Panel: 1973 Adductee “Rael” Claims: “I am Messiah, ‘Elohim ETs’ created Humanity & there is no God”
Watch on OmniversityTV:
January 15, 2024 – Veteran radio Host Robert Morningstar brings together a Forum of the “ET Adductee Class of 1973”. One ET Adductee, “February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health], is the acknowledged originator of the science of Exopolitics, 2014 discoverer of the Omniverse [Omniverse = Multiverse + Spiritual Dimensions + Source God], and author of “My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth”.
Another ET Adductee “December 1973 ET Adductee” AKA “Rael” [his adopted nom de plume], represented by “Raelian” Rabbi Leon Mellul, is author of Intelligent Design – Message from the Designers, who claims, “I am ‘Rael, the Messiah’, the ‘Elohim ETs’ created Humanity & there is no God”
“December 1973 ET Adductee” AKA “Rael” has no witnesses to his alleged December 1973 ET Adduction by the reported “Elohim ETs”. Based on that reported Adduction by the so-called “Elohim ETs’ the self-styled Messiah “December 1973 ET Adductee” AKA “Rael” claims that “Elohim ETs created Humanity” that Elohim ETs have told “Rael” that “there is no God”, and “December 1973 ET Adductee” AKA “Rael” is claimed by believers such as “Raelian” Rabbi Leon Mellul to be the Biblical Messiah.
Emergence of the Omniverse
Universe – Multiverse – Omniverse
Accessing Spiritual Freedom in the Omniverse on New Earth
by Letting Go of the Transhumanist Agenda,
AI Artificial Intelligence Singularity, and
False Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix
“February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health]’s recent book Emergence of the Omniverse (2020) is one important tool of liberation from our presumed status as a prison planet for Souls in an enforced, unconscious reincarnation birth-death cycle that cosmologist Wes Penre and Futurist Webre document, providing us with powerful strategies to exit the false Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix into the larger Omniverse.
The Omniverse Equation is:
Omniverse = Multiverse + Spiritual Dimensions [Intelligent Civilizations of Souls + Spiritual Beings + Source (God)]
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s book Exopolitics founded the science of relations among civilizations in the multiverse. Webre’s ground-breaking initial book on the Omniverse integrated empirical data from intelligent civilizations in the multiverse and from the intelligent civilization of souls in the Interlife, demonstrating a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions of the Omniverse.
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s principal social contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos, and (3) the development of the Positive Future Equation that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse.
“February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health]’s recent book A Revelation on the Life and Teachings of Jesus, is a non-fiction book by former Stanford Research Institute Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre. The book reveals that the U.S. Government has produced documentaries of the actual Crucifixion and Resurrection of the historical Jesus by going back in time using top secret CIA quantum access time travel technology, and provides forensic evidence of the Historical Jesus consistent with that account of Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection as set out in the Gospel of John and the Urantia Revelation of Jesus as the incarnation of a Paradise Son of God. This evidence contradicts the false assertions of the “Elohim ETs’ as repeated by the False Messiah AKA “Rael”.
“February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health] has two human witnesses to his February 1973 ET Adduction, one of whom is U.S. Chrononaut Time Traveler and Mars Explorer, who has testified in public at the 2017 Yelm, WA UFO Conference as to his witnessing “February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre aboard the ET craft in February 1973, as was the specific intent of the ETs creating the Adduction that there be a credible human witness to the “February 1973 ET Adduction” of Alfred Lambremont Webre.
An officer of the US District Court, U.S. Chrononaut Time Traveler and Mars Explorer Andrew D. Basiago, an eyewitness in 1971 via Chronovisor at the U.S. Government’s Time Science Laboratories in New Mexico to the events of the False Flag of September 11, 2001, filed
the sworn affidavit of 9/11 eyewitness Andrew D. Basiago at the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, whose Tribunal Judges were Tribunal Judge “February 1973 ET Adductee” Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health] and the Hon. Connie Fogal Rankin, Head of the Canadian Action Party [founded by Canadian deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellyer].
The Affidavit of Andrew D. Basiago on 9/11, sworn September 11, 2012
The other physical witness to the “February 1973 ET Adduction” of Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [Harvard School of Public Health] is former U.S. President James Earl “Jimmy” Carter (October 1, 1924 to date/Age 99) who as of January 15, 2024 is 99 years young.
ET “adduction” entanglement – Alfred has had an ET “adduction” entanglement with Andy Basiago since 1975. That was the year when the ETs who “adducted” Alfred showed Andy the images of Alfred’s 1973 ET “adduction” aboard their spaceship so that Andy would qualify as a legal eyewitness to Alfred’s ET “adduction”.
