Soul Analysis: Who is In Power in a specific Nation – Draconian, Lizard or Human Soul Leaders? Gary Peter Carlson
Who is in Power:
Gary Peter Carlson: “
“I got the list of countries from List of countries and dependencies by population – Wikipedia and searched for who is the leader and dowsed the soul and leadership. Having the correct leader is not important as having which soul group is ruling the country. The biggest countries (over 100M) except Russia, Mexico and Ethiopia are all Draconian with their large governments full of people with Draconian souls. Northern & western Europe & the 5 white English-speaking countries & oriental Asian countries are all Draconian. Southern Europe, central & south America and the Middle East & central Asia are mostly Lizard. Egypt, Honduras and Peru are Draconian. The smaller countries are mostly Lizard. Africa is about 2/3rds Draconian. Some small countries and Islands attached to larger Draconian countries are ruled by Lizards.
“About 93 countries are ruled by Draconians about 9 have Human leaders and the rest are ruled by people with Lizard souls. Keep in mind it takes over 50 years to take over a small country with your soul group. First, they send women in that have the Reptilian soul to mate with people in power, bribe them. Her children will have a soul from the same Reptilian group as the mother. The male children are trained for politics and the Female children mate with other government big shots. Their children 2nd generation will have the Reptilian soul and be ¾ of what they are. After 3 or 4 generations there will be enough people with Reptilian souls to take over a small country or island.”
Total Numbers of Individuals on Earth with Reptilian Souls:
1.5 Million worldwide out of 7.5 billion Individuals
China has 20,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
India has 20,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
USA has 180,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
Russia has 5000 – 10,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
Canada has 10,000 – 15,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
United Kingdom has 100,000 Individuals with Reptilian Souls
King Charles III has a Draconian Soul
Prince Harry has a Human soul
Prince William has a Human Soul
Japan has 0 [Zero] Individuals with Reptilian Souls
Thank you Alfred/Gary. More confirmation of positive timeline as parasites exposed. Love and light to all.😁