The State Terror False Flag of January 6 and its June 2022 Show Trials are another Neural manipulation of the Chronogarchy, pitting one false front of the Chronogarchy [Biden] against another false front of the Chronogarchy [Trump], thus keeping the American population paralyzed, polarized, and permanently disempowered and Constitutionally and existentially oppressed.

Is January 6, 2021 A False Flag State Terror like 9/11? Tribunal of Conscience finds FBI/Government Human Rights violations; Crimes against Humanity; June 2022 U.S. Congressional Hearings akin to “Stalin Era Show Trials” ACCESS FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM COVERAGE AT: At the Tribunal Meeting one of the Judges mentioned the research in “THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum … Continue reading The State Terror False Flag of January 6 and its June 2022 Show Trials are another Neural manipulation of the Chronogarchy, pitting one false front of the Chronogarchy [Biden] against another false front of the Chronogarchy [Trump], thus keeping the American population paralyzed, polarized, and permanently disempowered and Constitutionally and existentially oppressed.