Andy Basiago’s eyewitness testimony to Alfred’s ET “adduction” was presented at Yelm. On June 4, 2017, Andy publicly stated, ““I had numerous ET encounters in childhood and have even lectured about them publicly. I have discussed how I have speculated that these were prompted by my involvement in time travel, which placed me in the quantum realm that they operate in. One abduction in 1975 involved meeting Alfred [Lambremont Webre] and another future friend and colleague in exopolitics, the filmmaker Tonia Madenford. This was discussed between us in 2006 when we were working on a film project together. I have never met President Carter but did attend a speech he gave in LA on 5/5/79. So, I can’t confirm the part about Carter being an abductee or my abductions connected to him. I can say that Ufology shows that many who have UFO sightings later prove to be abductees. I can also say that in the one abduction I remember that Alfred was in I am 100% sure it was him. He was standing in a metal cylinder inside the ship. It was as if I was being given the opportunity to be able to later confirm his status as an abductee.” [10]
The UFO/ET “Adductions” of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago
September 16, 2017 By Alfred Lambremont Webre 12 Comments
The UFO/ET “Adductions” of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago:
Now the full hidden history behind 1980 October surprise by the shadow government & Deep State can finally be revealed
A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy
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As presented on July 30, 2017 at the First Annual UFO Fest & Symposium, Yelm, WA
A Production of, ExopoliticsTV &
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, Med, JD
WATCH PRESENTATION AT YELM UFO SYMPOSIUM BY ET “Adductees” Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago
You Tube:
Technical note: THE MENU OF ABOVE VIDEO IS AS FOLLOWS: Start-3:12 Introduction by US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago; 3:30 -1:20:01 Presentation by Alfred Lambremont Webre; 1:20:01 -1:27:37 – Comments by US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago Audio from 3:30 – 1:20:01 [Alfred’s Powerpoint Presentation is Direct & Excellent]; Audio during Start – 3:12 & 1:20-1:27:37 is on stage microphone & muffled, requiring more attention. We apologize for the unavoidable inconvenience Thank you for your patience.
VANCOUVER, BC – In 2017, fully 37 years after the “October Surprise of 1980”, prima facie evidence exists to reasonably conclude of the existence of possible treason against the United States under Article III Section (3) of the US Constitution by members of the “the shadow government and the Deep state”. [1-See multiple references at end of article below.]
These intentional acts of treason exist in the form of a well-documented “apparent 1980 plot to undermine [US President Jimmy] Carter by sabotaging his negotiations with Iran over the fate of 52 American hostages would have been pulled off by rogue CIA officers collaborating with the Republican presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan (and his running mate George H.W. Bush), without the knowledge of Carter and CIA Director Stansfield Turner. It would have been the work of what legendary CIA officer Miles Copeland described to me as ‘the CIA within the CIA,’ the inner-most circle of powerful intelligence figures who felt they understood the strategic needs of the United States better than its elected leaders. These national security insiders believed Carter’s starry-eyed faith in American democratic ideals represented a grave threat to the nation.” [2]
The shadow government, the Deep State & the Simulacrum
Researcher and author Elana Freeland has developed an evocative, rich, and humanistically understandable model that illustrates and explains to the ear, eye and mind how the perpetual and solar-system-wide application of new remote scalar and geo-engineering technologies are transforming our experience of our Earth from a celestial body in nature into a Simulacrum or “machine version of Earth” within which we humans are an expendable slave population, subjected to AI [Artificial Intelligence] inner entrainment, surveillance and DNA engineering, and external holographic terraforming, weather warfare, all in a new artificial timeline. [2A]
One principal goal is of the shadow government and Deep State operating through the Simulacrum Earth is to hold the community of human souls hostage by preventing and coopting humanity’s access to positive evolutionary input from higher forces in the dimensional ecology of which the real Earth is a living component, such as ethical inter-dimensional Extraterrestrials, and spiritual Beings & Souls from the Spiritual dimensions.
There is evidence that a primary use of the Simulacrum drivers such as HAARP, for example, is as a spiritual weapon, denying humanity’s souls access to spiritual energy and input that enters our Universe, galaxy and solar system through interdimensional portals.
Prevention & Coopting of Evolutionary Input from the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse to the SimulacrumEarth
In addition to creating and deploying the Simulacrum Earth itself as a weapon against awakening humanity through geoengineering, the shadow government and Deep State use a variety of supplementary organized strategies and tactics loosely designated as COINTELPRO to ensure the prevention and cooption of positive and evolutionary input to awakening humans in the Simulacrum. These are usually coordinated along with scalar directed energy weapons against any targeted individual or group to deter and positive benefit higher dimensional spiritual benefit might bring.
The 2017 Jimmy Carter Abduction Revelations
What has been publicly missing until now from the full range of hidden factors motivating the Deep State and shadow government involved in the clandestine treasonous coup d’etat known in the journalistic world as a Meme called the “October surprise” have been the 2017 Jimmy Carter Abduction revelations by ET abductees Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre, director of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, and US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, childhood participant in Project Pegasus, the DARPA-CIA US government secret time travel program. [3]
There is now a sufficient quantum of corroborated eye witness evidence and a reasonable forensic basis to concluded that the CIA’s 1980 clandestine and treasonous sabotage of the Jimmy Carter Presidency may have been in part because the shadow government – “the CIA within the CIA”, conspiring actors within NSA, and other Deep State co-conspirators that worked to clandestinely unseat Carter – discovered Carter was an Extraterrestrial abductee.
