AndroneTalksRadio: Jessica and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the Omniverse, Ascending Humanity, and 5D
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Hello everyone, and thank you for joining us on Andronetalks Radio. Today we are joined by author, futurist and judge Alfred Lambremont Webre to discuss many of his books and publications on how Humanity will evolve as a species. Thank you for watching.
How the Omniverse (discovered 2014), is a cosmological successor body to the Multiverse (discovered 1895), and to our Universe (discovered 3500 BC)
#1. Our Universe is a singularity of time, energy, space, and matter discovered by the Sumerian astronomers around 3500 BC.
#2. The Multiverse, meaning a celestial body composed of the totality of all Universes, was first discovered and coined in 1895 AD by the American scientist William James.
#3. Two Stanford University scientists have estimated the total number of Universes in the Multiverse to be, in their words “humongous”, a number so large humans do not have a word for the number.
#4. That number is so large that if one were to write the number out in long-hand or 12-point type, the number would be more that 260 million miles long. “NUMBER OF UNIVERSES IN THE MULTIVERSE Physicists Andrei Linde and Vitaly Vanchurin of Stanford University recently calculated “that the total number of such universes, in the simplest inflationary models, may exceed” a number one can write as 10 raised to the (10 raised to 107) power. 3 This is a deceptively compact notation. First, 107 is a 1 with seven zeroes after it, that is, 10,000,000, or ten million. Next, 10 raised to the ten-millionth power, is a 1 with ten million zeroes after it. Written out with six zeroes to the inch, it would stretch for about 26 miles. But the next step, raising 10 to the power of that 26-mile number, generates a number so large that we cannot name it, let alone write it out. It would stretch for at least 260 million miles.”
#5. The Omniverse Equation describes the Spiritual Dimensions, data about which can be accessed using the Scientific Method of Uniform Protocols and Replicable Results:
Omniverse = Multiverse [Sum of all Universes] + Spiritual Dimensions [Intelligent Civilization of Souls] + Spiritual Beings + Source [AKA God]
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