QUERY: Is “Donald J. Trump”, former 45th POTUS, an Operating Intelligence Mole & Spy under the control of KGB Officers & Russian President Vladimir Putin?
READ Full NewsInsideOut Report: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/12/query-is-donald-j-trump-former-45th-potus-an-operating-intelligence-mole-spy-under-the-control-of-kgb-officers-russian-president-vladimir-putin/
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Vancouver, BC, Canada – December 16, 2023 – Exopolitics and 2024 US Presidential Campaign Analyst Rich Scheck requested comments from the Exopolitics community
on his article below “Ufology Update: Eshed, LeBain and The Galactic Federation” by Rich Scheck. [See below at end of this article]
This article addresses the following three excerpts Rich Scheck’s Article:
>>>Ella LeBain has taken the UFO Disclosure conversation to a place most recently
articulated by former Israeli Space Official Haim Eshed who gratuitously claimed
that the Galactic Federation had convinced President Trump to not reveal the
reality of US Astronauts working with ETs at a base on Mars.<<<
>>>I am referring specifically to what Haim Eshed volunteered 3 years ago about US
astronauts working with aliens at a Mars base that President Trump knows about
but was convinced by the Galactic Federation to keep hidden.<<<
>>>I look forward to learning more about what LeBain is saying and whether Trump
really is privy to the kind of information Eshed described 3 years ago.<<<
QUERY: Is “Donald J. Trump”, former 45th POTUS, an Operating Intelligence Mole & Spy under the control of KGB Officers & Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Based on the forensic evidence set out below, our working hypothesis, more probably than not,
is that the individual who was elected to and occupied the position of
45th President of the United States was not born “Donald John Trump.”
https://www.reformation.org/ – The Natal Donald J. Trump passed away in 1989.
Three Trump Doubles Worked For The Trump Organization.
On October 10, 1989, Donald J. Trump Was Killed In A Helicopter Crash. After The Crash, The 3 Doubles Or Doppelgängers Continued Working
For The Trump Double-Cross Organization!! https://www.reformation.org/donald-j-passed-away-in-1989.html
The “Donald J. Trump” Double that continued working for the Trump Organization, and
(1) Became 45th POTUS, and (2) is campaigning to become 47th POTUS in November 2024
is in fact an Imposter who is functionally an operating Intelligence Mole and Spy for the KGB, Russian Intelligence.
Binder of classified material on Russia reportedly went missing in final Trump days
CNN and New York Times report disappearance of 2,700 pages of classified material that caused alarm in US intelligence circles
Martin Pengelly in Washington
Fri 15 Dec 2023 22.05 GMT Last modified on Fri 15 Dec 2023 23.35 GMT
A 10in-thick binder containing nearly 3,000 pages of highly classified material related to the investigation of Russian election interference as well as links between Moscow and Donald Trump went missing in the final days of his presidency, CNN and the New York Times reported.
CNN said the disappearance raised alarms in the American intelligence community because “some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed”.
The Times said national security officials were “vexed” by the disappearance of the “Crossfire Hurricane binder”, which was “the name given to the investigation by the FBI”.
The issue was so concerning, the Times added, the Senate intelligence committee was briefed.
Now the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump faces 91 criminal charges arising from his conduct since entering politics in 2015. Forty charges, brought by the special counsel Jack Smith, concern the retention of classified information after leaving office.
In August 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Florida home. They did not find material related to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, the Times said.
The investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election won by Trump ended in April 2019. At that time, a report by the special counsel Robert Mueller laid out evidence of Russian interference and links between Trump and Moscow and occasions on which Trump may have tried to obstruct justice.
But Mueller did not establish collusion between Trump and Russia. Aided by his second attorney general, William Barr, Trump claimed exoneration.
On Friday, reports about the missing binder – which the Times said ran to 2,700 pages – brought the Russia investigation back to the headlines.
According to the Times, the binder contained “a hodgepodge of materials related to the origins and early stages of the Russia investigation that were collected by Trump administration officials”.
That “hodgepodge”, the paper said, “included copies of botched FBI applications for national security surveillance warrants to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser as well as text messages between two FBI officials … expressing animus toward Mr Trump”.
The paper said the “substance” of the material was not particularly sensitive and was posted online, with redactions, by the FBI. Official concerns centered on what the binder could reveal about sources and methods, the Times said, while noting that the online version runs to 585 pages – more than 2,000 fewer than the missing binder.
“Among other murky details,” the paper said, “it is not known how many copies were made at the White House or how the government knows one set is missing.”
CNN said “multiple copies” of the binder were created in the last hours of the Trump administration, “with plans to distribute them … to Republicans in Congress and rightwing journalists”.
Trumped ordered declassification but that has not happened in full. Reportedly “deeply focused” on the binder, Trump offered to let the author of a book about him have a look inside.
“I would let you look at them if you wanted,” Trump said in April 2021, according to the Times. “It’s a treasure trove … it would be a sort of cool book for you to look at.”
Maggie Haberman, one of the reporters on Friday’s piece, wrote a book about Trump which was published last year.
Trump indicated that his last White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, had the binder. A lawyer for Meadows told the Times his client “never took any copy of that binder home at any time”.
Presented with the CNN report, one former Trump national security aide simply said, in a message viewed by the Guardian: “Holy cow.”