Basiago: The CIA betrayed Carter because he was an abductee
As set out in the Yelm, WA UFO Symposium presentation, on June 4, 2017, former U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, a childhood participant in secret time travel projects on behalf of the U.S. Government and a eye witness to Mr. Webre’s 1973 Extraterrestrial abduction, publicly stated: “For me, this [Jimmy Carter’s ET abduction] solves a long standing mystery as to why the CIA betrayed Carter in 1978 and backed Reagan. There is now the real possibility that they did so because they discovered that Carter was an abductee. Having worked on two classified US defense projects I can say that the US defense community was profoundly consternated by the ET presence because they didn’t know who the ETs were, where they were from, or what they wanted.” [4]
Summary Yelm Presentation:
Ethical ETs “Adduct” Jimmy Carter, Alfred Webre & Andy Basiago 1969-75
The July 30, 2017 Yelm UFO Symposium presentation documents how U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre and U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago were reportedly “adducted” [a positive substitute term for ET abduction developed by Roger Leir, MD and Leo Sprinkle, PhD meaning “taken toward the stars”] by the same ethical Extraterrestrials during the period 1969-75 in an inter-related sequence of events.
Alfred surmises that the common underlying missions of (a) Jimmy Carter’s 1969 Close Encounter and Missing Time ET “adduction”, (b) Alfred’s 1973 ET Encounter & Missing Time ET “adduction”, and (c) Andy Basiago’s 1975 ET “adduction” and witnessing of Alfred’s 1973 ET “adduction” were about:
(1) Coordinating the 1976 election of President Jimmy Carter as an ET Disclosure President; [5]
(2) Coordinating the development of Alfred as director of President Carter’s 1977 Carter White House ET Study; [6]
(3) In the long run, the Carter, Basiago & Webre ET “Adductions” may have been about (a) coordination of President Jimmy Carter’s election as an ET Disclosure President & (b) Andy Basiago’s possible future election as an ET Disclosure President, which had reportedly been pre-identified by DARPA-CIA time travel according to Project Pegasus time travel officers. [7]
Quantum entanglement compared to “Adduction” entanglement
Quantum entanglement – Alfred has had a time travel quantum entanglement with Andy Basiago since 1971, when DARPA’s Project Pegasus time traveled his book Exopolitics from 2005 back to 1971. Alfred was quantum entangled when the secret CIA time travel program [“Project Pegasus”] employed secret quantum access time travel technology to time travel his book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe [8] back from 2005, the year the book was published, to at least 1971, the year his book Exopolitics was physically witnessed by Project Pegasus participant US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago and the year when, as a NY City governmental official under “time travel surveillance”, Alfred unwittingly gave a lecture on Environmental protection to about 50 DARPA and CIA personnel who had been secretly briefed on Alfred’s future Exopolitics book and possibly future Disclosure activities. [9]
ET “adduction” entanglement – Alfred has had an ET “adduction” entanglement with Andy Basiago since 1975. That was the year when the ETs who “adducted” Alfred showed Andy the images of Alfred’s 1973 ET “adduction” aboard their spaceship so that Andy would qualify as a legal eyewitness to Alfred’s ET “adduction”.
Andy Basiago’s eyewitness testimony to Alfred’s ET “adduction” was presented at Yelm. On June 4, 2017, Andy publicly stated, “I had numerous ET encounters in childhood and have even lectured about them publicly. I have discussed how I have speculated that these were prompted by my involvement in time travel, which placed me in the quantum realm that they operate in. One abduction in 1975 involved meeting Alfred [Lambremont Webre] and another future friend and colleague in exopolitics, the filmmaker Tonia Madenford. This was discussed between us in 2006 when we were working on a film project together. I have never met President Carter but did attend a speech he gave in LA on 5/5/79. So, I can’t confirm the part about Carter being an abductee or my abductions connected to him. I can say that Ufology shows that many who have UFO sightings later prove to be abductees. I can also say that in the one abduction I remember that Alfred was in I am 100% sure it was him. He was standing in a metal cylinder inside the ship. It was as if I was being given the opportunity to be able to later confirm his status as an abductee.” [10]
Who are the ETs behind the Carter-Webre-Basiago Adductions?
Working Hypotheses from Eye Witness & Documentary Evidence:
In his Yelm presentation, Alfred presents three hypotheses as to the possible ETs behind these “adductions”:
(1) Short Grey ETs of the variety that Suzanne Hansen, head of UFO NZ, experienced who were involved in introducing her to the soul of her future son aboard a Grey ET craft when she was 8, and then implanting her son’s soul in the fetus in her womb when she was married and pregnant.
These Short Greys maintain a permanent inter-dimensional project around Earth, supporting the incarnation of hybrid Grey-human souls into the human population for the positive spiritual and social evolution of humanity. [11]
(2) Regional Galactic Governance Council members – the ETs could have been upper dimensional Human ET members of the regional Galactic Governance Council [Pleiadians, Alpha Centaurians, Sirians] that created homo sapiens sapiens, were in communication with Stanley Fulham, Canadian lifelong NORAD officer about cleaning up the Earth’s environment & appearing at the UN, and unshielded their UFO space craft over New York City on Oct 13, 2010; [12]
(3) Ethical inter dimensional ETs – the ETs could have been inter dimensional ETs from multiple research case studies with “adductees” set out in the works of authors Mary Rodwell & Miguel Mendonça [who specialize in researching and interviewing ET “adductees”]; [13]
Interdimensional portals or “Xendras” – Other alternatives may include Extraterrestrials associated with interdimensional portals or “Xendras”. [14]
Exopolitical Impacts of the Carter, Webre & Basiago ET “Adduction”
When UFO and reverse-speech expert Jon Kelly was asked what he had learned from his analysis of the speech of UFO abductees (and from the speech of Jimmy Carter in particular), Jon Kelly replied,
JON KELLY: “When President Jimmy Carter told reporters late last year that he didn’t think flying saucers were the vehicles of space people visiting the earth, I played his speech in reverse and heard the words ‘Saucer. Went out naked. Going out. They’ll put it in him’. Although it was part of his campaign promise, this message made me wonder if the President had more personal reasons for sending Alfred Webre to SRI in the 1970’s in order to release the government’s secret research on extraterrestrials. From my reading of the message it describes Carter as a potential abductee.” [15]
1977 Carter White House ET Study would have led to abrogation of secret Greada & Tau 9 Treaties with Dracos, Orion Greys and Anunnaki Reptilians
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Director of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study and a former Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal which found George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Tony Blair guilty of war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo[15A], stated in his Yelm, WA presentation:
ALFRED WEBRE: “The 1977 Carter White House ET Study, had it not been terminated by the Pentagon & Men in Black (MIBs), may have led to the treaty abrogation of the Greada Secret Treaties by US President Jimmy Carter.
