Report – Donald J. Trump is behind US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for the breakup of America. Fulfills future USA Balkanization revealed by CIA to SRI in 1971
PEACE PORTAL, WA/BC, CANADA – On U.S. President’s Day, February 20, 2022, GOP US Congressional Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene [aka “MTG” – Republican of Georgia] publicly called for “a divorce of the Red and Blue States” of the United States of America. Suddenly, “MTG”, a fringe “Clown Car GOP player” most known because she heckled US President Joseph Robinette Biden at the State of the Union Speech on the remote instigation of from 2024 Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump eager to upstage his putative 2024 Presidential Rival Biden, became front page news on Mainstream Media from the New York Post to Fox News’ Trump de facto Political Agent John Hannity. Were MTG making these public announcements for a “National Divorce” on her own power, she would hardly garner this degree of national media. With Trump’s covert assistance and the CIA Shadow Government’s knowledge since 1971 that the USA may devolve in the Future into separated nations, MTG’s calls for USA Balkanization draw national media attention.
‘Civil war’ trends after Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets asks for national ‘divorce’
By Evan Rosen, New York Daily News
The Twitter hashtag “Civil War” was trending on Monday as people reacted to a tweet from Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.In the tweet posted to her personal page, Greene took President’s Day to call for a “national divorce” between red and blue states, citing irreconcilable differences.
“We need a national divorce,” she wrote. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
Many on Twitter likened the message to a call for a second Civil War. Source:
US National Divorce Forecast by SRI & CIA in 1971 50-year USA Futures Study
This “National Divorce” of the constitutionally United States of America is the exact future forecast told to this Reporter in January 1971 at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute [SRI] by Willis Harmon, its Director, then under contract with the US Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] to deliver a 50-year forecast study of the future of the United States.
The conclusion of the SRI and CIA Report: That the United States of America would be broken up into “separate parts in the future”.
As with SOTU, Trump now manipulates MTG as his Political Puppet to call for a national Balkanization of Red and Blue States
Here is this Reporter’s documented Report exposing a 100-year unlawful secret and deceptive Chronogarchy secret Time Travel Shadow Government plot to break up the Constitutional United States of America through quantum access time travel, through Donald J. Trump, and now MTG, as key intentional actors, in violation of Article III(3) of the US Constitution prohibiting treason as “levying war against the United States”.
This Report starts with evidence characterizing Ingersoll Lockwood, an 1890s “American political writer, NY Bar lawyer, and novelist”, as a “time travel operations embedded local handler” for the Chronogarchy, this Report demonstrates how the Chronogarchy, through Ingersoll Lockwood’s two books – ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’ and “1900, Or The Last President” – intentionally implanted and published key memes, tropes, and time travel plot deflectors related to Donald J. Trump’s central historical role as an intentional covert Soviet–Russian-KGB-Vladimir Putin Agent of Influence in a “100-year plot to break up America through Time Travel, Trump, and Treason.”
This Reporter recounts his own 1971 meeting with the Top Secret DARPA CIA time travel unit after DARPA-CIA time-travelled his landmark book Exopolitics from 2005 back to 1971 using classified quantum access technologies. Continuing the disclosure narrative, this Reporter reveals a stunning January 1977 meeting with Stanford Research Institute futurist Director Willis Harmon who told him of the future Balkanization of the USA, “Alfred in the Future, the United States of America will break up into many regions.” U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden would be pre-identified and groomed on a common consensual policy by the DARPA-CIA Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel pre identification program.
This Report documents a 40-year penetration of Russian intelligence into the “Real Donald Trump” and Trump Tower becoming an intentional deep cover Soviet–Russian-KGB-Vladimir Putin asset. With Soviet–Russian-KGB-Vladimir Putin intelligence asset “Donald Trump’s” winning of the U.S. Presidency in November 2016, as preidentified by DARPA-CIA time travel, a covert Soviet–Russian-KGB-Vladimir Putin spy became US President, accounting for the determination of FBI, CIA to remove and block Trump through first the “Russian dossier”, then two impeachments, a documented 2020 US Presidential Trump election loss, the Congressional January 6, 2021 Select Committee, the 8.8.2022 “Lion’s Gate” FBI Search and Seizure of Trump’s headquarters at Mar A Lago, on Espionage grounds.
This Report focuses on structural signs of a possible Chronogarchy Shadow Government time travel manufactured breaking up of the United States of America, including the 2022 adoption by the Texas State Republican Party of a plank calling for the secession of Texas from the United States, and a recent poll showing that a plurality of Trump-MTG voters in Trump leaning states favor secession from the United States of America – “About 33% of Trump voters in so-called Red states say they’d personally fare better if their state ‘became an independent country.’”
This Report presents proactive solutions to keep the Constitutional body politic of the United States of America together so that the positive American Experiment does not fall victim to covert, time travel predicted projections of the Chronogarchy time travel Shadow Government, although there are strong forces plotting for the breaking up of the Constitutional USA.
Here is how Charlottesville, VA-based Dr. Tom Hansen characterizes this Report’s insights into the Trump-MTG Deranged Duo’s secret mission to break apart America:
“This Report by Alfred Lambremont Webre describes what may be happening because some humans on earth have access to technology that enables them to move forward and backward in time and, to at least some extent, have control over future events. For example, there are five recent Presidents of the United States who, it is said in ‘Time Screen,’ were identified many years before they became President, and they were helped to reach that position because of the prior knowledge of them potentially becoming President. And one goal of this long-range plan for at least one of the Presidents, “Time Screen” claims, is to end the United States of America by breaking it up into competing independent countries, perhaps through a civil war. Sounds like fiction perhaps, but if there is a chance that such control of humanity is happening through time travel technology, then it is prudent to read “Time Screen” to learn more about the situation we earth humans perhaps face. After all, if we are caught in a computer simulation that we think is real, as more researchers are positing as possible, then maybe some humans already have such technology hidden away and being used. Perhaps the technology allows the controller to adjust our time-position in the linear simulation. But what I think is most important about “Time Screen” is the last part of the book where Webre shows the reader that we can all help to secure the escape from the effects of time machine manipulation by envisioning and creating a new, positive timeline. Thus, we escape not just by having to overcome all of the obstacles to peace and harmony by working in our current timeline. Rather, we can strive for and envision unity consciousness and create a new, positive timeline using our innate human creative powers. That hopeful plan is a very important part of the Report’s message.”
Tom Hansen, M.A., Ph.D.
Report – Donald J. Trump is behind US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for the breakup of America. Fulfills future USA Balkanization revealed by CIA to SRI in 1971
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