Time Screen: The 100 year Chronogarchy Plot to break up America using Time Travel, Trump & Treason by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B73MPTTT 2nd EditionBook 2 Series Description: “In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” A Public InquiryIn “Time Screen” (2022), futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre exposes a 100-year unlawful secret and deceptive Chronogarchy plot to break up the Constitutional United States of America through quantum access time travel, through Donald J. Trump as a key intentional actor, in violation of Article III(3) of the US Constitution prohibiting treason, “levying war against the United States”.With evidence characterizing Ingersoll Lockwood, an 1890s “American political writer, NY Bar lawyer, and novelist”, as an “time travel operations embedded local handler” for the Chronogarchy, “Time Screen” shows how the Chronogarchy, through Ingersoll Lockwood’s two books – ‘Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey’ and “1900, Or The Last President” – may have implanted key memes related to Donald J. Trump’s central historical role as an covert Agent of Influence in a “100-year plot to break up America through Time Travel, Trump, and Treason.”Alfred recounts his own 1971 meeting with the Top Secret DARPA CIA time travel unit after DARPA-CIA time-traveled his landmark book “Exopolitics” from 2005 back to 1971 using classified quantum access technologies. Continuing the disclosure narrative, Alfred reveals a stunning January 1977 meeting with Stanford Research Institute futurist Director Willis Harman who told him of the future Balkanization of the USA, “Alfred in the Future, the United States of America will break up into many regions.” U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden would be pre-identified and groomed on a common consensual policy by the DARPA-CIA Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel pre-identification program. |
2022 Diary: Tracking a Secret 100-year Chronogarchy Plot to Break Apart America (A Public Inquiry)
by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
Alfred starts keeping a daily 2022 Diary relating to a “100-year Chronogarchy plot to break up America using Time Travel, Trump, and Treason” on Monday, November 7, 2022, the eve of a powerful celestial configuration of our Sun, Earth and Moon known as a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, to occur at 6:02am EST on U.S. Midterm Election Tuesday November 8, 2022.
Alfred’s first 2022 Diary entry for November 7, 2022 is how the Buddha achieved Enlightenment during a full Lunar Eclipse, a potential Crown Chakra Soul Enlightenment that Americans on Tuesday November 8, 2022 can also collectively share in the first full Midterm Election since the Chronogarchy Time-Travel predicted Trump Treasonous failed insurrection of January 6, 2021.
Ideal Starting Point: Individual/student concerned about positive Solutions to preserving the Constitutional and Territorial Integrity of the United States of America as a Democracy
Course Learning Outcome & Transformation:
(1) After taking this Omniversity Course on positive Solutions to preserving the Constitutional and Territorial Integrity of the United States of America as a Democracy
(2) Learning Outcome: Individuals/students will be able to understand and internalize Divine Soul-oriented Soulutions to multidimensional challenges that a Chronogarchy Time Travel secret government with Luciferian orientation is now creating for humanity and preserving the Constitutional and Territorial Integrity of the United States of America as a Democracy
(3) Transformation: So that individuals/ students can successfully access and internalize a new Divine Soul and science-based method of creating a positive human future for humanity and preserving the Constitutional and Territorial Integrity of the United States of America as a Democracy.
· Course MultiDimensional Evidence Sources & Texts Examined include and are not limited to:
UniverseBooks.Com Announces New Book Release Exposing 1977 Classified leak of CIA quantum access time travel pre-identification that “In the future, the United States will break up into many regions.” New Book also pinpoints “MAGA” As The Highest Priesthood Status Of The Temple Of Satan, A Fact Also Known To US Military Backers Of Donald J. Trump’s 2024 Presidential Campaign
Peace Portal Drive, Washington 98230 – On October 3, 2023, former General Michael Flynn warned in a post on X [formerly Twitter] that “2024 may be the last election Americans have as a Republic.”
Former General Flynn writes on X: “Every Republican Governor running for POTUS (or not) and all others have to put their egos aside and swallow their pride and get behind @realDonaldTrump immediately. Otherwise, we risk 2024 being the last election to maintain our republic. Never in US history have we seen such a domestic assault on the fabric of our democracy, with external support from outside dark forces (not a conspiracy theory). The globalists are coming for our faith, our families, our treasure, our lives.”
Author and Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre in a new book “In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions? A Public Inquiry” (2nd Edition), publicly shares the proof, documentation, and implications, of an apparent leak of classified Top Secret DARPA-CIA Project Pegasus quantum access time travel pre-identification information that “in the future, the United States of America would break up into many regions”. This leak was given to Alfred in January 1977 by Director Willis Harman when Alfred first joined the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the then Futurist unit at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. At the time, SRI’s Futurist unit had a contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to study “Alternative 50-year Futures of the United States of America”.
In the 2nd Edition of his new book, Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre of the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at Peaceinspace.org Tribunal of Conscience shares the November 15, 2020 Tribunal Indictment of Co-Defendant Donald John Trump, and shows how Donald John Trump appropriated “maga [MAGA]” (the highest degree, the Fifth Degree) in the Temple of Satan
Hierarchy – https://www.churchofsatan.com/hierarchy – as the maga [MAGA] Motto
for his 2016 (and 2020 and 2024) US Presidential Campaigns, and disguised maga [MAGA] highest Fifth Degree Priesthood Status in the Temple of Satan as Donald John Trump’s 2016 -2020-2024 US Presidential Campaign Slogan “MAGA: Make America Great Again” – A Diabolical Diversion by Trump and in reality a collective Satanic Black Magic maga [MAGA] AntiChrist Temple of Satan Curse on America and on the World, as Donald John Trump was secretly briefed in 1971 as a future US President by the Top Secret DARPA/CIA Time Travel Presidential Pre-identification Program, as documented with evidence and proof in THE CHRONOGARCHY and TRACKING THE ANTICHRISTS books by author and Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre at Amazon:
and http://www.UniverseBooks.com .
You can access UniverseBooks.com’s new book here:
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions? – A Public Inquiry” (2023: Universebooks.com)
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Sun City, Arizona
by Rich Scheck
that the Galactic Federation had convinced President Trump to not reveal the
by Rich Scheck
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