“US President Dwight D. Eisenhower originally signed these treaties with the Draco reptilians, Orion greys and Anunnaki Reptilians in 1954. These ETs abused the treaties into a planetary & Galactic pedocriminal trade of millions of human children and adults annually for ritual sacrifice, loosh, cannibalism, body parts, all enforced by the US government, and pedocriminal institutional NWO worldwide. Because the Pentagon unlawfully terminated the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Study, US President George HW Bush signed the Tau9 Treaty with the Draco, Orion Greys & Anunnaki and the pedocriminal abuses on Earth have become exponentially worse.”[16]
Webre: Were it not for the Carter, Webre & Basiago ET “adductions”, the shadow government and Deep State would have deconstructed the sciences of Exopolitics and the Omniverse.
ALFRED WEBRE: “As of 1971 [and actually earlier in you count Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller’s gangstalking of me in the Yale Law School Faculty Lounge in 1966] the shadow government and Deep State started time travel surveillance of me as a target with the explicit purpose of neutralizing or coopting any higher order information of human evolutionary value I had brought from higher dimensional intelligence to Earth, such as that contained in my book Exopolitics, which historically in fact triggered the founding of the social science know as “Exopolitics” or the study of intelligent civilizations in the multiverse.[17]
“For the longer term historical record I have taken care to document the terrestrial circumstances surrounding my 1973 ET “Adduction” and interactions with representatives of and the administration of President Jimmy Carter in Part I of a 2017 book. [18]
“Because of an obligation I feel I undertook as part of my interdimensional education and evolutionary ET ‘adduction in February, 1973, I have decided to become more publicly open, reaffirming upper-dimensional Sovereignty over the science of Exopolitics and the science of the Omniverse – two of the evolutionary spiritual advanced concepts entrusted to me by upper dimensional intelligence. [19]
“I am on this mission now as an ET ‘adductee’ because I was explicitly entrusted to do so in witnessed acts by higher dimensional forces responsible for the creation and maintenance of the living Earth, of our Universe and of all Universes in the Multiverse, as well as the spiritual dimensions of the intelligent civilization of Souls and Source. These higher order entrustments occurred initially during my February 1973 interdimensional Extraterrestrial “adduction”.
“Were it not for the ET ‘adductions’ of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre, and Andrew D. Basiago, the shadow government and Deep State forces would have infiltrated the sciences of Exopolitics and the Omniverse and attempted to compromise these as part of its ongoing plan to control and diminish humanity in the Simulacrum or “machine version of Earth” that the shadow government and Deep State strive to build and maintain.”
ET “Adductee”Andrew D. Basiago: Truth, Reform, Innovation & the Advent of Global Teleportation
On his visits teleporting from the year 1972 to a DARPA forward time base in the year 2045, U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago has stated he found teleportation to be commonplace in the year 2045 on Earth. [20]
The following are some of the potential legacies Earth may be able to enjoy from the Carter, Webre, Basiago ET “Adductions”, through the agency of a future US Presidency of ET “adductee” Andrew D. Basiago.
As a DARPA Project Pegasus time travel pre-identified U.S. President, Andrew D. Basiago has promised to build a future Presidency on three Pillars: Truth, Reform & Innovation.
Among the primary requirements of an advanced space-faring species that has graduated from war and money as two of its social preoccupations is a global teleportation system, research has found. Global teleportation eliminates the costs of transportation of people, products, and services and promotes the emergence of an advanced planetary peaceful, moneyless society.
Truth – Notable in the Truth area are policies for the disclosure of secret advanced life-advantaging technologies of the U.S. government; declassification of secret time travel technologies; reform of the CIA to “open source intelligence”; a pardon and Presidential Medal of Freedom for Edward Snowden; a live television address ending the ET cover-up; Presidential policies for open ET contact; Transparency on NASA and the U.S. government’s Moon and Mars programs; Declassification of the Secret Space Program and Secret Treaties with ET races; Reinvestigation of 9/11 and the missing $2.3 trillion; New Geophysical Year on Cosmic mysteries; Protection of the Sasquatch under the Endangered Species Act; Government transparency under the Freedom of information Act.
