Tom Smith stole money from his employer.” If this is untrue and if making the statement damages Tom’s reputation or ability to work, it is defamation. The person whose reputation has been damaged by the false statement can bring a defamation lawsuit.
- Defamation of character happens when something untrue and damaging is presented as a fact to someone else. Making the statement only to the person the statement is about (“Tom, you’re a thief”) is not defamation because it does not damage that person’s character in anyone else’s eyes.
- Legal Difference Between Opinion and Defamation
- There is an important difference in defamation law between stating an opinion and defaming someone. Saying, “I think Cindy is annoying” is an opinion and is something that can’t ever really be empirically proven true or false. Saying “I think Cindy stole a car” is still an opinion but implies she committed a crime. If the accusation is untrue, then it will defame her. This is why the news media is so careful to use the word “allegedly” when talking about people accused of a crime. This way they merely report someone else’s accusation without stating their own opinion.
- A crucial part of a defamation case is that the person makes the false statement with a certain kind of intent.
- The statement must have been made with knowledge that it was untrue or with reckless disregard for the truth (meaning the person who said it questioned the truthfulness but said it anyhow). If the person being defamed is a private citizen and not a celebrity or public figure, defamation can also be proven when the statement was made with negligence as to determining its truth (the person speaking should have known it was false or should have questioned it). This means it is easier to prove defamation when you are a private citizen. There is a higher standard required if you are a public figure.
- Some states have laws that automatically make certain statements defamation. Any false statement that a person has committed a serious crime, has a serious infectious disease, or is incompetent in his profession are automatically defamatory under these laws.
- What Is the Difference Between Slander and Libel?
- Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium. It could be in a blog comment or spoken in a speech or said on television. Libelous acts only occur when a statement is made in writing (digital statements count as writing) and slanderous statements are only made orally.
- You may have heard of seditious libel. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime to print anything false about the government, president, or Congress. The Supreme Court later modified this when it enacted the rule that a statement against a public figure is libel only if it known to be false or the speaker had a reckless disregard for the truth when making it.
- Damages for Defamation
- Suing for slander, libel, or defamation brings a civil suit in a state court and alleges that under the slander laws or libel laws of that state the person who brought about the lawsuit was damaged by the conduct of the person who made the false statement. A libel or slander lawsuit seeks monetary damages for harm caused by the statement, such as pain and suffering, damage to the plaintiff’s reputation, lost wages or a loss of ability to earn a living, and personal emotional reactions such as shame, humiliation, and anxiety.
- Defending a Defamation Case
- If you are accused of defamation, slander, or libel, truth is an absolute defense to the allegation. If what you said is true, there is no case. If the case is brought by a public figure and you can prove you were only negligent in weighing whether the statement was false, that can be a defense as well.
- Defamation is an area of law that protects people’s reputations by allowing them recourse if false statements are made about them. This type of civil case is an effective way to protect your reputation.
- “Naming Names”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shQ-fR6j2Cg
- June 14, 2022
- asleep, man, targeted, talk, german language, exorcisms, nazi, wrong, suddenly, aliases, altars, telling, pushy, silence, assholes, eisenhower, founder, criminal, motives, politically
- I’m going to name names today. I have been advised not to. In fact, some of the people have been rather pushy about not to.
- I have to wonder about their motives. For trying to silence me about this. But I’m going to try to keep it classy, and I’m only going to name the names of the people who have actually done me harm at a level that it could be considered criminal. I’m not talking about all the assholes in Fritz Springmeier targeted me because I had already had 104 exorcisms and still had alters. That’s wrong.
