Update: Is Kamala Harris Destined To Be The First Female President?
Kamala Harris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWgbolylAMU
NewsInsideOut Full Report: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/12/update-is-kamala-harris-destined-to-be-the-first-female-president/
Peoria, AZ
Update: Is Kamala Harris Destined To Be The First Female President?
by Rich Scheck
Update: Below is an article I wrote 4 weeks ago that now seems even more
timely than when I went out on a limb to suggest VP Harris might soon occupy
the Oval Office. With many Democrats eager to see Biden gone via impeachment
or resignation and with Harris herself demonstrating her willingness to push her
own agenda regarding the bombing of Gaza, what I wrote takes on added meaning
as the turmoil in DC and around the world intensifies.
With the added scruitiny of the Biden family because of Hunter’s indictment and
Congressional supboena along with weak poll numbers and high inflation, the
prospects for Joe’s re-election against a MAGA powered Trump seems slim.
All the more reason to flee the Swamp to avoid the fall-out from his defeat in
Ukraine and the impossible mess that is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
However distasteful it may be to a large segment of the population, do not be
surprised if this is what unfolds in the coming days. Even Kevin McCarthy sees
the writing on the wall pertaining to the dwindling white majority, thus smoothing the
way for Harris to follow in Obama’s footsteps as a person of color in the White House.
Las Vegas, Nevada
November 12, 2023
Is Kamala Harris Destined To Be The First Female President?
by Rich Scheck
Vice President Harris is well positioned to be the first female president of the U. S.!
With the country evenly divided along party-lines and with both Biden (impeachment)
and Trump (4 major lawsuits) facing serious legal problems, the California Democrat
might soon find herself occupying the Oval Office in what might arguably amount to
Obama’s fourth term.
Harris is widely considered to be a political light-weight who climbed (slept?) her way into
the #2 position by exploiting her race, gender and physical attractiveness to succeed.
Her marriage to Jewish lawyer Paul Emhoff as well as her own avowed Zionist views
are quite timely at this tender moment when the Zionist State has most members of
both parties aligned in supporting it while her pro-Hamas step-daughter arguably serves
to balance that in a manner similar to the Biden Administration’s own schizoid effort to
please both sides.
With the US rapidly losing its vanilla flavor due to illegal immigration, higher birth-rates
among (former) minorities and a decrease in children among whites, this woman of
color has a large natural constituency similar to the demographics which twice propelled Obama to victory.
As we just saw in Ohio and elsewhere, the abortion issue is likely to be a big factor in determining who gets elected next November and that would work in her favor.
I recently heard her speak in a calm, articulate manner and was favorably impressed
after years of finding her unworthy of my attention due to her propensity to speak
vaguely and cackle.
As election day rapidly approaches, Biden might find it tempting to quit while he is
ahead and turn the reins of government over to her before impeachment hearings
get nasty and the extent of his family’s criminal behavior gets fully exposed.
That would allow time for the public to see her as Chief Executive, for the DNC to accept
her as the 2024 Party nominee and for her to demonstrate the level of leadership needed
to stay in power.
During the 2020 campaign, I predicted she might become the UFO Disclosure President
by virtue of her ties to Elon Musk (long story) so I’ve always taken her seriously as
someone with a future:
Now, with so much confusion regarding whether there will even be a 2024 election and
who to select with RFK, Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein all running as Independents and
Joe Manchin now available to run on the No Labels ticket, the under-rated Harris who
has been entirely ignored, might somehow slip in to become the first woman president.
Let’s watch carefully in the days ahead to see how this plays out.
EMAILS to Journalist Lawyer Rich Scheck can be sent to: Rich Scheck <harvboy29@gmail.com>
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