Reform – The New Agenda for a New America proposes that the President lead a global abolition movement to free the world’s 27 million slaves; Banking reform ending predatory practices; Banning spraying of chemtrails; Dismantling the Police state in the US by repealing Patriot Act and NDAA, and uphold Posse Comitatus and Second Amendment. FEMA camps closed permanently. Defense forces used only to defend country and prohibit crimes against humanity; Economic boycott against barbarous countries; Make National Utah policy of Homeless shelter in apartments and houses; Food banks distributing expired grocery store food; Equal rights for Women; End all foreign aid; Ban fluoride in drinking water; Protect integrity of human genome; Single payer health insurance system; Temporary moratorium on immigration; Abolish Federal Reserve and begin printing United States Notes: $100 billion to Improve Native Americans; Moratorium on nuclear power until safe; Nutrition and ‘diabesity’ reform; End police brutality; Constructive engagement with Russia; Oppose transhumanism; One-half of defense budget on peace economy; Religious tolerance; Medical ethics and right not to be vaccinated; Legalize drugs and begin war on addition medically; Bill of Rights protections to foreign nationals in US; Military justice in U.S. district courts; Minimum wage $15; Traditional forest fighting – rescind “let burn”; Protect Social Security; Protection of cetaceans and many others.
Innovation – Setting off this Innovation with Tesla teleportation: “The President should set as the nations chief technical goal achieving global teleportation”, Mr. Basiago goes on to propose a series of Innovations that will return the U.S. President to being a steward of the planet, rather than a facilitator of genocide and ecocide. Mr. Basiago proposes an upgraded electrical grid security against an EMP event; energy independence via solar and wind; cold fusion research; Crash effort to find new energy sources; Food security – desalinization plants in California; Earth changes – disaster planning; Minimum guaranteed income; National park safety – Missing persons data base; End to political parties – Participatory democracy; New tax plan based on One Tax; Internet court for online disputes; Subsidy program for primary family caregivers; UN Security Council include Southern Hemisphere; Free federal wireless – fast and universal; Environmental protection to humans in their environment; Federal land use planning in America; Greening America; DOE digital textbook program; President outreach to all foreign heads of state; OTA investigation of computer industry; Net neutrality for free Internet; Space security against space planetary catastrophe; Global awakening for universal human prosperity; Police to be monitored; Urban and manufacturing/technical renewal, focusing on Detroit, Michigan; Smart filters to eliminate TSA abuse; Foster intellectual development via egg consumption; President to shun mainstream media and embrace alternative media, and many others.[21]
How to support the missions of ET “Abductees” Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago
You can help support the individual and collective missions of ET “Abductees” Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago, along with the positive evolutionary missions of the Extraterrestrials that “adducted” Jimmy Carter, Alfred Webre, and Andy Basiago in 1969, 1973 and 1975 in multiple ways by
- Public support & Media Coverage and Interviews about the ET “adductions” of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Webre, and Andy Basiago – Networking this important historical revelation online in Social Media, to your Friends and networks, to Alternative, Local and Mainstream media;
Here are useful links you can download and share:
The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: Now the full hidden history behind 1980 October surprise by the shadow government & Deep State can finally be revealed A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy
Please note – A Special Report has been prepared that can be downloaded in PDF format or read online at or on the historic 2017 revelations of the UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago.
The Report documents the presentation at the 2017 Yelm UFO Symposium, and contains detailed references not available in the original presentation.
Please feel free to read and share these in the public interest. Thank you.
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Supporting Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago in their individual life missions at:
- The Carter Center, Attn: Jimmy Carter*
Waging Peace. Fighting Disease, Building Hope
1-Signed Report – Jimmy.Carter 1969 UFO Contact –
2-Signed Report – Jimmy.Carter 1969 UFO Contact –
* – Please note: Neither the Carter Center nor Jimmy Carter have been contacted in connection with this article nor have they endorsed the facts and hypotheses stated herein.
- com, Attn: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Skype: peaceinspace
- net, Attn: Andrew D. Basiago
Sworn August 30, 2000
I Affidavit of
I Alfred Lambremont
I Webre
SWORN AFFIDAVIT_______________
I, Alfred Lambremont Webre, do affirm and swear the following to be true and factual:
- My name is Alfred Lambremont Webre. I was born May 24, 1942 at the US Naval Air Base, Pensacola, Florida. My present address is 1512 West 40 Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree from Yale University, 1964. I hold a Juris Doctor degree from Yale Law School, 1967. I hold a Master of Education in Counseling from the University of Texas at Brownsville, 1997. I am a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia.
- 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study – As Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute (now “SRI International”, Menlo Park, California), I was Principal Investigator for a proposed civilian scientific study of Extraterrestrial communication. This Study presented to and approved by appropriate White House staff of President Jimmy Carter, during the period May 1977 until its unlawful termination of contract research on or about September 1977.
- At the time of such unlawful termination, the Proposal for the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study had been approved for implementation by the management of Stanford Research Institute, and by appropriate White House Domestic Policy staff. On information and belief, the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was also pending review by James Fletcher, the Administrator of NASA in or about September 1977.
- On information and belief, the persons, together with their then positions, having direct personal knowledge of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study include at least the following:
- Jacques Vallee, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, CA. Position in Study: Scientific Investigator
- Peter Sturrock, Chairman, Dept. of Physics, Stanford University. Position in Study: Scientific Adviser.