- The second one was Alfred Lambremont Webre. He was in a group with me several years until we got to the 3000 member mark, and suddenly he thought we were a honeypot, where he could make money off us. And to be perfectly honest, I was in bed asleep at the time. The event happened, where one of the Co-admins took down a post of his and the founder of the group backed her on it, and I wake up to the man passing it on Messenger, telling me he’s, quote, “going to fuck me over.” I’m still half asleep, so I responded in German that “he wasn’t good enough to fuck me. So we then he decided to take that quote, and call it “mind control.” And suddenly, I was a Nazi and he was telling people that I was a Nazi, and it was okay to kill me. And it turned out that he had just published a German language book version of his book, DARK FLEET. And so since I was the only Nacht Waffen Pilot public at the time, he targeted me as part of his advertising campaign. Now, I still have people contact me and tell me that that man is saying I’m a Nazi. Now any of you with any common sense, knows that that’s asking for me to be killed. That’s illegal. That’s wrong. It’s also a big fucking lie. Politically, I am an Eisenhower Republican. Look that up. But people are still believing his shit. Now. Number three, I don’t know what man’s real name it is because I’ve been told at least three different aliases.
- A Revelation on the Life and Teachings of Jesus
- My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: Volume II
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2022)
- The Chronogarchy
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2022)
- Timelines of the Chronogarchy
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2022)
- Emergence of the Omniverse
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2020)
- My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: Volume I
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2017)
- The Omniverse
(Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. Dec. 2015); - (Taiwan; Germany; Hungary, 2018)
- The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2014)
- Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe
- (Vancouver, Canada: Universebooks.com, 2005); (Granada, Spain: VesicaPiscis.eu 2009)
- The Levesque Cases
- (Ontario: PSP Books, 1990)
- The Age of Cataclysm
- (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1974)
(New York: Berkeley Medallion, 1975); (Capricorn Books, 1975); (Tokyo: Ugaku Sha, 1975) - Alfred Lambremont Webre’s books are accessible wherever good books are available & at
- https://www.Omniversity.us
Alfred Lambremont Webre:
- Has NOT published a book entitled “Dark Fleet”, as maliciously and falsely alleged by Penny Bradley
- Internet search shows has NOT been on Penny Bradley show & has NOT interviewed Penny Bradley:
- https://duckduckgo.com/?q=penny+bradley+%2B+alfred+lambremont+webre&atb=v263-1&ia=web
- Is a Tribunal Judge on a Tribunal of Conscience at peaceinspace.org, enforcing the International Criminal Court Statute ratified by 123 nations banning genocide and crimes against humanity and is sworn not to engage in the crimes that Penny Bradley has maliciously and wantonly accused him of engaging in, such as falsely calling Penny Bradley a Nazi to third parties with intent to incite harm against Penny Bradley.
SEE: https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/RS-Eng.pdf
- Objective persons with knowledge and experience with Penny Bradley have stated, “I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing ever happened between the two of you and her disillusionment occurred entirely in her mind. She has said very strange things about our organization and even talked about our organization as if she worked for us. Something in her is very unbalanced.”
- Therefore, there is some circumstantial evidence that the alleged “group post” episode that Penny Bradley alleges about Alfred Lambremont Webre in fact did not take place and is yet another fabrication of a malicious defamation of Alfred Lambremont Webre on You Tube by Penny Bradley.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, www.Omniversity.us
June 15, 2022
David A Howard says
Coming soon: “Polygraph Justice”
Donni De-Ville says
I saw Penny Bradley’s video with malicious talk about you, so I posted your factual response to it. I went back today and found it had been taken down. She is a piece of work isn’t she?
I’ve seen her videos previously, and didn’t like her from then.
I’m sorry she won’t allow you to put your truth forward, but that proves she is guilty.
Indie Media Eastcoast says
The energies are so off right now – good people being attacked – my friend and your’s Jason Verbelli just had his youtube and Facebook ‘killed’ by Big Tech – please share his work again as you have in the past Alfred — we have to help raise the vibration and the discussions — the gossipy stuff is so ignorant and harmful to what we are trying to achieve on this planet — thanks for all you do – have just added this one to my Bitchute for Jason Verbelli – interview from FESIG December 1, 2021 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ7bOpsalVQ&ab_channel=FreeEnergySpecialInterestGroup