- Tom Thomas, Supervisor, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute. Position in Study: Line Supervisor
- Peter Schwartz, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute. Position in Study: Policy Adviser. Present position: Chairman, Global Business Network
- Willis Harmon, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute. Adviser. Deceased.
- John Doe (African American), Senior administrative official, Stanford Research Institute. Position in Study: Internal administration of Study.
- John Doe2, SRI-Pentagon Liaison Officer, Washington, DC. Position in Study: Terminates 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study through unlawful interference with contract, in or about September 1977.
- James Fletcher, Administrator, National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). Position in Study: Contract review of Proposal. NASA Administrator has copy of proposal and orders staff review in or about September 1977.
- Jane Doe, Staff member, White House Domestic Policy Staff, Washington, DC. Position in Study: White House Liaison contract officer for Study, who reviewed and approved 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study during period May 1977 to September 1977.
[Editor Note: Numerals 5-13 above are a computer artefact and not part of the original Affidavit. Thank you.]
- During the period May, 1977 until the unlawful termination of the Study in September, 1977, I met at the Executive Office Building, White House approximately every 20 days with appropriate White House staff to review and secure contract research approval of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. On information and belief, my signature is recorded with the security gate of the Executive office building for each such visit. The only other occasion on which I have accessed the Executive office building and signed in at the Security Gate was in 1988, when handling a legal matter on behalf of a client who had brought legal action for acts of President George HW Bush, Sr.
- During the period May to September, 1977, I presented verbal briefings, a written outline, and a written proposal for the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study to the appropriate White House staff member Jane Doe. The purpose of such presentations and proposal was to secure sole-source contract research approval from the White House, as well as to facilitate contract relations with the Study’s proposed contracting agencies, NASA and National Science Foundation. Such presentations included the proposed Study as a collaborative effort of the National Science Foundation, NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration), Stanford Research Institute and the White House Science Advisor’s Office and Domestic Policy Staff.
- An outline and overview of the proposal for the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study is set out in Appendix I hereof. During the May 1977 – September 1977 period, such proposal was, on information and belief, in the possession of White House staff members of the Domestic Policy Staff and of the White House Science Advisers Office, in addition to White House staff member Jane Doe. The 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was designed as a major, civilian, scientific, multi-disciplinary study of the phenomena, with a duration of at least three (3) years.
- The proposal for the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was prepared with the direct, personal assistance of Jacques Vallee and Peter Sturrock, both then expert scientists in the field. Jacques Vallee personally handed a version of the preliminary proposal to me on the morning of my airplane flight from Palo Alto, Ca. to Washington, DC in or about September 1977 to meet with White House staff on contract research approval of the proposal.
- At a meeting in or about September 1977, Jane Doe of the White House Domestic Policy Staff approved in principle the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study as a sole source contract research project. Jane Doe also approved my representing to officials of the Study’s cooperating agencies – National Science Foundation and NASA – that the White House had approved the Study for application for sole source funding. On information and belief, Jane Doe had authority to make such determination, and communicated such determination to appropriate personnel within the White House Domestic Policy staff and White House Science Adviser’s office.
- On information and belief, copies of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study proposal are on file in the office archives of the NASA Administrator, and/or personal archives of the former Administrator. On information and belief, copies of 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study proposal may be on file in archives of the White House Science Adviser, White House Domestic Policy Council, at the Carter Presidential Library or elsewhere. On information and belief, copies of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study proposal may be in the files of SRI International or former SRI personnel, Study investigator Jacques Vallee, and Study adviser Peter Sturrock.
- Following the September, 1977 meeting at which White House Domestic Policy staff approved the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, I returned to SRI Headquarters in Palo Alto, Ca., and was directed to attend a meeting with John Doe, an African American senior administrative officer of SRI. Also present at the meeting was Peter Schwartz, SRI policy adviser to the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. John Doe stated to me that in a few minutes John Doe2, SRI-Pentagon liaison would be joining the meeting. John Doe indicated that John Doe2 had stated that SRI’s research contracts with the Pentagon would be jeopardized if SRI went forward with the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. John Doe stated that the Study was hereby being terminated and advised me, in his words, to “dissimulate” any negative reaction I might have.
- John Doe2 entered the meeting, and stated to me that he had been personally informed by Pentagon officials that SRI’s research contracts would be terminated by the Department of Defense if SRI proceeded with the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. John Doe then stated that the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was being terminated “because there are no UFOs.”
- I vociferously confronted John Doe2, and verbally presented evidence for the extraterrestrial presence and the UFO phenomena. At the end of the meeting, John Doe and John Doe2 verbally decided that the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was immediately terminated. Both these persons were fully aware of the prior approval by the White House staff of the Study. On information and belief, SRI does not in practice terminate contract research with US government agencies after prior approval by the White House.
- The evening of this meeting with John Doe and John Doe2, SRI staff member Peter Schwartz, who was present at the meeting, telephoned me at home and acknowledged my confrontation with John Doe2 earlier that day.
- Starting in or about September, 1977, following termination of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, I was personally subjected to electronic and chemical intrusions on my person which bear the same symptomology and electronic signature as those ascribed to non-lethal “mind control” electronic and chemical weapons of the MKULTRA (“Mind Kontrol ULTRA”) program.
- During this time period, I was the target of three separate intrusions of such non-lethal weapons, two of which occurred with coordinated ground weapon’s personnel.
- Such three intrusions occurred at the Pentagon, in New Orleans, Louisiana prior to a meeting with Judge Jim Garrison at the New Orleans Athletic Club, and at the grounds of Stanford Research Institute at Palo Alto, Ca. As a result of such advanced non-lethal weapons intrusions, I was hospitalized for health reasons, forced to take a health-related leave of absence, and to resign from my position at SRI on health grounds.
- On information and belief, I suffered adverse health effects from such non-lethal weapons attacks as were described in testimony before a US Senate Committee and other Congressional committees regarding the MKULTRA non-lethal weapons program of the US Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence entities.
- On information and belief, such non-lethal weapons intrusions against me were carried out as part of MKULTRA or related programs, at the direction of personnel of the US intelligence agencies, or surrogates thereof, for the purpose of deterring me from pursuing the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. On information and belief, such attacks were carried out for the purpose of disabling me as a research professional, and destroying me as an economic entity.
- On information and belief, such attacks have directly caused and contributed to serious personal health symptoms and syndromes I have suffered in the years 1977 to present, for which I am entitled to and seek lawful compensation.
- On information and belief, such termination of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Study as herein described constitutes unlawful and malicious interference with contract research, as well as a civil tort and criminal assault on my person.
- On information and belief, the underlying public need for the research and public recommendations envisioned by the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study remain as necessary at present as at the time of the original proposal for the research.
S/Alfred Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Zachary D Dubins
Notary Public Comm. #1231678, Comm. Exp. Aug. 8, 2003
To the Affidavit of Alfred Lambremont Webre
The over-all purpose of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was to create, design and carry out an independent, civilian-led research compilation and evaluation of phenomena suggesting an
Extraterrestrial and Interdimensional intelligent presence on Earth. The outcome of the Study was to have been a public report by the White House, detailing the compiled evidence and evaluation, together with possible scientific models for the implications of the research. The White House report was to have contained public policy recommendations emerging from the evaluations and conclusions of the Study. These, if warranted, included transformation of secrecy regulations of US military-intelligence agencies. It is clear from the evidence that the phenomena to be studied are worldwide and in the public domain.
The scientific and public policy goal of the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was to fill a substantial gap in civilian scientific knowledge of the UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), and related phenomena. This knowledge gap was created and maintained by excessive secrecy practices and regulations of US Department of Defence agencies in the various generations of its UFO-programs since the late 1940s, including but not limited to Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, as well as other alleged secret programs.
Historically, the agencies proposed for the Study were:
White House – Principal sponsorship and policy coordination of Study
NASA – Consultative line agency regarding UFO and Near Space phenomena, including terrestrial-UFO or EBE interaction
National Science Foundation – Advice and consultation by the National Science Board
SRI International – Principal Investigators of Study
Scientific experts on UFO, EBE and related phenomena – Scientific Advisers
It should be noted that the structure and contributors to the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study are similar and parallel to the COMETA Report, issued by a high-level private Committee in France after a three-year study. That Committee included the former head of the French equivalent of NASA. The COMETA Report endorses the Extraterrestrial hypothesis as the most plausible interpretation of the data. The 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study antedated the COMETA Report by approximately twenty (20) years.
The 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was designed and structured around several research phases and tasks:
- Compilation of UFO, EBE. and related phenomena database – The Study team would compile a complete, objective, scientific data base of all UFO, EBE and related incidents from all available sources: US private and non-profit UFO and EBE data bases; International governmental, non-profit, and private UFO and EBE data bases (e.g. the Government of France, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico); UFO and EBE data bases held by US military personnel and agencies, under a White House-mandated pardon from relevant security regulations affecting disclosure.
- Evaluation of UFO, EBE and related phenomena database – The Project team, employing its expertise in the areas of UFO, EBE, and related phenomena, would evaluate the compiled data base, and develop alternative interpretive models of data, including but not limited to the Extraterrestrial hypothesis. The Study contemplated contracting with relevant research scholars and experts in this field, as necessary.
- Report and Recommendations – The Study would produce a public report, including the full UFO, EBE, and related phenomena database, as well as the full results of the evaluation and model-building phases of the research. The Report would also include public policy recommendations as justified by its evidentiary and analytical conclusions. The Study proposal envisioned that recommendations might include:
- Global and regional UFO and EBE data banks, under independent scientific and community-based control.
- Public, international funding in the UFO, EBE and Extraterrestrial communication fields.
- Rescission of military-intelligence secrecy regulations that inhibit the flow of UFO and EBE reporting in the field.
- Design and implementation of a public Extraterrestrial Communication Program for intentional terrestrial non-hostile communication with such Extraterrestrial intelligence as might be posited by the Study.
- Design and implementation for an international public order system to facilitate integration of Earth into a Universe governmental order.
[1] Shadow government & Deep State – “A CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp, has emerged from the wolves den to expose the deep state and the shadow government which he calls two entirely separate entities. “The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes,” Shipp said…. “The top of the shadow government is the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency,” Shipp said…. According to Shipp, the deep state is comprised of the military industrial complex, intelligence contractors, defense contractors, MIC lobbyist, Wall St (offshore accounts), Federal Reserve, IMF/World Bank, Treasury, Foreign lobbyists, and Central Banks.”
High Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On The Deep State And Shadow Government
By Aaron Kesel
[2] Robert Parry, A CIA Hand in an American ‘Coup’?
Robert Parry: The Original October Surprise (3)
Russian Report on 1980 “October Surprise” of Reagan-Bush: History Redux or How Dare the U.S. Lecture Anyone About ‘Democracy’?
Daily News Egypt: America Held Hostage
The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter
[2A] The Simulacrum
See, “Creation of Earth as a Simulacrum
CERN D-WAVE AI HAARP & Space Fence Countdown!” Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland
HAARP/Chemtrails WMD: Exposing a Spiritual, Mass Mind-control, and Planetary Assault
Alfred Lambremont Webre
See, for example: “Four women whistleblowers targeted for making disclosures about ET & multi-dimensional Earth: Patty Greer, Kim Carlsberg, Niara Iseley & Laura Eisenhower”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[3] Time Travel and Political Control
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
[4] See Powerpoint Presentation, “The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: A Path to A Positive Future for Humanity in Our Galaxy”, As presented on July 30, 2017 at the First Annual UFO Fest & Symposium, Yelm, WA
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV:
[5] President Jimmy Carter’s Actual UFO Sighting Report
By Grant Cameron
UFO Politics at the White House
Citizen’s Rally round Jimmy Carter’s Promise
By Larry W. Bryant
Grant Cameron
Jimmy Carter UFO Witness Testimony
By Grant Cameron
The Two Carter UFO/ET Reports
By Grant Cameron
[6] “The 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
[7] Andrew D. Basiago: One Man in the Name of Truth
100 Proposals – A New Agenda For A New America
Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Time travel pre-identified US President Andrew D. Basiago announces 2016 candidacy to millions of potential write-in voters on Coast to Coast AM
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Evidence DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified Trump as future U.S. President
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Obama pre-identified in 1971 as future U.S. President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[8] Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005: UniverseBooks)
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[9] “My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[10] “The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: A Path to A Positive Future for Humanity in Our Galaxy”, As presented on July 30, 2017 at the First Annual UFO Fest & Symposium, Yelm, WA
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV:
[11] Suzanne Hansen: Dual Human-Grey Soul Earth Education mission by benevolent Grey ETs
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[12] ET council: ‘We will increase UFOs, address U.N. in 2014, renew ecology in 2015’
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
More predicted UFO sightings over New York confirm ET will intervene in ecology
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Are the UFOs appearing in Russia skies in Dec. 2010 Fulham’s predicted UFO wave?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Webre: Jan. 2011 UFO Wave Over Moscow is Third Independent Confirmation of ET Council
By Steve Beckow
Moscow Jan. 2011 UFO wave is ongoing, putting Fulham prediction critics to shame
Israeli media: “Jerusalem UFO orbs fulfill Stan Fulham’s ET council prediction”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Is UFO orb over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem a context communication by ET or a CGI hoax?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Stanley Fulham dies, warned ETs will intervene & save Earth’s collapsing ecology
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Stanley Fulham dies – leaves legacy of UFO/ET predictions
By Michael Salla
UFO Expert: Stanley Fulham UFO predictions fulfilled over NY, Moscow, and London
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[13] Mary Rodwell, The New Human
Miguel Mendonça, Meet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth;
We Are the Disclosure – Parts I & II: 700 Years of Research on ET-Human Interaction
Being with the Beings: The How and the Why of ET Contact
[14] Extraterrestrials associated with Interdimensional Portals
Courtesy of Grant Cameron – “The alien Oxalc first used the term Xendra. Veronica Paz Wells described how the term came to be in the mid 1970s -the Project Rama group.
“Oxalc had informed Sixto [Paz Wells] that this door of light was called a Xendra or interdimensional entrance. They used it not only for projections such as the one we had just seen, but chiefly as a means of transport which allowed their displacement from one place to another in only a few seconds. The spaceships also used this interesting device to jump great distances in space and avoid the inconvenience of the relative action of time during and at the end of their journey. According to the extraterrestrials there are four types of gates or Xendras. Number four is normally used for physical transport.” Veronica Paz Wells, “Sowers of Life,” page 71.
[15] Is Jimmy Carter a UFO/ET Abductee?
Grant Cameron, Jon Kelly, Alfred Lambremont Webre
[15A] Updates-Verdict & Judgment – Complete News Coverage – Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & 4 Lawyers Conviction As War Criminals – May 11, 2012.
[16] Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks: Abrogate & renegotiate secret Greada, Tau-9 Treaties with pedocriminal ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[17] See: Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005: UniverseBooks)
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[18] For terrestrial aspects surrounding missing time 1973 ET “adduction”, see Part I, Location 246-1331. The interdimensional aspects of my will be published in a further volume.
My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
eBook Kindle
[19] See my books on the Omniverse, the third great cosmological body, after the Universe and the Multiverse, through which humanity perceives and understands the cosmos.
The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse (2014:
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars (2015: Inner Traditions/Bear & Co.)
By Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
[20] Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[21] Andrew D. Basiago
100 Proposals – A New Agenda For A New America
[22] AFFIDAVIT OF ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE, filed at May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference, Washington, DC
This Document, including the Affidavit of Alfred Lambremont Webre, may be freely duplicated and distributed for non-commercial educational purposes as an integral whole with no changes to the text
Alfred Lambremont Webre
September 17, 2017
Vancouver, BC
Edu Petriati says
Now we are beginning to understand and discuss that everything is based on technology